;ITIUNa utri JONES ST. IH NC 2761 1 RALEIGH. N.C THURSDAY VOL. 48. NO. 54 JUNE 8,1989 SINGLE COPY IN RALEIGH dZZjQ ELSEWHERE 300 DEDICATED TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST UNCF Committee Plane For Successful Drive Page IS Third World Makes Radical Change In Music Industry Page 22 MMNC A6EN0A—Southeast RaMgh Community Dovolopment Corpratfee's •M ammal pMnwcd wn hold of St Auf’t over tho wookond, and alnng «W» hplB speaker, Bok Waodaon, chairman at the National can(ar tor ■••Warhead Enterprise and praaldent of the National Black Economic Agenda. •Mad nait la Waodaon la local RaMph bualnetaman, John Winters. (Photo by The Southeast Raleigh Community Development Corp. recently attracted more than 300 concerned citizen* to the Shaw University campaa to participate in a community development forum. The purpose of the organisation is to ensure that residents of Baathaaxt Raleigh are active participants in the economic develop ment and growth of their own community. The board's charge was to legalise the organisation, raise money to stabilise it and to determine hew the community's goals will be achieved. “Other communities around the country similar to ours with a lot less than we have are successfully Implementing exciting projects that are meeting real needs. The one thing they have going for them is that the community is unified. That’s what we are working toward here and I see it happening more and more every day," said'Patricia Funderburk, acting director. On June 3, the corporation’s first annual meeting was held on the campus of St. Augustine’s College in Raleigh. The focus was op creating a plan of action for future development of Southeast Raleigh and on determining how residents will participate in Implementing (See ECONOMIC, P 2) Links Celebrating Anniversary Ow one hundred guests joined the Rateigh Chapter of Links, Inc. at the Capital City Chib in celebration of (Mr Fortieth Anniversary. Sister Uakstrom Oreenvile, S.C., Durham, < Triangle Park, Piedmont, Lake and Washington, D. C. were an hand to honor the ^Chapter as one of the 14 original chapters of the National organization. Link Lucille Webb, chairman of the Anniversary Committee welcomed Link Barbara Moore, Southern Area Director, who joined Raleigh Chapter President Hettie Robinson in bringing greetings to this group assembled. Link Webb made, .special acknowledgment of four qf the ’Counsel Questions Of Impeachment Inquiry P¥ CHESTER A. H1UUINH, w. NNPA Newt KdHor WASHINGTON* D.C.-A* the July 10 derive for the beginning of pr* ceedfn'p by the U S-Senate Impeach ment Trial Committee againat Judge Alcee L. Hastings hears, both sides are apparently gearing up for a tough, no-holds-barred fight. What is certain, judging from an in terview NNPA had with Judge Hastings’ counsel, Terence J. Ander son, a University of Miaini Law School professor in Florida, is that Hastings, Florida’s first black federal judge, has no intention of go ing quietly into the night. And it's now almost certain that if he is impeached, black America will have a bitterly sour taste in its mouth once more over the quality and fairness of justice in America where African-Americans are concerned. Consider this: He is the first federal judge in America'8 200-year judicial history to have impeachment inquiries into charges which a jury of his peers had rejected (most of these charges have simply been repackaged by a vengeful group of white judges from the nth Circuit who appear bait from the outset on ousting Judge Hastings from the bench). He is the first in history to have the House conduct hearings in an inquiry more than five years after the charges had been made ana me evidence aisciosea. And the House had not conducted an inquiry into the conduct of any judge, other than a convicted one, formore than SO years until Hastings. For nearly nine years, Judge Hastings has been battling for Us judicial life, and there is no end in sight. And what are the charges against him? Conspiracy to extort (See HASTINGS, P. 2) Investigation Urged S&L’s Loan Pattern Challenged ____ ■ ; Advocates Krom CAROLINIAN Staff Keporta Community organizations taav asked the federal government to den an application by Raleigh-based R Financial Corp. to purchase Fin Federal Savings and Loan Associa tion of North Carolina (Sanford) an Builders Federal; Savings and Loa Association (Rocky Mount). These organizations said RS Finaii cial Corp,, through its subsidiary Raleigh federal Savings Bank, ha failed to invest ip low- aiid moderate income and minority neighborhood in Raleigh. The challenge was filed May 30 am is the first of'its kind inRaleigh am the third challenge ever filed toiNOrt: Carolina. There are no minorities on the bank’s board of direc tors nor on the local hoards thatadvise the bahkdncemmunity needs outside Ral eigh. The challenge announced this weel was filed by the Raleigh Comnuinit: Reinvestment Committee, and focus ed on Raleigh Federal’s lendini record. ' RCRC is affiliated with a non-profi group made up of African-Americai pastors, business owners and ad vocates for low-income and affor dable housing. Sterling Goodwin, chairperson o: the RCRC, said, “Access to loans cat make or break a neighborhood. Honp loans combat housing deterioratior (See ADVOCATES, P. 2) original 14 charter members wh were honored during the celebration. The luncheon keynote speaker, Di Helen Edmonds, noted historian an Past National President, electrifie the audience speaking on the theme “Enhancing the Legacy—FulfUlin: the Dream.” She challenged a service organisations to continue i FWKTIM DRUGS—Fram Mt, Khalit Ramadan af BalaUfc, Mtt Cmwtard af tha KlttrH Jab Carps, Art *paa with Drag Aedan af Waka Caanty and WMam McNaa af Waka Caanty Public Schaats wan amang sama FBI Investigation Off Bill Gray Seen As Tactic To Derail Career BY JOE DAVIDSON NNPA News Service An Analyei* WASHINGTON, D.C.-Something, maybe everything, about the FBI in vestigation of Bill Gray stinks. It certainly seems sinister when agents question the Philadelphia con ; gressman one day and then CBS inac curately breaks the story the next. | And it certainly seems more than ’ coincidental that the story breaks just as Gray is poised to become ma jority whip in the House of Represen 1 tatives. The sole intent of whoever leaked the story—and suspicion among Gray’s allies centers on the U.S. at torney in Philadelphia—may have | been to derail Gray’s political ascent. For even If no charges are ever prov ed or even specified, simply brushing a politician with the brush of corrup their quest to advocate for causes that improve the quality of life for all. the Raleigh Chapter is one of 224 Chapters of the National organisations founded in 1946 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The mission of the organization is carried out through its four program facets: Services to yhouth, National Trends and Services, International Trends and Services and the Arts. Headquartered in Washington, O. C., the national organization has contributed more than one million dollars to the United Negro College Fund. Other philanthropic efforts have been channeled to Sickle Cell Anemia, Research efforts at both Howard and Meharry Medical Schools, the Urban League, the construction of the Ralph Bunch Memorial, and scholarships to numerous deserving students. The current philanthropic thrust is focused on contributions to the Legal llhdoftheNAACP. members present Ernestine Hamlin, Harris, Willie O. Kay and “-\leigh Links osephine tion can be politically fatal. Gray understands that and has taken early and aggressive offensive action. He’s meeting with colleagues to assure them of his integrity and to hold their support. Shortly after the CBS broadcast, he strongly denounc ed it at a news conference. The next day he wrote to Attorney General Richard Thornburgh and demanded the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate the leaks. who worked for Faun troy later was on the Budget Committee payroll, which Gray formerly chaired, accor ding to Gray supporters. In the course of checking out the Savage situation, the agents followed the trail of the lawyer to Gray. All of this may have been reasonable enough had it not been for the very suspicious leaks coming at the time of the Democratic leader ship contest. With the top two Gray’s friends believe the congressman got caught up in an FBI probe involving two other House members, Walter Fauntroy of Washington, D.C., and Gus Savage, of Chicago. The Justice Department won’t discuss the specifics of the case. Thornburgh refused and instead in itiated a department investigation of itself. The Justice Department won’t discuss the specifics of the case. Gray’s friends believe the con gressman got caught up in an FBI probe involving two other House members, Waiter Fauntroy, of Washington, D.C., and Gus Savage, of Chicago. The Feds have had an ongo ing investigation into allegations that Fauntroy improperly had Savage’s son on Fauntroy’s D.C. payroll while the son worked in Chicago. A lawver Democrats in the House resigning their leadership posts, Gray is well positioned to continue what has been a rapid climb up the political ladder. That rise has been stalled, but not necessarily killed, by news of the FBI investigation. No charges of any substance against Gray have been revealed. And while some of his col leagues may wait to see if anything serious develops, and that wait could be costly to Gray, the general feeling (See GRAY PROBE, P. 2) mugMjnijii

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