i 1 D Affecting Entire State N.C. STATE LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS DEPT. 109 E. JONES ST. RALEIGH NC 27611 Setbacks Merely Slow Jackson Race BY CHESTER A. HIGGINS NNPA News Editor WASHINGTON, D.C.-Jesse L. Jackson's phenomenal race for the ‘ Democratic presidential nomination, slowed somewhat by New York and Pennsylvania primary setbacks, won’t materially affect his impact on the Democratic National Convention, in Atlanta. In fact, according to Ron Walters, a 1984 deputy chairman for issues in the Jackson campaign, even if Jackson fails to win another state caucus or primary, he will arrive at that convention with a considerable amount of clout in delegate and voter support strength so tnis leads to au kinds of specuia tion, much of it still being kicked around like a National Football League pigskin in pundit columns and on TV/radio talking heads shows. The what will Jesse want? plaint has taken over from that other nervous query, what does Jesse want? Speculation that Jackson might ac cept a place on the Democratic ticket as vice president (he constantly ex presses disdain for this office, saying it only involves a vote to break a Senate tie), or become the nation's drug czar, or some kind of am bassador plenipotentiary, any of which he mav be temperamentally Manned Vehicles To Mars Target Of New A&T Space Project BY RICHARD E. MOORE Special To The CAROLINIAN GREENSBORO—If man ever reaches Mars, the work of A&T State University scientists will have played a major role in that ac complishment. A&T has been selected for a cooperative $8.4 million program with North Carolina State University to conduct long-term research and to develop technologies to send manned vehicles to Mars and beyond. A&T and N.C. State will comprise one of nine University Space Engineering Research Centers selected nationally by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Mars Mission Research Center proposal calls for $8.4 million in NASA funding over a five-year period, and A&T could receive up to $2.8 million of that amount. The two universities will share costs of an additional $2 8 million for equipment purchases and facility renovations. Work at the center will begin in June. NASA has award ed $500,000 for the first four months of the five- to 10-year program. A&T will receive $166,666 of that amount. The research centers support NASA’s goal to broaden the nation's engineering capability to meet the critical needs of the civilian space program. Dr. Edward B. Fort, chancellor of A&T, said the new project is a tremendous opportunity for the university. “This university's involvement with North Carolina State in the Mar*- Mission Research Center reDresents extraordinary (See MANNED VEHICLES, P. 2) Scouting Award Named In Honor of Paul Pope WkaL-TV 5 weekend and opera tions manager Paul Pope has been honored for 18 years of Scouting ser vice by having a special award nam ed after him. In recognition of his dedication and loyalty as an advisor to .Explw ec Po* v t>\ Hi i #***# i m k $ v RELIGIOUS LIBERTY-Renee Thompson at Work! Council on Religious Liberty (WCRL) headquarters. (I. to r.): Ms. Stella Goldston, Steve Sechrist, Or. Joseph C. Paige and Ms. Renee Thompson. Dr. Paige is President of the International organization, which has office in Now York and representatives in all continents, in addition to the Raleigh headquarters. Computer House Arrest Program Urged In Wake Gov. Jim Martin is proposing thjit the electronic house arrest program, which has been in limited operation since July 1, be expanded in Forsyth County and introduced in Wake Coun ty The governor is seeking $440,000 for this purpose as part of his 1988-89 sup plemental budget request that was submitted to the General Assembly last week. Electronic house arrest permits the use of computer technology to monitor a probationer/parolee in his home over a given period of time. The system involves the use of a tamper proof transmitter, which is attached to the offender’s ankle, and a receiver, which is linked by telehpone lines to a central computer. The system can monitor an offender’s movements and determine whether those movements are in compliance ■ with the conditions of parole or proba tior set by the courts. "The electronic house arrest pro gram is a meaningful alternative to incarceration,” said state Correction Secretary Aaron Johnson. "By steer ing a non-violent prison-bound of fender away from incarceration, this program encourages lawful behavior on the part of the offender and restitu tion to his or her victim. ” The program is also cost-effective. The cost of the electronic house ar rest program is $4.60 per offender per day. That compares to the approx imately $32 per day for each inmate confined to prison. The program went into operation in Forsyth County on July 1. As of April 30, 47 persons have successfully com pleted the program with only six revocations tan 89 percent success rate). Based on this experience, it's estimated that the program has already saved North Carolina tax payers in excess of $87,000. Ms. Norma W. Haywood Is Princinal Off The Year Norma W. Haywood, principal of Conn Elementary School, has been selected as Region 3’s Principal of the Year through a program co sponsored by Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Ms. Haywood will now compete with eight other regional winners for the state title. She was named the 1988 Principal of the Year in the Wake County Public School System. Also. Ms. Haywood’s school cap tured a national award recently. Conn Elementary's Chapter I pro gram captured a national award from the U.S. Department of Educa tion as part of Secretary William Ben nett’s Initiative to Improve the Education of Disadvantaged Children. Only 123 programs were selected out of 214 nominated from 44 states. Among the elements common to the award-winning programs were that they meshed closely with the regular school program, had strong, visible leadership, had high expectations for the children, and involved parents in their children's education. Certificates of merit were awarded 1 to representatives of the winning pro grams at a luncheon May 3 in Canada during the 33rd annual International Reading Association Conference. Conn's award-winning “Chapter I, It's Working” project is the matt model used in the Wake Count) i Public School System’s gifted ant talented magnet schools. The pro gram provides supplemental mat! help to students. Teachers identify students' weaknesses in math and use a variety of instructional materials to help them. The students, their parents, the classroom teachers, and the Chapter I teachers all work ogether to improve the students’ skills. The Chapter I program also of fers supplemental reading help to students in grades 1-5 MS. NORMA W. HAYWOOD campaign; 2. A viable agenda that blacks, the poor and the left-outs can feel a part of (what programmatic document will the new president act on? That’s a key question, says Walters); and 3, Appointments. There are 1,006 executive-level positions a president has to fill. Blacks and other minorities should expect to garner their fair share of these positions, Walters sasv. (See JESSE JACKSON, P. 2) Reward Offered For Suspect In Armed Robbery The Crime Stoppers program is seeking information about the armed robbery April 28 of the Pizza Hut at 609 W. Peace St. Anyone with infor mation may be eligible to receive a $1,000 cash reward by calling B34-HELP. The suspect, who had a small blue steel revolver, took a moneybag from two employees as they were closing the business at 12:48 a.m. and fled on foot toward Boylan Avenue. He is described in police reports as a black man from 6’0” to 6’2” tall, weighing from 160 to 180 lbs., with short hair. He wore a black bandana over his face during the robbery. He was dressed in a blue tee-shirt with white writing on the front and dark pants, possibly blue jeans. Callers with information about this crime or any others can call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 834-HELP. They can also receive the reward anonymously, Southgate Plaza Views Progress Southgate Shopping Center is in for better days with growth, expansion and new businesses, according to one partner in the firm which developed the center. A fast-food outlet, the construction of more retail space and an automobile service station are on the drawing board for the center which now serves about 9,000 residents from the surrounding areas, with an ex pected growth to 14,000 over the next five years. "We are pleased so far with the overall progress of the center which enables us to serve the area residents," said Joseph M. Sansom, a partner in Rock Quarry Road Associates, the center’s developer. The construction of the 1-40 highway interchange and a Wake School System facility are expected to give a big boost to the area’s daytime population. Sansom said. "We're very optimistic. It has come a long way from its beginning. We feel that the residents consider the shopping center as one of their own which has been established there to service their needs," Sansom said. "We think is is just one of the many projects which will spur Southeast Raleigh's growth by injecting economic opportunity into the area,” he said. Sansom said more patronage is still needed for the smaller shops in the center. Another problem has been the inability to secure a post office unit (SeeSOUTHGATE. P.2)