\ 4,- Black Raleigh Sanitation Workcf, Witnesses Ajiree On Provocation Slaps White Woman; Fired By City Newsman State Task Force Appeals To Sational Body 'T'^illro ^ NAACP Against Testing Accused OLINlAN VOL. 37 NO. 40 \orlh (Carolina's Leading Weekly DIDICATKD TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST RALEIGH. N.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c Local Woman, Two Daughters Charge SCENES AT OBEKLIN DISTURBANCE SITE — Pictured above are phu(o){raphs taken Iasi Thursday ul the home of George Wade Flagg, prominent brick rontmetor and builder of 2510 Bedford .^ve. In Ihe tllierlin section of West Raleigh. Top right picture shoHs Mrs. Mildred Evelyn Flagg, Hell-kno»n author and mother of four dnuglilers and one son. Mrs. Flagg, shown here with her youngest daughter. Ms. Elizabeth Faye Flagg. U. was beaten, she said. scraUhed on Ihe left arm and other parts of her b<»dy. while young Eli/abeih was struck in the left eye. allegedly by Officer S. I.. Dc^d. a while woman cop. In top left picture is seen the fashionable l4>room Flagg home. I.eft bottom scene is that of a basket flower pot. which was knocked down in the dining room of the home. n.irrowly missing the glass China cabinet, which is partly .seen. Right picture at bottom shows another flower vase, made of glass, which was allegedly broken in the living room, during a scuffle m the two rfHims. prior to Ihe arre.st of Mrs. Flagg last Wednesday afternoon on a charge of allow ing a dog to run at large, w hich was not the case, as w ill be stated in the story to be found in column 4 on Ihe front page of this edition. (Staff Photos by Charles R. Junes). Harry Huggins -Is In ‘Gooci’ Officers Condition After Month Shot Decline * Comment BY CHARLESR. JONES Managing Editor Mrs. Mildred Evelyn Flagg is a law-abiding, quiet, unassuming bladi woman of 46 years of age, who writes poetry, short storiee. novels and works at Wake Medical Center. Last Wednesitey, at about 4:13 p.m., Mrs. Flagg wps literRlly "dragged off" to Wake County Jail, but was only charged with the minor offensfrof Slibwing a dog. to nHMt large, a lelaf POLICE BRUTALITY Ex-Maid*8 Son Is Now Living With Friend Here Boy, 12, BY STAFF WRITER Harry Lee Huggins, S3, a star penormer tor the ^aw Uni versity tootball Bears when the team won the Central Intercol legiate Athletic Association 'CIAAi championship title in the inid-l940s, was reported •‘resting in good condition” at Wake Medical Center Wednes day morning atter he was shot in the mouth with a .22 calibre CRIME BEAT AtlllUK s- SUCK- |RI> -.riir^u wr (f JlLri .• p'.udb.'Jo UtafERlir (MrrTat nilii aa aim lAwaids rllminatltiK il6 saatadti. rv U RM wr MltMi riile, allegedly by Sylvester Neal, 3S-vear-old resident ot 1542 Raleigh Blvd.. about 9;30 a.m. Sunday, according to police reports. The shooting look place in the 1600 block oi Oakwood Ave. Mr. Neal was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, but was released on a bond ot $1,000, alter being booked tor later trial in Wake Countv District Court when Mr. Hug gins, 1221 Bentley Rd., is able to testily. Raleigh police oiticials re- tused to make any comments on what could have triggered the confrontation between the two men. KuggiAs' i.'uiiditkvn was listed as "serious” in the intensive longer with the police depart ment Huggins, a Raleigh native, was reared in the Fourth Ward section ot the cilv, near Shaw. He is a well-liked and respect ed individual, but is known to have "his moments” ot asser tion whenever he teels he has been mistreated or misused. New Probe In Death Of King .Saliooal Balck News Service WASHINGTCUN, D. C. - The House AsKassinatiqps Commit- Wa,. 1 ASSAULTCHARGED Police arrested Tommv Ful ler. 43, 319 S. Haywood St. at 3; IS p.m. Monday and charged him with assault with a deadly weapon, when he allegedly tiireatened and cut Ms. Elssie McDoo, 58. also oi 319 S. Haywood St., with a pocket kniie. She sustained a 4 inch cut on her hand. (SeeCHIMEBEAT. P.2) CMir was iiYst radmitted Sunday mirning. A well-known personality around the Ralei^ area, Mr. Huggtns gained statewide no- toi:ietv a tew years ago when a local black police oiiicer at tempted to arrest him on what, Huggins declared, was “a trumped up” charge. Accompanied by the two massive dogs, which he owned at the time, Mr. Huggtns staged a one-man "Walk-!n”in iront 01 the Municipal Building on McDowell St., where Ral eigh Police Headquarters are located. He demanded “jus tice.” The otiicer in question is no Ralei^hites Amon^ Links At Conclave CHICAGO, Ill. - “Improv ing The Quality Ot Lite By Linking Leadership And Ser vices To Meet The Chaifenge Ot Community And National Needs” was the theme ot (he 21st National Assembly oi Links. Inc., held here last week at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. Eugene B. Long, program director, national trends and services, presented the Links' check tor $150,000 to Chris topher F- Ediev, executive director ot the United Negro College Fund, at the National Civic luncheon, with over 1,000 Links in attendance. This amount now completes a pledge OI $1 million given bv Links. Inc. Ihe speakers lor this lunch- Mrs.(]Iofieid In Role As Lobbyist Mrs Elizabeth B. Cotield, a Wake County commissioner, last Wednesday was in Wash ington among 2,000 other county oiticials irom across the nation, rallying to support re-enacinient ot the irderal Compreltensive Employment and Training Act fCETA). CETA provides jobs and job training inr the unemployed. Mrs. Cotield said there are a series oi amendments which may be ottered on the House tloor this week that will hurt public service employment in the aci She said she spent much 01 her lime Wednesday lobbying congressmen to sup port CKTA. Mrs Cotield said manv countv ntiicials support Ihe (SeeMRS fni IFLO.P 2 eon were Mrs. Martha (Bunny) Mitchell, special assistant to the President ot the United States; Rev. Jesse Jackson; and actor Ossie Davis. Awards were presented to Rev. Jack- son, J. H. Johnson, president ot Johnson Publishins Company (SeeLINKS'MEET.P.2) un^ui h-A *w«rd t«Mbnonv that « Missouri man turaad doWn a business group's otter oi $50,000 to kill the civil rights leader. ^ Russell G. Bverot Rock RUl, Mo., told the InvOTtigator^ he was introduced tiT an acquign- lance to a St. Louis pattet lawyer, who told'him in l|te 1966, or early 1967. that a group 01 busines^msit would pav $50,000 tor the aaaassinatioa pi Dr. King. The Committee also he^ testimony trom the widow pi one ot the (wo businessmen named. She declared it “abeo- lutelv impossible” that her .husband would have been in volved in such a plot. The Ever testimony is one Of several alleged plots being investigated. Two other clains being allege that FBI agents tri^it))lire assassins. An element in the Byer allegation is that Byers' bro ther-in-law was a 1967 prison inmate ot James Earl Rav, who was convicted ot killing Dr. King a year later. Kav escaped trom the Miss- (SeeDR. KING, P.2) lotoveit te b« iir%B1i.li mar BDi <veii isvet^ted bj’ the dog-Catchers (hM mane officers). (SMBRUTM,rrY.P.2) , Mayor li Cerenwny Principal Raleigh mayor, Mrs. Isabai- la W. Cannon, will partlcipaln in the Change ot Commantf ceremony oi the USS Ralei^ (an amphibious transport of the U. S. Navy) on Thursday, 10, at Pier 5 oi the Nonolk Navy Yard. During the Change ot Com mand ceremonies. Mayor C^- non will present the ship with the oiiicial ilag oi the city ot Raleigh. The USS Raleigh is the lourtb ship 01 the naval fleet to be named after the city of Raleigh. As Mrs. Cannon notes in her speech, the creation oi the city ot Raleigh flag was authorized (See MAYOR TO. P. 2) Gets New ‘Father’ BY CUARLESn.'jONES - Kbnaltiig Edlter "Yiafa, I slapped that wfUmanane fime with the opeiTyaimjof my left hand arid Pam right- handed. I only hit her be cause she had called my father, myself and my mother each a black son of a bitch. She does not know my father or my mother. Daddy has been deadfor lO years,” stat ed Tjrone Akion, 25- year-old city sanitation worker, who was fired from his M as a route man early .Monday of this week, following an alleged investigation of the mjuries suffered last Wednesday morning by 30-year-old Mrs. Patricia Lee Edwards, white. Akion is black. This newsman, upon learn- ing Of Mr. Akion's dismissal by the City ot Raleigh's Sanitation Dept. early Monday, sought out the man and was granted an exclusive interview. Akion, whose young laoe belies his 25 years, (old us that he was at work at the dty’t landfill, located cm Highway 84 East, when be was summo^, by an unidentified white mes senger, to accompany him back to the Municipal Buikhng, where he was Imonned Ot his dismissal, "because oi my* BY FRANCES GRANDY Staff Writer sa^ta^W^k^e^^^VoiL^ r«nr8nndrimci.V.„«»n«. trict Court here last Wed- (SeeSLAPSWHiTE.p.u nesday riftemoon as fam ily members and friends testified before Judge George F. Bason con cerning alleged child neglect and abuse on the part of Mrs. Joan Allen, 30, 820 Ellington St., this city. Her 12-year-dtd son was temporarily taken from her and placed in the result of a call to the Wake nimistraUofi Files Of L. Wray ‘CIo«crf> ' Lawrence B. .W^y. 4r i interfovenunss^jA tor. hM moye4 io aUMgt U» l8wSQNNOW>.» ofi A # was outlined In a msmo tntn 1. lies Al wrav to Joyce P. /'I 4-^t ^et mr Erector ot the cky’i R VlVlUniOIUlSy andPubUcImormatlonOtflM. SEWAGE BACKUP PROBLEM IN RALEIGH NORTH APARTMENT — The above pictures show (he heme of Mrs. Doris Alston of 1622 Burgandy St.. Apt. A. (Raleigh North Apartments), after her home was flooded by a sewage backup last week. Mrs. Alston said (hat the backup had been happening since Saturday, and (hat the maintenance men have been there twice, each time supposedly fixing it. Mrs. Alston said she did not believe the men knew what they were doing. She appeared to be right because the maintenance men were digging a hole (bottom photo), to fix the sewage line and when Mr. Watson, the maintenance supervisor arrived, he told the men that the hole was being dug in the wrong place. (Staff Photos by Jack Jenkins). Educational Task Force Raps Tests Institute DURHAM - Dr. Roes E. Townes, chairman oi the de partment Of physical education and recreation at North Caro lina Central University, is attending a two-week institute at the Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center at the Uni versity ot Southern Caliiomia, July 31-AugU8l 11. Dr. Townes is concentrating on "Exercise Physiology and Planning tor Older Adults” and on “Stress. Health and Aging,” during his study at the Cento*. His participation Is sponsor ed bv a grant trom NCCU's Advanced Institutional Deve lopment Program for the development ot courses in social geronthologv and in the physiology ot exercise. Townes is studing under Dr. Ernest Jokl ot the University ot Kentucky and Dr. James P. Henry ot the University ot Southern California. late Friday aitemooe. (SeeL. WRAY, P. 2) WEATHER The five-day weaker forecast for the period Wednesday. Aitf. 9. throogh Saaday. Aag. 11. b as follows: Skies wire Matty •oDoy In the eastern secUsa af Ike state oa Wedaesday, hat clouds prevailed la the meaa- talas, where some scattered showers were experteeced. Lows Wedaesday ai^ raagod la the mid-Ms in the moaatalas to the mid-Tta aloog the coast. High temperatures Wedaesday ranged in the low ils in the east. The extended forecasL calls for scattered aftemsea sad evening showers and thaa- dershowers Thursday Ihraagb Sunday, with temperstores re maining In the mid-60s la the mountalas sad the low 99s elsewhere across North Carw- Tie Educalioo Task Force ot the N. C. Conference oi NAACP Branches voted Salurdav to suspend the minimum com petency tests, which high school seniors, in 1980. will have to pass before they can graduate. The committee also voted unanimously to ask the nation al NAACP to tile suit to block the tests in North Carolina. The test, now required bv a stale law passed in 1977, is considered to be culturally biased, as is oilen the case on ■mm itM Wf Standardized tests and black Mrs. M. 1 onng students oiten do not do as well as whiles on such tests. Appreciation Check Won By The only winner in last week’s Appreciation Money Feature was Mrs. Mable Young ot 1104 Spaulding St. Mrs. Young collected a check tor $10 trom Dixon & Spencer TV Inc., 502 Downtown Blvd. (See APPRECIATION. P. 2) When the (rial lest was given last spring to all ot the states eleventh graders, more than 80 percent oi the black students scored below 70 percent in math. Bv contrast, only 3.7 percent ot the stales white (See STATE NAACF. F. 2) .MONDAI.E SAYS CARTER WILL FIRMLY SUPPORT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION — Los \ngelrs: Vice President VS alter Mondale (I). smiles broadly from the podium as he. Los Angeles Mnyur Tom Kruilley, and Vernon E. Jordan (r) president of the Nstioaal Urban League, at know ledge applause Iron, the league members, where .Mondale spoke Aug. T. Mondalc pledgod the Carter ailminisiraliun would foreefull^ support .Affirmative Action for the disadvantaged. He told Ihe SKih annua! convention of (he National I t han League that the administration would need help In K* King the programs. Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK THE COFFEE SHOPPE •fOR THE ULTIMA TE III SOUL FOOD" DELBERT AFRICA SUBDUED — Philadelphia — A Phila- delpbia p<dice officer keeps Dribert Africa to the ground after a shoot-out occurred between Philadelphia police and the radical back to nature group MOVE here Aug. 8. One policeman was killed and many were Injured. (UPI)

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