When Opportunities Knock Our community’s concern about developments and the perceived lack thereof in Southeast RaleJ*?h should not continue to go unabated. A new County-side project gives us all a golden opportunity to “Do Something” which will benefit all and establish a community bond unequalled since the mid 60’s. The Raleigh-Wake Martin Luther King Celebration Committee, Inc., made up of mostly citizens from “This” community have worked diligently, with expert forethought and planning to construct a public shrine in “our” community to honor the life and work of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indeed an ambitious project such as this $180,000) will require the support and encouragement from each of us regardless of position, occupation or “status” in the community. From all accounts, the planners have designed the project to give each of us an opportunity to participate in it’s development and funding. The business and corporate sectors have already given strong support, thereby eliminating the paranoia that a statue of Dr. King may “Upset” some "Other” people who we must work with and for. City councilman Ralph Campbell, Jr. recently stated so truthfully, “More than anything else, our community needs an example of what can be accomplished when we pool our resources, energy and talents. Many times, people get frustrated because they see no visible improvements in their neighborhood, no measurable example of community achievements.” Campbell also said this week, “The overall objective of the project is to create a perpetual climate and physical tribute to Dr. King and the many others who worked so hard and gave their lives to bring racial and social injustices to the forefront of America’s Consciousness.” The CAROLINIAN stands firmly in support of this Once In-A-Lifetime opportunity to erect a tangible permanent memorial in honor of Dr. King. Equally important, we support the concept of also honoring the many others in and from North Carolina who have also made significant contributions to the advancement of Civil Rights, Human Rights, Economic Justice and Social Justice. The erection of a memorial wall to showcase the others who engineered our quest for liberation before, during and after the King era is especially gratifying, important, and in a sense, long overdue. The proposed memorial wall, along side King’s statue will give everyone the opportunity to reflect, remember and look to the future knowing that indeed our history and culture is rich, varied and full of men and women who dedicted their lives to improving our condition. We know there are hundreds of people who care and are concerned about developments in the community. We know because we hear you call in on various Radio Talk Shows, you write Letters To The Editor, you raise questions and issues at Civic Organizational Meetings, you stop by and call The CAROLINIAN... Now is the time to go beyond voicing concerns and get involved with a community-wide project,... Get it under our belts and move on to other equally productive projects which demonstrate our collective resolve to improve conditions throughout our community; measurable economic development, improved educational opportunities for our youth, responsive and relevant religious experiences, as well as improving overall awareness and developing concrete solutions to community crime, unemployment, drug abuse, homelessness, AIDS, Teenage Pregancy, etc. should be our overall collective mission. For many, many reasons the King Memorial Gardens project is one that you, your co-workers and your organizations should get actively involved in supporting. With a large public memorial dedicated to our history and achievements, none of us can afford to sit idly by to “See What Happens”. We must “Make It Happen” by getting all the information then committing ourselves to help raise the necessary funds to see it completed. Sheriff John Baker recently stated, “If everyone in Wake County would contribute only $1.00 then the project would be adequately financed.” Well, we know that everyone will not contribute $1.00 so instead, we recommend that each of us who red The CAROLINIAN, each of us who care, make a contribution of any amount we can and encourage just one other friend to do the same. In order that we may gauge our readers response and support for this effort, please make your check payable to The King Statue Fund and Mail to The CAROLINIAN, P.O. BOX 25308, Raleigh, N. C. 27611. Or, stop by The CAROLINIAN and pick up an informational brochure and leave a check. Each week will forward your contributions to the King Committee. We will also publish the names of our readers who have responded to this important community appeal. In addition, civic groups, sororities, fraternities, churches and businesses who would like to get involved may write to the King Committee to receive all information on the project. Sand inquiries or your group’s check to the King Celebration Committee, Inc. P. O. BOX 28635, Raleigh, N.C. 27611 or Call 755-0864 for more information. m Wiliam E. Graham, chairman:, from In ^ $109,000 a year. It should not be over $100,000 and no fr inge benefits. No salary in North Carolina should be over that. CPAL should do away with three vice presidents—one is plen ty-for electricity is something families have to have. No firm has finer peo pie than CPhL-the very best of drivers, courtesy and - ' 1 S- e LETTERS. P 12) NNPA FEATURE COPING by Dr. Charles W. Faulkner BY DR. CHARLES W. FAULKNER “STOP INSULTING ME” In the past two months, I have received letters from unhappy male and female readers. They complain about each other. Women say men abuse them with discourtesy. Men say women are disrespectful to them. These negative behaviors often take place, I am told, when one of them ap proaches someone or is approached by a member of the opposite sex. The person who is approached apparently doesn’t want to be bothered and lets the other per son know it with a rude rejection. The re jected person gets angry and searches for someone he/she can insult. So instead of having just one disrespectful person, we now have two. This kind of behavior gets a life of its own. It seems hip to insult some one who tries to gets to know us. It is also a way to get rid of our frustration with the unhappiness of our lives. And it is a way to abuse someone before they abuse us. It is another way to penalize you because you hurt me. One person said, “I wish they would stop insulting me.” In case you are wondering why so many males and females are unhappy and, in stead of liking each other actually dislike ;ach other, this is the reason. They, men and women, are afraid that they will be abused and insulted when they approach you. So instead of being sociable and outgoing, they prefer to stay home and watch television. Instead of being kind to you when you try to get to know them they try to hurt your feelings because they think that you would do the same thing to them, if you had the chance. Is this crazy, stupid, or immature, or what? Some of the very people who complain about the behavior of others are themselves guilty of the same kind of rude behavior. Yet they constantly complain about the so-called problem between men and women. If you really want to change this horrible situation so that it is easy for men and women to break out of their shells and develop fruitful relationships, you must: 1. Start with your own behavior. Be courteous even if you reject the advances of a member of the opposite sex. 2. Stop thinking that everybody wants to go to bed with you. Maybe the other person just wants to talk briefly to you. 3. Be understanding. Realize that many of the very best people may not have big cars or huge salaries. 4. Successful companionship is a two way street. Maybe the other person will be nice, if you are nice. So, before you com plain about the behavior of someone else, check out your own behavior, ^re you courteous? i, i v Vantage Point BY RON DANIELS JACKSON ACTION: AN EXCELLENT I PRESCRIPTION FOR D.C. ! A few weeks ago rumors began to race i around the nation that Jesse Louis Jackson i was contemplating running for mayor of i the embattled city of Washington, D.C. < Observers noted that renovation work ] seemed to be underway on the Jackson | family’s D.C. residence and that Jesse ' Jackson had stepped up his number of ap pearances in the capital in recent weeks, i Speculation reached a fever pitch when Jackson acknowledged that the question bad been raised with him by a number of people. While declining to say he would in fact run, Jackson seemed to leave the door open to the possibility. The prospect of Jesse Jackson running for mayor of Washington, D.C. has understandably pro voked a great deal of debate and discus sion. Well, here’s my two cents’ worth. Jesse Jackson should seek the office of mayor of Washington, D.C. His election would be good for the nation’s capital and good for America. Jackson’s vision, in spirational leadership and proven skills at resolving crises are precisely what Washington, D.C. needs at this juncture. Jesse Jackson, unlike any other leader on the scene today, could mobilize D.C.’s citizens including the youth to confront the crisis of drugs, violence, crime and murder which is ravaging the city. The ci ty needs hope, a program to solve the crisis, and someone at the helm who can motivate people to become involved in helping to solve the massive problems fac ing their community. Jackson Action is just what die doctor ordered. On the question of the danger of drugs to our families, communities and nation, it was Jesse Jackson who raised this issue to the level of national defense and national security during his 1988 presidential cam paign. He speaks to thousands of young people each and every week exhorting them to live a drug-free life and his per another asset which Jesse Jackson would bring to the mayor’s office. As the most famous mayor in the world, Jackson would attract the most talented, skilled and com mitted planners, administrators and managers in the nation. There are legions of highly motivated and highly skilled peo ple who would line up for a chance to be a part of a Jackson administration in Washington, D.C. Then there is the matter of self determination and statehood for (See VANTAGE POINT. P T ©Q®(LI TOPJOTr The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath already been of old time, which was before us. There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of thing* that are to come with those that shall come after. Ecclesiastes i:Ml (goanascn® WILLIAM LUCAS DESERVES BLACK SUPPORT I am a paid life member of the NAACP. I raise money on behalf of the NAACP. I love the history of the NAACP’s struggle on behalf of Americanized Africans. I believe that Ben Hooks, its current leader, is a man of impeccable character. And I consider him a fr' But I do not agree with the of ficial opposition of the NAACP’s leadership to the Bush administra tion’s nomination of William Lucas to lead the Justice Depart ment’s civil rights division. There is very little about the politics of Jesse Jackson that ap peals to me. There is very little substance, in my opinion, in the things that he says that do make sense. And his ego is too enormous to allow a good glimpse of his character. But on the issue of ~ " BROWN William Lucas’ nomination, I agree with Jackson 100 per cent for backing him. At best, in my opinion, the NAACP Legal Defense end Educational Fund’s (which was sued by the NAACP to drop the "NAACP” part of its name) opposition to Lucas ie blasphemous. In the area of so-called “desegregation” of black col leges, the Legal Defense Fund is clearly on the side of foe enemies of the black community who want our traditional institutions turned into white schools. How this group of misguided liberal lawyers, a large number of whom are white, can insert itself into deciding who will best represnt the black community is an insult to our intelligence. Even though I disagree with the NAACP’s position on this one issue (as well as busing for the purpose of integra tion), I respect the NAACP’s role in our struggle as foe premiere civil rights organization. I have one membership in the NAACP, therefore I have one vote—and one opinion. My opinions also extend to the basic reason given by those who oppose Lucas: he is not qualified. Come on! The racists who oppose black progress have over-used that one. Was Bobby Kennedy qualified to be attorney general when he was nominated by his brother, President John Kennedy? Bobby Kennedy’s only experience was the result of his family’s contacts in Congress. These same civil-rights types did not raise the issue of qualifications about Kennedy because he was a white liberal. Which makes me suspect that the oppose Lucas because he is a black Republican. He’s certainly as qualified to run the civil rights division as Dan Quayle is to be vice president; or Ronald Reagan was to be governor of California or President of the United States; or Michael Dukakis was to be president. And he’s more qualified to run the civil rights division than Jesse Jackson is to run the country. Yet, none of these groups opposed Jesse Jackson—or is likely to—because of his lack of qualifications. And we know why. Jackson is popular with the masses of blacks, first of all. Secondly, he is a Democrat. If Lucas’ opponents don’t want to support a black because he is a member of a political party they don’t like, then let them say so. But if they persist in opposing a man with his public of fice and administrative record and his character, and use civil rights as an excuse, they will damage their own cause and the rest of black America. / I’m one black person who supports William Lucas for this new job, and others who feel this way should let foe members of the Senate who must confirm him know that these opinion leaders are not speaking for all of us. "Tony Brown’s Journal” TV’ series can be seen ea public television Saturday on Channel 4 at 1:30 p.m. Please consult listings. 1 Other Viewpoints BY BILL PEACE JOGGING ALONE AT NIGHT IN CENTRAL PARK AND THE PARTING OF A FOOL’S MONEY It was an 1969 updating of “Lord of the Flues” heinously played out in Central Park. Let’s get something out of the way first. If those kids, turned nightmarish thugs, are tried and found guilty of assaulting that young woman jogger, it is my profound hope that they are sentenced to the maximum penalty under the law. Now, let’s move to a subject that is not so readily willingly to be talked about in this case. Is it ever fair to blame the victim? No, it is not. However, there is an age-old adage, “A fool and his money will soon be parted.” Sad, but true. On the other hand, no one has the right to take a fool’s money, but that does not alter the terrible truth of the adage. When I first read about the “wilding” that left this unfortunate lady jogger, brutalized and left for dead, I was sadly reminded of the woman who, several yean back, deliberately walked into a bar full of men, started drinking with some of them, and ended up being gang-raped on a pool table. Oh, I had no sympathy for the men who raped her, but my first response to the incident was a question that I desperately wanted to put to the woman, the victim: “Girl, didn’t your mama teach you not to go into a bar like that [Big Dan's] all by younelf?” •' Living in New York City can be hazardous; the threat at being physically assaulted exists there, as it doss in most other large urban American cities. However, living in that city does not have to be dangerous if you exercise a little common sense. I would imagine, that somewhere in this world it may be safe for a lone woman to go jogging at night, but damn if it’s New York City’s Central Park. How you can live in New York City mid not know that, ger had to be warned about that by somebody? According to the papers, the police had even warned her. Warned her of what? Warned her of the truth, a truth known to almost everybody in America: that as a lone woman, black or white, she was putting herself in danger of be* ing assaulted, raped and left for dead by an in dividual male thug, black or white and/or a gang of male thugs, black or white. Somehow, this blatant reality of life in New York City was , lost to this very bright young woman, who . refused to discontinue jogging alone, at night in Central Park of all places. I don’t think that an all-pro linebacker would go jogging alone in Central Park after dark. In fact, I don’t thtwh the whole Giants’ football team would do that either. Now the lives of so very, very many people have been ruined for life, including her own, because one foolish woman consciously decid ed that there could be no constraints on her life’s activities of any kind, for whatever the reasons. If this was some sort of women’s lib gone crazy it needs to be addressed and badly so. Hers was a tale waiting to happen; hers is a tale of a woman who refused to stop playing a New York City jogger’s version of roulette. Life can be wonderful because of all the things we can do and places we can go, but that does not include everything and everywhere. We all live under constraints of danger. I am a man and I don’t think of myself as a coward. From boyhood, I and every other man born in America was born, “Never flash money in a public bar.’’ Now, should I go toS rough test and toughest waterfront bar in the country, I have the right to pull out a wad of hundred-dollar bills and buy myself a two dollar trink, even if I know that that bar is filled with known cutthroats, muggers and murderers. I do. And no one there has the right to take my money. That being the esse, have 1 ever done it? The tact that I am here at home this evening, in one piece writing this article, dispels that. As to the question would I ever do it, the answer is “No way!” For if I did there would be a most unpleasant given awaiting me. . I might be lucky enough to get out of that bar with my life, but there would be absolutely no (See VIEWPOINTS P. U)