The recent violence that occur red et Virginia Beach, Va. this past weekend la just an example of a new wave of racial violence ■weeping the country. Aa a group of young college coeda gathered at their annual i “Greekfest” weekend, local ! authorltlea were ready and will ing to forceably dear the par tygoera off the atreeta surroun ding the Virginia Beach area. After local police officer* and atate troopers could not handle the crowd of Innocent young peo ple or “Greeks,” the mayor of Virginia Beach ordered the Na tional Guard to use any extreme to dear the streets. In an effort to atop the looting and vandalism that was taking place, National Guardsmen used an overpowering show of force. After watching the television videotape, many were shocked to aee policemen beating perpetrators with nightsticks. How the police handled the situation In Virginia Beach was no different from how police handled race rioting in the ’60s. Watching the news media coverage of the incident was like taking a step back in time, about 20 or so years back. We are sure that had the crowd of young “Greeks" been white the police would have never displayed such force in getting them to leave the area. Now the question remains: Will there ever be another “Greekfest?" Well, from the looks of things right now, we don’t think there is a beach on the east coast that will permit the “Greeks" to congregate again. This is a shame, because the Greeks were just victims of very bad publicity. Everyone seems to be blaming the Greeks for the looting and violence that occurred this past weekend. The fraternities and sororities were Just there to have a good time. They did not go all the way to Virginia Beach to destroy the city. Most of the damage that was done was more than likely done by non-Greeks and non-college itudents. In the past years since ’Greekfest" has been going on, no violence has occurred. Whatever triggered the rash of looting is a question that has yet to be answered. ■i_m n. nin ... IMW DM Ufl DNrWOOpOIIS i Despite growing concerns over the possible use of biological war fare agents by terrorists, there has been no law prohibiting private citizens in the United States from owning such ipons. hi 1972, the American govern ment signed an international trea ty banning all “biological agents er. toxins” not for “prophylactic, protective or other peacenu pur poses.” This was ratified by the tLS. Senate in 1975. But the treaty’s provisions had never incorporated into American To change this, the Bush ad ministration has now endorsed new legislation that specifically prohibits any individual in the United States from possessing a biological “weapon of mass destruction” or assisting a foreign power in obtaining one. This legislation has been making its Iway through Congress in the last few months. I President Bush has long been (concerned with the threat of chemical and biological warfare. {During his campaign last year he promised to work to abolish such weapons worldwide. But this will take far more than American legislation. According to intelligence sources, 10 countries—they refuse to name which ones—currently possess or are in the process of developing biological weapons. At the same time, there continue to be questions raised about the U.S. . government’s “defensive” research in the area. “Even Defense Department of ficials cannot define the distinc tion between offensive and defen sive BW research,” says Charles Pillar, an expert in military uses of genetic engineering discoveries. “Exploiting this am biguity, the Defense Department has embarked on a provocative program, using new genetic technologies in ways that threaten to destabilize the treaty process and stimulate a new biological arms race. Under the Freedom of Informa tion Act, Piller obtained documents which showed the Ar my had lied to 1977 Senate hear tags about the public safety of past biological warfare research. “Added to this, the history of U.S. chemical and biological weapons ex periments—characterized by routine use of unwitting human guinea pigs—is hardly reassur ing,” Piller wrote in The Nation. “Chilling examples from the 1950s and 1960s include... clandestine biological tests in the 1950s in such places as the New York subways and the San Francisco Bay area—using supposedly benign organisms that mimic the behavior of BW agents. The Army acknowledged in 1977 that one of the widely used ‘stimulants’ can Mil the ill or elderly.” More recently, President Reagan’s pursuit of chemical and biological weapon disarmament was accompanied by a U.S. buildup of such programs, creating a contradictory policy of deterrence and disarmament. The Reagan administration pointed to a mysterious outbreak of anthrax in Sverdlovsk (one of the most heavily researched diseases in past BW programs) and to “Yellow Rain’’ in Southeast Asia as evidence of the Soviet Union’s disregard for the biological weapons treaty. The Soviet ambassador countered the charges saying U.S. claims were “inventions from beginning to end.” Last year, more than 500 American biologists signed a pledge not to engage in research that would further the develop ment of biological weapons. It was part of a campaign against the expansion of Department of Defense funding of academic biology, organized by the Com mittee for Responsible Genetics. Twenty-four American univer sities were said to have been in volved in research funded by military budgets. The future of our country and the world may well be determined not by its policy on nuclear weapons, but by how it deals with the possibly just as deadly research into using disease as a weapon. As with nuclear weapons, it is rec jgnized by many that there would be no winners in such a war. Mrtrat To Examim What Works In Education BY REP. AUGUSTUS HAWKINS theme of the braintrust is titled “Ensuring the Future of the African-American Child: Educa tional Equity, Excellence and Op portunity.” The braintrust will be held in room 2175 of the Rayburn House Office Building from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The education of our children is indeed one of the most significant issues facing the nation. The tragedy lies in the fact that far too many people have used education (See EDITOR'lAI,, F. 7) HCUP RCLCAStt THE hovtaoes. IN FACT.WKVl BAKED NNPA FEATURE COPING Dr. Charles W. Faulkner BY DR. CHARLES W. FAULKNER HOW HYPNOSIS WORKS ITS WONtyBftS When I began to counsel people who had personal problems, somewhat disconcer ting things would happen. They would feet wonderful and highly motivated to im prove themselves while they were in my office and while I was counseling them. However, when they returned to my office, they would often say, “I really wanted to improve myself but something happened. No matter how much I wanted and tried to do well, it seemed like a little voice inside of me kept telling me to continue to do the negative things I had always done.” The “little voice” to which they referred was their subconscious. And it was con trolling them. The subconscious is the place where all habits are. It is for this reason that a psychiatrist or psychologist can counsel a person for many hours, and the client will sincerely desire to do well. As long as that person is thinking about do ing well, he/she will do exactly what the psychologist suggests. However, when that person is under stress and momentarily forgets about his promise to change his behavior, he carries out negative behavior (overeating, having temper tantrums, smoking too much, feel ing inadequate, trembling with fear, losing memory and similar behaviors). This is the subconscious controlling behavior Counseling by talking with a person Is of limited value. It cannot permanently solve a problem because habits (the sub conscious) take over when the patient leaves the counselor’s office. Hypnosis Is a way of implanting Ideas (suggestions) into die subconscious. These new ideas become poeltlve habitsx that replace the old, negative habits. Thus, once the hypnosis ends, the habits remain deep down In the Individual's psyche. Many times, the new Ideas, In the subconscious, are there without the knowledge of the client. Never theless, when the client Is under stress, the new behaviors control him. These new behaviors are known as poet-hypnotic sug gestions. Here is an example of hypnosis in action. I hypnotized a young lady in order to help her lose her desire for fattening foods. While she was hypnotized, I told her that she would no longer want or enjoy fatten ing foods. After the hypnosis was over, she had no desire for fattening foods and the excess weight came off quickly. By simply putting a person into a trance and telling that person he/she will either lose certain desires or gain others can quickly and dramatically modify behavior. The individual returns to the of fice for additional counseling and hyp notherapy which, eventually, makes the behavioral changes permanent. BY RON DANIELS REVER8E ROBIN HOOD: THE 8AVINGS AND LOAN BAILOUT African-Americans, minorities and poor people are always reminded about the value of hard work, thrift and manage ment. Many conservative analysts, in cluding some black ones, blame the poor for their condition of poverty, contending that the poor mismanage their resources, and rely too heavily on public handouts. Heaven forbid that a project or program aimed at helping the poor should have a deficit or cost over run. Conservatives would be quick to pounce on such an event as an example of the carelessness and ineptitude of blacks, minorities and the poor. Re Quests bv noor for additional capital DANIELS to salvage or bail out much-needed economic or social programs are regularly dismissed as irresponsible and un necessary. It is curious that red, white and blue flag-waving super-patriots are the first to rush to the public sector for some help, or should I say welfare assistance, when their enterprises are in Jeopardy. For Instance, the federal government sponsored a multlbillion-doilar bailout for Chrysler Carp, with few questions asked. One of America's richest multinational corpora tions had to be saved from financial dif ficulties which were caused by its own miscalculations and Its own mismanage ment. But of course we already said Chrysler la a rich corporation backed by some very smithy people. The savings and loan bailout is the latest instance of the federal government being forced to save “respectable” and “respon sible” financial institutions who Just hap pen to have fallen on hard times in our booming economy. The huge savings and loan industry is plagued by a deficit which by some estimates is in excess of $300 billion. The looses from hundreds of federally becked, government Insured savings and loan banks are running in the range of $40 million a day. The fact of the matter is that large numbers of these savings and loans were hardly respectable or responsible. They were/are reckless. Indeed, many of these savings and loons are grossly irresponsi W W W . VI ble because they choose to invest their monies in high-risk get-rich-quick schemes abroad rather than invest dollars in America in general, and in distressed black, minority and poor inner-city areas in particular. There is nothing within the, government’s policies and regulations which prevents this reckless behavior. Hence savings and loans have a green light to pour billions into speculative veo; cures m foreign lands while depriving America of badly needed capital. Redlin ing in desperate, capital-starved inner-city communities is commonplace. In fact, it’s even worse than that. Actually, savings and loans, other banks and corporations are encouraged to invest abroad because taxes on profits raked in from foreign in vestments are less than taxes on profits made in the USA. In other words, corpora tions get a tax break for investing abroad. It is an Incentive not to invest in America. Well, as fate would have It, vast numbers of the risky savings and loans in vestments overseas have not panned out. Indeed, these investments have gone so badly that the defaults on a hugs multi bllllon-dollar pool of loans pose a threat to the entire savings and loan industry and even signaled the possible crash of the U.S. economy. Obviously something had to be done. Good old respectable and reapoosl ble rich Institutions, and rich Individuals could not be allowed to go under. After all, the result of their careless and recklass behavior could spell disaster for all of us. The cruel hoax is that the savings and loans miscalculated, mislnvested and ran into misfortune. Poor and working people had nothing to do with their shenanigans. Poor and working people were the victims of the savings and loans’ redlining and noninvestment in America. But guess who is going to have to pay the bill to bail out the ailing savings and loan industry. You got it right, the government, the public, YOU and your tax dollars will rescue the savings and loan industry. This is like giv ing them kind of backhanded rewards for their reckless, irresponsible, anti American and anti-human behavior. Something is terribly wrong in a nation that can routinely bail out ailing corpora tions and rich enterprises, but cannot find the resolve and resources to bail out the multitude of poor and disadvantaged peo ple in this land. It would appear that reverse Robin Hood is the order of the day in America. It is an order that we must fight to change. r IF IOUmmAvEJ\N Opinion About Whats Going On In Your Community—Share Iti mikl vGQpNMinr Now when every meld'i turn wee come tofo In to king' Aheeuerua, after that she had been 12 monthe, according tor, the manner of the women (for eo were the day* of their £•! purification accompliahed, to wit, aix month* with oil off \ myrrh, and aix montha with aweet odour*, and with other" thing* for the purifying of the women). Bather I: IMS' ©©Bodim)' ■ THE REVOLUTION OF 1999 WILL BE SEEN IN THE MOVIES 0 a recant movie trade magasine. a black producer for t> .vaJor Hollywood atudio boaated of leaving the uauaed food from thn movie aet behind for the local black com munity, 1 thought, "How i. o—L auae that’a all of the *um nOllcn that movie earM ire a ’ than the® ho v. movie) *;«,. and. You can 1 you want, about a Job or tree .uod from a white Hollywood company, diatributed ] by a black who aaya he’s “ind pendent,” but the truth in we had L full employment during alavory ,. . and we ahould be buying our own fouu. |tna remember: Tbi white* who gave ua the leftover* make SO percent of their total income from ua. Therefore, when my movie, "The White Girl,” open* on Feb. 9, 1990 (during Black Hiatory Month), it will be diatributed by black college*, entrepreneur*, aocial, civic and fraternal group*, church**, etc. Inatead of feeding them, we are going to teach them how to flah—ao they can feed themaelvea—by ahowing them how to market and pro mote a movie. These Buy Freedom Partners will share the box office income from each theater "Girl” is shown in; how much they make depends on how hard they work (for details, enll 212-575-0879). What we're doing will give new meaning to the concept of being an independent in the movie Industry. An independent black filmmaker Is not an lndepandant person who is directing or producing movies for a salary from white Hollywood studios. That’s totally dependant And other than that black person beneflttlng, nothing will change for black people as a whole. An independent black filmmaker is someone who develops his or her own property with money he or ah* has and then produces and markets a movie outside (and fre quently in spite of) the studio system—to benefit the entire black community. When we do that enough times with enough movies, then—and only then—will enough Jobs, and the right Jobs, be created, along with truthful images. All we have to dais make movies for each other. Hie baxofflce Hum* is there. For example, last May, we took “Girl” to Bermuda and opened it at the Liberty Theatre in a test run to see how it would perform in a commercial house. It broke the how* boxoffice record of such major Hollywood blockbusters as “Golden Child,” “Beverly Hills Cop II,” “Fatal Attraction,” “Crocodile Dundee n,” “Rambo IH," “The Color Purple” and “Raw.” “Girl” sold twice as many tickets as “The Mighty Quinn” and sold more tickets in one day than “I’m Goaaa Git You Sucka” did in a week. That’s why we feel a* en thusiastic about our boxoffice potential when it opew la theaters nationwide in February. Although public reaction to any film is impossible to predict and we cannot make any predictions of “GW’s” grossing potential, it is encouraging that in its Initial run it beat films that went on to make $153 million (“Fatal At traction”) and $79 million (“Golden Child”). In this business, numbers alone do the talking: 80 per cent of the filmgoing audience is black ($3.3 billion of the total $4.4 billion) and 90 percent of die $4.4 billion cornea from the top 90 most-populated cities. And more than 80 percent of the black population lives in those top 90 urban Tenters. The black population is the backbone of the movie industry. What we’re doing with our movie, by sharing the boxof fice income, however, will redirect the flow of this money back to people and groups in our community. This —»«* network of Buy Freedom Partners can and will run more grassroots campaigns for future movies under their con trol. We’ve successfully avoided selling the movie—and sell ing out—to Hollywood. Instead we’ve bet on the ability of our people to upset Hollywood at the box office. Make Black Hiatory Month 1990 a time whan we use pride In our cultural heritage as a basis of suc cess in the movie industry that controls our minds. Join the only revolution that matters. Beootne a Buy Freedom Partner. Make sure the revolution la seen in die movies because it won’t be televised. “Tony Brown’s Journal” TV series can be seen •» public television Saturday on Channel 4 nt 1199 p.m. Please consult Usdnm. 1 Other Viewpoints BY CHESTER DEBNAM, JR. BLACK BROOKLYN YOUTH KILLED BY WHITE) A CHURCH RESPONSE There Menu to bo some biblical insights as to the Chris tian response to Um (laying of the black youth, Hawkins, lr Brooklyn, N.Y., by a white youth, allegedly with nine ether accomplices. Is II Samuel, chapiter U, God brought three yean of famine on the land during King David's reign. After David prayed, God told him that the famine came aa a result of Saul's (David's prsdscessor as king) seal to kill the Gibeooitos from the coast of Israel. The Glbeonites were not of the children of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites, and the children of Israel had ■worn not to harm them. David Inquired of the Glbeonites, saying, “What shall I do for you? and wherewith shall I make the atonement, that ye may bless the inheritance of the Lord?” The Glbeonites said unto him, “We will have ao silver nor gold of Saul, nor of his house; neither for us shah thou kill any man in Israel—let seven of his sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang then before the Lord.” Notice, beloved, the Glbeonites did not fall into the sin ful set of racial hatred. They isolated their situation to Saul. When the bullet found Brother Martin Luther M«g, should not we have said, “neither for us shalt thou kill” (any white man in the United States), rather than takii* to the streets in violence? Also, the slaying of Hawkins in New York could best be served by saying, “Neithsr shaft thou kill any” (white man in the United States). The mother of the black youth is going through a traumatic loos. In like manner the lives of the white youth and their parents hive now been shaken like a drunken man. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Satan caused the violence, and pulled the trigger and at tempts to hide his hand. The white man is not our enemy; (See VIEWPOINTS, P. 7)