\ ShaM' University’s New President Declares * Students* Delinquent Bills Hurting* ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ it it it Financial R-WC A Backs Pay Hikes K For Council And Mayor AROLINIAN VOL. 37 NO. 47 iVorth Carolina*i Leading Weekly DEDICATED TO THE SPIRIT OP JESUS CHRIST RALEIGH, N.C.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c Man Also Faces 4 Other Felonies Murder Trial Begins Stressed Shaw University held its annual fall Convoca tion on Friday, Sept. 22, commemorating the formal opening of its U4th academic year. It was held at ll a.m. in the Spaulding Gymnasium on the campus. Or. Stanley H. SoilUi, presi dent 01 Shaw, delivered the convocaUon address, stressing the need tor the private, predominantlv-black colleges, such as Shaw. The president emphasized a need lor students to pav their bills, saving this I See SHAW HOLDS.?. 2) By Raleigh Housing Authoirity Motherf 4 Kids Evicted SCENES AFTER STAR BA8EBALLER SLAIN - Gary. lad. > Gniuhot Matt which killed Call- fomla Angels’ star outfielder Lyman Boetocfc. U clearly visible in this photo (14^} of the car In which he was riding with friends late on the night of Sept. 23. Police have arrested Leonard Smith, bottom right, the estranged husband of a woman passenger riding in the back seat of the auto with Bostock. In top picture, left-to-rl^t, are: Larry Sinclair, mechanic of the Gary pMlce garage and Patrolman Bill McLoughtln of the Gary Police Department. In bottom left photo. Bostock Is shown warming up in the field at Chicago, prlw to the 6th Inning in Sept. 23rd game in Comlskey Park. Gary Is a suburb of Chicago. Bostock had r^wrtedly Just signed a one-half million dollar contract. (UPl) Lewis Sickle Cell Poster Boy In *78 MS. PAMELA A. OWENS Shawite In To p Position CLEVELAND, Ohio — Curtis Shaw, general manager oi Jladio Station WJMO, has announced the addition oi Ms. Pamela A. Owens to his (See SHAW GRAD. P.2) LOS ANGELES, CaUl. — Little James Lewis, III, ot Alexandria, La., will serve as the 1978-79 postm* child tor the National Association tor Sickle Cell Disease, according to Dorothve H. Boswell, execu tive director ot the non-protU health organization. The S-vear-old tirst-grader was selected irom among other regional poster children bv a committee headed bv Dodger superstar, Reggie Smith, wbo was recently named the Asso ciation's National Honorair Chairman. During the coming months, voung James will make public appearances tor the Associ ation to call attenticHi to the lite threatening genetic disease. Ms. Boswell stated that there was a good possibilitv that the youngster would be a special guest in November at the Association’s annual tund-rais- ing dinner and Award ot Distinction ceremony, held to honor a person tor his or her work on behalt ot charity. James is described by his motho’, Mrs. ElsteUa Gilbert, as bright, happy and outgoing wbo, despite o^'casional prob lems related to his condiUon, C^SICKLECELL, P. 2) JAMBS LEWIS, m ‘Set Out ’T' On St.:’ Ms. Quick BY CHARLES R. JONES Managing Editor Ms. Rosa Mae Quick, SSO Dorothea Drive (Her itage Park Apartments), came home from her classes at St. Au^stine’s College on Thursday afternoon. Sept. 21, and found all of her belong ings “set out on the • street.” This is the information she gave this writer after inform ing The CAROLINIAN early in July that she was being evicted and did not think that it was juStSieor^'n?'?**^ —> ■ Ma. Quick, V native of the Fourth Ward section of Ral eigh, from which she was evicted by order of the Raleigh Housing Authority, allegedly agreed after a June 19 hearing, to vacate the {Hemisea by Aug. 31. However, she wrote to Pre sident James Earl (Jimmy) Carter, Jr., received a reply (See MOTHER IS, P. 2) AM£ Zion Meet To Be Celebration BROADWAY - The mission ary checkup ot the Central North Carolina Conierence, AUE Zion Church, which met here Monday, launched a program to celebrate its lOOth anniversary in 1979. The slogan, "From Hood To Hilliard and the Future," was adopted. The slogan w^s intended to depict the growth and development ot the comer- ence, since its touuding in 1879, bv Bishop J. W. Hood, known to be the lather ot Zion Method ism and Prince Hall Masonry in the state. Bishop W. A. Hilliard is now the titular head ot the live-dis trict assembly, which extends trom Selma to the South Carolina line along Highway 391. across to 40l to No. l to (See AME ZION. P. 2) Registration Deadline October 9 Unregistered, voting age citizens ot Wake County have until Monday, Oct. 9 to register to vote to be able to vote in the Nov. 7 gena’al election, ac cording to J. L. "Jet" Pierce, chairman ot the voter r^istra- tkm driva. tor the W^ County Democratic PartV*. * Anyone who is a U. S. citizen and is 18 years ot age. and has been a resident ot his or bo* precinct tor 30 days is eligible to vote, Pierce says. Citizens may roister to vote at the Board ot Elections Oitice on the first floor of the Wake (See REGISTRATION, P. 2) w TWO were coming out of turn 4 when their cars made contact forcing Thompson’s car into and over the wall car wheeling, coming to rest against the chain link retaining fence in a disinte grated cooditioo. Thompemi is in St. Frances HospiUl in critical condition. Barringer Is In guarded condition at St. Francis Hoapitei. (UPl) Would Encourage A Cross-Section BY MS. J. E. HICKS The Raleigh-Wake Citizens Association held its tirst tall meeting Thursday ni^t. Sept. 21 at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church. Invocation was oiiered bv J. H. Cobb, Sr. President Ralph Campbell called tor committee reports. Mrs. Gijiomia Wimberlev, rice president, r^rted on a resolution which had been read at a City O)uoci) meeting in support 01 an increase in salary tor Council members. A salary ot |l(*,000 was suggested tor regular members ot the council Appreciation Checks Claimed By 3 Winners All three persons whose names were listed in last week's CAROLINIAN Appre ciation Money Feature saw their names, came to the office of this newspaper and identified thejnselves, then wmtt to the businesses involved and received their checks in the amount of $10 each. The winners were: Ms. Bea trice Durham, 2104 Gilliam Lane (Biltmore Hills), whose name was listed in the adver- tisemrat paid for by North Hills TV and Appliance Co., North (See APPRECIATION, P. 2) and $12,000 tor the mayor. In view ot the tact ot the rising cost 01 living and in view ot the tact the salarv increases would enable a cross-section ot citizens to serve as council- men, it .was deemed worlh- vriiile to support the measure. The resolution was accepted. The president appointed T. H. Mitchell and James Burt to assist Mrs. Wimberlev in dratting a letter containing the resolution to the council. George Jones, co-chairman ot the Political Action Commit tee, reported that the commit tee. had decided to concentrate (See R-WCA BACKS. P.2) Jury For N.Taylor Selected SMITHFIELD - A jury of 10 whites and 2 blacks was seated Tues day to hear evidence in the first-degree murder trial of Norris Carlton Taylor, 34-year-old black Hampton, Va. native, who is accused in the fatal shooting on Jan. 2 of this year of a model from New York City at a Selma motel in this John ston County area. He is charged in the murder 01 Ms. Kathileen Ann Mancul- lo. shortly beiore midnight on the day in question. The incident look place at the Save Inn, where Tavlor was working under an alias because he was a lugitive irom Justice in Virginia at the time. He claimed at the time that the model had rented the room lor one person, but two had occupied it, y^ich, he said, led to a "1US8," ending in death. Ms. MancuUo’s parents and (See MURDER TRIAL. P 2) Wake Op Sets Mass Meet Here A mass meeting will be hekl Thursday, Sept. 28, at 7 p.m. at Wake County Opportunities, Inc. (Old Thompson School), 567 E. Hargett St. Come bv and be heard on these questions: What should Wake County Opportunities be doing tor the community? What should Wake Opportun ities’ programs and servicqs be? What are the problems in your neighborhood? Should a weltare rights group be lormed? Weliare rights — vour ri^ts (Housing, benetits, utilities, assistance, rent). All 01 these issues will be discussed. Come by Wake County Opportunities Multi- Purpose Center on Thursday, Sept. 28 at 7 p.m. (See WAKE OP. P.2) DR. STANLEY H. SMITH CRIME BEAT TIRED SOLDIERS TAKE A BREAK — Walsrode. West Germany — American soldiers, wearied from taking part in maneuvers called "Saxon Drive," express their tired coodltloa on the side of thclrpersonnel carrier as they take a break here Sept. 21. 'The exercise Is one of 3 cttirently taking place in West Germany. (UPl) Appreciation Mojiey SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK TERRY’S FLOOR FASHIONS "WHESETHElEAVnOFYOURflOOglSmiR CONCERH" EDITOR'S NOTE: ThU celene er (nlv* li preSueeS lo Ute paMk iaUml wUk me min lewenh eliniMUaf tu c«*- (raU. SMimrrem* imSlvldmmli let* re- aeectcd Uat (h«y hr jdtni tJte cMuWer*- liern ot evetleoklmt Ilimlr lltlimi m Dm mUcR MMIcr. DiH m* wmM uCr le 4*. llBwiwer. k eur mWm Is be >sdsc or Inn. Wc merely mUWi Um lartt at we riwd «aem resorted by Ike irretllmc ef- fken. Te kecm oot el The Crime Beat ' mm. merel) steam not befaic reitt- 1 by ■ M^e ameer la remnmx hit ap wwi^ daty. 8s tlma^beef ell "Blitter'’ mad ym wsa'C he la The Crime Bsai. ACCUSED IN ASSAULT Oaicer C. E. Lewis was called to 713 Pevton St. Sunday morning. Mrs. hlargaret Ann Noble, 32, had received minor neck bruises and ahe charged that William Noble, 51, same address, had grabbed and aaaaulted her. (See CRIME RFJkT. P. 2) WEATHER 'rbe five-day weather fareeast for the period Wednesday. S^. 27, Ihrmgb Sunday, OcL 1, Is as foUowi: Cloody and partly elondy skies covered the state Wednesday, with an increasing chance ef rain later Wedaesday alght and Thurs day, partlcalarly la the west ern sections. Chance ef rain on Wednesday night In the eastern arMS was abeot 20 percent. High temperatures Wednesday and Thursday will be generally la the 76t. with some low 80s in ■outheastem couatles and $•■ in the mountains. Lows Wed nesday night were la the 56s and mld-66s. The extended forecast ealli for a slow warming tread, with Increas ing clottdiness and ■ chance ef rain on Friday and again about Sunday. High temperatures will range la the mid-76s In the eastern section of the State and the ^per 66s In the mouatains. Lows at night will be In the 56s faa the mountains and the mid 66s elsewhere across the state tbrongh Sunday. CARTER MEETS WITH BLACK CAUCUS: CONYERS WALKS OUT — Wartlaglai — PrMl- d«it Carter meeU wilb the Coagrewloul BUck Ceucw at the WkHe HaaM Bept. ». la cealar If Rep. Parrea MItehell, U-Md., chalrmao, an