Friends And Foes UN1TA leader Jonas Savimbi’s checkered past, his ongoing alliance with apartheid South Africa, and his record of human rights abuses, reveal a man far different from the heroic, pro American democrat portrayed by the Reagan administration. Savimbi’s 13-year alliance with South Ai/ica was pre-figured by an earlier secret deal with the Portuguese colonial authorities during Angola’s independence struggle. Savimbi’s history has included support from Mao’s China in the mid-’60s, outspoken anti Americanism at the time, and ruthlessness toward Angolan civilians and even those followers considered disloyal. In order to build support for American interests in that sector and other similar areas of the world, the United States must find and establish relations with per sonalities with a less clouded background and a different track record The legendary account of “The Ugly American” appears to be repeated when the United States is associated with elements that are suspect. Connections with oppression, suppression and dalliances with other groups and nations who themselves do not have a reputa tion for democratic principles do our own nation a disservice. It is true that we need friends in every hemisphere to help protect our national interests. It is pro bably more beneficial that we search out and encourage these friends who will prove beneficial and not at a later date embarrass ing or counterproductive. Ferdinand Marcos is an examle of the wrong player on the right team. It is also contended that Savim bi is another case of the same. As is often said, with friends like this, who needs enemies? We believe our cause is great enough to find more and other friends. America's Fragile Foundations BY REP. AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS Guest Editorial The quality of a nation’s in frastructure (system of public facilities and transportation) is a critical index of its economic strength. Reliable transportation, clean water, and a safe disposal of wastes are basic elements of a productive society. Yet after two years of study, the National Coun cil on Public Works Im provements has found convincing evidence that the quality of America’s infrastructure is bare ly adequate to fulfill current re quirements, and insufficient to meet the demands of future economic growth and develop ment. One of the problems with delay ing action on repairing streets, sewage systems, bridges, etc., is that the cost escalates if you allow them to fail without maintenance, then you are tripling or quadrupl ing the cost. It is sort of like that television commercial for Fram air filters: “You can pay me now, or pay me later.” The investment needed in our nation can take many forms: repair, maintenance and even public education. For example, in Madison, Wis., a $40,000 public education campaign convinced many residents to shift their water use away from the 6 p.m. peak. The relatively modest in vestment averted the construc tion of a new well system once thought necessary to meet peak demands. Savings to the com munity were at least $750,000 in new well construction, plus some $60,000 a year in operating costs. Not only can we save money by investing in our infrastructure, but we would be creating needed jobs and providing services. In our cities this would translate into recreation centers, child care facilities, affordable public tran sit and new schools. All this should and can be done without displacing people from their homes. But investment in public works has slowed in the last two decades in relation to demands of growth and environmental con cerns. How do we pursue an invest ment in this problem? State and local governments should con tinue to play their traditional leadership roles in the construc tion and management of the na tion’s infrastructure. But the federal government must act as a full and responsible partner on a long-term basis in the national ef fort to increase and sustain public capital investment. Funds such as the Community Development Block Grant, the Urban Development Action Grant, and the Highway Bill (the Congress overrode the president’s veto of this act) are examples of the federal government’s role in this partnership. Certainly, much more is needed. Unfortunately this investment strategy is not en dorsed by some elected officials who believe that we should not spend any new money because of our budget deficit. But in some priority areas such as health, education and public works, the lack of spending on the front end only means you pay considerably more on the back end. Complete maternity care for a pregnant woman, including prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care, costs about $3,000. For every dollar spent on such care we save more than $3 in costs to society during infancy alone by reducing the need for ex pensive hospital care, and $11 over the child’s lifetime by avoiding the medical, social and educational costs associated with preventable lifelong disabilities. Likewise, investment in educa tion, particularly preschool, reaps human dividends in future years. Investment in people is a dynamic never fully grasped by the Reagan team during the past sight years. It is a dynamic that we must recapture once again. Smarter Low-income neighborhoods either get worse as a result of overcrowding and lack of maintenance or better through rehabilitation. Either way, there is a reduction in housing available to low-income families. Are there any imaginative schemes deployed in Southeast Raleigh for real rehabilitation or to answer pressing housing pro blems? Is there a revolving fund out of which low-interest home improvement loans are made? The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency is making an ef fort to address the state’s housing needs. More than 1,000 lower income familitiw tram across the state will receive |4 million worth : improvements during the the new and Hous Incentive Pro The program will provide fun lousing ling to organizations making coii lervation and housing rehabilita ion improvements to rental units tnd owner-occupied houses for rery low, low and moderate in :ome residents. Application workshops being leld July 6-8 (application deadline s July 15) precede the awarding >f the funds in August. The program is designed to in :rease the supply of decent, affor lable housing and is to help solve he housing needs of lower-income amllies. The funds may be used for ip mlation, storm windows and loons, furnace and boiler replace nent or modification, veatherstripping, caulking, vater heater repair or replace ment and energy-related struc ural repair work. A manned rocket reaches of England in a stagecoac NNPA FEATURE oy Dr. CharlM W. Faulicner BY DR. CHARLES W. FAULKNER HOW TO AVOID “BIG” MARITAL PROBLEMS Last week I printed excerpts of a letter that I received from a young lady who wanted to marry a man with whom she had spent only two weeks. She had ex changed letters with him for two months. The primary reason she wanted to marry him was so that she could have a baby. In last week’s column, I told her to get the answers to these questions: Are the two of you emotionally compati ble? Are you professionally compatible? Are you educationally compatible? Do either of you have a personal pro blem? Here is a continuation of questions that anyone who is contemplating marriage should be able to answer before the mar riage takes place: Are your ideas about religion compati ble? An atheist would find the views of a Roman Catholic intolerable and would have many serious, destructive philosophical disagreements. Do both of you have compatible ideas about sex? A person who has been previously promiscuous will probably be unhappy with a person who is conservative and desires to have sex but once a week or twice a month. The more active party will probably seek sexual satisfaction outside of the marriage. Don’t forget about AIDS. Have you met Ms family? Does his fami ly seem like the kind of family you would enjoy being associated with? Does he have problems with his family? If he does, he might eventually have similar problems Other Viewpoints WHAT COLOR IS YOUR GOD .1 have traveled to several cities in North CArolina lately and noticed the same sign in front of many of the churches, advertising bible school. I have since learned that the signs are provided to the churches by the Southern Baptist Convention. I don’t have anything against bible school. As a matter of fact, I attended bible school myself during my youth. I do think however, that our youth should be taught to love themselves and the people they worship should be in their own image. I believe those signs in front of the black churches were damaging because on them was a picture of a big white man (Jesus) with a red beard. What was even more damaging was that all the little children running behind him were also white. It occurred to me that bible school is where I first began to visualize a supreme being with blue eyes and blond hair. This is an awful thing to do to our children. I attended Sunday morning worship services at my church on Fathers Day and there was a leaflet inserted in the program with a picture of a white man and his son depicting the ideal loving father. I thought, there must have been a picture of a beautiful Mack man and his son available that could have been used to show our Mack children what a loving father is Hke. I understand Southern Baptist Convention does not have a variety of black material, never theless we (black churches) still deal with them. Now I know y’all say God don’t know no color and everybody is the same in God’s sight. If this is true, then place an insert in a program in a church with an all white congregation picturing a black man and hie son, on Fathers day or any day, and see if it matters. Put a big sign with a black man (Jesus) in front of a white church and see if it matters. The mere fact that we have black churches and white churches means it matters. It doesn't seem to matter with black people, however, because we don’t really love ourselves and our race as do most others. We are always eager to miscegetiste; If Jesus was white, it should bother black people who have never gotten a fair shake from white people. If Jesus was a Jew, it should bother black people because through tout history, Jews have been for Jews, exclusively. Ask any Palestinian. They are people of color like us and are being brutalized daily by Jews. Ask Secretary of State Schultz. They ignored him the last five times he went to Israel to talk peace. I can’t blame white people for placing those signs in tooiit of our churches because they didn’t put them there. Perhaps they did theinitialhrainwashing and now we are running on automatic. We automatically choose or accept posters picturing white people, to show to our black children. We have no problem buying post cards with white people on oppressed so long that it is no longer necessary for to us. We do it to ourselves. When you love your you want to be like him, then you are truly i_ children see positive white images on television ( „ They see negative black images on television...clowns and HuxtaUe, George Jefferson, Fred Sanford) to name a few. We must show our people positive Mack 1 church...especially in the church. When a Mack man gives all btockpeople a sense of pride Mo We have been todo Anything so much that about it. Our k lovers). (Dr. in the for president, it important father re a God in Can you as white all of Faison, Jr. W. Lee Street N.C. it took to travel the length with you. Do you (both) have the preseat finaacia means to support yourselves in a manna that would make you happy? After mar riage, you will live together and aee a lot o! each other. You should have a home 01 apartment that provides enough space foi you to get away from each other. Or, you are certain to get on each other’s nerves Also, financial problems are the single big gest cause of marital disharmony and breakup. , Why do both of you want to get married? You said that you want to have a child while you can. If you select the wrong per son to marry you might And life to be a "living hell” for both you and the child. Also, there is no guarantee that you will have a child even though you want one. Hopefully, you have better reasons than that to get married. Many mature women adopt children. Why dees he want to marry you? Is it merely for “love” or are there other reasons that you do not know about? Is he telling you the truth about Ms Hfo and objectives? Are you telling him die truth? It is urgent for you to obtain information that will provide Mowers to all of these questions. The emotional and physical sacrifices involved in marriage are too great to leave to chance. It is foolish to get married on a whim. If you have not obtained answers to these questions, you need to start doing your homework. There may be many, many unattractive things about your friend that you do not know about now and that you may be sorry about after you get married. Don’t be afraid to delay the mar riage while you investigate. ©dlBILI He that dweUeth in the secret place of the M«t High ■h»n abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I wUl say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: • his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. .Psai^ia 01:14 Tony ®oraiwi*Wr®. (BoDqdm 18 “THE WHITE GIRL” R BECAUSE SHE’S BLACK? This McLean, Va. resident, Larry Yates, wanted me tt understand that he was his own man: “I am by no means an uncritical disciple of yours. For one thing, you usually have very little to say to non-Afro “But I guess the real burden of What I am trying to say, and what you often say, is that we don’t all have to agree, or to know everything. Sometimes, even if we are the Motion Picture Association of America, we have to recognize that there are other people who know more about a certain situa tion than we do, and trust their judgment. Particularly when that situation is a matter of life and death to those people. Afro Americans are trying to mobilize against drugs and related crime in their communities,” he observes. “I am writing to support your appeal of the R rating of your movie ’The White Girl.’ I write because I am a white person who is struggling against the disease of racism, and who has seen the impact of drug abuse in an Afro American community, and because of that perspective, feel the Rating Board’s decision is clearly wrong.” Yates is referring, of course, to my battle over the R rating given to my anti-drug film by the MPAA’s Rating Board. “I have not seen the movie,” he said. “However, I am very familiar with your integrity and consistency, even though I by no means always agree with your positions. After several years of regularly reading your column and occasionally watching your TV program, it is clear that you stick to your principles. “It is dear to me that it is incredibly difficult, if not im possible, for a white-dominated group to objectively evaluate the impact of an Afro-American effort to change the Afro-American community. For one thing, almost all white Americans are simply unfamiliar with how situa tions are seen by Afro-Americans. I have spent most of the . last eight years working on a daily basis with Afro Americans in situations where racial attitudes and issues are often openly discussed, and have worked hard on my own racism. “Still, I would not set myself up to judge the moral or social impact of ‘The White Girl' on Afro-Americans, especially Afro-American children and adolescents. And that is clearly what the Appeals Board is doing.” If Mr. Yates’ letter was not enough to get me to question the Rating Board’s motives, the MPAA’s own actiooa did. Just consider how the MPAA rated “Arthur II: On the Rocks” vis a vis “The White Girl.” “The White Girl” has no explicit sex, no obscenity and is not violent. Moreover, it is an anti-drug film which shows the destructive forces of cocaine use. The MPAA gave Ran R for “restricted”—unsafe for teenagers. “Arthur II: On the Rocks” (you get it? "on the rocks?”) is about a man who finds happiness and wealth in a bottk (as in whiskey). “Somewhow, watching Dudley Moore play a disgusting, childish, irresponsible drunk is not too amusing,” wrote Liz Smith in the New York Daily News. “Nothing Funny About Alcoholism” was the headline for Marilyn Beck’s column. She talked about “the ‘flak’ over the fact that Moore perpetuated his ‘Arthur’ image as a lovable drunk.” For glorifying a chemical dependency problem (alcoholism), the Rating Board awarded “Arthur” a PG rating! The MPAA’s own written guidelines forbid giving a PG if there is any “drug use content” and a mandatory PG-13 if there is “any drug use content.” A poll of student delegates to the National Association of Student Council convention last week identified alcohol as “the biggest pro blem in schools” (63 percent drink, 25 percent use mari juana; and nine percent use cocaine). Does the MPAA know that alcohol is a drug? If so, how could “Arthur” get a PG? And how could an anti-drug film like “The White Girt” get an R? Whether Yates’ next point is correct or not, we will find out once the movie is released in theaters to the public next year, following the community fundraisers this year. Yates said, “‘The White Girl,’ like all your work, is not (See TONY BROWN>. S). BY DIANE PRUCHN1K WHO DARE8 TO EXERCISE IN THE GRUELING HEAT OP SUMMERY Are you the “briak walker” who la axerdsisg to Im prove your overall health? It la important to supply the body with enough flulda when exerdahM hi the W!MMI' heat. Severe fluid loaa can lead to heat anhwatton or heat' atroke. One ahould not wait untU he foela thirsty before coneum ing flulda. Thirst signifies that the body la already dehydrated. - Plain odd water («B*F-M*F) la a good source of Odd replacement as It is economical, and quickly absorbed by the body. The body loses electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, through sweat. Fortunately, an individual’s diet usually contains enough of those electrolytes to com pensate for the loss. f Sodium fat present In nearly all foods. Americans tend to mhmm an excessive amount of sodium. Potassium Is found most often In fruits and vegetables. Some potassium-rich food sources are raisins, bananas, peaches, oranges, and potatoes. Alcoholic beverages and caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee, tea, and cola cause Increased urination. They Increase the risk of dehydration and should not be us ad 11 fluid reDlacements. At least six to eight cups of fluid should be consumed during the day. About a half-cup of water at 10- to lg-minute intervals during the exercise event is appropriate. Be smart when exercising in the summer heat Con sume foods from all four food groups and drink plenty of fluids. Exercise in the early morning or evening, when the temperature is at its lowest. Exercising withTpartner is recommended: it can be more safe and more fun than exer