* T if. O" i v *r. A irtAni The Stars MTMIU AMI JEKTH % t irtE I I •» t * »tie-, "he jr t- "«•■<*** j*. j| ha* SW wumral >a V hjte i-*«4 »natu*-awranrsprct There is Jin air of •. -ur»-i*»-iuor-t«- hrffr nri* ■** far us all I* view what the -- 1 :h1*~ .a*' Yo ’l»rrr *w !»mo *hre vnu t»-ri thm** are no* naovinft a* - li Mild and rigbi »■» with the phisrt Urn-in tiwting off you may Ifri i m 14anee us the air H**«rr mytti the tqgb* heart that aw he yowv that is the pL» '■1 ui hi -art Kxpert the hot Hi the return «f Mercury r tacking up in your !• ’*!•■ •. m»h jrugroso I'nrspeeteri March a-April t» a t v r t< let the Mrnwng* that can come vmr way in lor t prticri^sp* the opraeos af your creativity will t.ii however just know that your plane! Mercury is backing up and for sore there will be a blessing coming to you as yon stop becoming so frustrated over petty stuff. Cool it. CANCEK As usual your undectevencM can come into play at this time and for sure with the Planet Mercury ofascwtog things a tittle you could fed uneasy However as you think things out and look at what others have to say about a situation you may find yourself «■—pwfor the best. Just sit still and expect the best far the stars are in your favor. Not a bad time at all LEO ju»Tthug a Happy Natal Day to all bora at this cycle and especially with the new maon coming in you kbauld feel real good, nippiness far sore will bring the best to you. Stay on top of a! your affairs, take a little break and find the fun in life for sure you know hoar to enjoy. Keep away from those who put a damper on your personality. After aO everyone doesn't know that it is yaw smile that keeps you going. New opportunities conning. VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept, a There have been improvements that you have thought about and for sure as the Planet Merctay backs up you will remember that now is the time to get moving Your practicality ■ what helps make people make a decision to move forward. Take some time off to regroup and look at all angles Have a great week. LIBRA Sepi. 23-Oct. S Let your spirit loving come to toe foreground and keep yourself from feel ing out of sorts by keeping a positive attitude. After all that will determine your altitude. (Statement made by our friend Jessie Jackson ...who is a Libra). Business trip can alee turn oto to be pleasure at the same time so go for it SCORPIO Oct. M-Nev. 22 Your business and career wen to be taking presidency over all this cycle and for sure as you look over all tht you have to do why not..Take a little break and go over all your plana and for sure as you step out all will be well. Keep your personality shinning Be happy... SAGCITT ARIL'S Nov. tutor, tl A time for you to take a trip that could find you mingling with tbooe you have not seen for a long time and ter sure old memories will come up. You have a lot to do and the plana ahead should be made with a dear head. Go over all things before making any dociaions. CAPRICORN Dec. 22- Jaa. is Good things on the horizon and I know that makes you feel great However friends and money can cauae you havoc and ter sure you have had experience with that. With Mercury retrograde from Virgo at this time you can think a little better, however getting on top of things is an important thing at this time. You are a good adviser and perhaps getting back into your routine may not be such a bad idea after all. AQUAIRIU8 Jaa. aa-Feh. IS Be diplomatic with the Planet Mareury going retrograde, you over cellus attitude may take acme by surprise e^edaHy those who do not think as fast as you do. Be prepared to make sudden changes for the beat. A harmonizing effect between work and play may be a good idea: go for it Feb. lt-March at Get down to business and keep all of your energy on the up swing. Make things happen by fc—png g «eiw* an things «nri >T[s>rtin| the best to come your way. A good time for you to expect the beat Some of you may be getting married, joining a group or even taking new opportunity doors that may have appeared tbat at scene time. Take your time and think positive. Wear a smile and be happy. Dance a little. cury backing up make dactetena with the time frames hi ailed Watch year plans and don't stake any cwnaUttascnOs anises Ha in wrWag. and you have a signature. No verbal agrirmrnte Hah. Just watch R. Eat Kghtly sad take your warning signals for sure a thue far year stomach te rest/reiax. drink a lot of lemon jaice aad water. Stay Used daily for “its Ah la The Stars...WLLE S70 AJML IS-11 A.M.. aad for sure watch as every Maaday aiglgail:S0 WAUG Channel« UHF ...Its AH la The Stars...Have A Great Wm* angnt nope Lists news Lessons Spread In Song uitiuiii nvrbiravuuiMLI CHURCH OF GOD. INC. Sunday School began with tbesupt., Olive Turner, in chaise of devotion. Thr mhjrrt nfthc keeiei nee TTsaiHig God’s Word. The li a m. service began with Evang Carolyn Hinton and »«»««««—• Joyce Alston in charge of devotions. The Bright Hope Male Chorus rendered musk. Pastor Verna B. Peterkin presided over the service. Eldress Rhode Dublin read the scripture and Mother Annie Blackmon led the prayer for the sick and shut-in. Hie speaker for the morning worshp service was Pastor Peterkin. The sermon was from St. Luke 22:31-34. The pastor preached about satan’s desire to have the saints of God that he may sift them as wheat. That’s why we must let satan know that Jesus is oars every moment of the day and night. We u«w- w snow oeyona a aouot mat Jesus Uvea within our hearts. The devil has stole the joy from the saints of God. Let us pray to God to restore net only the joy that was stolen but everything the devil has stolen. It's the desire of this church that the saints will keep the determination to serve and obey God’s word. Intermission ended the service Minister Annie Rogers was the «P—bf Mr ear 7 p.m. service. The BMssnps ms bean Jonah Communion was served we breathe. Denim Sets The Pace For Fall 1 *ta% M. Azurricm, are i4teu m tiillcial to failw til andunacad lam m 4-i—fil ■ Am sc lcdti«v A» a ic«k. .muI spmtv <*car mk se«»aagt> mhc d«i« kidn And dr— k Ac Ml dm !it> the bill 'Tovfk w (mo hnc been, pnflc «re bi)ii jams «d jok iclund products." uyi AnaU Elder. Elder (in ida of U5. denim jeans race 7J» from I9M0to 1991. per year, 90* of which foes to Jens, jean jackets. oiwfe wd dktt. And billion it one of Ae One of Ae IndmAAe mdustry k OshKoAB'GoA. a company that's nearly a century. Known far men's workwear amd quality children's, tponswear. Ae rlnthing naher ako "These an cloAes geared 10 111esivies, not treads." says Tracy Sleek bauer. voaca’s sportswear de signer far Ae Wkcouria bared (inn. Working with aaaaral cotton deaim. chambray. twill and jersey knits, Steckbauer gives classics a new twist w ith updated styling and panems. This fall Acre are a wide range of silhouettes a pants, skins and tops. In addition w classic jeans, there are aa easy, eiasii ov w alking shorts. and a ' sized Skin options include an updated bib-style jumper, circle skin, slim ndtng skm. dirndl and trouser skin. These arc topped with Mouses that are shirred, have asymmetica! closures, or front flange detail. Knit lops feature polo necklines, hoods, button plackets, and relaxed lunlenccks. As for dresses, the company of fers a classic shirtwaist sty le, button front jumper, coat dress and hascbal dress. And far cover on cool fall days an anorak, wrap corn, duster coat, am oversized blazer add a needed layei for warm*. The faU color palette focuses ot rich earth tones, with ifew neutral: vitrh m tnact nliv^ rnctir/1 anM such as toast, olive, custard am cream. Navy, black, red and whin remain wardrobe staples. As for pat terns, tartan plaid, hounds! ooch check paisley and a fish-and-rope print of fer fresh appeal. Sized 4-18. OshKosh B'Gosh fo w omen is priced from S2S to S7S am is available at select women's depart mem stores and specialty shops. FAITH Faith came ringing into the room and other guests took flight. Fear anxiety, doubt, and gloom sped out in to the night and I wondered that sud peace could be, but Faith said gently “Don't you see? They simply coufc not live with me." Marion R. Browi Begin a new career. Learn creative floral design and arrangements. One year program includes plant knowledge, professional techniques, use of florist equipment and materials. Commercial supplies utilized in training. Learn under professional florists. Financial Aid Available Fall Quarter Begins Sept. 5 FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE Contoct: DIRECTOR Of ADMISSIONS 4 Students Mark Labor Day A Fun Time VIRGINIA BEACH