Raleigh ReH$iou8« Civic, Political Leader Mourned As Hundreds Attend Peebles^ Last Rites A BLACK RALEIGH READER’S OPINION Kditor's Note: liarr> l.ce liuKKlns. Hie author of the rollll\^hl^ I'olninn. is a native of WlUniitKtun. hIio laine to Italeigh some :m .\ears a^io. Mr. i» his dlsvuurse. is laying the blame lur his shnrti omings at Ihe lime, at Ihe 'dmirsteps' of his own teachers, lie U a graduate of Shaw I ni\ersit> and Has a member of Its only chamiiiotiship football team in .h, ( lAA. mn,n ye.r« aK„. Hats off to Gov. Hunt and the supporting blacks who have, at last, come to the conclusion that to get children to read, it is imperative to motivate and to give them a "must” incentive. We, as blacks, should rally around the Hunt emphasis in this regard. It is time and it is late coming. Surely, some older adults will have or are having their false pride injured. But it is time for us, in this instance, to pul false pride aside and think of the gains that the future generations will attain. It will be shown, in time, that students will begin reading more and more when they see that to reap a meaningful diploma they will have to perform Otherwise, they will have to settle for a certificate of little meaning. The problem of children being unable to read did not just occur in this decade. I, personally, faced the problem when I was in the teaching profession. I attempted to address the problem and I failed. That was probably the major reason that I did not follow that career for which I was prepared. I found in that, my first and only year of teaching, that too many children could not read. It was not the fault of the children then and it is not their fault now. It is only their problem. Many parents dislike having to take any of the biame. But, like it or not, that is where much of the blame must rest Yes, I was amazed in the year of 1954 to find that so many children could not read. I was a teacher of chemistry and biology, supposedly. But it was virtually impossible for me to do so. When I attempted to address the problem by teaching reading instead of trying to teach juniors and seniors what H20 meant when they could not read or spell, I ran into difficulty with my principal. The N. C. Stale Department must assume its fair share of the blame for it approved "progressive euucation” and "social promotion." It was wrong then and it is wrong now. Yes, hats off to Gov. Hunt and to ali of the insightful people who are looking ahead at the benefits to be deii.ed. We have all to gain. We have lost too much already, Harry Huggins Raleigh, N. C. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Worker, ‘Ike’ Atkinson Gomes Back To Goldsboro Leader Drug ‘Kingpin’Testifies^^: AROLINIAN VOL. 37 NO. 46 North CaroIina*$ trading Wrokly OBDICATBD TO THB SPIRIT OP JESUS CHRIST RALEIGH, N.C.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c Victim Allegedly Followed Man To His Own Residence KILLS AT HOME Mother Of 9 Children Told To Woman Kidnaped; City Man Jailed A Raleigh man was arrested and charged Sunday with kidnapping a 26-vear-oid wo man and holding her tor about S6 hours. Henrv Johnnv Lee Marsh, 37, ot 319 Heck St., U charged with kidnapping Patricia Ann Fow ler 01 401 E. Edenton St., according to police reports. He was being held in Wake Countv Jail und^r $35.01X1 bond late Sunday. Police reports said Marsh HENRY J.L. MAK8H abducted Miss Flower about 6 p.m. Friday at his Heck St. apartment by threatening her with bodily harm. She reported the incident early Sunday, alter she was released, police said. Marsh also was charged with striking Mias Fowler with a hammer about the lace, caus ing a swollen jaw and abra sions, police said. acsMia^ sMhiMiBap p.m. Sunday, jail spokesman said. J. Jackson -Uries PTA Forward NsUooal Black News Service ATLANTA. Ga. ~ The Rev. Jeiae L. Jackson has called upon the National Parept and Teachers Association to take a stand to help save the schools and keep them irom being further polarised around the race issue. Jackson, the president and founder ot Operation PUSH, People United To Save Hu manity, said the PTA must (See REV. JACKSON. P. 2) Vacate House By Mon. Man^ 2L -j/ggggggj : Nowhere masonry contractor and the first black chairman of the Raleigh Planning Commission, died last Friday night at Rex Hospital after suffering a heart attack. His funeral was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Baptist Grove Baptist Church, Leesville Road, with burial in Carolina Biblical Gardens here. ' Hundreds of persons of both races attend^ the services. Dr. N. M. McMillan, pastor, officiated, assisted by Dr. P. H. Johnson. A lifelong resident of Raleigh. Peebles graduated from Hampton Institute in Virginia. He founded the masonry cirntracting company of M. R. Peebles and Son in 1953 and served as its president. In 1969, Mr. Peebles was appointed to the Raleigh Planning Commission. He became its first black chairman in 1973, when he was elected to fill the unexpired term of former chairman, William L. McLaurin, who had resigned. In 1976, be resigned from the ?: LAWYER TO CHALLENGE EASTERN STARS > Ally, and Law Counselor. Mrs. Karen B. Galloway, a native of the Method area ol Raleigh, will be the speaker at an annual banquet sponsored by Topstone Chapter No. S77, Order of Eastern Star Saturday, sept. 16, at 8 p.m. at the Valdes Whitley School, off Hwy. 64. near Weadetl. Atty. Galloway Is the dau^ter of Mrs. Grace P. Bethea asd the Ute Brayant Bethea. She was see of the defense lawyers In the famed Ms. JoAnn Little murder trial. She is a dynamic speaker. Everyone Is Invited, especially the Eastern Stars of Wake County and surrounding counties. Held For Murder BY CHARLES R. JONES Managiag Editor A 33-year-old Raleigh man made the biggest mistake of his life here Tuesday night. He allegedly followed a 21- year-old man to his own residence and was blown ii^o. almost ^Instant ^ alleged killer was arrested and charged with murder. Nalthor Uw vlcUm nor the reported slever ere "stran- gera” to the records and tiles ot the Raleigh Police Depart ment, both having accumulat ed records oi some length. Wavmon Odell Chavis, 21, 906 E. Martin St., was arrested about 7 p.m. Sept. 12, and charged with tint degree (See KILLS AT. P. 2) (See PEEBLES, J06EPH B.HART WAYMONO. CHAVIS Alleged “Brains’ Of Dope Returned Self-Esteem Of Blacks Is Thrust Of Research GOLDSBORO — Leslie "Ike” Atkinson, believed to be the “king ot dope peddlers," was brought back home this week, irom an Illinois federal prison to testiiv in a trial ot 16 people, including himselt. As The CAROLINIAN went to press Wednesday, be was the center ot attraction in Wavne Superior Court, where he was to make a plea on diarges dealing with a conspiraev to distribute heroin. The case is Many oi Jehovah '• Witneaaee <<> Quke a bit ol in the Raleigh area will be kitereet, due to Uie lact that Jehovah’s Witnesses Rap Ban GREENSBORO - A hus- band-wite team at A4T State University has unveiled a major research project de signed to measure the impact 0! racism and oppression on the personality development ot blacks. The three-vear project, to be carried out throughout the state and later nationally, will be conducted bv Dr. Wvalt D. Kirk, chairman ot (he depart ment ot educational pevcho- logv and guidance; and Dr. Sarah Virgo Kirk, an associate professor ot social work. The target oi the study, according to Dr. Wvatl Kirk, is the low sell-esteem which WEATHER The five-day weather forecast for Ibe period Wedueaday, Sept. 13. through Sunday. September 17. is as follows; Partly cloudy skies, with some scattered showers and thun dershowers were forecast for the state Wednehday as a cold front pushed into the state. Highs Wednesday ranged into the 80s. except for some *0s in the mountains. 14>W'B were in the 50s in the mountains and upper lus on the coast. Cloudiness was expected to increase Wednesday night and Thursday as the cold front passed through North Caro lina. Cooler temperatures will accompany the front. The extendi^ forecast calls ftw variabic cloudiness and humid weather with scattered show ers Friday and Saturday. Sunday should be partly cloudy and not as warm. manitestr. itseli in some blacks. “This is evident when a person doesn’t care anything about himselt or hersel:, and has a problem relating to others,’’he said. “Some blacks leel alienated, which in turn creates low motivation and aspirations." The Kirks plan to develop a black personality instrument and to identity the psychosocial determinants which influence blacks’ seli-identitv and self esteem. “It we find a low level ot esteem," said Dr. Sarah Kirk, “we have already developed a model, inclusive ot counseling techniques and interventive strat^es designed to elevate black voungsters' ability to cope with alienation and anomie." Ute determination ot Macks’ levels ot esteem will be measured bv eight personality inventories design ed bv the Kirks. 'ntev will include in the studv a studv ot sampling ot (See SELF-ESTEEM, P. 2) writing letters ot appeal government otiicials in Una, where their Christian society is currenUv under ban. H. H. Lelstikow, overseer ot the live congregations ot Jehovah’s Witnesses in Raleigh, explained that a con certed effort in sending letters Oi appeal was being instituted now. This is because all etiorts ot legal recourse to return freedom ot worship to Je hovah’s Witnesses in Argentina have tailed. "In September ot 1976,’’ black explained, "the Ar gentina government announc ed that Jehovah's Witnesses were banned trom practicing their religion. Time-consuming legal proceedings loUowed as (See WITNESSES. P. 2) Atkinson is alleged to have operated a ring even though he was in prison. Atkinson is well-remember ed In the Raleigh area as the man who enjoyed unusual comforts whUe he was lodged in the Wake County Jail awaiting trial a tew years ago. Several law enforcement ot- ticers, including the sheriff, came under tire tor privileges allowed Atkinson. It was alleged that he was not only able to carry on a favorable contact with his allies, but was permitted to have elaborate (See ATKINSON. P. 2) State NAACP Spurred By Lake*8 Attitude To Go: McKay BY CHARLES R. JONES Miniglng EdiUHT Well, it’s finally happening. Mrs. Rosaiind McKay, 32-year-oid biack mother of 9 children, who is expecting a tenth in December, received a notice, accordii« to her, on Tuesday of this week that she must vacate a five-room house at 1129 Harp St,, where she and her fatherless family have been living for several months, by Monday, Sept. 18, or face e'iction. Mn. McKay called thla newsman to Inionn him Uiat she is "now completely at the (See VACATE, P. 2) HEW Gives US Schools j^4 Million NsUooal Black News Sorvico WASHINGTON, D. C. - Almost $4.6 millloo has been awarded to 46 univeralUea all over the country through the Department ot Health, Educa tion and Weliare’8 Otilce ot ... Education to provide teilow- ^^Unesday. Alonzo Rawls ships in toreign language and charged with the alleged CHARLOTTE — Spurred bv what is termed an unwarrant ed attack on the NAACT bv recenUv reUred N. C. Supreme CkHirt Justice I. Beverly Lake, Kelly M. Alexander, Sr., {H^esident ot Uie N. C. State Conference ot NAACP Branch es. issued an exectiUve order this week, calling all interested persons to the 35th annual State Convention, which will be held at the Radisson Plaza Hotel here, Oct. 19-22. The stand that Governor James Hunt took on the Appreciation Feature Has No Winners We are not quite sure what happened that there was no winner in the Appreciation Money Feature last week. It was in keeping with the old saying, "When it rains, it pours." There were three winners the week before. You can be a winner this weMt. Visit one of the business^ listed on page 12. (See APPRECUTION. P. 2> controversial competency test and Uie chiding Utat Uie media gave Uie NAACP tor its stand is Of grave ctmeem, he said. (See STATE NAACP. P. 2) Durham Squabble Growing DURHAM — Even though Oarence Brown, the black member ot the city council who came under tire tor failure to handle his taxes property, decided to resign, there is stUI unrest about the council. Brown’s resignation means that the council will have to name some one to the vacant post. It is now in the process oi naming one to replace Council man Harris, who resigned when he lound he was undo* investigation tor tax problems. The third troubled council member, Mrs. Carolyn Thorn ton, the only black woman to ever serve on the oouncU, is now the object oi Harrv (See SQUABBLE, P. 2) area studies. The 828 graduate students receiving the lellowshipa must use of hands and fists against Mn. Officer R. Beliveau made tbc arrest and charged Rawls be pr^ring either to teach in Bovlan Ave. with aaaauit U. S. schools and colleges, or to 25-vear-oId otilcer. work serving the public inte- officer. iHee HEW GIVES. P. 2) (See CRIME BEAT. P. 2) \FM .MAYOR OK WASHINGTON. D. C.? — WashlngUm: Marion Barry with supporters at Harambee House Hotel Sept. 12, emerged with a narrow lead over Sterling Tucker and Walter W ashington in thr race for mayor of the District of Columbia. (UPl) Appreciation Money SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK KAR PARTS, INC. "FOR THEVLTUUTEIRCAR CARE" MUHAMMAD RESIGNS AS HEAD OF NATION OF ISLAM — Lot Angeles: The Sept. 12 edition of Ue Los Angeles Times reports that Wallace Muhammad has resigned as bead of the Nation of Islam, fm'meriy the Black Muslims. The son of the founder of the Muslim sect has been iplrttaal leader for 24 years. He reportedly says the church should be run by a 17* member council, notone person. (UPl) MILLARD R. PEEBLES CRIME BEAT EDITOR'S NOTE: This cqImbii or vita «■ oln lo«or<B Hi <w- MVO re- ^ at^^rTtMUag Qioir Uiiiai #■ U« ^*1’ •• Ukr to So. Haworrr a U M mv moIUm to bo Mgt ^ Wr mtrly oaiMrinW foru umt fjaS ihtm MortoJ by tbe amitog of. JKfr*' aw Of Tbo Crime Bett CotajriM, Bimy meou sol belsg regto- *■ reasrUBgab HANDS AND FISTS ASSAULT Officer Ken Wayne Andrews was on the receiving end of an assault offense occurring at

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