Howard U. To Begin Honors Media Study WASHINGTON, D.C.-With the Mp of a $2 million endowment gift from former magazine publisher Walter P. Annenberg, the Howard School of Communications is in augurating an honors program for undergraduate students and a distinguished professorship. The honors program will seek to at tract “intellectually talented national end international students who have demonstrated distinguished academic achievement,” says com munications Dean Dr. Orlando Taylor “The program will provide honors' students with the requisite leadership skills needed to assume key positions as leaders in one of the varied com munications disciplines,” Taylor says. “To produce a core of well educated, intellectually talented and committed leaders is the overall thrust of the program.” Qualified students who would be seeking enrollment to the com munications honors program are en couraged to contact the director, Dr. Richard L. Wright, at (202) 636-7690. The distinguished professor pro gram will invite accomplished academicians and practicing profes: sionals to spend a period of time in taoidence as active participants and contributors to the academic pro grams of the School of Communica tions. Annenberg is the former U.S. am bassador to Great Britain (1974-78) and the founder of the Annenberg School of Communications graduate programs based at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Southern California. He was formerly president of Triangle Publications, which published TV Guide and Seven teen magazines, and the Daily Rac ing Form newspaper. KICKING THE HABIT—New Orleans TV anchennan advantage el a pardon from the Louisiana governor, Bell Warren Bed, Jr., returns to prlme-tlme prominence alter a started the long climb back to self-respect, cocaine habit nearly ended Ms broadcast career. Taking Dr. Fulani Blames Corrupt Cops, Bipartisan Politicans For Drug Woes ‘NEW YORK, N.Y.-Dr. Lenora Fulani, who ran for president in 1988 under the banner of the New Alliance Party, told participants in the 60th annual national convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens in Washington last week that the bipartisan political establishment and corrupt police officers are responsible for the epidemic of drugs that is ravaging the black and Latino communities of America. The former candidate, mental health worker, mother of two and panelist at the recent General Assembly Symposium called “War on Drugs: Fact or Fiction,” charged that drugs “have a very important political function in this country. Not only do they make huge profits for those who deal them, but they are designed to keep our children—especially our young men—out of it: out of the world, out of their minds, and out of control. Because if you are high on crack or down on Thorazine, or chained to a methadone clinic every day of your life, you’re not in any place to fight back against the racism and poverty that brought you there in the first place.” While she blamed “professional politicians” for allowing drugs into the communities, she also charged that corrupt police officers are traf ficking drugs in poor communities. In New York City, she said, “Corrupt cops don’t just stand by and allow the drug trade to flourish in poor com munities, they are trafficking the co caine, this crack and the heroin and putting this poison into our kids’ hands.” Dr. Fulani, who is running as an in dependent candidate for New York City mayor, chairs the Adam Abdul Hakeem/Ricardo Burgos Coalition to Save Our Youth in New York City. Hakeem, formerly known as Larry Davis, and Burge* have been the target of what Fulani calls a “murderous police vendetta” since they began charging that for years corrupt cops have been recruiting young black and Puerto Rican men for the drag ring they operate out of the 44th Precinct in the South Bronx and the 34th Precinct in Harlem, two of the nation’s poorest communities. Davis made national news several I vears ago when he killed or wounded ■ 1 PEPSI. A GENERATION AHEAD. f%*Nu RnfmiCniiiamt P*piu AGoowahon AhnwT vi »;■ JumwHitotffrp»Co.Inc six police officers in his apartment as a result of what he said was a planned police assassination attempt. A jury concurred, and he was twice acquit ted on murder charges, but a judge sentenced him to five years in prison for using an illegal handgun. Dr. Fulani appeared on the panel with Jack Blum, former chief counsel for the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and Interna tional Operations; and Jim Karlsgaard, legislative assistant to U.S. Sen. Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.). The weeklong convention in Washington, which had as its theme, “Hispanic America—A Time to Stand and Deliver,” brought together 1,000 members of LULAC, the country’s oldest and largest Hispanic civil rights and service organization. DON’T GIVE UP!! Guaranteed Results In 24 Hours REV. WHITE Spiritual Raadar 4 Advisor Are you sick suffering with luck? Hair falling out? Loss nature? Someone crossed y Need help in any problems? work is with God. Get rid of i problems. If I cannot do it, it cai be done. Readings by phone o moil. Also lucky numbers. Call for appointment or directions. Qod Has Anawarad Your Prayars! (212) 505-6113 inti tflituuni/in—idbmmi, ta, i»q»—rwo a.— 300 Attend Gala Celebation At Ocean City Beech On Topsoil More than 300 people attended the gala celebration of the 40th an niversary of Ocean City Beach on Topsail Island recently. Eight three-story cement towers are scattered the length of the narrow island that date back to World War II when German sub marines prowled off the North American coast. These eight towers enchant tourists visiting the island that has become one of the state's noted seaside playgrounds. During the celebration, the Ocean City Beach Citizens’ Council presented a plaque to Ms. Caronell Chestnut in appreciation for her perseverance In continuing efforts of development of Ocean City Beach and helping make it possible to celebrate 40 years as a grow ing beach community. The activities began July 15 on the beach strand with a sand sculpture building contest and a fishing contest. Also, many enjoyed the fabulous picnic catered by Mr. and Mrs. George Tyson, managers of Ocean City Fishing Pier, Inc. During the picnic a fashion show was presented by Ms. Sophia Pierce, owner of A&S Fashions of Fayetteville. Some of the models were beach residents and friends. During the evening, the Historical Society of Topsail Island presented three plaques designating historical sites in Ocean City. One was for Tower No. 1 that was built by Camp Davis and used dur ing World War II. The island had been part of the Camp Davis antiaircraft military training base, with headquarters at Holly Ridge. Tower I was later renovated by Wade Chestnut as a business establishment. Another plaque was presented to the Ocean City Beach Citizens’ Council and received by Leland Newsome, president of the council, for those who made it possible for the development of Ocean City Beach. A plaque was also presented for the Oceanside Camp, which was the first black Episcopal camp in the Diocese of East Carolina. The camp, under the leadership of the Right Rev. Thomas H. Wright, diocesan bishop at the time, was aided by the Rev. Dr. Ed win E. Kirkton, rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Wilmington as the organizer and director, assisted by all black priests in the diocese—the Rev. Joseph H. Banks, the Rev. Charles M. Johnson and the Rev. Richard Horsley. On July 16, the climax of the weekend’s activities was held in the Wade H. Chestnut Memorial Chapel with Henry E. Frye, associate justice of the N.C. Supreme Court, as guest speaker. Frye, of Greensboro, delivered a speech that was followed by a necrology ser vice memorializing bech residents who died during these 40 years. The service was held by Ms. Ollie Felfair and her committee. —Patronize Our Advertisers!— Dunford Building Contractor • We Build New Homes • Room Additions • Home Remodeling • Fire Restoretlon ODELL DUNPORD A CLEMON THOMAS OWNERS bus.(91 9)832-7313 Home (919) 8320515 ■ - ’■ - , People who make things happen. IVcparini; lotla\ s worUcts lor tomorrow s opportunities is our immediate tlialleiis>e. John I ho oh Ihrsnh ill •nnl < hh f I v< \nlionol I i litiii h iii^iu Hit* lots ol r.I.i« lv mil pour \iii( in .ms in II i liiirx throughout ilns ii.ilion s win \111h its» r Hum Ii supports tlu I I i .i'-'ui jiM .Is \u support olio i t tlio .old i nil III .11 programs ( out in mill \ pi op t lx .1 ml I In (lou lopim iit o! miiiorih luisim ss» s \l \uli< usor Iius( h vo o t tmmiiilt d to .1 lu llt i ipi.ilitv oi lih I or t ' y. i Mint AN HI USLK-Bl (OMPANILS