Serial Killer Model Prisoner: Jail System Shows Limited Resources MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP)—Dur ing the six months he has spent locked up, confessed serial killer Jeffrey L. Dahmer has passed many hours reading Bbiles sent to him by ■trangers, quietly killing time un der almost microscopic scrutiny by guards outside his cell. ' \ Besides reading, he eats,sleeps and showers but does little else, even passing up opportunities to step outside for fresh air in a fenced courtyard. Milwaukee County Jail Lt Stacey Black and others who have had contact with Dahmer at the jail and at the Columbia Correctional Insti tution in Portage label Dahmer a model prisoner. "He’s been absolutely no problem in here,* Black said. “He’s been very quiet and he keeps to himself. He reads a lot.” His contact with other inmates at both facilities is extremely limited, and he makes little conversation with guards except to ask for per mission to make a telephone call or something else he needs. He keeps his cells tidy, which is made easier by how little property he is allowed to have. There is no television pro vided for him at either place. Once, a fellow inmate began rant ing about cannibalism and threat ening in jest to eat a guard. He was referring to allegations about Dahmer’s crimes but didn’t realize he was standing a few feet away. “Here Dahmer was standing right by his door listening the whole time. Noone’s really confronted him to his face," one source said. Dahmer has become agitated so rarely that the few times seem easy for people to recall. One day he got upset when the pens and pencils were removed from his cell because of concern that he could use them to hurt himself or someone else. “He made a gesture like he was going to stab himself with his tooth brush. He even looked like he was trying to sharpen the end of the toothbrush on the wall,” the Journal was told. At Columbia, Dahmer was held in the segregation area in a large cell with the entire front consisting of a pane of unbreakable glass. The gold fish bowl existence resembles the cell housing psychopath serial killer Hannibal Lee ter in the movie The Town Self Help Network CONNELLY SPRINGS (AP)— When they’re not stapling uphol stery or sanding boards, residents here hope to be digging trenches for the city come summer. Local wells are drying up and the Burke County town can’t afford to run water lines. So residents, many of whom work at nearby Valdese furniture plants, have decided to lay four miles of pipe themselves. "Anybody who’s had to tote water knows," said Edith Smith, 55. "We need this." She and her husband Fritz are all set to work. They bought a farm house 12 years ago in this town of 1,350 residents, about eight miles west of Hickory. In the two summers since, the couple’s well has dried up, forcing them to draw water from an outdoor spigot at a nearby store. Each night after work, they’d lug home 20 milk jugs full to flush their toilets and fill their tubs. The town is so desperate for water residents are thrilled about laying the lines themselves, leaders say. Mayor Dennis Tomlinson said he’s pleased his town wants to be a model of self-help. "More people need to start getting involved alittle bit, like we did years back,” Tomlinson said in an inter view with the Charlotte Observer. “I’m afraid a lot of problems have come about because communities aren’t as close as they used to be." The project has the blessing of Gov. Jim Martin, who recom mended Friday that the state give Connelly Springs $200,000 to get digging started by May. The organizers include Hermit Holshouser, a resident who pumps water out of a nearby creek because all his wells have soured. Town farmers have volunteered their scrapers and tillers for use filling the trenches and covering the pipes. Organizers say they expect some tough spots running water to 200 homes and streets. They may have to call professionals to bore under railroad tracks and highways. Silence of the Lambs. Guards make entries every five minutes in a log, describing what Dahmer is doing, even if it’s just sleeping. His favorite pastime is reading while sitting with his back turned to the guard outside his cell. In doing so, he faces a window to the outside. Observers say Dahmer gained weight at Columbia because he pre ferred the food there to the fare at the County Jail. He has been trans ported several times between the two facilities and is now at the County Jail, awaiting trial on Jan. 27. There have been periods lasting a few days when Dahmer would consume only a fluid diet, once as a protest of not being allowed to smoke cigarettes. Dahmer is allowed to smoke at both lockups only when he is out of his cell meeting with lawywers or being interviewed by doctors. His only other visitors are a Catholic nun who stops by fre quently at the County Jail and family members, including his fa ther and stepmother, Lionel and Shari Dahmer, from Ohio, and his mother, Joyce Flint, who lives in California. A few other people, strangers mostly, have tried to visit and been turned away. Dahmer receives letters and packages from people across the United States and a few from out side the country. The letter-writers are mostly women who fall into two categories—those who want to tell him thatGod forgives him and those that just want to chitchat with an accused serial killer. All the mail ie screened for contraband. "Some would write to him like he was an old friend. They would tell him personal things going on in their day-to-day lives. They would inclose pictures of themselves, and one woman even included pictures of her children,” one source said. One male wrote Dahmer that he was a “good-looking guy” and said that the crimes charged against him are a result ofhomophobia in Amer ica. Dahmer reads and keeps the let ters, but does not write back. Someone from New York sent a huge box to the County Jail, con taining two bottles of liquor for Dahmer, a jogging suit, fruits, vege tables and other items. Only the letter accompanying the goods made it to Dahmer because of re strictions on the other items. A daily log on Dahmer’s activities kept at the county Jail—and re leased under an open-records re quest—includes these entries: Sept. 10 (the day Dahmer entered his pleas in court), 11 a.m.— “Dahmer given chance to shave but declined due to lack of shaving cream and heavy growth.” Sept. 13, 11:10 a.m.—“Mail all inspected in front of Dahmer and turned over to him (59 pieces).” Oct. 18,1:55 p.m.—‘Per Lt. Black, Dahmer’s parents may be in room alone with Dahmer for 10-15 min utes.” Oct. 21, 7 p.m.—“Maintenance sprays sink and toilet for insects. Mr. Dahmer steps into hall for 15 seconds.” Black said this was a rou tine procedure. Twenty minutes later, there’s another entry, “Seen by doctor for complaint of sore throat.” HAD AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT with PERSONAL INJURY? Know Yonr Rights - Call A Lawysrl Nathaniel Currie ATTORNEY AT LAW 805 New Bern Ave. Phone (919) Raleigh, N.C. 27601 856-0414 David P. Lane, Jr., D.D.S. General Dentistry -- Beginning Fees -- • Cleanings *25°° * Root Canals *175°° • Fillings, Beginning at *2500 • Crowns *245°° • Extractions, Beginning at »20o# • Dentures *36000 • Treatment Of Gums A Associated Bone Disease, Beginning At *45ol> Insurance and Medicade Accepted Call For Appolntmant Today 821-3255 133 E. Hargett Street Raleigh, N.C. -*■— - - s Dr. David C. 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