9 I 3 Cops, 2 Humane Officers Cited In Assaults* But We ^Couldn^t Sign Warrants: ’ G. W, Flaggs ★★★ *** Brutality After Strike In Rocky Moimt 38Garbage Men Rehired Sff? BV CHARLES R. JONES Maeaging Editor VOL. 37 NO. 42 ^nrth 1 .nrnlinn'ii f.eatiin'’ Wpeklr DEDICATED TO THE SPIRIT OP JESUS CHRIST RALEIGH, N.C., THURSDAY. AUGUST 24.1978 SINGLE copy 20c Raleigh Mother , 9 Children WASHINGTON. D.C. TO GET KEPRESENTATION IN L'.S. fONGKE.SS - WashlnKlon - Mayor Walter Washington of the District of Columbia, left, and Kep. Walter Kaunlroy. right, the non-voting delegate to Congress from the District of Columbia, meet with Sen. Bob Dole, K-Kan- sas. shortly before the Senate. Aug. 22. approved a Constitutional Amendment which would give the District of Columbia voting representation in Congress. The measure now must be ratified by FACE EVICTION 38 states within the next 7 years. tUPl) Dr. W ilmoth C after New Shaw U. Dean Dr. Stanley H. Smith, presi dent of Shaw- University, has announced the appointment of Dr. Wilmoth A. Carter as vice president of academic affairs and research, effective immed iately. Dr. Carter, who was serving as vice president for research and evaluation, has previously served as director of self-study, and vice president for academic affairs. In announcing the appoint ment. Dr. Smith underscored and emf^sized. “the extent to which teaching and research complement each other in academia and the expectations for faculty involvement in the areas of teaching, research, and service." Dr. Carter replaces Dr. Kai- yan Ghosh, who has assumed the position of vice president for academic affairs at Shaw College in I>elroit. Other Minorities Also Wanted NC Patrol Seeks Blacks Mr. and Mrs. George Wade Flagg, Sr., 2510 Bedford Ave., went down to the office of the magis trate of Wake County District Court Tuesday afternoon. Their purpose was to swear out and sign assault and battery warrants against three white policemen (includ ing one female cop) and two white humane offic ers. Their requests were denipd by Magistrate A. ^GRrner, it is alleged. Raleigh Chiet oi Police Robert E. Goodwin ioiormed this writer Tuesday aiterooon that no linal acUoo had been taken on an internal invesUga* lion OI the S otticen involved, but he, along with Major Edgar C. Duke, assured ua that a tinding should be available on Thursday oi this week. H. Moore Stresses Quality Head Of Caueus In Theory Re jeetion National Black News Service WASHINGTON, D. C. — Congressman Parren J. Mit chell (D-Md.), a leader oi the Congressional Black Caucus, has attacked the traditional economic theory, called the Phillips Curve, which Justiiies nigh rates oi unemployment as as anti-inilattnn DoUcy. Mitchell called the theory “an archaic and specious justi- lication tor the basic structural deiiciences ot the American econ oars (both of the date of the appli cants first day d patrol basic school); iteight, Diinimum 5>6, arid maximum 6-5 (both with out shoes); weight, minimum 130 pounds, and maximum 290 pounds (weight must be com mensurate with height and body frame); physical condi tion, must be in excellent phy sical condition with no obvious Mom, 32, ‘At End Of Rope’ BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Editor Mrs. Rosalind McKay is a 32-year-oId attrac tive mother of 9 children - 6 dau^ters and 3 sons the oldest of which is VMM ewnON HERE - Mrs, RaMM McKa;. old tuallMr of 9 cWldrea. faces evkefue (raiB kef reatei 112t Harp BL (Mar Halifax Csart ApartiMItrta), left-to-rfglii. Sire: KafviM». 9}-Mrs. Adrian. Id. fSecatoryf. ' Sdav »l atikii, «: Suit Left Near Garbage Picktip (SeeNCPATROL. P.2) City And Freed Of Wray Bias Mitchell has gained interna tional fame as chairman of the Black Caucus. The Raleigh Civil Service Commission Tuifsdav, cleared the cUv and Lawrence E. Wrav, Jr., Inteigovermental Coordinator, ot race discrimi nation against a white citv employee, who claimed that she had not been promoted because oi her race. The commisskm did rule however, that Claia S. Cummings should have been promoted rni the basis ot merit. Mrs. Cummings was a special prt^rams coordinator tor the Raleigh's tederal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act program. Last year, she app^ed the city’s decision to hire a new employee, who is black, as assistant to the CETA ad ministrator. The person hired tor the job was Elmestine Leach, who was picked hv Wrav. Broxie J. Nelson, attorney tor Mrs. Cummings, said he would ask that she be given between $1,000 to 12,000 in back salary, a raise, and promotion based upon what her status would have been had she been given the promotion last year. He also said that he would ask tor attorney's tees, compen sation for expenses in prepar ing the a|^)eal, compensation tor vacation time taken bv Mrs. Cummings to work on the case, attorney's tees in case the citv appeals the ruling, and other expenses. Alter the commission’s deci sion, Thomas A. McCormick, citv attorney, said that he would meet with city manager L. P. Zachery, Jr. betore deciding whether to appeal the decision or how to respond to the request tor written argu ments on a remedy, while Wrav declined to comment to reporters concerning the deci- ...(SeeCITY AND. P.2) BYJ. B.HARREN Rkins University study has suggested that a federal tax credit tor lalvate school tuition would increase school segregation in the nation'B largest dties. The study cited Washington whare 87 percent ot all white students were enrolled in private and proddal scboola in 1960, and where 47 percent ot whites are in such schools now. Study director, Henrv Bee- (See TAX CREDIT, P.2) to return to their jobs within the lime named by City Manager William H. Batchelor. They were rehired though. This case has been very mute insofar as ne^vspape^ publicity has been Concern^. li seems Kenyans Mourn Jomo; First, Only President CRIME BEAT EDITOR'S SOTK: Ttiti c»UNia »r fMlwr U hi IW MbUc InWrrtI • Ilk ■(» l•••rS« »l'«iaaUax lli raatfaU. Nwtraai MUiUaal* katr rr- mMtc8 ikal (kr> W xOm Ikr ramWm- Um •( tfriaakiBK Uirir lUliai aa tkr bMWr. Tkto •« waaM »Cr to da. Itoatvrr, k U aal oar aaiKton w he jad|[r ar Jarv. wr laarrl) aawbk Ike (art* a* •» (lad IMM kv Ikr arrratlaa •(- (Icm. Ta krrp Ml w Tkr I'rimr Rral I'alatoad. Bsrrri) nraaa asl krku rrcto- aUierr ia irkadiax kb ACCl'SED KlNti KILLER HETI RNS TO PRISON — Washington - A fHcral marshal walls to escort James Karl Kay from the hearing room after the House .Assassination < ommittee dismiss ed Ray as a witness Aug. 18 until \o%ember. The panel unveiled sui prise testimony by a retired British policeman who said Hay claimed eredil for Marlin Luther King's murder shortly after Ray was arrested in l.ond»n in 1968. (I'Pl) ALLEGED BURGULAK ARRESTED Chari, i Davis Wall, 212 E. South St., was arrested and charged, with breaking and entering Rose and Sons Auto Service. 1229 S. Saunders St. The otiense occured at 1:55 a.m. Sunday according to police reports. The Auto Repair Shop was entered bv breaking a rear window. (See CRIME BEAT. P. 2) NAIROBI, Kenya — Presi- deni Jomo Kenvalta ot Kenya, died in his sleep early Wednes day. He led Kenva to ipdepen- dence 15 years a^ and presided over them ever since. A government news bulletin said Kenvalta died at the State House in Mombasa, a coustal resort. He was believed to be in his 80b. although he (hd not know his age. It appears that Kenvalta might have sensed his death was close at hand, although there were no indications that his health was tailing, because last week he held a tamilv reunion, a custom otten enact ed bv elderly members oi the Kikuyu tribe who tear their lives are nearly over. He was reported to have been in a liappv mood by photographers who covered the occaston. which provides tor the election Vice President Daniel Arap oi a new president within 50 Mat hat replaced Kenvatta tor days, the present time under a Discusaion ot section 01 Kenya’s constitution (SeeKENYATTA.P.l) Appreciation Check* Won By 2 Men Here Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK FLOWER MART “SAY n HOKE swEmrwnHEvatroNE^fAvoujts" There were two winners in last week’s Appreciation Money Feature. Claude Clark of 800 Carlisle St., received a check for $10 from Kar Parts, Inc., 2712 S. Saunders St.; and Benjamin P. Jones of 320 E. Davie St. picked up his check fw $10 fran the Warehouse of Tires, Davie and Person Streets. (See APPREClA’nON, P. 2) AFRICAN PRESIDENT DIES — NalroM. Kenya — Jomo Kenyatta, leader of thb east AFrlcaa natloa since Its Indepen dence from Brftalo tn 1913. died peacefully in his sleep Aug. 22. the government nniMNinced. The last of Africa's original eatioo- atist leaders, he wasavyearo-oM. (UPl)