Voice Of Liberat BY REV. Ci. WESLEY RANEY TEXT: “To keep me from becoming conceited because of the sur passingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ ” Bible scholars are not in agreement as to what Paul's “thorn in the flesh” was. Some say it might have been a painful eye problem. Some speculate that it might have been malaria. Some have suggested that this “thorn in the flesh” may have been the constant and unremitting opposition of Paul’s enemies. This problem, whatever it was, affected Paul so badly that he went before the throne of God’s mercy three times to petition God for relief. HE begged the Lord to take it away. But each time Paul prayed, the Lord answered him by saying, “My grace is sufficient for you.” In other words, God promised not to remove the problem, but to bless Paul with the power to endure the problem. This “thorn in the flesh” kept Paul humble, and reminded him of the constant need to have contact with God. If it were not for the thorns of life, some of us would become too “big-headed.” Our achievements and accomplishments would rob us of a humble spirit. God allows certain “thorns in the flesh” to torment us to keep us from becoming Mr. or Ms. Bigstuff. We learn from Paul that life goes on despite “thorns in the flesh.” Even though he had this particularly agonizing problem, the apostle kept on preaching the gospel, teaching the Word, witnessing to God’s love, nurturing the saints, and writing inspiring letters. A great violinist was giving a concert, and the “A” string on his violin broke. Without hesitating, the violinist transposed the music and finished the concert on three strings. A lesser violinist might have stopped the concert and complained about his misfortune. But it takes a great artist to say, “If I can’t play on four strings, then 111 play on three.” Sometimes in our lives it seems as though one of the strings breaks. It may be the loss of a loved one. It could be word that one of our children is in trouble. Perhaps it is the news that someone we love is seriously ill. Strings break in our lives all the time. When these times come, are you likely to fall to pieces, or are you determined to go ahead and produce a beautiful melody with what you have? If you cannot play on four strings, will you tiy to play on the strings that you have left? In Switzerland there is a town called “End der Welt.” In English it means “End of the World.” This town is surrounded by high mountains, and the road to it suddenly stops on the farther side of town before an impassable rocky cliff. When one arrives, he immediately feels that he can go no further. But hidden away in that rocky cliff is a narrow path ! that leads up the mountain to the heights above. If one searches dili gently, he can find that path and travel on. At some time or another, nearly everyone arrives at a place which seems to be the “end of the world.” In Charles Dickens’ novel, Great Expectations, there is a character named “Miss Haversham.’ Elaborate preparations had been made for her wedding. But just before the wed ding day, her lover jilted her. In grief and humiliation, Miss Haversham closed all the blinds in the house, stopped every clock, left the wedding cake on the table to gather cobwebs, and continued to wear her wedding gown until it hung in yellow decay about her shrunken form. Her disap pointment became the end of her world. Have you allowed some disap pointment to become the end of your world? Trials dark on every hand, And we cannot understand, All the ways that God would lead us, To that blessed promised land; But He guides us with His eye. And we’ll follow till we die, For we’ll understand it better by and by. Indeed, God’s grace is sufficient for all the “thorns in the flesh” that life may bring. In the midst of suffering and pain, God can demonstrate His power in our lives. Our weakness opens the door to God’s strength. Remember, God’s power is made perfect or complete in our weakness. Ii . r Come 1 ILet’s Think! BY EVA L. PERRY BLOOD COVENANT Through the Blood of Jesus I am redeemed out of the hands of the devil. Through the Blood of Jesus all of my sins are forgiven. Die Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, is cleansing me now from all sin. Through the Blood of Jesus I am sanctified, made holy, and set apart for God. My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. I am redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the Blood of Je sus. I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, body, soul and spirit. His Blood protects me from all evil. Because of the Blood of Jesus, Satan has no more power over me, and no more place in me. I re nounce him and his host com pletely and declare them to be my enemies. Jesus said, "These signs shall follow believers: in my name shall they cast out devils." I am a be liever in the name of Jesus Christ. I exercise my authority and expel all evil spirits out from wherever they don’t belong. I command them to leave me and you now. Ac cording to the Word of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God—Amen. FOLLOW JESUS Do you wonder where you are, While you gaze up at a star? If your way seems dark as night, Follow Jesus, He ia right. Ddyeu often suffer scorn, When your friends talk up a storm Because they fail to see your light? Follow Jesus, that’s all right When your mind is keen and Clean, And moat people think you're Meant Because they do not know your Bright— Follow Jesus, and stay right. i Editor Rejects Racism ATLANTA, Ga. (AP>—The sen- ’ ior editor of Ebony magazine told Morehouse College graduates last week there will be no solutions to / urban problems that generated ri- ' oting in Loe Angeles until there are more studies of the upper class. Lerone Bennett said there has 1 been too much study and concen tration on the “Negro” problem 1 while “the problem of race in America today is a white problem.” Bennett challenged the More house graduates to become strong leaders who can ask the hard questions. He said they must “teach this profound and ignorant country and move scholars and TV commentators away from the dead end of studying and blaming the i victims.” The country, he said, needs new | graduates “who do the electric slide and work computers and dam dunk science and technology as Well as a basketball.” Morehouse’s class of 447 is be lieved the largest single class ol black male graduates of any school in UJ3. history. Among those receiving diplomas , was Enis Cosby, son of actor-come dian Bill Cosby, who, with his wife, attended the ceremonv. • * * The National Hockey League had to cancel its Stanley Cup league championships in 1919. Why? Because of a raging flu epidemic. Wisdom is often just knowing when to keep _your mouth shut If yourlife Be short dr long, i Learn to live it with a sang; Heavenly thing are your delight— Follow Jesus, and end up right. —EVA PERRY Read your Bible prayerfully and think! i 9t. ram Church To Hear Choir On Sunday, May 31, at 4 p.m., St Paul AME Church will present in concert the Male Chorus of Turner Memorial AME Church of Washington, D.C. The 35-member choir is currently on tour of South eastern states and will come to Ra leigh after performing in Colum bia, S.C. Their concert tour is also in sup port of the candidacy of their pas tor for the Bishopric of the AME Church, the Rev. Goodwin Dou glas. The public is invited to come out to hear the songs of praise and en joy the fellowship. Women Hold Conference MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP)—The Women’s International Convention of the Church of God in Christ was attended by about 15,000 people in Milwaukee last week. The gathering of the predomi nantly black church group began with a prayer service Wednesday. The theme of the convention this year was “Christian Women United for Effective Leadership in These Crisis Times.” “The most essential role for women is to exercise more care to ward our faith,” said Mattie McGlothen, president of the con vention. Ms. McGlothen, 82, said women’s leadership skills need to be strengthened to ensure “better homes, better churches, better communities and a better world. WE HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN DRUGS. FKHTMA6 YOUTH DRUG USE - HHS Secretary Load W. SnHvan, MD, L, wn Joined by Atlanta Mayer Maynard Jackson in Washington, D. C. tar the May 13 launching of a national media education campaign to cut alcohol and drug use among African American youth. The By Our Own Hands campaign focuses on 14 cities but the educational materials an available to elites across tbs nation from the National Clearinghouse ter Alcohol and Drug Information at 800*729-6686. Targeted cities hi addition to Washington and Atlanta are Now York, Los Angotes, Baltimore, Chicago, Dalas, Ft. Worth, Memphis, Houston, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Durham and Detroit. Methodist Conference Contributes Assistance To L.A. Riot Victims T ATTTrttrrr r rx rr WVAUTUiAJiJ, xvjr.-1UWI C bUOll $24,000 contributed during the United Methodist General Confer ence here for emergency assistance in Los Angeles was part of a re sponse that a key church official called a “godsend to thousands of hurting people.” In the stricken areas them selves, pastors and church mem bers set up collection and distribu uuu ueiibeiB iui iuuu, v-iuuuii^ aiiu other necessities. Emergency shel ter were provided, and a legal-aid “hot line” established. Many church members lost their jobs as a result of the violence, including at least 50 in one predominantly Hispanic congregation. “John Wesley [founder of Methodism] would be proud of the way our people are responding,” »aia JDiuiiup uauk. iu. iiwii wi \ngeles. Tuell paid special tribute to the Rev. Robert Smith, superin tendent of the Los Angeles Dis trict, who initiated the church’s re sponse there, and who character-' zed response at the General Coh erence and elsewhere as a “god send.” The special offering was one >f several actions here related to Los Angeles. United Church Of Christ 2004 Rock Quarry Road Raleigh, N.C. 27610 Phone: 832-2784 Prayer Line: 828-PRAY Radio Ministry (WCLY, 1550 AM) Saturday—7:00 P.M. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. BMe Study Wed., 8:00 p.m. METROPOLITAN A.M.E. ZION CHURCH 558 East Cabarrus SI. Raleigh. N.C. 27601 (014)832-0270 Sunday Schal.9:30 a.m. Morning Warship.11:00 a.m. V.C.E...6:00 p.m. Evening Worship.7:00 p.m. Prayer Service.7:30 p.m. Office Phone: C.E. WILLIE, M (019)632-6628 Minister (»iwagr|g79 J'ai Free Transportation inf!5w; Lincoln Park Holiness Church 13 Heath Street • Raleigh. NC 27610 (919)832-5119 BISHOP ELIE RATCLIFF, JR. Pastor 9:00 A. M. Sunday School BISHOP ELIE RATCLIFF, SR. 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship Founder 6:30 P.M. Evening Service Wake Baptist Grove Church 302 Main Strsst Garnor, N.C. SUNDAY Regular Sunday School 0:45 am 8:00 & 11.-00 am TUESDAY Continual Witness Training 7:00 • 9:00 pm WEDNESDAY For The Sower Bible School 7:00 pm - THURSDAY Lay Institute For Equipping 7:00 - 9:00 pm TUESDAY S FRIDAY rcessory Prayer 5:00 am OUTREACH MINISTRIES SnrgUs, Coupkt. QoUtn Xgt.