ICity Commission Votes uVeterans Pic.” As Nome ALBANY, Ga. (AP)-The City Commission last week voted to rename a park “Veteran Park” after Vietnam veterans vocally op posed a proposal to name it after tbe late C.B. King, a Mack attorney who paved the way for civil rights demonstrations in Albany during the 1MQ>. The commission voted 4-2 to mum it Veterana Park, with two black com misaiooers voting against tbe name One black commissioner, Charles Sherrod, proposed naming the park “C.B. rang Veterana Park,’’ but the proposal failed. Sherrod wanted the name to C.B. rang Park to honor die promi nent Albany attorney. King died March 15 while undergoing treatment for cancer in Tijuana, Mexico. He was 64. The park, located in a bucolic set ting along the Flint River, has an am phitheater and paths along the river bank. It had previously beep known as Riverfront Park. Members of the local chapter of the Veterana of the Vietnam War said racial considerations should have no bearing on the name selection. i pare snouia oe nonor ing all veterans, not Just one man,” said Eddie Seyfarth, SB, vice com mander of the local WW post. “Our main goal is to unite the Viet nam veterans with his brothers and find the peace of mind they’ve been searching for,” said John G. Griffin, 40, of Foulan, the post commander. Griffin said a contingent of veterans would attend the commis sion meeting to argue against the Sherrod proposal. Reeidents favoring the C.B. King proposal also were ex --n A. -*»--» Docioci 10 mvvHMi Besides the new name, Bays has promised the veterans a $1,000 con tribution to help them erect a Viet War memorial. The WW has picked Albany as the site for its na tional convention next year. The mayor announced the decision I to name the park Veterans Park dur ing a ceremony on March 0, marking the arrival of the Moving Wall, a reproduction of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The wall was on display in Albany through March 14. Bays said ha and four commit [slonors had signed a pledge to sup Doit the name chantt. Sborrod anc WllUams did not sign the pledge. ac quitted recently on theft charge stemming from allegations that the; had cheated on thatr city expense ac i of C.B. King’s law firm i Calls to Sherrod’s homi unanswered Tuesday afternoon. > b; secretary at Williams’ insurance of fice said be was out. Bays said in an interview that he plans to meet soon with Carol King, the attorney’s widow, to discuss a suitable memorial to honor her hus band. King helped defend the Rev. Martin LuUier King and Ralph Abernathy during civil rights demonstrations of the early 1960s and was successful in having an injunction lifted in June 1964 that had blocked public protests in Albany. i “I find it particularly unforgivable that a few people would take such a tragic event as the death of C.B. King and try to use it for political gains," said the mayor, noting that Sherrod has vowed to continue his opposition. “I would hope and pray for the sake of the [King] family that he would not continue to do this,” said the mayor. “It’s certainly not for their benefit, it’s got to be for his own. “Some have run their political careers by screaming racism, but the record clearly speaks for itself,” Bays added, noting that Albany within the last year has named its first black police chief, its first black recorders court judge and its first jmvuv urvuubt. “This town has changed. Its at titudes have changed tremendously and we’ve got some people who don’t want to see change,’’ the mayor said. “A few people don’t know how to deal with this.” LAWYER WONT GIVE UP LAVONIA. Ga. —Some black attorneys in Georgia have called on Livonia attorney An drew J. HUI, Jr. to give up his bid for president of the state bar of Georgia because of his use of a racial slur in a conversation with another attorney. Hill, who is also secretary of the legal group, said he was "Just kidding" and will not withdraw or resign. Earlier this month, Hill told a colleague he had Joked with retired Superior Court Judge W. Colbert Hawkins, saying, "Now. listen, Colbert, we don’t want any nigger cases up here like you had down in Millen." Hawkins presid ed over a celebrated child custody case Involving a mixed race child born to a white woman. Hill made the remark in the presence of a reporter and photographer from the Fulton Cwtty Dally Report, so Atlanta i legal newspaper, which reported r the conversation. “I don’t Intend to resign as ' ' secretary, and I don’t intend to withdraw as a candidate, and I believe that’s all I have to say,"-' he commented. VIEWPOINTS (Continued from page 4) Moat folka that I know are vary happy that Gov. Jim Martin ia supporting tboaa initiatives and that his Minority Executives Council is bringing before him. That the council’s primary concerns are the affairs and well-being of our state’s minority population, is a given. The governor especially established the council to advise him on such matters. But why would Gov. Jim Martin . heed the council and other black ledershlp voices around our state? Because he knows what apparently Bob Jordan does not. The things that black leader ship are asking him as governor to support are good for our state's minority community and more important they are, overall, good for all of North Carolina. Finally, let’s not forget that racial epithets being what they are, have a negative purpose: refer to this group by calling it something racially offen rive, call it a name when addressing the other group and vice versa. For black North Carolinians especially, the question becomes unavoidable, “In closed-door meetings with us, behind our becks, if Bob Jordan is calling white folks 'rednecks’ what is he calling us, behind our backs, when he is meeting with white folks?’’ So the only thing left for us to decide come November of this year is, do we really want an acknowledged redneck to become the next governor of our state? ■ EDITORIAL (Continued from page 4) au Americans ana outer people throughout the world. “Imagine life without the sub way, the traffic light, and the elevator,” Congressman Flake said “Think of hew the progress of industry might have been hampered if railroads did not have the making and electrical systems they have today and if cities wer not equipped with elec trical systems. These advances mtributions of black many of whom have ran proper credit for ecause of their race.” an Ernst Matteliger to invention ade by-hand. The ing machine the sole and could sir of shoes , day signmcani reduction in ume ana labor costs and substantially in creased business profits. Subse quently, everyone Interested in buying machinery questioned whether it had “the real McCoy,” and that popular expression has continued in use today to indicate genuine quality. Therefore it is fitting that the birthday of Elijah McCoy, who so modernized the industrial world, should be designated “National Black American Inventors Day,” in recognition of the contributions of these gifted men and women. “The passage of thin legislation illustrates the broad support for accurately disseminating infor mation on the contributions of Flake said. “By providing recognition of the ac complishments of these black Americans we learn respect for eacbother which is the foundation for long-term cooperation of all my colleagues across this greet country and from every ethnic background reflects hope for the future as we all strive to work toward interracial cooperation.” REGULAR GUEST—Kenneth Murray pvnucii ivi a me men i wvnte appeinviy on WSHA’t “Foresight.” Murray is e regular guest on the shew which airs Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Photo by TaHb Sabir-CaKoway) LAB ANIMAL TECH (IV) Needed immediately, NCSU Col lege of Veterinary Medicine: Superviie the care and manage ment of animal* u»ed in teaching and research. 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