Over Financial Matters Senior iJitizen^s Dispute Reported •‘I HAVE EIGHT KIDS TO Bl'R Y*'—-New Orleans—Mrs. Ida Perkini, tbe motber of six young* slers and the grandmother of two others who were killed in a fire here Dee. 24, tlU at her slater’s house in despair, “i have eight kids to bury and I'm trying to get some help." she said. Only three persons in the five-room apartment escaped the fire, believed caused by faulty Christmas tree wirins. it'Ph ATLANTA. Ga —The high rate of cancer deaths among blacks in a hook shaped region curving from St. Louis through the South and on to Boston may be pollution-related, said Ralph Jennings, . U.S, Environment al Protection Agency chemist, in a recent address here before us, minority editors Jennings, a graduate of Alcorn A4M State University and Michigan SUte. is chief of Toxic Substances, Air and Materials Division of EPA’s Region IV which embraces this city. He pointed to the large number of man-made aUaiUMii humans and the total envirmi- ment are not fully known. But whatever their effects, blacks and other minorities who are concentrated near industrial plants are more likely to experience them than any other group. Then the chemist focused on CITIES ELECT BLACKS RICHMOND, Va.—Russell Otiey, a black, was elected mayor of Bedford, Va, The only black member of the cily council, Otiey was chosen by the other members to serve as mayor, Otiey is a supervisor for the Lynchburg, Va, school system, Bedford's 6,011 population is 17,4 percent black. Two other Virginia city councils elected incumbent black mayors: Henry L, Marsh of Richmond and Hermanze E, Fauntle- roy. Jr, of Petersburg, In Portsmouth. Va.. James W. Holley, III was selected to be the city’s first black vice-mayor. First elected to the city council in 1968, Holley is a dentist and real estate investor. saying that in thehoS^baped region from St. Louis to Dallas to New Orleans to Atlanta and on through the Carolinas to New York and Boston, where a large number of blacks reside, the cancer death rate among those 6044 is 724.0 per 100,000, compared with S50.S for whites. Jennings challenged the news paper people to carry the message to their readers. And for presenting and (SeeCHEM^. P.2) Minority Firm Gets Contract DC Police Officers Refuse To Take Sides believed Johnson may have been provoked into tbe allied p.C. Afro-American Police shooting. His remarks caused Officers Association has voted controversy among some unanimously to pass a members of the organization, resolution that neither supports (jqj vvant to be nor rejects the position of connected with supporting Tmewe Johnson, the 15-year- anyone charged with killing old black youth accused of two police officers. However, killing two police pf.icers last twenty-seven members summer attended a meeting called to Ronald Hampton, president take a formal vole expressing of tiM ISO-member group, spoke the organization's position on on behalf of Johnson, at a Johnson, recent rally, saying that he (SeeDCPOLICE.P.2) National Black News Service WASHINGTON, D. C. - A black-owned business that started in 1971 with a <20,000 computer-coding contract has signed an <8 million service contract — one of tbe largest ever awarded under tbe Small Business Administration mi nority aid fH-ogram. Raven Systems and Re search, will provide data processing services for tbe Environmental Protection A- gency. According to president and founder, Raymond A. Mott, 39, the EPA contract allows Raven to double its work force, from ISO to 300 people. Raven is headquarter ed at 500 E St.. S. W... has (See MINORITY. P.2) ir-kir Durham ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ SiivvessfuUy Defended Ms JoAnne Little Officials Paul May Leave State The Carolinian —According to a report coming from yorth Carolina's Leading Weekly DEDICATED TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST VOLUME 38. NO. 9 RALEIGH. N.C.—THURS., DEC. 28,1978 SINGLE COPY 20c Mobile Home Tragedy Perishes In Fire ★ ★★ ★ ★★ Patients Would Be Moved To Nursinjl Sites CountyHomePlanOK*d E.Cofield Chairman Of Group Chemist: High Rate Of Black Cancer Deaths Is Pollution The Wake Co..nty Board of Commission ers’ Human Resources Committee last Thursday approved a plan by which the,-35 elderly residents of Raleigh’s Wake County Home, located on WhiUker Mill Road, will be moved to nursing homes in the area or medical institutions. The comtniUee—composed of chairman Elizabeth B. Cofield and memabers Vaasar P. Sbearon and J. Stewart spending more than $170,000 to renovate the SS-yeer-old (SeeCOUNTY HOME. P. 2) Boy Held As Vandal Suspect Victim Stayed Alone Nallonai Btaek New* Service WASHINGTON. D.C.-A one- month investigation by four Prince Georges County, Maryland police officers has resulted in tbe arrest of a 15- year-old BeltsviUe youth, who Is charged with vandalizing th home of a black Beltsvllle, Md. family. The home Joseirfi Miller of 4601 Lincoln Avenue had been vandalized three times since July. The home's electric meter was blown up and on two occasions the house and car were spray-painted. Officers were assigned to the case after to be Tribute To vandalized once isn't that m /r-m -wr- -w unusual," detective Stephen 1V| | Jf*, ‘ROOKIE OF YEAR" RELAXES-Trsy. Mlch.-Reiaxing in Us Troy home recently, Al "Bnbba" Baker enjoys the music coming through the headphones. Baker, defensive right end for the Detroit Lions since the day be walked into training camp last June, came up with 22 quarterback sacks In his first pro season—good credentials for UPl’s NFC rookie of the year sciecUon. (UPl) Attorney Cites 2 Reasons For Acts GREENSBORO — Attorney Jerry Paul of (Thapel Hill, who was suspended from practicing law in the Middle District, which encompasses 28 counties, says he is not sure whether he will remain in this state. The lawyer, who defended Miss JoAnne Little against a murder rap several years ago, was suspended from practicing for one year last Thursday by -ChariesUw Oanh Mitchell (c).(l’PI) Appreciation Morvey SPOTLIGHT THIS WEEK HEILIG-LEVINE OF RALEIGH “WHERE YOU ALWAYS RECEIVE FVRHnVRERARCAlRS" HIT-AND-RUN VICTIMS—New York—The body of one victim lies in tbe street and the body of a child lies on the hood of this car after a bit and run accideat killed six people Dec. 2$ walkfaig home from a Chnitmas party. Police said the car was golnx "ul least 60 miles an hoar" when it plowed into the Rrooklyn famil> as they crossed an inlersertinn. (UPl) BDITOR'a NOTE; TSto caiaas er iMUOl Is w4»f*4 *■ Ifce Wuraw «IU as ala lawaHs eUalaatlag Ha eaatamtt. Naaeraas tallvUaala hava rasaaataS tkal Uay Sa glvra esasM- ■ratlaa la avartaaklag IMr IkUag aa Ut malice felattar. TUa «a wwM ffte la 4a. llaafaTtf, k b aaa ear pasMaa la S» )a4ga erpwj. Wa arrtly paMWi Uw facia at wa (lag tkaa ra|»#na4 hy iha arraailag •ffkar*. Ta Saa* aal a( Uia CtIbm Baal calaB*B9. aiaraly ■caat aa< Setag ragbtarag by a (wUra Wdear la rasaritag Ua fla4l^ wbllaaa 4a(). SattasHy keo iff tba “btattar'' sag yaa waa't ba la IV CrlawBast.