RECEIVING HONORS-The 100 Black Men of Atlanta recently honored Hardeo’t Communication Sorvlces deportment with an Award of ExcoNence for writing and, producing an 18-mlnuto video presentation, which wM ho usedto publicize andlieljr raise money to (mriltrTnfect Succou Program.” The award was presented to Columbus Vinos, area three vice president and Maurice Bridges, director of public affairs, who represented the company. Students Demonstrate Teamwork In Innovative Technology Class Ten middle and high-school students have spent the month of July in an innovative program designed to introduce them to careers in technology and engineering. Working out of Enloe’s new engineering lab, the students have spent five hours a day working in electronics, robotics, computer aided design, computer graphics, aeronautics, and laser and fiber optic communications. The students each assembled a nine-inch color television, while lear ning about broadcasting and receiv ing principles. This project demonstrated teamwork, attention to detail, and complexity characteristic of careers in technology fields. Participants visited a summer pro gram in science and engineering at the NCSU School of Engineering and toured IBM, DuPont, and En vironmental Protection Agency facilities at the Research Triangle Park. They met with engineers at each facility. They also visited classes at Wake Technical Institute. The participants discussed prepara tion required to gain entry into technology careers. Eight middle-school and two high school students were selected for this program from students nominated by their counselors. The students were not selected on the basis of grades and achievement, but on the basis of potential and interest. The intent of the program is to motivate students to pursue careers in engineering and technology. The program was funded through vocational education funds from the State Department of Public Instruc tion and Wake County Schools. On Friday, July 28, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., students will be demonstrating their projects in the Enloe High School engineering lab, Room 124 W. Enloe High School, 128 WOHo 1 Coa*r*ct. B*Udt| ***%?£ ®«»0* lPr°anms oi"e1 cW-^c *' “ *“sle' tha„ r"'<>‘edullEdUca«°n. ,£"'W fcr *, "V°u /offers #h< Caw°n iva/»n ,ts a fan err>atiVt h°«*9e l 0»d c®n°r‘'°"- S**» £■**« r«*"°r zr ^<0 cr" ■* /**'