Power To •••flml tfrow , BY FSED AND JOANNE BY ELDER CHARLES NEWKIRK SALVATION: WHAT DOES GOD SAY ABOUT ITT Part II Jesus Christ paid that wage at sin that was against us by His death on the cross. All we have to do is accept Him as our Savior. Ephesians 2:8-8 For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God—not of works, lest any man should boast Hebrews 11:16 But without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must be lieve that He is, and that Ha is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Homans 10:17 So then faith comas by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. As you road this you are hearing the word of faith. What will you do with it? Receive it or reject it? Christ never sinned. II Corinthians 6:21 For He (God) hath made Him (Jesus) who knew no mn, to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Christ was the only one worthy to pay the sin debt for us. And He paid it on the cross, He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. All we can and must do is re ceive Christ as our only means of salvation. Through Him righteous ness is given to us as a free gift. How do we receive Him? We receive Him bv prayer. Romans 10s9 That it thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou wilt be saved. Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. What and how to pray? Ex ample: Lord Jesus, I know 1 am a sin ner and have sinned against You. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins. Lord, forgive me of my sins. I now receive You as my Lord and Savior. Thank You, Lord, for saving me. You can be saved anytime, any where, and any place. God will hear you. God is a Spirit. If you da not receive Christ as your Savior, you will spend eter nity in regret that you heard the word and did not receive because of unbelief. II Corinthians 6:2 Behold, now is the day of salvation. God so loved us that He gave Jesus His Son to die for us. For God so loved... If you receive Him you become a Christian, a babe in Christ. As with all babies, it is a growing pro cess. There are things to do to become a strong Christian: 1. Read the Word (Bible). 2. Pray (spend time with the Lord, just you and Him, praise Him, and worship Him). 3. Fellowship with other Chris-, tians. 4. Pray for a good church to at tend. Realize that if you fail in some area, you have not lost your salva tion, because you are not saved by works or good deeds, but you need to ask for forgiveness, not to be re saved again, but to be in right fel lowship with God. The only regret that you will have after accepting Christ is that you did not do it sooner. TWO MINUTES kftm m BIBLE n COKNIUU* >. (TAM MM. CMCAOO. MUNOK 60*35 THE SPIRIT OF PROMISE “Having alto Mimed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit ofpromise”(Eph. 1:13, R.V.X Of all the wonderful Scrip ture passages on the eternal security of the believer in Christ, this is perhaps the most blessed of all. “Having heard the Word of truth, you believed”, says the apostle, and “having believed, you were sealed.” Now a seal speaks at finality and permanency, whether it be the official seal on an elec tric transformer or the seal on ajar of preserves. But the most blessed fact of all is that the believer in Christ is “sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.” Marie well, he is sealed not by, but with the Spirit; the Soirit Himeelf is the seal Here, let ua say, is a women sealing jars of preserves with wax. The jars are sealed by the woman, but with the wax. Thus the humblest believer is sealed with the Spirit. It is He Himself who keeps us safe in Christ through all eternity. And this is but the'earnest? the first installment 'of our inheritance” (Ver. 14), for the Spirit keeps us secure in “this present evil age* only that “in the ages to come He [God] might show the ex ceeding riches of His grace in Hit kindneee toward u» through Christ Jesus"12:7). Little wonder the apostle closes this passage on our security with the appropri ate acknowledgement: "TO THE PRAISE OF HIS OLORYT J Dr. Weaver Delivers A Prayer For Mothers Dear God, our Haavanly Fathar, we pause to give Thee thanks for all mothers, grandmothers, and greats. We thahk Thee for substi tute mothers, those whom You did give to some who never knew their mothers—to show us that Your word is true: You promised to be a mother for the motherless, and a Father for the fatherless. You have the power to save us from our sin Ail selves when all hope is gone. We confess our sins and ask Your forgiveness. Help us, kind Father, to show our genuine love Air par ents, while they can get Joy from our expressions of appreciation. In some small way, we pray that am may lift our mother's spirits, and put joy in their souls while they can smell the beautifol flow ers, and witness our thoughtful deeds. Bless the spirit of mother hood, whether our mothers are alive on Earth or in Heaven. O merciful Father, we do pray that You will bless those mothers and fathers here and in Los Angeles, and all over the world who mourn the loss of their children, who suf fer despair, who feel powerless and outraged because of the sufferings and deep pain and anguish. Help them to remember that suffering may come at night, but in the morning, joy. Lord, lift us up from the dark dungeons of racial big otry, hate, and rancor in our souls. Help us to rise to greater heights of love, peace, and healing in our land. Help us to stir up that spirit within us... Even now, Lord, help us to rise up to the level of faith that will allay our fears and quiet the storms in our hearts. Our Christian mothers have taught us well to trust in the living Lard, be cause He will make a way for us somehow! Our Christian DR. FRANK B. WEAVER ■otbrn hm taught us over aad orar again that You have woaiiad that You will never leave ns or forsake us, if we will humble ourselves and pray, and turn from our wicked ways. God bless those assembled here and elsewhere In Your name. Heal broken bodies and distraught minds, and renew our ftrith in Jesus! I>. Weaver's sermons are aired on WCLY radio station, 1560 on the AM dial, on Tuesday, 12:30 pm. to 1 p.m., and on Saturday, 11:30 a.m. to noon each week. Ms. Becknel Speaks At Women’s Day Ceremonies The United Church for All People celebrated Women’* Day May 23 at 11 am. Me. Daisy Tay lor was chairperson and Ms. Ann Campbell co-chairperson. Ms. Campbell served as mistress of ceremonies, with Ms. Nancy Wall at the organ. The first hymn was “Come, Thou Almighty King.* Prayer was offered by Ms. Brunhilda Lofton while the choir chanted, "Thank You, Lord.” Hie second hymn was “Yes, God is Real.” Anouncements were made by Ms. Ethel Waiien. Missionary Hallowees Saunders prayed while the choir sang ‘Have Thine Own Way.” Prayer time was led by Ms. Trannie Sanders. Hie speaker was introduced by Ms. Jean Wilder, followed by a solo by Ms. Brenda Judd Weldon, "He Looked Beyond My Faults.” Speaker for the morning was Ms. Bernice Hall Becknel. From Luke 10:38-42, her subject was “God Calls and 1 Move.” She said God took ribs from Adam and mad* Eve, but women are not to b* slave* for men. They should do things together and share things, too. They should love each other. Remarks were made by Rev. Carter. The dosing hymn was “Christ is All,” followed by reflec tions, “Lead Me, Guide Me,” by Diane Harris. VMtars were Doris H. Bridges, Ms. Linda Carter, daughter Lynnett* Carter, eon Charles Carter, John Fairley, Genna Rae McNeil, Joyce Weldon, Lola Stanback, Bis. Buraice Hall, Bob Hall, Ed Wall, George Boyd and wife Grace H. Boyd, and many, many others whoa* names we did not get On the rick list are Ms. Pattis Dancy, Sadi* and Clint Copeland, Chris Whitaker, Cora McAliley, Lon zone Brunson, Cornelia Allan and Alex Hughes. Our deepest sympathy to Ben Masse nburg. Church reporter is Ms. Hallowees Saunders. Bishop Peterkin Orator At Bright Hope Church Bright Hope Divine Holy Church of God, Inc. began it* Sunday School service May 24 at 10 a.m. with the superintendent, Oliva Turner, in charge. The title of the leseon was "Growing in Orace,” II Peter 1:1-14. Morning service began at 11 a.m. with Pastor Mary Alston, Eldress Annie Blackmon and Sis ter Rosetta Smith in charge of de votion. The VLP Mass Choir ren dered the music. Sister Gwendolyn Carmichael presided over the ser vice. Scripture was read by Sister Rosetta Smith. Pastor Mary Alston led the prayer. The opening song was The Holy Ghost,* led fay Sister Lillie Nicholson. Announcements were given by Sister Victoria Feterkin. The offer ings were lifted fay the ushers and deacons. Sister Gwendolyn Carmichael introduced the speaker for the service. Bishop Verna Peterkin was the morning speaker. The message was deliv ered from a variety of scriptures. After a selection by the chcir, the message was delivered. When the Spirit of God is moving, we should learn to bend and. move with the Spirit. Grasp all that you can while in the lord’s house. Tacts and triads a* sent to mane os strong in tbs Lord. Keep pray ing and praising God before and aftsr tbs battls has been won. Re joice that God loves us enough to fight for us. It's all right to ay as long as you remember who is do ing the fighting. God’s grace is suf ficient. Victory can’t be kept with a loose tongue. Let’s take our hands off of other people and keep our hands to ounelves, then ask God to do a tiling in our life. Ask for love enough to love those who hate us. Leva enough to be faithful to God and obey His word. Remem ber that paying tithes and offer ings must be dons with love, faith and honesty. Look in a mirror and ask yourself if you and God are the Benediction ended the service. Church reporter is R. LaSane. 9th Commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh bor. Bxodus 20:16 BY RUTH HElrfER “The secret of being happy is not in doing the things which make us happy, but in being happy in doing the tilings we have to do.” Alfred A. Montapert. We live in a world of double standards when white is mads to look bad, and black is made to look popular. The confUsed media in our orld today need to go bock to the ba sics. Lo hers, lo there, and shock ing people is the name of the game that sells papers and magazines. There appear to no holds barred. Where will it stop, and when? Same days we want to say “Stop the world, I want to get off!” The message the world needs most is to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The message of peace and love. We want our children and grandchil dren to grow up in a world where peace and love are the norm, not where the garbage that comes in the media and the press, the TV and the books which glorify that which is debased and of the devil is the norm. I want to live where the message of hope for all men is that there is a place prepared for people who love the Lard and will eventually live in a society where God and Christ dwell. We cannot conceive that God is pleased with much that goes on in our world today, nor the media which flaunt it Surely there are a few listening ears who want to hear good things. Because we all die and because of Christ’s resurrection, we know that all must come forth from the grave. It will be as Easkiel de scribed it Bona will come to its bone, and flesh and sinew will cover the skeleton, and at the Lard’s bidding breath will enter the body, and we shall appear, many of us, a marvel to ourselves. There are those who believe that all parts of the body cannot be brought together, far the fish prob ably have eaten them up, or the whole may have been blown to the four winds of heaven, etc. It ia true that the body, or the organisation may be destroyed in various ways, but it is not true that the particles out of which it* was created can be destroyed. They are eternal. They never were created. (John Taylor, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). They have always existed. This is not only a religious prin ciple, but it is in accordance with acknowledged edence. “You may take for instance a handful of fine gold, and scatter it in the street among the dust. Gather together the materials among which you have thrown the gold, and you can separate one from the other so thoroughly, that your handftil of gold can be re turned to you, yea, every grain of it!" "You may take particles of sil ver, iron, copper, lead, etc., and mix them together with any other ingredients, and there are certain principles connected with them by which these different materials can be eliminated, and every par ticle cleaving to that of its own ele ment" (Bruce McConlde). Truths are eternal. Truths do not change. God does not change. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Firstborn 8pirit Child of Elohim who is God, our Heavenly Father. We believe Siat while Christ lived in the pre-existent world, by virtue of His superior intelligence, pro gression, and obedience, He at tained the station of God, and is the earthly Son of the Most High God. Thus, God the Father of us all, including His Son Jesus Christ who attained the station of a God before He came to earth and suf fered and died for us. We believe that Jesus Christ then became under the Father, the Creator of this world and all things that are in it, and the Cre ator of worlds without number. "World without number have I cre ated: and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine only Begotten* (Moses 1:38 in the scrip ture of the Pearl of Great Price). We believe that He was the Je hovah of the Old Testament and it was through Him that God the Fa ther dealt with all the ancient Prophets, revealing is mind and IBs will and the plan of the salva tion to them. Christ gave the Gospel to the ancients beginning with Adam and going on down the dispensations until this the present time. We have a Prophet today who is head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day 8aints, being President Exra Thft Benson. Everything that has been given in the Gospel and everything that has been in any way connected with the Gospel has been designed for the express purpose of bearing record of Christ and certifying as to His divine mission. From Adam to Moses, and from Moses to Christ, God's prophets and priests offered sacrifices. These were in the similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father who was to come. Whan Moms lilted th* serpent on tho polo in ancient Israel and told tho Israelites that thoM who would look would livo whon thoy war* bitten fay poisonous Mrpsnts, it was in ths oimilitudo (likeness) at ths (fact that ths Son at God would bs lifted up on ths cross, and that all who would look to Him might livs eternally. This great mssaags is tho really important one ths media imeds to bring to ths world. His time is growing short far ths coming of ths. Lord. Ws need to prepare our* selves ftr His coming. The secret (/being happy is not in doing tho things which make us happy, but in doing ths things haws to do.” It should bring us happiness to know that ws are preparing for IBs coming, and ws do not have to put up with ths garbage ths media grinds out Wo can bs happy with what wo need to do to bs roady to mast our Makar. Youth Leadership Group Plans Statewide Forum A youth leadership training con ference focusing on cultural diver sity will be held on Saturday, June 6, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Dorothy Gilmore Teen Center in Fayetteville. This statewide con ference is sponsored by North Carolinians Against Racist and Religious Violence and the Fayetteville Cumberland County Youth Council. There is no cost to register for this conference, but teenagers interested in attending need to contact NCARRV at 1-800 263-4812 to obtain registration in formation. Th» confaranca ia opan to all taanagara in North Carolina. Con faranca topics includa Adolaacant Salf-Estaam, Taanaga Haalth la-, auaa, Divarsity Exardsas, and a Youth Panal focusing on davalop mant of laadarahip skills. Lunch will ba providad to all youth partidpanta. For informa tion on car-pools and transporta tion from your araa, plaaaa contact Linda Shaalay Williams at 1-800 2S3-5812 or write c/o NCARRV, Box 240, Durham 27702. Cardinal Appeals For Haitian Relief Plans WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a lat ter delivered to the White Houae last week, Cardinal Bernard Law urgently pleaded with Preaident Buah to make provision* for per sons fleeing Haiti to be received aboard UJ). vessels and brought to a processing center either in this country or in some Caribbean country. “in the name of all that is de cent, we cannot turn our becks bn poor Haitians willing to take he roic measures in order to escape a hopeless situation which is made worse by a failure of resolve on the part of the international commu nity,” the cardinal wrote. "As our government and other governments strive, and I would hope to greater effect, to help re solve the political crisis within Haiti and to harness international cooperation in the rebuilding of the economy of that land, it is im perative that we do what we are well able to do, and that is extend a welcome to children, men and women who are proving them •elves willing to make a heroic ef fort to achieve a better lift in a free society."

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