f I Kn^liHh instructor Involved ^ r.'i'ChMr'l 3. ^ '■y * I ultolc, 'to* tom ATb» , ... MOOuitok, >ow iom ATO. Kn^lish instructor Involved ^ r-.i*4*h» k. c. ztr\o Female Teacher Freed On Dope Rap A CORRECTIOS OS EDITOR 'S SOTE (Kditor’s Nottv In last \\t‘t>k's tMiiliiin ol Thr ( .MtOl.IM.W, lh<* iin|M't‘s* siun was cunvt\v<>d that Harry l.tM* lluKKiiis. oi Halriuh- a Shaw Kradiiatr. who wrote the t-ttluniii entitled. '‘Hats HH To that he ( .Mr. llugginsi had been shortchangt'd by his ttwn histi iietois. The true laet is that when Huggins enttTed a Virginia high sehool eiassrooin. |irepared to teach students biology, he discovereil that thtw Mhe stiidentsi were ill- prepared to conceive of the subject matter. Tluw. not he. could imt e\ en read.) -k ^ 'k ★★★ ★★★ (barter Refuses Meeting With Ben Chavis’ Mom VOL. 37 NO. 4fi Sorth Carolina't Leading Weekly DEDICATED TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST RALEIGH. N.C'., THUKSUAY. SEPTEMBER 21. li»7B Man, 27, Allegedly SINGLE COPY 20c Slain In Love Tryst SHAW HOSTS BLACK PL'BLIC OFFIClAIJt MFFTlNti — N.C. (iov. James B. Hunt. Jr. ad dressed the N.C. Association of Black Public Officials on the campus of .Shan Lniverslly on Satur day. Sept. 16. (fov. Hunt chultenged the black political leaders and public officials to “rock the boat.*' if necessary, to do what is right and needed. Shuun abive. left-to-right: Robert Walton, chairperson of the association and commissioner. .Mecklenburg County: Mrs. Klizabeth B. Co field. vice chairperson and commissioner. Wake County; (iov. James B. Hunt. Jr., and Dr. Stanley 11. Smith, president of Shaw I'niversity. who introduced the governor. (See story in column4. Page IK Trial Of The' Is Delayed GOLDSBORO - The arraig- ment oi accused drug 'kingpin' Leslie 'Ike' Atkinson on drug and conspiracy raps has been postponed until Monday, Oct. 2. court oiiicials said here last 'Ibursdav Atkinson was taken to the Wayne County Courthouse Wednesday to enter a pleg on the charges against him. but his lawyer, Toliver Smith ot Ann Arbor, Mich., asked tor ai least a lO-dsv delay to prepare, Dist. Attv. Donald Jacobs said. Deiense lawyers were scheduled todav to argue claims ot prejudicial pre-trial poblicitv and constitutional arguments over the racial composition oi the grand jury that indicted the M defendants in the case. Much 01 Wednesday’s court session was taken up bv arguments beiore Judge For rest Ferrell that deiense lawyer, Thomas Loilin oi Durham, could not represent nine oi the 14 defendants in the case without a conflict. Jacobs argued that Loilin, who represents nine persons during the pre-trial phase but will only defend eight during (SeelKE’STRlAL.P.2) 444 Gov. Addresses Black Leaders Here *Rock The Boat:* J. Hunt Shaw U. IjCops Are Afro-American Culture Body Grows At State BV ANN MCADAMS The Society oi Airo-Ameri- can Culture (SAAC) is a growing organisation on the campus 01 North Carolina State University, Raleigh Chartered in 1968, to do what SAAC President Sherry Williams calls “bringing black students together," SAAC is now launching a membership drive. Some 400 “enthusiastic" black students attended SAAC's first meeting this year, according to Williams, but "we’re striving to attain the entire population ot black students at State as mem bers," she says. Some 1,200 black students attend NCSU, Williams savs. Several major projects are WEATHER 'rbc five-day weather forecaat for the peilod Wednesday. Sept. 20. through Sunday, Sept. 24. it as follows: Unseasoaably warm and sunny weathfu will continue over North CaroUna for the next few days. High pressure will keep the weather hot and dry, with temperatures In the mid to upper HOs In the mountains and (he low 90s elsewhere. Lows will range from the upper 50s and low 60s in the mountains to the low to oiid-TOs in the eastern portion of the state. The extended forecast calls for partly cloudy tkiea Thursday through Sun day. However, on Friday, a chance of ahowers Is forecast. Higbt will be In the 80s. while lows will he In the 60s. There Is a chance of light rain also on Saturday and Sunday. AMBASSADOR NOMINATES CHAMP FOR AWARD ^ LcKidon: U. N. Ambassador Andrew Young, left, has nominated Muhammad Ail for the international award for valor in sports awarded annually ^y the Victoria Sporting Club, a London gambling casino, it was announced Sept. 14. (I'PI) FBI Plot Against Black Leaders Told magazine reveals in (k)cu- mented form, the pattern oi insidious tactics, manipulation and subversion that were used bv governmental agencies to disrupt the lives of black leaders and organizations. The FBI program under which covert activities were coordinated and executed was called Cointelpro (“counter in telligence program"). It is known that over 2,300 pro posals for disruptive activities against black organizations were approved and imple mented bv the bureou. The most intensive cam paign against a black person in the history oi the FBI was directed against the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. (SeeFBI PLOT. P.2) NEW YORK. N. Y. — Evidence indicates that there has been an FBI counter intelligence program against black leaders. But how deep does this conspiraev go and what is the public’s awareness Of this plot in Us entirety? The October issue ot ESSENfTE planned bv SAAC this year. A race relations workshop is scheduled lor October, with a speaker from the Raleigh community. SAAC hopes that enough whiles will attend to make tor a variety oi view points in the discussion. (See AT N.C. STATE. P.2) Scene Of Challenge BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Edi(4M’ North Carolina Gover nor, James Baxter (Jim) Hunt, Jr., told an audience of black public officials here last ^tur- day to "rock the boat to get something more dnoe to improve the lives of blacks in this state.” Although the governor said be is proud of hit adnti- oistration’s record in handling the masaive problems ot this state's blacks, he admitted that imKti iftore cortfd, sHeuld and must be done. Addressing a group of bUck public Officials M) the eampoa Of Shaw UiUveraitv, the state's chief executive said sub-stan dard housing is one ot the greatest areas where work is needed the most. Praising the work ot Howard Nathaniel Lee. first and (mlv Uack state secretary ot the Department ot Natural Re sources and Community Deve lopment, Hunt declared that his administration was the first to make housing and commun ity development an issue ot cabinet-level iroiwoUnce. “Make problems tor me, it (SeeGOV. HUNT. P.2) South Park Action In Session Nearly 50 members ot South Park Action, a neighborhood organization aiiliated with Carolina Action, met last Thursday night to discuss vacant lots and abandoned houses in their neighborhood. The group presented a slide show ot unsafe areas to Beal Bartholomew, chief housing inspector lor Raleigh. Anglee Shire, a spokesperson for South Park, explained the purpose Of the meeting, “We demand that Mr. Bartholomew ensures that his department performs its duty to safeguard the health and sai«>tv of the people in South Park. We want ^ . immediate inspection ot these A lots and houses, followed by action to abate the public nuisances.” Many other South Park residents spoke up with com plaints. Mrs. Lillie Blalock described the problem oi the overgrown lot next to her home on Gamer Road, “I have to live with rats in mv house and snakes in mv yard because ot that lot on the comer." Mrs. Louise ConM'ew pointed out that the Inspections De partment permitted a lot near her home on Branch Street to become overgrown and rat Unaware Of Dmg: Decision Ms. Harriett McCul- lers, who teaches English at Durham's Chewning Junior High School, was freed of a drug charge which re sulted when officers said they found drugs in her house March 10, by a Durham Superior Court jury, in a quick decision on Thursday, Sept. 14 The jury is said to have deli berated about 40 minutes after having been told by Judge John C. Marlin that if it found the teacher guilty, it had lo agree that she was aware of heroin being in her house. Evidence presented tended to show that she had no knowl edge of the presence of the drug and that it was allegedly- carried into the house by Shelton Leon Barrett, an alleged boyfriend, now serving a 5-year term in Raleigh’s Uen- tral Prison. Vice officers testified that they fished 2 packages of the powder from an 8-track tape cartridge in her home at 1722 Wynne St. But her former boy friend, Barrett, came back (Sec TUTOR FREED. P. 2) FOSTER OKANDMOTHKK IN ACTION — Atlanta: FiMler grandparent. Mrs. Oussle Mae Jackson. 73, visits last neek with a mentally handicapped child as part of a program which helps Uie handicapped children as well as elderly low-income personK. (UPl) Refusal Blamed On Attorney General OXFORD - Mrs. Elizabeth Chavis, mother ot the Rev. Benjamin F. CHiavls, leader oi the world-famous Wilmington Ten, was imormed in a letter from the White House last week thst President James Earl (Jimmv) Carter, Jr., would not meet with her as the had requested in an earlier letter to the President. The dmial oi an audience with the nation's Chief Execu tive, came in a letter to “Mrs. Elizabeth Chavis and Familv." Post Office Box 433, Oxford, N. C. 27565. Rev. Chavis and nine others were jailed several vears ago In the lirebombing and other incidents in Wilmington. N. C. The letter to Mrs. chiavis, signed bv Ms. Fran Voorde, Deputy Appointments Secre tary to the President, reads, in Appreeiation Cheek Won By Holding Woman DURHAM - Ms. Imo- gene Ray, 20, found she could not take it when she visited Leon Craw ford, 27, with whom she had lived until recently, and found Ms. Phyllis Graham, 24, and Craw ford looking at televi sion, then allegedly pro ceeded to kill the man and wound the woman, about 8 p.m. on Thurs day, Sept. 14. According to arresting offic ers. Ms. Ray Is reported as having lived with Crawford for 4 years. The two are said to have come to a parting of the ways about 4 days before the shooting. It was reported that Ms. Ray came to (he house to ask Cr-'wford to keep her 2- year-oid daughter over the weekend. Upon finding Phyllis there and. with Crawford refusing to keep the child. Imugene report edly went into the bedroom, armed herself with Crawford's 38-calibre pistol and came out shooting. Crawford was pro nounced dead upon arrival at Duke Medical Center, from shots in the head and chest. (See SLAIN IN. P.2) 300 Are Jobless In *Fuss* National Black Newt Service WASHINGTON. D. C. - tensive review ol lie entire Became ot Oie dispute between situation to determine what the Labor Department and action bv ihe Execulive East Coast apple growers over Branch is warranted. The Pre- who should gel jobs picking sident expects to receive the apples, about 300 Puerto Altomev General's reeom- Ricana have been lelt without mendation in the near lulure. jobs and living in Virginia and Until Ihe President has had Ihe West Virginia motels at I See PRES CARTER, P.21 (See JOBLESS. P 21 and lull, as follows: Dear Mrs. diavis Familv, On behalf oi the President, I want to (hank vou lor vour letter asking that he meet with vou and members ot vour familv during his pending visit to North Carolina. I regret that such a meeting will not be possible. As vou know, the Attorney G«)eral has been conducting an ex- MAY BECOME HEAVTl- CtAN Raleigh Ms. JaAiiae Little hgt been reletked (roni s roaxinuin security wing of Raleigh’s Women's Prisen and enrolled la a cosmetology coarse, prison officials said Sept. IS. (UPl) CRIME BEAT KOITOn-S MtTK: Tbli tmlmms sr Ifalarr O praSacH ka ihp paSUr WUrFM altk aa ttai laaante HlailMUaf (u Naairraat InSitlSaaU aahp ra- mtntra Uial 'Wy Sr ii\rm U»a emsISrrt- Itan a( atrrhmkiap ikflr tMtaa oa (hr patter Maltrr. Thti ar aasM HSr ta lj )la«rtrr. N ta aai aatr nbMIm la Iw )ii^ ar far}. Hr awrrt) paSUak iSr lana ai ar llaS (hrai rrpartrJ Sy (hr arrraUHC a<- (krrt. Ta hrvp aal at TW Crtair Oral t'olamaa. amrty amiaa aal brhu rwips- IrrrO by a pofirr afOerr la rrpa^plite (Mhipaklkaa4a(\.Sa»lMrty hrrpan Ihr "ftaKrr" anS yaa »aa-f hr la Thr (rtnr Bra( “WRANGLER" BLUE JEA.NS ■SWIPED" Timothy Cofield. 21. of 1518 Burgundy St.; Larry Williams. 20. of 2508 Baney CL. and Melvin Harris, S, of 525 Lan sing St., were all charged with larceny in the Thursday morn ing offense reported by Conso lidated Cleaners and Laundry of America, Ltd. The 3 are al leged to have taken and carried away some $380 in Wrangler blue jeans. The arresting offic er wasW. T. Liles. (SeeCRlME BEAT. P. 2) (SeeSOUTH PARK.P 2> There was onlv one winner ot a $10 check in last week's Appreciation Monev Feature. However, (wo other names were listed on the page, which is the last page in the front section oi The CAROLINIAN. It is sponsored bv merchants and businesses, who are interested in securing vour patronage. ITie winner last week was Norman W. Averv, oi 2010 Eldwin Dr., who spotted his name in the advertisement paid for bv Jeffries Jewelers, 137 S. Salisbury St. Mr. Averv (See APPRECIATION. P. 2 RLAiK .STUDENTS' SOflETY OFFICERS — Ms. Sherry W llliamh. Atlanta, is prcsidenl of the S