NEWSPAPER READERSHIP _IN THE Black Americans want and need their own Black community papers to get a more accurate view of the news and what it means them... A recent survey done for Amalgamated Publishers revealed some interest ing facts about the peculiar dynamics of newspaper readership of Blacks, documents some long-held theories about habits, preferences, motivations and attitudes and reinforces the position of the Black newspaper as a vital force in the Black community. ... ' V.:.. ■ ' 1 „ •' . jf’ Blacks will go out of their way to get their favorite Black newspaper; pay more for it; read it more thoroughly and for different reasons. There’s a special relationship with the Black newspaper dot found in other media... built on trust, strong loyalties and an important bond of believability. Black newspaper? are shared with family and friends, and pass-along readership, sub . stantially higher among Black newspapers, is s com moh phenome non, result ing in more ,, readers per copy. Advert ising in Black newspapers takes on ' different meaning, de notes recogni , support and invitation, ites great impact to e results. Purchasing Habits rH| Black readers are willing to endure more frus tration, and work harder to obtain Black news papers. While regular readers of Metropolitan dailies are more "convenience oriented”, the findings reveal that strong “habit patterns" for purchasing Black newspapers have not de veloped,^ MfllliBHH .KiilBte »• Leisurely Reading Reading time is not ”1 papers are more likely to be read at any time of the day, but mostly in evenings and at night, and left at home longer. There appears to be a sense of a more leisurely personal, social, at that involves a sense of'communicating within one’s “racial life space”, ' -s. V . - , • - ■; .isfjn . Different Residing Style Black newspapers ferently. After exploring the headlihes and dent pages, as is the general tendency, readers of Black newspapers then tend to move in a browsing or searching fashion to preferred sections of the newspaper, often moving lick and forth until the whole paper is abac * ‘ The dynamics of such a propensity to w might significantly increase the number Of ad impressions. “Pass-on” Readership Higher pass-on readership was revealed as a common phenomenon for Black — — mm W 'ft M ACK COMMUNITY