♦ I ‘Limilod In Riink, Denied Promotions, Assijinments* SBIIs Biased, Say sVeteranBlack Agent -k-k-k CGooche ‘Flunks’ Bar Exam; Kills Self, Shoots His Wife THE Carolinian North Carolina*, Leading Weekly DIDICATID TO THE SPIRIT OP JESUS CHRIST VOL. 37 NO. 43 RALEIGH. N.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c I FIRE BREAKS OUT IN SAME PLACE THREE TIMES HERE — Flrcfighten are shown ives- nay night of this week fighting a roaring blaze on Gamer Road, owned by State Snrplus Property of N.C. Hie fire was first detected on Friday afternoon early and firemen fought it until late that night. It again roared up about 5 a.m. Saturday and was fought until 2 p.m. that day. Tuesday. Millard R. Peebles, well-known Raleigh builder and former chairman of the Raleigh Planning Commission, called a CAROLINIAN photographer to record the above scene. Carl’s Gulf Service Station, located directly across the street from the property, was victimized by leaping flames. A story on the situation will follow in next week’s edition. (Staff Photo by Paul R. Jervay. Jr.) Black College Presidents Question Carter On Roles WASHINGTON. D. C. - A delegation oi 19 collie presi dents and executives repre senting 105 public and private hlstorlcally-black colleges and universities met with Presi- Wake District Court Magistrate Declares ^No Cop Brutality’ •¥■■¥■•¥■ ■¥■•¥■•¥■ •¥■•¥■» Two Shaw University Students Slain Murder Trial Sept. 5 No Bond —"zr* Lawsuit Allowed Killer dent Jimmy Carter recently at president ot the National the White House to discuss Association tor Equal Oppor- some 01 the major issues lunity in Higher Elducatlon, aiiectlng black colleges and to ^8 Dr. Prezell R. Robinson, seek his support. Dr. Charles Lyons BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Editor Shaw University presi dent, Dr. Stanley H, Jr. Mrs. Thelma C. Lennon WHS Alumni Speaker Mrs. ’ntelma Curobo Lennon, well-known educator and HMaker in the State ot North Carolina, will deliver the keynote address at the tilth annual alumni association ga- iholng ot hundreds ot g 1u- iviiiiei wBsniiii School, 1000 Fayettevilie St. She will speak at the Hilton Inn on Hillsborough St. Friday, Sept. 1, at 7 pjn. during the Reunion Banquet. She will qteak on the subject, “Ute Continuing Pursuit ot the American Dream." All former teachers at the school will be guests ot honor. An alumnae ot Washington High School, Mrs. Lennon received her undergradOffle d^iree at North Carolina Cen- (See MRS. LENNON, P. 2) MR8. THELMA C. LENNON president. United Negro Col- Smith, last Saturday lege Fund, ^u^ a joint moming, issued o Fresi- dent’s Memorandum to meetta* with Praiideni Cu- -The Shaw FamUy” fol- "The Admini.ir.tion in lowing the murder of two WaBhingtOD must remain len- freshmen students near •itive to the unique needa ot the campus early Friday hiatorically-biack collagei, morning, apprising them which have produced the of the developments in majority ot biack cottage the case at that time In . the meantime, a 20-year- PreaidratCai^hasiettDO Qon.S)|0vv Student IS wake mant to black coUegas ra- counts of murder, dactad in the formulation ot Carlton DonneU Montague, 12 poUev, in creation oi new Granville Terrace (Chavis programs, and in the avalua- Heights), received a prelimin- Uon ot old pit^ams as they ary hearing in Wake District relate to historically-black Court Monday at 2 p.m. before •^ioola. Judge Stanley Pretlow Win- We are hopeful that poaiUve borne, who appointed Attorney creaUve approaches to the William G. (Buck) Ransdell, problems ot biack coUeges are Jr. to represent Montague on going to be implemented at charges of murdering the two every level ot government. students. "Working cloeelv with ad- Montague is charged with the (•^PRESIDENTS. P.2) fatal shooting of Farley Delano >. MONTAGUE ..Jfaces 2 niBrdar rapt Pregnant Planned ByFlaggs BY CHARLES R. JONES ManagliiK Editor Wake County District Court Magistrate A. L. Gamer told this writer Tuesday afternoon that he had decided three police officers and two humane officers “had used no brutality” in the alleged assault and defi nite damage to property at the home of and Mrs. George Wade Flagg, Sr., 2S10 Bedford Ave. on Uk afternoon of Wednesday, Aug. 2, at Benefits GREENSBORO - Clarence Gooche, Jr., a black State Bureau of In- I vestigation (SBI) agent, I filed a federal court suit I against the SBI Thurs day, claiming that the I agency discriminates a- gainst its black employ ees. (jooche stated that he and hU black co-workers are limited in rank, denied promotions, job assignments, employment be- neiils, and opportunities be cause Of their race. The suit tiled bv agent Gooche asks that it be ctm- sidered a class action on behalf ot all black SBI emplovees and blacks who have applied tor SBI employment; and tor Injunctions banning the SBI irom discriminatory practices, plus promotion to a positiiMi he says would have been obtained it there were no racially discriminatory policies and (vactices. Mr. Gooche's suit also insist that back wages tor him and the other black emplovees as compensation tor wages lost due to the SBI’s discriminatory practices. Gooche said Uiat he had tiled a discrimination charge a- gainst the SBI in July ot 1977, with the Equal Employmoit Opportunity Commis sion, which contacted him last May, and told him ot his right to tile a lawsuit. Mother nn.lUKOLDUTRIOC Pr.Triggy ies.. In N.Y. Dr. Halted Leonard Trigg, 84. tonner president ot St. contrtfetor and builder, came by the office of TbeCAROUN- SAXAPAHAW - MaUvaa, Tueeday mornl^ aftw he irlends and even curious • „ . .. •eekars. poured Into Mitchell MaglsUateGamer, in htsofitce Auguatlne’s CoUege here dur- Chapel Church last Sunday baeemenl of Uie Wake |„g the IMOe and early 1960a, aitemoon to hear Uw last County Courthouse, that no diedTueaday In New York Otv words about the tile oi William olws® ** f**®* a**i»»l alter a short illness. B. Alllon, Jr., 27, who took hta “'® Dr. Trigg had also seryed as melee. (See NO BRUTALITY. P. 2) HOLLYWOOD. Fla. Members ot National Barris ter's Wives, Incorporated, at their twenty-seventh anniver- sarv meeting at the Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, Florida. August lS-19, tocused their attention on the 1978 conven tion theme, "Are Schools Shortchanging the Black ChUd?" Mrs. JuaniU HUl. national president, presided over the several sessions. Mrs. Svlvia Portier, Citv Commissioner, Deer Beach, Florida, brought otiidal greet ings congratulated the mem bers 01 National Barristers’ Wives on their national pro gram, and urged them to raise their voices high so that they might be heard all over this nation. Dr. Priscilla Hambrick-Dix- on, psvchologist and assistant professor ot Education at New York Universitv, stressed the importance ot giving black children a positive selt-ccm- cept, a sense ot hi«rorv so that WEATHER The five day weather f(»re- east for the period Wednesday, August 3S. through Sunday, September 3. Is as follows: Scattered afternoon and even ing thundershowers are ex pected over North CaroUna for the next few days, with hot and very humid conditions pre vailing. Moisture from the remains of Tropical Storm Debra will bring some heavy raina to the western porttoo of North Carolina Wednesday and Thursday. The extended fore- (•cast calls for warm and continued humid weather with scattered thundershowers through Sunday. Lows will range from around 60 in the mountains to around 70 along the coast. High temperatures will be in the mid to upper 80s. except some low 80e in the mountains. Shortchanging Blacks? Barristers* Wives Ask: Are Schools Geoffrey Michael McArthur, 18. East Orange, N.J. The inci dents took place on Smithfield they may know how tar we perspecllye. She empahsiied ®'5^rding to witnesses and have come and how tar we the 50’s, 60s, and TO’i, with Md*w'’a!.‘“o.*°e;,Tnt''.h“,h ' 'T' »*“'** ly ^e lor tte aUy- ™- Inga, which occurred between f s. Btoodworth and S. Person sireeu, some 3 blocks from oileo reimorces. Bakke vo. The Univereity (M chaur’ftramngw Mrs. Kathleen Cooper CalitornU Medical School and Th- Raleigh was a rough place. ward County Florida School docision in 1979. Board, was the keynote speak- Mrs. Wright pointed out that ti-.h™,. er. Beginning with ••EdueVlion in spite 0^0 ^liiersUon of , tor Blacks is .n serious «>ui? cases, attUudos have not Chealey and two other Shaw Trouble," Mrs. Wright used the changed. She urged her listen- uraiirino Knoir ia historical approach to put the era W look ot the programs in ''•'•h™'" "e™'■'■“ting tack to convention theme in proper (See BARRISTERS’ P.2) (See MURDER TRIAL, P. 2) life and tried to take that ot his wile and his unborn child, in a Durham housing complex at about 6:45 a.m., Thursday, August 24. Ihe luneral services were perhaps ditterent irom the usual services, in that the victim is said to have been IHt>mpted to kill himseli and his immediate lamily because he tailed to pass the N. C. State Bar examination. Close associates related how he had yearned to be a successful lawyer. It was also related how his world closed in on him when he got the dementing words that he "did not pass.’’ From iniormation given bv neighbors and his wile, he had a very unpleasant night, brooding and complain ing over his late. He is alleged to have called members ot his (SeeKILLSSELF.P.2) CRIME BEAT EDITOR'S NOTKt Thli c^Ibum «r fntMiv b prudBced in ike MkUr iateml «ilk ■■ bIbi iBikarSg eiimlBalUg ll> natmta. NBMrrowa MbMaab m*« re- •wftH Uiai lk«> k« tUra ik* cmMitb- UiMi •( BverlaBklBii iWtr liattai bm Um etUcr Matter. Tkte me mwmU like la So. Hawrvnr. b b M oar mbUon to be j^ge or Jan. H> Bn*t> aabllak Uw (acU aa «e naS Ikeai rtfertem by tbo armtlaa ot- tlttn. To keep oal ol llio ITlaae Boat SWiI Sy keep on . at in Hit PrlfieBtal. FACES DAMAGE RAP On Thursdav, Aug. 29, at president ot Elizabeth City State Universitv and was the lirst black member ot the N. C. Board ot Education. He tor- merlv served as principal Berrv O’Keily Hi^ School in the Method section ot Raleigh, at the beginning ot his career as an educator. Trigg was appointed bv the late (jovemor W. Kerr Scott, in HOLLY SPRINGS — Last ^947, to the SUle Board 01 Saturday at 5 a.m., two HoUv Education post. He served on it flings men were killed in a m,tU 1973. lire vriiich shot through thrir state superintendent ot mobile home in southwestern public instruction, Dr. A. Craig Wake Countv. Phillips, said Tue^v that Dr TTie men were J. D. Bobbitt, Trigg was Trailer Fire Is Deadly NAACP Denied Busing Request WASHINGTON. D. C. — S^reme Court Justice Potter Stewart has denied without comment a request by the NAACP that the court reinstate a busing pian to dcMgregate schoob b Columbus, Ohio, thli *^joiiia<(aiP' fiied a 11-page. urging tne court to meet during the summer; if necessory, to set aside a stay ot the desegregation plan granted by Justice William Rehnquist. The NAACP contended that Rehnquist’s order has caused “near chaos” in rearrangin busing schedules am class assignments in anticipation of the opening of school. Council Battle Brewing neon. To keep oal ol lao CobfBt. awrMy mooat aot terod by ■ poltef offl^or b - Oadbp whIteOT daly. So ol Ibt rlblter" oad yoa aoi A MEETING UK PKt!:8IUl::.M'a> ^ Presidenu ol DUCk U.». colteges met rcceauy witk Krct*- dent Jimmy Carter to discuss the special role the InsUtotioM have. The meeUag. la the CaUaet Room of the Wliite House, also was attended by Housing and Urban Devel^meat Under Secretary Hale Champion and the executive director for the NatlMial Association for Equal Opportunity and Higher Edneation. Samuel L. Myers. The university presIdenU joining PresMent Carter were: Chrbtopher Ediey. United Negro College Fund (N.Y.); MUtoo Carry, Bishop CoUjge (MarshaU. Tex.); Norman FrancU, Xavier University (New Orleans. La.); Henry Ponder. Benedict CoUege (Columbia. S.C.); IxMiis Stokes. Utica Junior CoUege (Utica. Miss.); Walter Washington. Alcorn State University (Lorman, Miss.); Luther Foster. Tuskegee Institute (Toskegee, Ala.); Samuel Cook. Dillard University (New Orteans. La.); M. Maceo Nance. South CaroUna Slate CoUege (Orangeburg, S.C.): Frederick Humphries. Tennessee SUtc University (Nashville, Teon.); Luna Mlshoe, Delaware Slate College < Dover, Dela.): Benjamin Mays. presIdent-emerUus. Morehouse College and chairman of Board of ECducation (Atlanta, Ga.); Prezell R. Robinson, St. Augustine’s CoUege (Raleigh. N.C.); Charles Lyons, Jr.. Fayetteville State University (FayettevUle. N.C.); EUas Blake. Clark College (Atlanta. Go.); Herman Branson, Lincoln University (Lincoln Univer sity. Pa.); Hugh Gloster, Morehouse CoUege (AtlanU. Ga.); Andrew Billingsley. Morgan SUte University (Baltimore. Md.). (Seestory). 5:35. Otticer Weingarten was Mart, 1505 Downtown Blvd.; called to 401 New Bern Ave. bv Mrs. Alberta HoUoway ot CDO Pat Hancock with a vandalism Bern Ave. who received a complaint. Arrested and $10 check from Fox Fire Hair charged with malicious dam- styUst. 2301 Fox HUl Circle; age was Reginald Jones, 22, ^Imo HeCov ot 1115 S. who allegedly trespassed and East St., who coUected his 610 caused extensive damage to trom Baker’s. 110 East Hargett the victim’s property. st (See CRIME BEAT. P. 2) (See APPRECIATION. P. 2) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK TERRY’S FURNITURE “EVERYTmCFORAWEa-FUUUSHEDHOm" DURHAM - A Monday night humanitarian talk show between Harry 54, and Dwight Norris, 21, both contributed an awtul lot to Rodenhizer, the accuser, and Ol whom are black. They Uved SUte Board ot Education Citv CouncUman Clarence on New HUl Road, west ot HoUv during a lime much dUierenl Brown, the accused, 01 impro- Springs. than today.” p^f i^x actions, did very little The cause 01 the blaze had Although luneral arrange- ascertain whether Brown not been determined, accord- jnenta are incomplete. Trigg ^o^Jd resign or not. ing to B. W. HoUand. assistant buried In Greensboro, lire chief ot the HoUv Springs TRIGG, P. 2) ^^ee COUNCIL, P. W Volunteer Fire Department He said that the S. B. I. were being asked to investigate. (See2DIE. P. 2) Appreciation Checks Won By 3 In City A "miracle" has hsi^ned. Ihere were three winners in last week's App'-eclation Money Feature, vrtiich means evm^one won and that has not hai^iened in a long time. The winners were: Ms. Beatrice Durham ot 2104 GUliam Lane, who picked up her check tor 610 trom Flower BLIGHT IN WAKE COUNTY — lUs bouse (top) Is located to a rural area of Wake County • Wendell. Wake County Opportune ties, Inc.'t C^sumer E^ucathm Outreach Project conducted a consumer survey last week and came acrost the above sltna- tions. According to officials of Ihe agency, "this to poverty at Ha worst." The toilet faciUty ((Mthonse at bottom), to provided by the landlord to the WrndeU area known as "Coktred Town." Al though the tenants to this back street community pay a rising rent, they have no water or sewage accommodati^, according to Wake Op officials. (StaffPbotosbyGermrdEdwarda).