BUSINESS PPORTUNITIES §) TM M09T OUTRAMOUI buahtaai ap. |||0 Tilaphiaaa. KC rvllna taaHahab Ma MCi ptMMmMfX (BjX pm^lg wNli 000 lavaitiaaat Call WMKIVI laraa nnpaay aaa^B liaaia ^atlta^il Oaiallsi §ssd talf* It. Ml ■ 9190,1 NC TMDOOWOOKINOtarlhaataarinaiiT kldb|M|l Ia| 1|A k^l. yg|| taW Ita Ply^i Calaay af naftli Catallaa Yd. I« iwti Bataan, N.C. 97704 Ita dHK HrtHt yaa hf i panaaal MAM MONOY WOMKNO AT HOMOI It mMn taa tai Mr. WINtam Oahta, Oapl, M, 9.0. Baa 4TM, lynahburo, VA MM. ATIVI A99I9TA ITANT—Part. U||>| ^ ^ main S^^Bn^HTISni ^Vvi BS ^BIB ."B.n* tala faaaalal ftiar^i awl haa4la Barta^f ■i lOnMilriitai raapantaHiriai. Oatary 97J09 la 99.000. M raauma ar mil M»r*h Carallna Caalltlan Afalmt - Vtatanaa, T.O. Iw OHM. Bataan, N.C. 97717-1071, (919) 4»1407 ar (794) 7104017. BaaOHna Oapi. 7, 1999. iMhlM, ••aiiM -«— *-■— 11 *-1 A ■BTBBfn^i R^BBVB Hiii |7BBi| 9 . Otari 10.91/hr. Apota by 9/19/99 la Than al Cary/IT, 9.0. 9a« 1147, Cary, MC 97919.1147.909. 9999CTIV9N099 1 099K99/C0M9UT99 IY9T9M ADMMI9T9AT09—Bathalar'r ^ap«a la aaai^a^a^ calalarf ^Isd^llaa} fpiflKl|g yy^mn^appii^ taHaa*. harOwara, prafrannlnp, sf PMIQ$ •pttm, H#0*1AIIC laafluafa tla|9 ^aaaftft IV^adlva Khar I, 1999. Apply by OapMnbar 19, .1999 «A* mama K Ma..Ma Ttwmpaan. Pavaaaaal CaaaaMalty Cal* , 9.0. Oaa 7409. Oatay Maun. NC 1M AN0U9 0A9N la naw hMaa taH linn ^p|y in ^^faaa 9*S. Claa* a4 labar Bay. b ta Ihaakn PaaaaMl MT 9 9B9 IWataMQ IB^B9IM< WBIWI TOW •art t/TSJiiSrmlNwraab TaadiSia* TpaMaa bopjNbi aaaMaf. ^ariafrics snd/ oc lafaa* sHa cam sualsj* IsssllsRt pdacaacaa. P.O. Iw HI. WM-dHa, NC 17471. Pfcana (fit) 441*7141. lat. 144. AppllcaHaa 4aa4Uaa r 10. FOR RENT i 4*v d Mkruary, WO, will Bp |. 4dm )• mI4 J.J, Imm, Jr. (Jamaa 4. tAfn*nk I u||| |Um« lnnM4ldta •mWWTIi 4* • / Will piM "IwnW ITTiVTiMmIw Tkla 41k 4ay d Ayfuat, ltd. J.J. lamam, Jr. J. lanaam, Jr.) Dr. Ckarlaa 0. Warn NM OHIaa laa IW Ourkam, NC ITW* Atlamayi William A, Marak, Jr, WAM COUNTY m laaaidf mJ Du OWwllTi^w SR IHtfla mi |ka lalata —A Baja LA IWTIi wT TITO III! ID DT tff I ■ Ri aadrla Hrlaklaa4, lala d Waka Caunty, Hank Aafalftna |Lla lm ^ aa|dy mil «J wWwTlfWi TTTID ID Tw nwlH|f Oil pOrDOTID OnO In ||m yn^mignn^ m ^ kdwv sIm H|mA|||ka l|mjn |km Amim RlmmO mm||mm mm mm ITIOITTIW TTOITt nW HID Of TlrOT IRT^Of R OH Af k^AM l^duAM IV |AAA ailkbaallaa Or OOWO nOIOOry III IYrO| M TIM ITOTlfO ^lll pinn^n^ |n ||m|| ^ 11 pn^mnn |n^n^|n^ ||m ^ninin |^nnm lWntn®N®t® poyflAnnf f® th® jka 101k Day d May, Id*. Dr. Nfad Ad.ArwklalmkaltyakarBkima C/a Kannalk I, liawarl AHamayAllaw P.O.DaaMM Ml Naw lam Aaanua RaMp, N.C. mu (I1DMM414 NODTN CADOUNA WAM COUNTY MTM CAM NO. DM lit fLm II.J.mlm..J kmjm. AUAIIIIA^ M I nO VV^MTDIRTMi IMYIIH RJOIITim MO 4 JmlnfatralAf ^ ikm iiuy u u—^. lai—a MMnRMW^^^a ^a TIM DOTOIO ^a aOI^^^I a a DT •an, Da«aa«a4. In Ika ONNa d lha dark ^ limrlar CauH a| MMu funtu ^am M d^^DT^W a^MTI ai aawnw wOwHIyi ^Wa h®f®ky notify ®H p®f®®Mi ftcw® ®®tf i®f* Qnm^nnf ||^n ®swn® ||m iiaiaaalAAAJ an ai kalAM Iaaiiiam IA WTaomaOl^a^M Ml M^ ^M^aO a^Ml^dy • aaI lHI |mU Jm^ kmlmm ml |mmm| ||m m|mm|i|a I TOTt OOnM MTO 0001^ OT TMMOT Old IHOI"Tia tram Ika 4aw d 4ta Ural pkllaakan ar p^n||n^ n^ ^^inn n^ ||^n mum ®y||| pj^n^n^ Ir ^®^ akim aim mi— u mimuaaJ |a aliA mm ■ nm laotwo la oiaon pui ivoin aw aa^w par •lanadO.I. NA-I4-I. vMmdO.1.3 TMa lOMa 4ay d Aapaat, IM*. NulM. Marrin daylan, NC ITMO NORTH CADOUNA WAM COUNTY MTM lODioocm RVIURUCATION M TM MATTM Of: HATTO MMM AND AMOHCAN OWUIAHTY IHWHANCI (TWO ANY va. MNM MAM IMITH TO: MNH DIAM IMITH TAM Nona Rial a yla»4ln| aaaklna ^Jlmi m^mlmml aMH kna kmma |||md In RAkM iMIM ^®OOwT yMl I^M ti^^d aaa aa^M ■bovo ontitiod action. Tho noturo of tho ■ |J |||m mmtmmif ma|A Lf Rocoaory M ^a^M Ma^woir ^oro ay |^m ImmyrnA U^llm U^Lm L|m mim^Mtlf lw IrO ^MTTM NI^^Ma im pu^or ry an Wank 4. ITM. YOUARRRRQURMOlampa 4alanaara I nal Idar ikan 40 4aya Iram upon yowr Mlura «a 4a aa Ika party taak. kip aaxtaa aaalnil yaa a4R apply *a Ika caurt lar Ika raMd aaupt. TMa Ika Wk 4ay d Au»ual. ITW. Prlnaa I.N. Ikytlan Anamay lor MdnMta foot OHtea Baa 30044 Pal alp. Norik Carolina 274IT NORTH CADOUNA M1M* CAM NO. M CVD MM* NOnaOPNRVKIOPPAOaN rypmucation M TM MATTM Of! ufuni Mia TuaM AND OUARANTYMMMANa COMPANY «t. MOMA I. UNOMWOOO TOiMOINAI. UNOMWOOO TAM NOIKI Not • >ln«H tuthlN raM apotoot yau hut km KM In Ah Am mM aclton. Tha mum at Ah raltof Mint ItupUl It w Mtowo: at Am tmtufit paM k| i-—J |UM^ Imiimm TurLmr Imp mWTM ffNNO annn * ■■■ ■1 . « Jmmm AlMtalHM prvpvny oomogvi tvw mdn»"m m t ratuH N tn automablto tcclAant tc currlnp an Mirth 1. IWT. YOU AM NQUIMO to nMMhn h with plttAlnp im totor Ann 40 Atyt Inn Ural puhllalton. t«h Auputl, INI, mm Cytur tollura to At It Am parly Mah Mulct aptlntt yau will apply M Am murl tor Am rtlM tlupht, TMt Am tAi Am •> Auputl, IN*. “run# iiNi infiNn Attomay tor PtohHAh PmI OHlti Itx MOM Itotolph, NmAi Cirtllnt INI* MOUTH CAPOUNA WAN COUNTY oitmomnu court op juma NO. N CVO IM OVPUOUCATTON IN TM MATTM OPi MANMMON MOON AND AMMKAN OUAMNTV ANUMNa COMPANY wt. IHANNON MICMUI ftUAUI TO: IIIANHON MICMUI MUM TAM Nona Ami • pi»«*un MMun rtlltf aptlrwt yau hm hmn UtoA In Ih ahavt tntHtoA Milan. Th# iMlwri at Ai rail!* halnp taupht It tt toltowli •tctvtry at Am anaunt paM k AnMritm Ouaranty Inturmm Ctmptr M Ht InturtA OrmAtratn IraAM tor pn , AtnMft. n*h AtnMpt hmMIimA i i rttull at tn iMMiwthllt mtlAtnl ttcur top tn April I, HM. YOU AM NQUIMO to iMhi Attontt I wchptoaAtopitol totor Amp 40 Aaytlm Uni publkntton. (Otto Auputl, IM*. m uptn your tollura M At m Am pirly ttN court tor Am rtlM ttupM. TMt AmPAi Aiy t» Auputl. HM. m_i_a u l^iHnn riHraa lini MlflNn Altnj—|u MaIiiIIHa TTwrTrwy *M rNAmflM PmI Ofttoo Pom MOP* Itotolph. North Carol too INI* nouthcaaouna WAN COUNTY M TMMNMA1 COURT OP AMT DMINCT COURT flMPOh CAM NO. M CVD IMM Nona op HRwa opprocm IN TM MATTM OP: MICMAI* KROIRPMAM AND AMMICAN OUARANTV AMURANa COMPANY vt. DAVID PlOYO NMN* TO: DAVIOPIOYDMMNS TAM NOIKI Ami ■ ptolAnp tathh roM tpthiti you hat hmn UtoA In A abava anMttoA action. Tha nahira at A -tl — A i-■-- n|| ijil to ma IaJUmAM' f MIIMT DDR^ WD^n M ^N NMiMi Ptctuaiy at Am amunt pMA I to Hi ImuraA Mkhaal Krowpman tor pt - t - -attain JotnAM UmImIiiaH i pD'if OOmojD, Rdmi um'i'urR ONO^mt^i a ratuU tt ai aitoathAa occlAoiU oca* top tn Oclthtr 11. HM. YOU AM MQMMD to nafca Attontt tuchptoaAtop not totor Ihan 40 Aayt Ira Ural puhUcoMon. IMU Auputl. IN*, a upon yuur Mtoru to At ta Aa paly tM top tanlca apatoat you wMI opphr to « court tor Am ruUot touphl. TMt Am PAi Aoy of Auputl. IN*. Prtoco I.N. ihyAun Artomoy tor ptolnlAti MM*. NorAi CaroUnu INH NORTH CAROUNA , *fl MTM MATTM OP: MARTHA UPCHURCH AND AMOMCAII OUARANTY MMMANCI COMPANY va. MARJORM A. TAMON TOi MAIUOM A. TAMON TAKI NOTta that • ptaaplnp Making aa||^ ||M |l|*J I a iL. TwIIOT n^nitiot yw inW Nfn TlW m Tnt iktvi inlHW cctton. Th# NHift ®f th® ®ll®f Mufht It m §®ll®w8i Itttvtfy §1 iht ®iw®u®t pc Ml by |1a luilVA^ ft ft«^uiB«A| 1m M IW ftft^wNNW IM bf ^ciccgci tuth dww^t ®ust®ht®tl M 8 fttult cf tfl ctitCfCcMIlc C88l^Cfit occurring an Juno IT, ITU. YOU AH RMUIMO ta mako Mm ta mah ptaaplnp I)M lotar than 40 Payi tram Ural publlaatlan, llth Aupuat, INI, ml upan yaw taPurale Pa MPta party aaah .apphMatha ....-i ft^. ^lUi nun tn» hw rwiiwr rav|ni, Thla tha Ith Pay at Aufuat, INI. Prlnaa I.N. Mwllan Attamay lar PwnMtfa PaM OHlaa laa MM Ralalph, Narth Catalina Will NORTH fflIHHIHft W AM COUNTY NOfKITOCMOITOM Tha unPanl|naP, having guallllaP « * -i—i-i.»—«-. ^A |L* ai I.ilia lualuN MRMMTIwm m ™ mIWW W a*™ ifwijn TMtar, PaaaaaaP, lata at Vania County, II^L a —-ll-iLl. U Aa Mltfy all liflifll lltnil WMvflTNt nM S IN iWniy Nil potwtll La|ft» .lafta. aalj ||||U |a HNYlfTf IINITTIU N^N 11101 ON IN NOYNTW TN p'W ■am warn ta tha unPatalgnaO an ar batata tha Nth lay at Pabmaty, INI, ar thli nathawtllhaptabPaPInkar tharaal. All paraana inPabtaP la tail latata ara ra* auotap ta raaha In^naplata payncanr la Ht® uMlcrticnod. Thlatha Nthiiay at Auguit, INI. luaaall I. Wataan, Almlnlitratar l.tai* ^A ftaalftA IuaLm ll§l|Aa ■■ININ Or MIN OINIfTI *101 INI Oyr J. Hanry lanha P.0, laa laa TIT I, Oamatt Itraat HanPataan, NC INN Tat. (Ill) PN-POII WAM COUNTY MONA LNA ADCOCK AIATMAN, hay Inp pualltM aa baautrln at tha latata at JOHN O. ADCOCK, M.. at Waka Caunty, —I ft — m a aa LauImi alalaaa AAA 1 aka a all A Nil pVflNN IMVing N^lnil TTTN iMatA nI aalJ 4aama^ |a NmK|K|I ihoilt ♦*» HINTN N MN IN NNHINIl ITINIII IN tha unParalpnaP an ar halara tha 11 at Pay at Marah, IMO, ar thla Natlca will ha plaaPap In bar at (hair raaavant. aana InPahtaP la tha htata will maka IrnanaPlata paymant ta tha unpar. aa—— | |aa j Jfirt Pullman MPN liNO MOCOCK AUllmNII, latata at Jahn O. APaach, Ir. a/a Thlppan, Ihw, Maphant and Paat Otflaa lo> ITN halalph, Narth Carolina 37103 , TMa tha Nth pay at Aufuat. INI. AaJAaa ■ IaIIaaa A AA...... wNlNn Na rNNali nllaHIWy latata at Jahn O. APaach. Ir. 901 royottovlllo Omf Msll lulta NO, P.O. lea 17N Ralalph. Narth Carolina 17103 WAM COUNTY Tha UnparalpnaP, havtnp quallflaP aa APmlnlatratrtx at tha latata at Dr. Hanry lawla, Jr., PaaaaaaP aa at Auguat IP, INI, Paaa haraby notify all paraona, llrma anp carporattana hovlnp dalna apolnat ▲a t-j w-a * . ——a fftaA a ra—a ■ tn ON OWN WNCNONtlT IN pODOm TTTN ONI I IN TO ta iaaa a ||-i-J-t-.-j *_ ^.ij IN# l^oat Ml pOalNw IrTONOTNv TO 0010 ta latata TKa Ne. NI IN*. Dr. APPana I. lawla UN lanppan M. Ratatph. N.C. 37101 NORTH CAROLINA WAM COUNTY M TM OOtMAl COURT OP JURTKI MPOHOD COURT DtVOtON CAN NO. CVD 01 NT N0TKR OP NRVKi OP PROCNI RYPURUCATION n a i Alftin Alt" Thnmnann IrwtWtTN mtlatl I anraitputti Plaintiff endangered. Do you ! - F.fc. F.S.: Football la a injuria*. It people who play football each year will receive earn* aort of injury. Howavar, tba majority of thaaa fall in tha minor range, from apraina to bruiaaa. It la now law that fact maaka and halmata ba worn, and thla haa baan ef• factiva legislation to raduca injuries. Unfor injuriaa are uncommon, thair potential eaverity malma their prevention by strict adherence to the juries are characteristic of football players, but since your eon is playing with other 11 to 18 year olds, lat’a hope dislocated knee caps separated shoul ders will bq of no concern. ©198®, McNaught Synd. * • * When asked by on on thropologist what tha In diana called America be fore tha white man came, on Indian said simply, iD your mdn about tha mportance of getting a aac una opinion whenever a doc tor mentions aurgary. My liuaband had terrible cramps through hla lower abdomen and a fever. Tha pains wan ao bad that ha could barely stand Hla doc tor and a aurgaon both told him hla appendix had to come out, which waa lapodally diahaartoning alnoa wa wan auppoaad to laave for Europe tha next weekend. We cancelled all our plana, but baton my huaband want in for surpry wa happened to be talking to a physician Mend who ■aid, flatty that tha problem wo not tha appendix. It turned out my huaband had a bout with dlvartkuUtia, which ia an intaatinal prob lam, Qivan antibiotics* ha waa feeling himaalf again within two days, and wa wan able to go to Europe. Two other doctors wan acrubbed and ready to cut my huaband up. I thank Ood we found out in time what the real problem Waa. But I wonder How many people receive the wrong diagnosis and unnaceaaary aurgary? — Physician Phobic Dear Phyaidan Phobic; I don’t know how many peo ple have had aurgary whan they didn’t need it, but I know it happens. Docton are not infallible, and moat will readily admit it They welcome the opinion of MKriMutytf, and patients ahould feel free to get a sec ond opinion whenever an important diagnosis ia being Dear Debbie; Our son has just turned 14 yean old, and I’m afraid we an losing VVUvITM IVhanovar I tan him to do hia own about what ha wanta to do and how to do It Ha la not doing wall In ichool, and wa have aahad that ha oomo right homa to oo nu nomawom Damn go Ingout with hia ttabda, but ha i lata. Ho iadad two of Ua claaaaa laat yaar and haa had to go to aumrmr aohooL I know it'a no fun for Urn, but ho haa to do it Baafdaa that ho haa a job booauaa wo want him to loam raaponaibility. Wo hava groundadJUm whan be totally dlarogarda our -a. - j i.L -i_ yj. pvsncfl o© wiMn uwr how ■tart going bad? lo than anyway to atop it? It aoama that you want your aon to act Uka a raaponaiblo adult yat you nw Ukw a wmU child. It la vwy difficult for pannta to atomy lot go of but you muat You cannot control your aon'a ovary move. The tighter your raatrictiona on Urn, tha mon ho ia Ukahr to rdbaL Lot him chooM mi MiidL You'va aaid nothing that to dicataa what kind of bad to duanco thay hava on Urn. An ldda coma homa lata now and than. Sat bound ariaa for your aon, but. tot him detarmtoa on Ua own t--1— —»— -i-l now no won® wxuun uiooo boundariaa. Laara to guide your aon in tha right dhoe tion with ancouraganwnt — rather than crWaarn. You alao might want to conakhr Stott claaaaa fat which ha to weak. ft U iuu a vuui Child by Eileen Adam* Help Your Child Succeed In School: Part V i nrougnoui scnooi years, n parents should look to their n children’s other learning g partners, their teachers, far o guidance when specific qura h tions arise. Teachers wel come npprrtnnitinn to con sult with their parent part ners and encourage them to become involved in their children's schooling. Below, what can be done to foster this relationship: * Attend school events to become acquainted with the principal, teachers and staff and to express your interest — both to the school and your child — in your child’s success. •If your child has prob lems with homework or other school work, discuss them privately with the teacher, or together with the teacher and child, to identify causes and determine solutions. ♦When your child has dif ficulty with a specific assignment, urge her to con sult with the teacher in the morning before school begins to ask far clarifies tion. The child may then have some time to work on what she didnt understand before class meets again. •If your child has trouble completing a project exact ly as asatflpsd, encourage her to negotiate soma changes so that the final project can suit nom interest far the child while meeting the teacher’s learning objectives. ♦When an older ciuia seldom or never has home work in a particular subject, the parent should call the teacher to discuss why. In short, both parent and child should faster an open attitude toward their teach ing partners and seek their help immediately whenever trouble arises with home work or material presented in school Successes, too, should be shared with teachers - these are the rewards of their work and their measure of the child’s progress. In short, work together within your child’s learning partnership — with every one involved — to find the ways to make school work organized, meaningful and Feeli Aerobic fitness is im portant, but it’s more im portant to warm up and coal down after each session. This will ease your heart rate up, and slowly bring it down. You'll get great aerobic benefits without shocking the system. ©1889, Mcnaught Synd. ran, ana an organized, meaningful and fun Ufa will guide your child to the euc ceeaee he or aha wfll eo richly deaerve! Trawl Thl» meano you oan braoai etraight through to your boarding gate when you arrive it the airport, so welting In line to check in. * Wnen you mm at your daataatlou hotel, bo surf vo cov guirantota lato-errtvelroecrvatloncao you'll aura of a place to etayaven If your pla&a, la • Daflnltaly carry on board — ratbar than chaeka, tickete, eradlt earda, wwtiwwatiwif of hotal raaarvatlo&a, rental ear eoatraeta, anything important to your itinerary. Valuablaa, Ilka jewelry and cameraa, are alao beet taken on board with you, and your peraonal eaeentiale (daflnltaly medlcatlone, but alao a toothbruah, clean underwear, ehaving equipment, etc.) parboil Into a carry-on' heavon-eent lnygnm tag will be if your 1* delayed ©lMtf, McNaught Synd. • • • It U never out ofttaton to loam. The Board of Directors of Legal Services el North Carolina. Inc. will moot on Friday, September 99,19B9 at 10:00 a.m. at the Browneetone Hotel In Raleigh, and I* open to the public. Learning Lab Coordinator. Qualifications: Minimum of bachelor r degree and one jaar^t teaching aaporlonca eorfi* Ing with programmed material In Ingllch and math In path secondary teaching. Will bo responsible for coordinating OED/HIgh School Diploma Equivalency program and tutorial Instruction for college-enrolled students. Will work directly with students. Demonstrated oral and (written communica tion skills, Application deadline: September 29,1999 (Include MCC application, transcripts, and resume). Sand application to: Gay Russell, Doan of Learning Resources, Montgomery Community College, PO Box 7S7, Troy, NC 97971; (9110 372-3691. AA/EOE. sr. ONE QflNE vwaMwmuAx TAD A SPIN - It’adoset cksning tin* Main - out with summar.ln with fall. Freshen •torK^clothtn^ halfteaepocn of baking powder to potatoes before whip loeklag accidentally on young children, tn etrtne of Adhesive tap* ovartae door bolt. Batter safe BU1MP TMAlUltM - If you're tired of ft*Ming and canning your vegetable crop, it'a nice to know that carrots, potatoes. onions and turnips can ba kspt in buekats of sand for sovaral months. 1YI FOR AN IYI - Threading your sowing _If you’ll slip a pises of whits paper undar ths foot, allowing ths sys of the nssd to bs iwniiii mi— visible. STICK PROOF - You ean condition a now fry pan to prsvsnt food from sticking by boiling • little vinegar Ink bsfors using ths first tuns. ISTORY-A changeover to queen or Ida# an outlay of money for nsw linens. Ths double elm i SUPBRIAUCB — For a mouth-watering loo cream topping, molt ovar low boat one siz-ounos package chocolate ships, onwthird oup mflk, one-third cup peanut buttar, and one-quartar cup oorn syrup. Bring to boil and stir in one-half teaspoon vanilla. Serve warm ovar iee 01989, MeNaught Bynd. r NOTICE TO BIDDERS Oealed bid* will be accepted until Tuesday, October 34. £y Raleigh DM* Ion of ATC Transportation Corp. for the loooo of tromlt tiro*, lid No. MT 99-70.3. Dotoll* and (pacification* or* on fllo In Capital Aroa Transit, 14301. Mount It., Raleigh, N.C. Disadvantaged bu*lno** ontorprlso* or* encouraged to submit bid* In rospon** to tfw Invitation and will not bo discriminated against on tfw basis of ago, race, so* or na tional origin In consideration for an award. Old opening shall bo at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 39, at Capital Aroa Transit. Persons In tors* tod should request tamo by writing to above address or call (010) 033-9701. __ A CITY OF RALEIGH WATER PLANT OPERATIONS SUPVR., 3 yrs. exper. In tba operation ot a water treatment plant, prof. incL some supv. exper. HS Grad. Special Reqahromeat: Cer tification a* a (Grade A) NC Water Treatment Plant PacUlty Operator. NOTE:* Drag screealag roq’d. 933.004. Closes: 00/13. LEAD LABORER n (PabUc Utilities), 1-3 yrs. exper. In t fen. const, labor and malnt. work. Clan B Driver’s Lie. $17,901. Closes: 00/15. LEAD LABORER II (PabUc Works), 1-3 yrs. exper. in gen. const., labor and malnt. work. NOTE: Drug screen ing req’d. Class B Driver's Lie. 917,301. Closes: 00/10. EQUIP. OPERATOR 1. 3 mos.-l yr. exper. in simple auto, and constr. equip, operation. NOTE: Drugscreen 1 lng req’d. Driver’s Uc. $14,907. Closes: 00/18. LABORER 1,3 mos.-l yr. exper. rel. to duties. Picks up I paper; operates small mowers; edges curbs. Driver's Lie. 913,390. Closes: 00/15. LABORER !, On-8ite. Apply In person between 9:00 a.m. : and 10:00a.m. Tues., September 13 ONLY, at 3304 Lake I Woodard R4L, Meters and Services Dtv., Raleigh, att 1 TrawiekRoad behind Tower Shopping Canter. 3 mos.-l yr. oxpar. related to duties. Installs and removes water i meters and registers. Driver’s Lie. 913J09. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TECH. I (Temporary), 3 mos.-l yr. exper. in traffic engineering work. HS Grad. Must be available to work 30 hours par week. Must pro : vide own vehicle; vehicle allowance will be paid. 95.00 i par hour. Closes: 00/15. City at Raleigh application* mast be received or eaaartbosebmittod la Uoa of applications. Psrcsnael Dept., 333 W. Hargett 84., Rm. 101, Raleigh, NC 37003. ; i EOEM/F/H. mi 'mi » lt 1 ■ . _ i1 '• “ . Stay In Touch with your hometown news SUBSCRIBE!! to The Carolinian P. 0. 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