fen And €rn00 * BY RKV. MARTIN J. CARTER When the sixth hour cam* there was darkneu aver the whole land until the ninth hour And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Elol, Slot, lama •abachthaniT" which means, “My God, my God, why have you deserted moT” Whoa some of those who stood by nourU tarn, tney said, “Listen, ho is calling on Elijah.” Someone ran and soahod a sponge fat vinegar and, putting it on a rood, gave It to him to drink, saying, “Walt and see If Elijah will come to take Mm down." But Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last. And the vdl of ! the TCmple was torn In two from top to bottom. The centurion, who was standing In front of him and had soon how ho died, said, “Clearly this man was a son of God" (Mark The soldier had been watchlnt Joans die. The soldier had scon many men die before he watched Jesus die. This soldier had probably even seen men die at his own hand. How is it then that he was able to give testimony to the identity of JesusT How did he know that “Clearly thfa man was the 800 of God?” The soldier witnessed noonday become dark. The soldier heard thi whispering words of Jesus, “My God, my God, why have you deserted mot" tlon of the crowd, “Walt and too If Elijah wlU coma to take him down." The Midler witaoaaod Jeaaa crying oot and broathlng hit laat breath. The Midler probably did not know until later that “the veil of the temple was tarn In two from top to bottom.’* Except ter the noonday becoming dark, what the soldier witnessed was net very exceptional. He may even have had ether eccaalene on which be had witnessed an eclipse of the sun m an ecUga* of the moon. This soldier was responsive to the gift of faith that God was offering to him. Because he was sensitive to the prompHap of the Spirit in hia own heart and In the experiences of his own Ufa, he could behove that Jeans was the Son of God. He eoald believe „ that the man crucified was the Son of God. He eoald heUeve that in the face of ultimate defeat he was In the prsstnr'ssf flirt This soldier had boon washed laths blood of Jesus. Thta soldier had been washed la the blood of the Son of God. Ibis soldier said, “YES!” to being washed In the blood of the Lamb. The recognition of Jesus as the Son of God In the depth of his suffering is ear dally straggle. Our culture has a tendency to want to gat rid of suffer ing and pain. Just think of the number of painkillers advertised on televl. sisal Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Anactn, and others bombard our eyes and ears between acts of our favorite shows. The net of the nutter la that fan and aaffering are part of the haaua condition. To experience pain and aaffering la part of what It meana to ha haaun. We are finite belnga who fey ear very aatare will experience pain and aaffering. He significance of the death of Jeans Is net that we will he spared pain and aaffering. The significance of fee death of Jeans la that fee pain and aaffering that comes to ns aa part at ear human condition can have meaning. It la morbid to look for pain and suf fering. hot It la human to have paia and aaffering. It Is mentally unhealthy to wallow la pain and suf fering, bat It Is hamaa to be visited by misfortune, Illness, and death. While we work to minimise pain and suffer ing, we must understand that pain and suffering are part of our human times to oar owe lives we must look inward to the dark center of our be know Out the Son of Ged is to ns in ear flaitade. The Son of Ged hung on the acacia tree hi eider that we can bear the pain and suffering, which is part of being human, with dignity and grace. We have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, ear pain and saffering have meaning. We cannot escape ear flaitade. bat we can make the best of it. We can unite oar pain and saffering to the pain and saffer ing of Jeans and drink Cram His blood far strength, courage, and dignity In the face of any of life’s obstacles. The humanity of the Son of God means that Ged has taken on our humanity, oar flaitade. Jesus hung on the acacia tree to let as know that we count fer something. We are precious In His sight. Jesas came to save the finite. The Infinite needs no salvation HHHpm lose a child, they ask, “Why met* i is visited with a ter ask. “Why mer’ll mmj wmwm. to SSk. "Why USl mef’’ hat is UT Everyday that thingi ge well, we can thank Gad hr the gift of Ufa, the gift of health, the gift el ' » nod the sift of these whs ■r- *; ■■■ ... .. * ; love ui tod thoee whom wo love. Jetui cried oat, “My God, my God, vhy hove yoa deierted mar’ iometlmee terrible thlaga hove hap* posed to u* daring oar Uvee, thing! too painful to handle. Some people have been roped er have been the vic tims of Incest er have been ahaeed by or spouses. Some ere the ef such evil against those who depend open them and love them. People who have had Intense personal tragedy In their lives havi probably asked God this same goes tlon, “My God, my God, why have /oa deserted me?” The abased ipoase, the victim ef Incest, the child of an alcoholic parent has felt In the dark center of their being deserted by God. Jesas cried oat, “My God, my God, why have yoa deserted me?” Sometimes fear grips oar hearts. Sometimes the fear Is ceased from the fear of change or the fear of economic disaster or the tear of being alone or the tear ef abandonment, lesas touches as to heal oar fears and Let as Identify the feelings ef aban donment of Jesas as He hang on the cross and know ho has touched ae with belonging, coarngo, and itrength In the face of fear. God has never deserted anyone. Qod Is the Hound of Heaven, who par snes as through the good times and the bad times and the very, very bed times. God sent the Word to tell as that we are special to God, no matter what we have suffered or are are suf fering. loaay mi us liana u ut im m me croe* with the soldier and In faith pm claim, “Clearly thla man la the bon ot Qod.” Let as place ear aafferiaga at the feet at Jeaaa. Let aa rejoice la ear flnitade heeaaae it it part of what makee aa ereatarea. Let aa came to the Creator Jaat aa we are, with eat one plea, hat that the Blood of Jeaaa waa shod for aa. We come juat aa we are to the Lamb of God. Jeaaa toaehaa ear hoarta with affection and leva, and we are keeled, ae matter what. We are healed! Jeeaa forgive*. Jeaaa hoala. Jeaaa roceaeUaa. Let aa give teattaaoay to Mir faith la Jeeaa tonight by forgiving me another. Let aa give teatlmoay to ear faith hi Jeeaa tonight by offering the leader head of healing to one another. Let aa he reconciled at local hi ear hoarta with thoee who have done aa wrong, maybe even very, very wrong. When we reach eat in forghronaea ta othera, we are healed earaelvea. When we reach oat to tench othera with healing, we are made prhela oaroelvea. Whoa we reach eat to reconcile ethers, we are recandled ia ear hoarta. Let aa come to the feet of the areas last as we are, wtthoat one ploe, hat that the Blood of Jeeaa was shed far as. We come as we are to the Lamb at God. Jeaaa teaches ear hoarta with iffocticn and lave, and we are healed, no matter what. We are healed! I extend aa invitation to all readers to write to me at the Office for Black Ministry aad Evangelisation, MS Car dinal Gibbon* Drive, Raleigh IWM and share with me your thoaghta, feeHnp and questions cheat what you read in “Pen aad Croaa.” If yoo weald prefer to call, the telephone number is MdlB. Shirley Caesar Releases New Qospel Record The phenomenal Shirley Caeaai the “First Lady of Gospel,” he released a new album titled "Shirle Caesar-Live in Chicago with tb Reverend Milton Brunson and th Thompson Community Singers” o Word Records’ Rejoice label. Ms. Caesar has recorded more tha SO albums during her SS-year caree including two gold albums, “I’ll Go and “Stranger on the Road," and gold single, “Don’t Drive Youi Mother Away.” To date she has wo live Grammy Awards. Despite her busy schedule, Mi Caesar will perform in the Christie musical melodrama, “Rasohitlons, throughout the Southeast region. Throughout her extraordinar career, Ms. Caesar has placed sei vice to her fellow man hr th forefront. A Durham City Counc member, she operates Shirley Cases Outreach Ministries, Inc., a not profit organisation which also pm video food and shelter for foe undo privileged. She is also co-paatar < Mt. Calvary Holy Church in Wins* Salem, with ner husband, B&bo Ivory Williams. Ms. Caesar has also won seven awards and honors and was the fin Gospel singer in history to win -Grammy, her other honors indudi Ebony magasine’s award for b« female gospel singer, the NAACP In age Achievement Award and a honorary doctorate of phUoooph ■ degree in humanttlsa fret tome Let» Tiling! BY EVA L. PERRY GOD'S KIND CARE Jod hath not promised 8klea always blue, Flower-strewn pathways, All our lives through; God hath not promised Sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, Peace without pain. God hath not promised We shall not know Toil and temptation, Trouble and woe; He hath not told us We shall not bear Many a burden, Many a care. God-hath not promised Smooth roads and wide, Swift, easy travel, Needing no guide; Never a mountain, Rocky and steep, Never a river, Turbid and deep: But God hath promised Strength for the day, Rest for the labor, Light for the way, Grace for the trials, Help from above, Unfailing sympathy, Undying love. —Annie Johnson Flint Listen, open your Bible and look carefully through the promises of God, and find out exactly what He has vowed to do for you and me. We must know the will of God in order to be wise. The lady who wrote the forego ng poem has really learned iomething about life. It is well understood that we shall have tribulations here in this world—but it is so comforting to know that in Josus we still have peace in the midst of every storm. Those of us who live godly shall suffer persecu tion—but it will not be greater than what we are able to endure. All of God’s promises and provisions are for the good of His dear people. Sure deliverance! Trust Him. Read your Bible prayerfully and think! Southeastern University in Charleston, 8.C. She has performed at Radio City Mm# Ball, Constitution Hall, and the White House and is e member of the Durham City Council. She is an honorary member of the Board of Directors of Shaw Divinity School. RECEIVING AWARD—Tha Vary Rav. Marfln J. CartorTI.A., rho wittat a weakly column far Tha CAROLHAN, "Fan and :««»,” racalved an award from Shaw DfvMtv Ichaal during thoSSttifaundor’aavonthaldatthtachaaranawtocatteflM HMtap Drfvt and Rush StraaL Raw. Cartar it ptoturad with Dr. Jamas Z. Alaxandar. (Photo by Sit tar Marta Faabart) NC Ushers To Hold 63rd Annual Mid*Year Event The 63rd annual Mid-Year Session «f the Interdenominational Ushers Association of North Carolina, Inc., will be held at the Ushers Home in Franklinton on Sunday, April 10, beginning with Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. The annual sermon win be ielivered by Rev. C.A. Perry, pastor, New Jerusalem Church of Christ, which meets in the ushers’ bunding. Breakfast and lunch will be served by the Orange County Ushers. Plana for the new retirement complex will be discussed. This complex will be named the Austin-Jones Home, in honor of two of the deceased officers who were pioneers in the group’s endeavors: Dr. L.E. Austin, presi dent for 80 yean and eauor-puousner of the Carolina Times, Durham, and Ms. Hattie Jones of Chapel Hill, who served for 80 yean as president of the Fint Aid Department. Clifton Stooe of Carrboro is the pre sent president, serving since 1868, and Clyde Moore, Jr., of Durham, is the financial officer. This organisation has membership consisting of ushers from Gresnsboro, by way of Vlrgllina, Va. to Wilmington on the coast ATTEND CHURCH FAIR HOUSING Each year the CRy of Raleigh observes the month of April as Fair Housing Month. The purpose of the Fair Housing Office ia to administer the Fair Housing Or dinance No. (lt7«)S30 for the City of Raleigh. The Fair Housing Ordinance makes it a violation of the law to discriminate against any person because of their nice, color, religion, sox or national origin in the access of renting, buying, selling and purchasing of hous ing. If you feel that you have been ilscrimlnated against In the ibove-meuttauod areas, ask the Fair Housing Ofifce to check Into It. Call Jerry A. Grady at •M4IM. ^ vaH i a I A . A I a * AI ,rn A 1 A i A i \ol .viol Two sacred holidays in spring, According to our faith, will bring Observances remembering What started long ago; For lessons of our faith reveal The story of that famous meal Which even now will still appeal lb all of those who go, lb mark the Hebrew slaves’ release, Or pray for sin and war to cease, So earthly man can live in peace; And thus it’s apropos lb pass along by word and deed, Whatever be our chosen creed, This joyful message we should heed, For all the world to know. A —Gloria Nowak THE EVENT MAY BE DIFFERENT BUT THE FEAST IS THE SAME KIMBRELL’S FURNITURE CO. 9 DOWNTOWN RALfelOM LOCATIONS TO SINVS VOUI JOHN W WINTERS REALTY 507 East Martin Street Raleigh 828-5786. BRISTOL-MYERS PRODUCTS CO. MornsviNe. N. C 467-3500 THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS URGE YOU TO ATTEND YOUR CHOSEN HOUSE OF WORSHIP THIS SABBATH: UPCHURCH’S EXXON SERVICE CAROtINA POWER ANO LIGHT CO HUDSON BELK ^owntuwn Ciabtiee Valley Mall Thus it is joy to pus to the world below. P^SMITH'S SHOE SERVICE 4J3S Glenwcod Ave 787 2683 :i‘rn » .4 l; I'UU'M.; i :/l> BRAGG STREET GROCERY STORE 710 Bratg Street Ph 034-9903 WPJL CHRISTIAN RADIO OF RALEIGH 1240 AM FOR FREE INFORMATION GUIOE PHONE 034 6401 DANIELS OF RALEIGH; INC. Am* Employees 213 S Wilmington St. 033-2440 OAVIOSON'S JEWELERS 19 West Hargett Street 832-6949 TERRY’S FURNITURE CO. 214 East Martin Stieet 032-0134 » ■