Come 1 •Let’s Think! BY EVA L. PERRY THOUGHTS ON MOTHER’S DAY God bleu you Mother or this day, I have so many things to uy; You’ve done Just countless deeds Forme, Your goodness for our family But strangers too are not ignored, For being selfish is deplored. By one who gives herself, as you, And teaches in the process, too; For you’re my Mother and I’m proud Enough to shout that fact aloud: But you taught me what humble is, God’s way to be-all hi—»ing« His. And not something we take and keep, But share with others as we reap; And I have tried to share you too For that’s the gracious thing to doi. For that’s the gracious thing to do. I tell my friends how great you are, But guess I’ve never gone so far As praising you right to your face, Applauding your sweet loving Grace. How often I have heard you say The words I'll finally speak today For you are mother-hood divine— 1M<^,?l0u~~thank* to you’re _ —Selected “Pal of my cradle days—I’llbe loving you always-! don’t know any way I could ever repay Pal of my cradle days!’’Think about it. ‘‘•Mother’s Day" is really a great day. Every living human being forth from the womb of a woman—yes, all except Adam and Eye. Our Lord Jesus even cared tor His own Mother, and did appr *. a certain dear one to take car eof L