r ilfOii i‘Oi iuquu Town Fiiiaiioes. Brown Creek Union. Mr. J. Millrn Stewart, town Treaa- The next meeting of this body will urer, h.as made his annual statement; be held with Philadelphia from which ive gather the following ' commencing on Friday before the •5th ;' ' Personals, had the pleasure l-fi T'^Xrs.lay, May 19. 1881, ; items of interest: Stri otto,'. 'Jlarkct. M:»y 19, i MiddliiiLr ., 1881. ; ■ lOi ; (lood Middling. ‘>31 Middling 9^1 Low MiclclUng. ' 1 StailiS 5 to 7. i 97?.T7 125.411 i 12.M i 2.58 2S7.70 There -was in tlie Treasury at the begining ^ of his term o’clock, A. M. There wa.-^ collected during the year from taxes on polls and property From Licenses From Concert Licenses, From sale of lumber Costs from Mayor Total There has been paid out during the year for miscellaneous expenses (see statement at court-honse): — Miscelianeoii.«5 $1,174.77 Cash now in Treasury 695.39 Saturday in May. preach the introductory sermon SUEJECTS TOR OTSCUSSION. $1,770.16 — Benton i Trull has a goodly: number of otudents. ja .609.13 . l.Obi.oa , 259.60 For General Cr'-ntT Purposes ! “ Poor Fn'.^ Schoo: Fund ' ^ J $4010.73 'f-hey found that the Treasuryr hud hand, after deducting comruissions ' .and disbursetimyf^s:— . ! For General Co)Ji,y Purposes $1,919.4.1 Piwr Fuja 2,687.23 " SoUasi'i’und,'. 642.23 3Iinor 3Iattci'S. — M'eather—fickle. — Pic-uics are few. 1 — The band plays splendidly. i ^ — The sinful truants haye returned., Let’s net up a military company, and C. N. Simpson as a Finance Cnm- „ . I mitteo, were engaged ail of last week — Hear Judge Merrimon s address. settlement with — Ice cream and soda at a discount ex-Sheriff Hasty, and Treasurer Mc- thi* week. Larty: They found that oheriff Hasty is due to” the countr, ti.o following sums ,! on the differp-i'classes of taxes, yiz: — To-moriow beio^ r. ^iitiOEal' holiday, the Peoples’ Bank will be closed. — The woods in this section are resonant with the mu.sic of the seyen year loeiist.u. — A sure sign that, tl.e farmers aic taking advantage of the weather. the scarcity-of people in town. •reutlo Spring'.—and sue .,a r,T,,l ligntereu and .^PTip fuTlectrrswy runs.” Office --a itSrsh, L" Kiteor member ol money in nto Mp recently, look vrfis?"^bt of “moiioy found” -issu--. ■ Thus far, that part of Mother ohiptoa's prophecy that relates to ’81, has not been fulfilled. The world still moves. — Several day.s of last week were as warm and sultry as August, while a few days of the present week arc decidedly like F.all. A brass key was found on the pavement near our cilice door a few days ago. The owner can recover by calling and describing. — ’Ve regret to learn that in some sections around us the stand of young cotton plants is rather poor. The dry weather is me cause assigned. — Mr. J. IV. Budge has >baen en gaged this week in putting a tin roof rhe-nevi liV' ly stables of Messrs. Perkins A Hudson. The building is 35."90 feet. — Messrs. A. H. Crowe!! A Son, are agents in this place for the sale of the the eehebrated Ivlitcheil Lewis A Co., Wagon. See advertisement on our fouith page. — Several State papers have of late talked of the possibility of the Eicbmen i A Danville It. B., securing a lease of the Carolina Central, hut we think it iiardiy prob.able that such a state of affairs will be brought about. Isf. How to secure a more regular j attencance of church members on Re ligious Duties, opened by Rev. A. C. Davis. 2nd. Periodicals, Rot. J- E. King. 3rd. O'^r duty to maintain a young brother ah'Wake Forest Col lege, and how may most easily accomplish the work, C. Austin. 4th. The advancement of Sunday school work, and general intelligence within our boands. Rev. E. L. Davis. County Finuiicos. Af our last meeting at Bethel, about B. F. Houston, B. F. Richardson dollars was raised for the Orphan Asylum, and the following resolution We had the pleasure of aj visit, on last Saturde.'y, from 3Ir. ( A. Robiuson,. the genial and j TTc'kTnn toi ^“terprising editA->r of I ho ]Vinslon . ”■11 Leader, who w^s on his return from a, ! visit to Go’idsboro and "Wilmington , I and stoipped over for a day a recrea-; tion vn cur town of wdiic’u he had heard i ordered to bo published, viz: Resolved, That the Pastors of the different churches composing the Brown Creek Association be request ed to bring the claims of the Orphan Asylum before their respective Churches and do all in the power to raise contributions for the same. V. T. CHEAES, Sec’y. AlcCanii & Bingliani. In referring to this new firm last Foi- County Superintendent. IVe understand that the name of S. S. S. McCauley, Esq., will be brought before the meeting of the Board of Justices on the first Monday in June, next, in connection with election of a ; County Superintendent of Public In- stiTiction. Mr. McCauley has been for several yeans the County Exam iner of Public School Teachers, and, so far as wo know, has discharged the duties of that office in an able and satisfactory manner, and, if elected as Superintendent, will no doubt perform the duties incumbent oii that officer in ' a fair, impp-rtial, and able manner and i with satisfaction to all. His perfect familiarity with the School L.aw and the needs of the people of this county ; in that direction, will be taken ns , i^oints much iu favor of his being elected. week our limitF'^ tinse and space nec- ^essitated a short notice, such as in our judgment did not do the parties nor our town justice. Also some may have inferred from the language that both parties were from Raleigh. Such is not the case, Mr. 3IcCanu, as many know, has been a merchant of our town for four years or more, dur ing which time he has made many friends and established a favorable reputation as a fair dealer and a good business man. ilr. Bingham has been connected with a first class house iu Raleigh for several years, until the last year, provernent ^ which he has spent in traveling for a' which ttieir Baltimore firm, during which time he i tendaut increase o passenger h^s Leen on the look-out for a good I freight traffic bis nio^ business location iu this State and we; meiit will have a,i ahundant siKcess. consider it quite a compliment that rr-.anv commendatory expressions.— He seemed to be very favorably im pressed with the spirit of enterprise and industry as exhibited by our peo ple and thought that our pleasant town bad but few equals in the State. Call again, Jimmie, wa will always bo glad to see thee. Mr. J. H. Pearson, agent for the Immigration movement, recently set on foot by the Carolini^ Central Rail way, dropped in to see us a few even ings ago. One of the objects of his tour along the Railway now is to se cure the names of parties who own lands in the counties along the road to whom be will send circulars per taining to the advertising and sale of any lands they may wish to dispose of. IVe gave him the names of sever al hundred, but for fear that our list did not include all, he left with us a lot of his circulars that can be procur ed by any one who does uot hear from him by mail in a few weeks. This Immigration movement is a step in the right direction and we are glad to see so wealthy and ener getic a corporation astheC. C. Ry. Co., taking hold of it iu such an earn est manner. They propose to -idver- tise and sell all lands that are put in their hands for ttiat purpose, on such terms as may he fixed by the owners. Thev propose to work only for the im migration of such p.arties as have some means and are able to buy and pav for laud, and that will add mate rial v'ealth to our State. Their remuneration for this labor will be obtained by reason of the im- of the country through road passes, and the at- of nassenser and Slonroe Produce Slarket Reported Weekly hy A. It Croicell & Son, detl- eim ill Oe'ip’eal yieri'Ranilise find Country Pro duce. i May 19, 1881. Flock from wagons quiet at $3,15 to $3.25. Cons 75 and 77, in dem.aiid. M.E.4L 80 to 8.5. IViiSTERX B.1COX firm at $9.75 per 100 lbs bv the bioc, less than ho:; 10 to 11. CousTEY B.4COS liog I'ound 9^ to 10. Kortiierx L.-vrp from stores firm at 15 cts. CoosTEY Laud to 11 to 12i. Bl’ttee in demand at 15 to 20 cents as to quality. Beeswax no demand at 18 ct.s. Tallow pcarce at GJ cts. Featiiees live Geese prime none of fering. Dry Hides in demand at 12 cts. Geees Hides 4J to 5 cents. Eggs are scarce at 12^ to 15 cents. Chickexs are scarce and will bring 20 to 26 cents for fine lots. Peas at 85 to 90, in demand. Dried Fruit peeled $1.00 $1.25 per bushel; impeded 50 to 75 cents per bus'uels. Wool, AVusbed, 30 cents. Yv’ool, Unwashed, 25 cents. Mr. J. A. Tate, of the firm of Scott A Co., tobacco manufacturers of ale- baueville, gave us a call on Tuesday, iu after his tours all over the State, lie should decide that Monroe was the. ... place he was looking for. He comes | He is now enppd in introducing to our midst well recommended and | this section of he State t^^o iobaccos on his face the unmistakable | manufactured by hi.s tiim. Diotl. .At Eureka Spi'ing.s, Ark., on 29th lilt., 3Ir. "Wm. Biakeney, a former cit izen of thisiilace, aged about GO years. Mr. Biakeney was a native of Ches- terfifclii county, S. C., but moved to this place in 1872, and resided here I until 1877, when he emigrated to Tex-j a«, to resume his former avocation—j farming. Shortly after his removal' to Texas, he began to receive serious affliction from a cancer on bis lower lip, which continued to spread and assume more alarming features until; it finally took his life. At the time of I his death, he was at Eureka Springs I for medical tre.atment, his family still | residing in Texas. He leaves a much ■ bears on his face the unmistaEawe I -j — — o make evidences of being a man of honesty,! brand.s of excellent chewing tobacco. He sold an invoice of his goo.is to Mr V. C- Red wise, wh.o will have them in store in a few d:i.v.s. integrilv and good habits. M e know | he will make us an acceptable and 1 commendable citizen and therefore; we welcome him to our inid.st and j trust that his sojourn among us will be pleasant and profitable, and that he will never have cause to regret that he has cast his lost in 31onroe iu pref erence to all the other towns in our State. — Imported genuine Olive Oil in Betties at Bickett & Gi’iffin’s. — Among the most remarkable products of this age and country is Hall’s Hair Eenewar. Its success is unparalleled. It is sought after by rich and poor, high and low, young and old. Inhabitants of foreign lands —the people of Australia, of Europe, and of South America find means to get it at whatever cost. It is because it works like magic. It reptores the hair to its youthful color and beauty, and robs approaching age of one of its disagree-ibie nccompanimenta. If you arc getting bald, try it. Try it if you are getting gray, nr if you have any disease of the scalp. Try it if yon wish n good oair dressing. It will uot disappoint Y''0.—Jliinicli find.) News. I::v.4U AnLK for Railro.vd aIex.—‘T Biifli'ivd. i‘'or more than a year with in digestion; during the last .i-ix inoiiths I was very bilious, occasioualiy having ■A dumb chill, foiloived by fevers, which prostr:ite'! me. I took Sim'i.ons’Liv er Regulator, asid for several months I have been as st ut and h:artv as to in'. I am — Thca Nectar, tlie best tCii on tb.o market at Corner Drug Store. * pen as 8 aay man C'>u'd di-pire thoro-;oidy saiisfieil ti at :t is si! it is recointm-nde.! to be for iinligesti -n and billi- cei t.iinly heard ni NEW .AUVEKT1SE3IENTS. MONET^OUND. I N G , , coHtly. The looser can recover tlio same i by Ciiliing on the nnclersiguotl, dfseribing j money and paving i’or this acivertiseinent. , FELIX L. HELMS. money auvi jr May i'ith, ISSl Ih P® S R I f 5 Set Goliien Tongue Rc-edf?, — only $85. Address, Daniel F. l5eTlty, Wa'hYugton', N. j. d44,lt E rt Chmmo Cards, 10 cents; or 25large. newChro-! OU mo Cards, birds and flowers; or 20 lovelv Gold j and Silver Cliromos, with name, 10 cents. Nassau j Trinting Co., Nassau, N. Y. r44,lt ^ ^ ^ A YEjVE and expenses to Agents. Outfit Free. Ad dress P 0 VICKERY, Augus- r44.4t $999 a year to agents, and expenses. $6 out fit*free. Address F S7'ain 4^ Co, Augus- r44,4t T O ADVEUTISEKS—Lowest Rates for advertising in 1,000 good newspapers sent free. Address, GEO P ROWELL & CO, 10 Spruce street, N Y DrilTTV^e OR&AUS is useful stops, 5 sets DC.A I [ I 5 reeds only $6.5. Pianos $125 up. ^^Illustrated catalogue free. Address, BEATTY, M'ashington, N. J. a45,ly stop’the runaway E ANLIWglY FilOM MY HOUSE ON THE night of the Olh inst, Ealph Hammond, iilisis Mitehum, a mnlluto, bound boy about 17 yciirs old, and weighing about 115 or 120 Ibsi about 5 feet 3 or 4 inclie.s high. Had a good supply of clothing and carried them all off. Is (piick spoken and is a smart, lively buy. I will pay a reward of S25 to any one who will apprehend an deliver liL’n to mo at my residence, one and a half miles from Beavir Dam, N- C. May l*2th, 1881. If you are a m.'xnl r- of business,weak-1 cned bv tlio strain of your 'duties avoid stimulant-sand use Hop Bitters. If Tou are youiiff and ' disciiiiiou or dissipa ried or sitigie. old or poor health or laiifruist' uess, rely on H O F ■\Vlioever you are, whenever you feel that your syatem need.*! clcatisinK, tou- iiijr or stimulatinjf, witliou£tii/ox/caO'n(7> t a It o Hop Bitters. Have you dj/s- ftepaki, kidney or urinaiil com plaint, disease of the 9fz;;iach, fcrticeis, blood, liver oriiciTCS * You will oe enrod if voiiuso Hop Bitters Ifyouaresim- f ily weak and uw.s}nriled,try it I It may s av e y o u r life. It has saved hun' clreds. W. B. M.\11SH. ■ if you are a r man of let- _ terstoiliiipoverniic niglit work, to res; tore brainnerveand I waste, use Hop B. IsufTcriiiefroiuany IQ- Btiou ; if youaroinar- lyouiig.siJtreriiif? from ling: ou a bed of sick- 1 Bitters. Thousands did an* 1 nuallyfrom souio I foriu of K idriey ^disease that inipiit a have beeuproveuted 1 bya timely use of HopBitters P-R-I N G G-O 0-D S ! U-M M E R-G O OPS ! Stevens & Phifer. JUST REGEiVED & TO ARRIVE. A Large Variety of Dress Goods, Trimmings? LAMES’ BONNETS AND HATS, Ladies’ Misses and Childrens’"Fine Shoes^ ZEPHYR SHYWLS. ALSO. A LIRGS STOCK OF O Iji O T 131 X TC Gr, VERY CHEAP. HOP NEVER IFAIL D. I. C. {^i ail el)'!ohitd and irresista- blocuro for drunkenness, use of opium, tobac CO,of narcotics. fvoldbydnifir- pists. Send fur Circular. HOP iirmsM IFF’G CO., Uoehc»ter, N. T. i Toronto, Ont. For Men, Boys, and Children. @-ive Us a Gall. STILL AHEAD!! S-17 11 us C'lmphiiiit.s a stubborn cas:: nv of mv frii-iids speak of it, for luiic' was I have 3Ioiiroi; Hi; 1 ill Sciioo! Coniiiieiieo- meiit. Tlie Slorgan -HartscU Affair, j IVe mentioned in our last Bsiie tbej fact that the whereabouts of 1. J. | Hartsell and Mrs. F. J. 3Iorgan, the latter the wife of 3Ir. Ellison Morgan, who ran away together some six week.s ago had been discovered, and that they had been arrested at the instance them up. on last Thursday night for Raleigh to procure a requisition from Governor , - , , , , , of Mr. T. J. Ezzell, Jr., who was sent — The E-Sgi-IEFS job office is pre- devoted wife, several children, a large ; Xennessee by 31r. ilorgan to look pared to execute ail kinds of job work, family connection, and many friends j ^ Ex-sheriff Hasty left here' from miniature labels of the very ti- to mourn his death, which, under the' niest size on up to a mammoth show attending circumstances, was pecu- in letters racpinci un iiarlv distressinir. .and Trainfnl. . Th*" to S» inches m length, ana pnntea in ' Tamily nave onr sincere sympathies in the brightest colors, and neatest man- this, their sore affliction, ner possible. ' — He who set afloat the report that Cotton Weighcr’.s Fee. the cotton weigher’s fee in- llonroe, "We learn that there is a report was to bo raised to 25 cents, had no afloat iu at least a portion of the coun- regard for his reputation as a truth- try, which usually does its cotton sell ful man. The authorities have never ing iu Monroe, tliat the cotton weigh er's fee is to be raised to 25 cents per bale. How such a report—which has evinced any such intention, and iiave no idea of raising the fee from tin CENTS. — 3Ir. Frank 31. IVincLcster. who spent the Winter months in attending lectures at the .Jefferson Medical Col lege, Philadelphia, returned home a few days ago, the Winter session hav ing closed in March, since which time he°has been traveling in some of the Northern States. — The Register of Deeds has a lot of copies of the new School Law for distribution among tbo=e entitled to receive them, and all such are re quested to call at this office, procure a copy, and thoroughly qualify them selves' for the duties imposed upon them. , Rev. .J. E. King returned home taking care of it. days ago, from an extended Lelical tour through the Eastern Southern portious of this county, IVnsou county. He reports that [lends of the Prohibition bill are Irons, fully no foundation, whatever —could have been started we have no idea unless it was by some malicious mischief- maker. The cotton weigher’s fee in ilonroe has beau for several years, is now, and will continue to be, only 10 CENTS PER B.YLE. Reader, whenever you hear any thing to the contrary, you can give it aa unqualified contradiction. Instead of raising the fee, it is the intention of those who have this matter in charge—the Town Commissioners— to increase the conveniences, advan tages, and comforts of both buyer and seller, by providing increased fa cilities at the platform, for the more speedy weighing of the cotton, and Tlie New (Sweet) Home. Mill all sewing machines in the world you nitiy roam, Bat you'll ne’er find .'inotiier to equal the Home. aroused, ana eatnu- i gjgat arc its virtues, its merits so rare, That v.-ith it no other machine -will compare. Home, Home, blest New Home ! There’s none like the Home, There’s none like the Home ! Jne man, at least, has had the cold, merciless grasp of the law- pall heavily upon his fun-loving dis position and finances, on account of that peculiar fondne-s.s for spoiling Sturt fronts, etc., with rotten Irish po tatoes, which has recently developed in many natures about town. Five dollars and costs. ’ Sad 1 The old Home n-as good, all who used it will .say, lint better, far better, the Home of to-day— The splendid New Home? Oh, what rap- rare divine, To see it before me a i d know it is mine ! Homo, Home, blest New Home ! There’s none like the Home, , to thee would I come a light-running New The perfect New Home ! —.Ouite-spvere storms of wind last of sewing I stay, Saturd T nl^zbt and Sunday QP giveme .snbmis.sioii and strenght as my No serious damage was done here, be yond tlji leveling of a few panels of rail fencing In Charlotte the damage was giTater, the tower of the court house bell being blown down, the Meth dist church being stripped of its tin roof and the interior badly damaged by the rain pouring through the sheeting. "We regret to learn that the damage to the church will not fall far short of $1000. I'J don’t want that stuff,” is what '-a lady of Boston said to her husband day, With nil my lilitcbin; So glad that I owe Home. Home, Home, .sweet Home. The liest in market is the light-running New-Home. For particulars address or call onLINGLE* STONE, Monroe. N. C. Prohibition 3Icetlng. The Union Co. Prohibition Associa tion met in the Court-house last Fri day night. Not being in town, we did not attend; and therefore have no regular report, but learn that a Com- when ho brought home some medicine appointed to invite Judge to cure her of sick-leadaehe and ueu- address the people of at 3:30 ralgia which had made her mkerabffi on Prohibition for fourteen years. At the hrSo attuck ^ evening. This duty Las been per- thereafter, it was adminietered to her Committee, but Mr. with such good lesults, that she con-, replied that. owing to his tinned its use until cured, uuh was having an soentbusiastic m Its praise that she induced twenty- wo o ® School this morning, he could uot families in her circle to adopt it a.s address. A com- their regular 1 j ' mittee was appointed to select suli- “stuff’ is Hop Bi er . i a . ^ committees in each township, for +he Mr James F. Payne visited Golds-; purpose of effecting perfect organiza- boro last week for the purpose of at- ; tion. As soon as this committee has teudiniv the State Grand Lodge of discharged that duty, we will make a TO 5 F., as a representative of report. A short address was made by Stonewall Lodge of this place. Wo Mr C. Austin. Rev. M. L. "Wood stat- from proceedings of the meetings ed to the meeting that he had pre- -i .. . , pared himself on Prohibition, and would go anywhere to make addresses when sent for. The next regular meet ing will occur on Friday night, the 27th instant. p ^ux*ia uu tvio ouveruor oi xerinessee for the delivery of the parties to the authorities of this State. He arrived at Chattanooga, Tenn., with the nec essary papers on last Saturday night, and the prisoners afterward conclud ing to waive the privilege of requir ing a requisition and agreeing to return here for trial, he and 3Ir. Ezzell started back with them on Sunday night without having visited the Governor of Tennessee, and ar rived here Mon da}-night. ill’s. Mor gan was left in charge of ex-sheriff Hasty and was not imprisoned. A warrant was served on Hartsell and he was committed to jail to await a preliminary examination. This was to have been held yesterday, but up on the affidavit of the prosecutor, that on account of the absence of import ant witnesses, he was not ready for trial a continuance was granted until to-morrow morning at 10 o’clock and Hartsell was allowed bail upon giving a justified bond for his appearance. The warrant charges them with larce ny, but the prosecutor desired that a nol pros be entered as to Mrs. Morgan, his wife. Mr. Ezzell arrived at Chattanooga on Tuesday night, the 10th inst., and during the night found out that they were or had been in that vicinity. By nine o’clock next morning, he knew where they were and made arrange ment to arrest them which was done about 12 o’clock. Hartsell was sick and not able to be up, and is still rather feeble. They were arraigned be fore a magistrate but the case was continued until the 18th, to fpve the prosecutor time to get a requisition to bring them back to this place. Since the above was written a com promise has been agreed on between Mr. Morgan and Hartsell, the latter agreeing to leave and remain out of the State, and Mrs. Morgan has re turned to her home with her husband, they agreeing to bury all discordant feelings, and to endeavor to live hap pily together. Mr. Jlorgan’s devotion to his wife is tiugularly striking, and we learn that ho attaches no blame to her, whatever, for her recent action, but says Hartsell had such au influ ence over her that she was powerless in his hands and completely under his control. No doubt it was through the persistent solicitation of his wife that 3Ir. Morgan agreed to let Hart- sell off so lightly, as we learn that she had remarked a day or two ago that she would not go back home unless Hartsell was allowed to go unpunish ed. This little escapade of hers has cost her husband but little less than a thousand dollars. Tho Annual Commencement exer cises of Monroe Higii School for 1881, began on last Monday night, and will be concluded with a Reception Party to-morrow night. Ou Monday and Tuesday nights, the excrerses consisted of declaimi- tions and compositions, which, gener ally, were very good. Most of the compositions were very vvel! compos ed, and a few were .veil read. Some of the little boys delivered their speechei in a wide-awake, bovish manner, mat won for them the appro bation of tbs entire audience; some of the older ones, also, acquitted them selves very creditably, indeed. The original speeches delivered by Messrs T. J. Jerome, Frank Price, and "M'm. Benton were very interesting, instruc tive, and well delivered. The concert ou Wednesday night consisted if about 20 pieces of mu.sic, furnished hy the Piano pupils of Miss Pearspdl, assisteii by Mrs. Alice Nel son ami Miss Julia Stewart, wliich af forded a very satisfactory entertain ment for the large audience present. All of this class arc still in “short dresses,” yet their proficiency evi dences the fact that they have been and all :gree tliat it possessc-s ali tlie virtues you claim for it. “A. H. IIlGUTO'.VEE, Conductor M. and W. R. R.' spu- — Pp.rafine candles, ging pepper, etc., at Bruner’s. — B'ack’wi-li’s Long-cut Smoking Tobacco—an excellent article fur cig arettes. Cigars in abundance — eew aud .'plendid brands, at C. W . Bru ner's. tf — Bruner has just received another invoice of canned goods, such as, pears, poaches, gooseberries, &c. -U- ao, ircsii pickles—loose aui) in jars. Best roasted coffee, etc. * — .luother invoice of those “Snow Flake” Soda Crackers, prepared ex- pres.sly for family use—best on the market —just received at C. \V. Bru ner's. * — Paint Brushes, Painter's Dusters, IVliite-wash Brushes, Hair, Tooth, Nail, ries’n, and Shaviug Brushes—all styles and prices at Bickett ,t Grif fin'.s. * — If any smoker does not wish to buy a package of “Tried and True,” let him ask his dealer for a sample package, and if he has it not, send to Scott A Co., Mebaneville, N. C., M’f’rs NEW RO BLOOD! PrtrsoJts^ I*itls make New Rich ; Blood, and ■will completelF change the blood in the entiresvstem in three months. Anvpersnn who will ta’ke 1 pill each night from 1 to i2 weeks maybe restored to sound he4'iltk, if such a thing be possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter stamps. J. S. JOlINSO'y & CO., Boston, Mass., fortnerly Jtangor, Me. AGENTS WANTED to sett yHnit- EVEK\'WUERE . the best Family !■_ tine lilacliine ever invented. Will knitapairof Btuckmgs. ivith llJKKr. and TOE complete, in 20 minutes. It ■null also knit a great variety of fancy- work for which there is always a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the Two ml>ly Knittiug QXacUiue Co., 409 'Washington 5i., Boston, ilass. i -.A-itudA... XjC31^ MTTH THE OPENING OF THE SE.VSON, STOCK OF GOODS, AVE HAVE LAID IN A qold medal awarded the Author.Anewandgreal Med ical Work.wairanted the best and cheapest, indispensable to ©very man,eiititled "‘the Scienceof Life orjSelf-Preaervation bound in finest French muslin, embossed, full gilt.300 pp.contains beantifnl steel encravings, 125_pre9crip- tions. price only $1.K sent by mail; illustratedsaraple.Ocents; , send now.Address Peabody Med- tfMflTIT miTU'CirT T? ieal Inatitnle or I)r. W. H. PAR- OuW 1 g 1 oLLl. KER. No. 4 Bolfinchst. Boston. n( FOR SALE. applying themselve6 very closely, and | Smoking, Plug and Twist Tobacco. 4t have the care and assistance of a tal- ‘ ented and competent instructress. The annual address will be deliver ed at 11 o’clock this morniug, by Hon. A. S. 3Ierrimon. This oocuring on our day of publication wO; could give but a very unsatisfactory synopsis of the address, even if wo waited until late to-day to issue our paper, hence we will go to press earlier than usual in order that our printers may have | j • - t. i i • an opportunitylof heariiig'the addre.ss;: of cigars. It has no equal m and we hope to be able print it iu full | marke . as is exudeuced by no in our ne.xt is.-me, together with the j“>™be’’sold Bruner has the ' exclusive sals ot these cigar.s. tt Neur.xlgine.—This specific of neu. ralgine and headache is offered to the — Liquid glue, superior to any or-' public uot as a king euro all, hut as dinary glue or mucilage, at Corner i only good for neuralgme and head- Drug Store. * , CHARLESTON, S. C.—Onr Georgia Customers enquire for Foutz’s Cele brated Horse and Cattle Powders and recommemi them iu the highest terras as beiug far superior to anything of the kind they ever used.—Harrel & Pelzek, Wholesale Druggists. — The peerless Orlando still “holds its own,” aud continues to find new admirers among those who are really annual Sermon which will be deliver ed to-night, by Rex', J. T. Bagwell. United St.4te.s Jurors.—The follow ing citizens of this county were recent ly drawn to serve as jurors at the jane term of the United States Court which meets in Charlotte, on rvloiiday the 13th of June: Coleman Stewart, J. L. Porter, Allred Robinson, (col.) John O. Sinclair, James W. Price, T. N. Lee. ache. For these troubles it is unfail ing. Every bottle guaranteed if taken according to directions. Sold by exv, May 11. H. C. AsucRAPr. C'i firt h unuTil OlUw A lUUilln ami lutlics taliiug ordi.-re or tho lit'© ot JeffcMon Davis, bj' Wm. F. Saiiii'onlr LL. D.. of Alabama, iuolutliug a full history of ih- Lost Cause. Illustratotl. Now ready. Send lo particulars. E. R. TREAT, Publisher, 757 Broad way, New York D44. 4t Bublisned that he was elected as one of the principal officers of the Orand Lodge for the ensuing year; and his address made at the banquet in connection with the presentation of ■fc cane to the retiring Grand Master, Rev N It' Jurnev, is very favorably spoken’of by ftetioldsboro papers. — A full line of white and colored lawns at Licuente-stin & Levy’s. i ■ Cotton Weigher.—It was expected that at the meeting of the Town Com missioners on last Monday that the new cotton weigher would be appoint ed, but for some reason or other they concluded to defer the appointment until next Monday. We understand that there were several applicants for the position. Tho compensation was changed from that formerly agreed upon, the weigher’s salary having been raised to six hundred dollars a year and an Inspector will be furnished by the town authorities for six months in each vear. — Latest styles of gents straw and fur hats just received and for sale cheap by Lichtenstein & Levy. A Karc Cliaiice. i From this day, xvo xvill retail at cost \ for cash, our entire stock of stationa- j ry, including legal and foolscap, letter! and note paper, envelopes, pens, pen-; cils, stationary boxes, blank books, j inks and ink-stands. Now is youi’i time. Bickett & Griffin. I Appoint incuts of Kev. J. 13. King, j I will (D. V.) preach at: New Hope, Monday, 3Iay 23rd. Olive Branch, Tuesday, 2-lth. Rocky River, Wednesday, 25th. Rocky Blount, Thursday, 2Gth. Philadelphia, (Union meeting) Fri day and Saturday, 27th aud 28th. Monroe, Sunday, 29th. Waxhaw, Thursday, June 2nd. Jerusalem, Friday, 3rd. Red Level, Saturday, 4th, Jlonroe, Sunday, 5th. Benton’s Cross Roads, Tuesdav, 14th. Hopewell, "Wednesday, loth. j. E. KING. — Ball potash, a superior quality at Bickett & Griffin’s. * — For sick headache, indigestion, &c., use Hepatine, a never failing specific. To be had at the Corner Drug Store. — McLean’s Strengthening Cordial purifies the blood, audits invigorating; influence is felt almost instantly. For sale at Bickett & Griffin’s. ^ nn.BiiTTg’nisPENSAiiY Treat all Chronic Diseases, and enjoys » nation al reputation through the curing of complicated cases. ectioDS of the blood, skiu or bones, treated with suc cess, without using Mercury or Poisonous Medicines. YOUNG MEN are suileringfrom theeftects ■UUUaMHBIMi of a disease that unfits its vic tims forbusinesB or marriage, pcrinnnently cured. PATIENTS TREATED periODa^onluItation is preferred, wliich is FREE and invit ed. List of questions to be answered by patients desiring treat- Bieot mailed free to any address on application. ( Persons sufToring from Rupture should send their Address,^ end lenm something to their advantage. It is not a Commuoicslinns sinctly confidential, aud should be addressed DB. BUTTS, IS North Sth St., St. Louis, Mo. XO FARMERS tHRESHERMEN. If you want to buy Threshers, Clover HuUers, Horse Potcers or Engines (either Portable orTrac- ' lion, lo use for throshing, sawing or for general purposes), buy the “Starved Rooster” Best is the Cheapest: For Price —List and Illustrated Pamphlets, i (sent free) write to ^e Aui.tmak & Tatlob CoMPAitT, Maosfield, 0. /'YaE uO-S.Wr NEEDLE OOTTOJ^ GIX. “ f soroiHt-thind. one lirooks Pntejit COT TON niESS, will work either hy hand or power. AViIl sell on etisy terms- .-Vpplv to Charlotte Observer, or to C. IL WOLFE, Five Diilt-s from Charlotte, on C. C. R’v. Offeiiiig GRE-UrF!"; INDUCEMENT.S iiiy cust uners tlian ever h(>n4o''or 31y past S':cci-S6 giLiiaurof s me in tl.'O iisxerliun liiat I car. sell fer SsII A :2r Artie Lsss than any other hou.s? in toxvn; and it you are at. nil our goods, and SEE FOR YOURSELF that we Mcngy kepiical, c mie and price We Are Not “U-assing* V EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRSS-CLASS CONFECTION ERY AND FANCY GROCERY HOUSE. Pickled and Preserved Meats Fish, and Fruits Boneless Pig Feet, Salmon, Mackeral, Lobsters, Oysters, Sardines, Potted Ham, Turkey, and Chicken. Notice. r|i[ ii poc-tl'nliy anuonneo, to tlie public, that they have supplied themselves with nrst-cla.ss iu-stnimeuts and new ^lusio and are uow pre pared to furnish iir.^^t-clas.s Music for schools, pic uics and all other occa.sious, at tis rea.son- able rates as au}' Baud in the State. Having spared uo pains or money iu thus prejiaring oiirselve.s ive arc able to guarantee .satisfac tion. Address ail communications lo M. LEE STEVENS. Captain. Preserves, Apple Butter, Peach Butter, Grreen Corn, Tomatos, Strawberries, Pineapples, Cherries, Jellies, &c., &c. IS S.VIi) OF THF NEW mME i^OHlNE By the Ladies! Monroe. N. C., April 19.18S1. I have u.scd the New Home Sewing Machine for I more than a mouth, and have found it perfectly sat- isfjicttoy in every respect. i MRS. J. F. P.4.YNE. | Monkoe, N. C., Aiiril 19,1S81. ! Mes-srs. Liuglo xt Stone: I Dear Sir.“!; I take pleasure in expressing to you my j satisfaction in tho New Home Machine, purchased | fr.im you sometiuie ago. I have used several ma 1 chines, and can truthfully say that 1 like this as j well, and iu many respects better than any I have ever used, aud cheerfully recommend it to all who ivant a nice and light-running machine. MRS. J. E. KING. Olive Br.vnck. N. C., April 28th, 1881. Mcs.^rs. Linglo k Stone. Thi.'j i.s to eertity that the New Hxune Serving Ma chine I henght of you a few months ago ha.s been thoroughly tried aud te.sted Uj- me. I am convinc ed that the New Home is. without dimbt, the very best Machine to-day in the market. For durability simplicity and lightness of running it has no equal. I unhesitatingly reeoiiiinend it to all my neighliors ami the public generally. I am very respoertnily. MRS. MELTON GRIFFtN. PICKLES, SAUCES, PREPARED MUSTARD, CHOW-CHOW, SPICED OYSTERS, CATSUPS. &C., &0. 1880. MeSMITH 1881.^ Music House. BRANCH OF LUDDEN & BATES. Prices and Terms Exactly the Same !! 1 Don't Forget I — THAT — LINGLE & STONE .\RB SELLING ! BOOKS. PAPER. ENVELOPES, INKS, PPINS. PENCILS. t SL.\.TKS. RUBBERS. VISITING C.\RDS, ALBITMS. CIIROMOS. WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES, PERFORATED 30.ARDS, MARBLES. FISH HOOKS and LINES, —ANT) THE— Japnn laiift and Fisliimr Polo Coiiibinod. This has caused great exeitemout among the boys. All ottr (rood.s are Sold at Bottom Prices—Cheaper than the Cheapc.st. We are also Agents for the Cheap Books imblished by tho -American Book Ex change. Call and exauiine, stock LINGLE kSTONE. f'. s, K 5iaT>it f M^cnrt.! ii.h ■ (Odj.yf.TenycarFci- ' L tabJiEhej; cured, briiestat- S ^ ingCRso. ii.. ilAUaU, Quincy, llic’.i. J RI T'- 'T 1 ■ D \J\} --p -- . 1.U ui -JL - - - - Lili iL Unequalled for New and Elegant^ Styles. f (Tone & Design. "ANS, I. GEORGE WOOGS Si, OOMPANY, -3Vi:.A.lSI XTF j?k.CTTJE.Ei?,S—- CAMBRIDGEPORT, MASSACHUSETTS. Catalogues Sent Free. Agents Wanted. sco-iC,20t CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MEANS BUSINESS, AND FIFTEEN HUNDRED FAMILIES IN NORTH .VND SOUTH CAR OLINA Endorss lYsry Organ and Plano ws Ssll! READ THESE FIBURES ! PI.4.NOS. ; m- PIANOS $1G0 AND UP. A 7-OCTAVE ROSEAVOOD PIANOS. ; Case, Two RouuJ Corner.s—Full Agraffe Overstrung Baas, PI.ANOS. ; and iu ev^'ty way "First-Class. Fully xvai ranted for G Yours. 1 - * CiiicKiiEiNG & Sons; M.vi'hdshek; Guild A Church; Aeion; So. Gem .kc. : * ■ ^ READ TH^E FIGURES, ORG.4.NS. : m- A 15 STOP ORG.VN, WITH FOUR SETS REEDS ORG.\NS. '. Sub-Eiss, and Octave Coupler, for Sixty-five Dollars.- ORGANS. 1 Guarriiteed for G Years. Send for Circulars, A Price Lisi Mason A Haxilin; Pli.oui!et A Co.; Steeling; Alhion; L.aPetite * ^ Only Reliable Makers Represented! We send on 15 days trial. We pay freight both ways if no sale. We Cannot be Undersold for Cash. Our One Year Plan Enables Eveiybody (o l)uy! Country merchants would do well to write to me for Lists of Small in struments before they buy. Write for Prices. Address H.McSMITH, Charlotte, N. O.

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