John Virtues Extolled By Pres. Carter, Gov. Hunt, Sen. Mortfo/., Baker Praised At ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ For Needy Area Families Wake Op Has Fuel Here The Carolinian jlichurl i, U'-i**'!®*'’ tl'.r-iry 1400 ile will be helped by this donation. It’s this kind of response from indi'Stry that indicates real care for people in need." CHARLOTTE - Perhaps the most dynamic resolutiem that came out of the 3Sth annual meeting of the State Confo-- ence of NAACP Branches which closed here Sunday was the announcement of Kelly Miller Alexander. Sr., presi dent, that the Political Action (Committee would exert enough political clout to find a suitable candidate (black) in either ooe of the major political parties to be elected to the U.S. Congress in 1980. (See STATE NAACP. P. 2) BY .XLEXANDEH BARNES FAYETTEVILLE - Politics seem to be the main thrust of (he N.C. General Baptist Slate Convention as ihe delegates moved into the Wednesday session, Oct. 25. John Ingram won the endorsement for the U.S. Senate, while local Demo cratic candidates got the nod for both stale and local offices. The CAROLINIAN was not able to ascertain whether any Republican candidates were invited to appear. The race for tl.v- presidency of largest black religious body in the slate was consider ed a toss-up between Dr. J. Ray Butler. Winston-Salem; Dr. J. R. Manly. Chapel Hill, and Dr. E. B Turner, Lumberton. One worth of differences betwem any of the candidates ” Dr. J. J. Johnson, the retiring hesd, gave a preview of his annual address Tuesday njght when he got resolutions passed (hat commended Preri- dent Jimmy Carter for his work in human rights, both at (See POLITICS. P. 2) ATTENDS WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING. LUNCHEON — Ralph E. Campbell, Sr., of 819 E. ^ratOQ St., prestdeoi the Ralel^Wake Citizens Associ ation. received a Mailgram from Ibe While Honse in Washington, O.C. on Satnrday, Oct. 21. The Mailgram contained an InvluUon to a hrieflng and read as follows: "President Carter invites yen talheJVhlU House ai 2:45 a.m. on Wedneeday, October 28, for a hrieflng by his senior advisers, Inclndlng Ambassador Andrew Yonng. followed by a hnffel luneheoo with him. Confirmation or regrets required. Cali Linda Baker at 292-456-1414." The invitation was signed by I.oais Martin, Special AssbUnt to the President. Other Raleigh blacks who received lirniiar Invitations were: Harold Webb, state personae! director. John Wesley Winters, Sr., former slnte senator snd now a member of the N.C. Utilities Commbsioo, John W. Winters. Jr., John H. Baker, Jr., former aide to U.S. Senator Robert B. Morgso (D-N.C.), and State Senator Clarence Everett Lightner. former Raleigh mayor. All attended the briefing, except Mr. Baker, who b presently in the midst of campaign to become Wake County's first black sheriff since Reconstruction. CRIME BEAT MAN STRIKES COP Last Thunday at 3 a.m., Dennis H. Jones, 22, of 1829 Londonderry Circle, was charged with alleged assault on an officer. Officer K.D. Andrews classified the alleged assault as striking by hands as he filed the charges. (See CRIME BEAT. P. 2) SENATOR BROOKE TELLS WOES TO N.C.'S SENATOR MORGAN — WashingtonSen. Ed ward Brooke, R-Mass. (left), cfaau with Sen. Robert Morgan. D-N.C.. of the Senate Ethics Com mittee, Oct. 24, as Brooke appeared in defease against suggestions hb lawyers have delayed the Investigation of his flnancbl affairs. (UPl)