Resources, ^ i09 East Jones Street Raleigh NC 27601 -- £TV 1 y FEBRUARY 20,1992 VOL. 51.NO. 26 N.C.'s Semi-Weekly SINGLE COPY e Wake County School Board last Morjday moved to install a permanent re placement. Ms. Elvis N. Walker, currently an assistant principal at Broughton High School in Raleigh, was named to the post. Though the appointment is considered perma nent, the board left open the possi bility that Estes may be found or may return until the end of the school year. Despite the unusual circuni stances, many agree that Ms Walker is the kind of admi ni strati ve leader that West Cary Middle School needs right now. Those fa miliar with her teaching at. Fuquay High and Ligon Junior High, and (See ESTES REPLACED, P. 2) D.C. Mayor Demands More Jobs/Contracts BY LARRY A. STILL NNPA News Service Refusing to back down from her victorious 1991 election theme of “Yes We Can, Yes We Will,” Wash ington, D.C. Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly urged supporters and critics to provide an “Honest Deal” for the capital city by paying more local taxes, replacing some government workers with minority contractors and streamlining the area’s “bloated bureaucracy.” “We cannot continue to operate with millions of dollars leaving the city every night,” Mayor Kelly said in reference to district workers liv ing in the nearby Maryland and Vir ginia suburban communities with out paying taxes on services pro vided in the area where they work Other metropolitan agencies such as the airport authority and the D.C., Maryland, Virginia transit system provide 32,000 to 50,000 jobs: in the are without district residents getting their fair share of the em ployment or contracts, Mayor Kelly emphasized to reporters earlier be fore delivering her first annual re port to the public. She also referred to a reported agreement with Washington Red (See DC MAYOR, P. 2)