) '1 Bfnell ciar y Orderx. ttASOKK-Vonroe I.o-e. No. vm. Uegn'sr cieetingB. rlrsf and th'u Y u"f uUshis OT e.h -month W H Kltiicruld V M BOYL (WAvU" -diaa e Council. Ko. ). Regu'nr meetings, frst M f., j,t:i Fr!.'.?.j nfgtl of each month. U. B. Adams, i.og-fi t. MttilO H xfi-Wfiio Cune'l. Kft 3142. "esular niee'lrijs first and tUid Wwdoesdsjr Bight of eac! men 1. 1!. B. :bute Ccmmanaer. WftHra 0?HtM ft-Monroe L, e'o.'Mfc Begulir meettoiis, first and t h r IiMi.ia,r nUh of eachmou'.n. t!. D. thute. Director. ClllRCH D1HECTOHY. H1Kt-t'.( IfcwKR, Pntor. Ser View on every sewud Sunila?, inorn'ru; tnd nl. hv, and every fourth SumKj nlchr Pajr Keetti a even Toesdur nlht rtundav -chooir ri S:mda mor: lug. The iutMe m lnTltJ tu woi ship with them. iP"SiT-Hnv w Hv.mow.P-tstor. f're;ieh In every Sunday morn ii'j and nlftrt- Sund.ir School everi funfny mrn:iuc ' d::0 Prnr. errueetlnic f 'r men every Mo- oy nUlr.. and gen MI prayer oieeiliurevenr 1 Imr drfvnlKnt Church Conference first me .lay nig it la e th month. Btran iters are cord''i'ij luvlu-d. METHOD!'"' Rev. i P teu, Panto- Preach- iru? every Hundsv morning snd nigtit. bundiij School at 3 o'c'ocS i. m.. every -ui.d.ij. Irion's lirayer meetlni? Tuerday Mishs, u:;d general prayer meeting efery Wednesday nlRlits Steward's meeting, Monday nljtht afw llrt bun ay in each mcnin. Friends aim me puD.'.c a.-e always wei-some. PHRSBTTERIV Pas tor. Hrenchttu: every Sunday hjoi .iIse and even- imrexesrjt )th -undav. Pu:idar "c'luol at 930 a. m., every Sunday ('raver ti eetliv for men only, Monday ntuhts and eeteral prayer meeting n Tbur'day nights Mission Society 1st and 2nd Sunday afternoons, 'i, o clock. The Public Invited to worship vytth them. VTiranrtDr 11 .-.. , r ........ d&a.a.. &riowr u-aai . J irDuunno. u.,ii . Servioes every rwoond Sunday. Moridnx Prayer nt 0 o'clock, a, m. Sermon a id Communion at 11 o clock. Sunday School. 8 rt. m.. every Sunday Evening Sermon at 7 o'clock p, m, The public Is invited. Iltof Alliances in Viiion County. The followlnc Is n list of Alliances In Vn on eounty. together with tho name and post-oftie address or each secretary, as famished thr we Istbb oy the Counly Secretary, Mr J. A, Marsn. KAKS NO HABE OF 9E0"T P03T-omCS Pnl on Co. 414 J A Mrr,h Bock Rest l?t J H Will am M"dow Br. 1U7 D W Mullls Goose Creek lti" LSMrlllln Euto '1 WJrmlth BwiverDam N C. Monroo r mes ' ' Monroe " BUM E'h'reek 172 .1 prooks Hlchiron'.n's Cr. Pnce'BJc'l U.llil K W Lamrbeli UnkUrove ' Beaver Dam 2)1 J T (in-ene Wh ie's riloro 1 Crowell an a B '(.'res: Tlndle 28 i J a Polk Cool Spring 2-0 B shcraft Falk's 338 TSHimey College HU1 2 H A Norwood Trinity 21 J C Kulwnks Mt. Pleasant J W I'nster Brown Creek MI PHMI1I Plney Grove 2.7 M Hroom Sit Prospect 415 I W Plyl-r Union 4. .1 Oureiok Je.ukin'sXR41fi P M Cox Bnton'sX B l'5 .1 H Trull Tince 59.1 H B Kiiur C ! tre Krove S95 ! M Yand!o 3 'le a Ridge fi&l TKCurlfW -o...(ed Creek 195 JPHlnson SKMdy n" loi w Held Pi uwel2H7 OW l.aney V .r in JI17S (i w Sutton l-rt, N 'U J2?8 J N Pro M.HGruvo jv'9? MSCroU Ja. ..i.r. 1472 KTHIra'e Liberty M7J W Eu!?-inl.s Ford .i jaw A Rryaiit Jackh.m 1152 J 3 as 'n Monroe Mun'oe Uisbl'g rirVT nam ' Wa!nerivlu ' Dope Sl.nroe ' Enniesboro fl 0 Monr N C ill Proip ct " Lanes Cr.iek " Tl;.ywond ' Ind'an Trail'' Stut Beaver Dam " Von's StO'e " Piiie'KMIIl VTiicUestiT " P00f"l-t " Price's Villi " Siev-n' " W Ikup Wolfe Poi.d " Fo'i's " Wjxhaw " CHIl.nnEN'S KATlJfCS. I Ethel, four ye:uii old, went out in tri evening wiili her motlier to too t!iecj milked, and while waichin uietn sud denly excL'iitued: "O mmum ! tlie cows are chewing gum. " lYouth'j C'U'panioa. . tittle Cil?en-cent watch delighted iia ,-inoud Ki-eailr, and he said to me ai 1 was undie--,smg hira : "A lady did Bay to me on boat, ''What tiaio i.;t !.. orir"WaTc1j ? and I did say to lady, Watch didu't went.'" Kilie was cxaniininj very attentively the largo spuri of tho L?ghcrn rooatur, Iin panacamo iu'.o the pouluy-yurj iia a measure of com for the fowlj. "Papa, " aid E'.lie, "I know why tln sa chicUens ara called 'Leghorns.' It's be cause they have such big horns ou thriir leS4?" Ned and Fred wore returning from town with papa, and KcJ, seeing a goat by the roadside, sai l: Tapa, there is a Billy-goat. " "Ko, 6ou," naiJ papa, "that's a Niinny-i-ca!. " Tap;:," uaid Freddi, thoughtl ally, "why do poals aln ays name their children Lilly auJ Kannio" A littla neighbor, cousin to Dr. Ambler of Arctic-exploration fame, v.a-. play in wish a small co!oi..-d companion, jus. after the re3i.!t3 of ihat ill-fatod cxix'di tion wero known. Said the young Vir ginian : "Tulx, what will they do wi'.li the North I'ule when they Cad it? Fra.sh clw.4i-.ulj wilh il," wa thu prompt and emphatic r.-ply. Teddy L a iiille city boy, who, last Summer, paid a long vii.it to hU graudp' farm, lie btayed until liarvesl-tiiae, and was, of course, vory much inter ested in everything ho miv. Udo .laf grandpa was lm-ikiii c .rn. Teody wanted to lielj), but lo wa , n't (piits sure liow to Wik al o at iL l'retty toon, how ever, he burst foriii, eagerly : "(jram'pa, Slav may 1 help you undi ens that coin?" Little Hon came running into tho liou.se upon the morning of hU fiflli birthday with great eagerness, lie waa followed breathlestdy by hii sintiT A Idie, I years of sgi. who always tried to do just na B-rt did, and a little mor-. Tut five! I'm five !" shouted Hert, bursting into the sitting room. Addie cll owed her way to the front and looking into our faces as if for sympathy, panted forth : Tin fiver 'n Bert is 1" DKAM.tTlt. ! There are nearly :;,000 "thafHeal towns" in the United States and ('anada in which a company can be booked for a eeaaon of ten years, aud play a diu"ernLt town each night. Patti was the first who dom.-.ndd and obtained in Paris a nightly s-ilary of Si.OOO. "These are not mjU i, but banlc dea, tltat como from her lip,"baid a Quito recently Tainngno was eagafl I Uio Janeiro lor -V-'.ODO a night at the 'SU; of ten performance auion'.h during tie seatson. An almost comp'ete score: of Wagner'i "Tannlmurt-r," wri en by Richard Wi. Oer, and signed by im, has Ik-u disf'or erel iu tlifl ruins of the Zurich Theater tccently. Clara MoiTis i : great lover of bird, and has a regular aviary, filled with Iright-plnmaged speo'm,,n from all part of tli glol. They know her, ami Hjanife-ita d'dight Uon her approach by ehrill cljiiri ; t cr 1 rj.tUing ii.tu ilvt Bong. Llo dear to my heart ia tho school I ntvudfd, Aud h I rcmembar, so distar t and dim. This rd-h"aJd Bill, fu.d the ; in tliut I tended And carpfully pul on the bonch un dor him ! Ac1 how I recall the surprise of the maj'r Wren Bill t;ave a yell, aad sprang up with the pin; Sj hisb, that his bullet-head busted tho pl.i8 er Above, and tho scbohirs all set up a grin Taut active boy, Billy, that high leaping Kill I Tb it' loud-nhouti-..g B ly that sat on the pin ! A STUAXiKSI ICIDI.. A Daughter Polnoned Her Fathcr'ti Mind He Found Out Ibe Deception and Sbot IlimticK. Tarboro Southerner. George Wabhington Wynn. near Robersonville, about ten days or two weeks ngo killed himself with a shot gun, lie was insane. Ills mental troubles grew out of his anxiety about taw property, A few years ago he married a pret ty woe.au and f jr a time all went well. 1 The "wolf in the fold"entpred later on it is said in the shape of an illegitis mifo daughter wno poisoned her l&- ther's mind against her step-mother and persuaded the old man thatmon ey which he bid had disappeared ws stsikn by the wife. Mr. Wynn made u aeed convoying all his property to this duughtcr and forced his wife to leave. Some time thereafter the old man become suspicious of his daugb ! and watchhed her till he became sa: iVlied that bis wife waa innocent, Um and wife became reconciled nnd jIr. Wynn sought to huve the deed set aside. Worry nnd anxiety in this account affected his mind and He ended his troubles in the) manner above stated. He waa worth J20,000 or $25,003. Half Way Oue Summer afternoon, when Mrs E was very busy, her little daugh' er Anoie was gomewhat of a hin irnnce, frt she said to ber. '"Annie. dear, suppose you go to vjur papa's uluco anu stay wttu aim. Always promptly obedient, Annie at once went. By and by her equally buey papa6aid to her. "Annie, 1 think you naa better run homo to mamma now." Arjme leit, witn the unerring ins -fin(rrn of a child, thiif neither her cinmma nor her papn wanted her. Bo'h hurt and perplexed, she set tled tiie diflkulty in her own mind v detTmining noon a half-wav pol icy. Accordingly she seated herself quietly just half way between her father's office and the house. P..;sei; tty the old grandmother, aK wa.'don the loosouc for the child. spi 1 h"r silting there flat on the ground, lootins; listless and disconeo- lat Surprised and wonde.ring at so unwnnMd a proceeding on Aopie'a part, ff.fe caile J"to5"Mbr, "4 Au'n le, child what in tho world are you sitting there for?" The pent-up feelings of the little leirt overflowed an she sobbed, "Wf-11, grandma, rrmmma didn't want me and sent me to papa, and pipa didn't want me and spnt me back to mamitiB, and I thought I Lad bo'.ter stay helf-wnv between them, eo I'm sitting here." iwe Kinds ol Dyspeptic. Aro you troubled v-ith dyspt-pwia? Toka Ci-.re that your food in wholo fome and that ir. is well masticated, end exercise el! your muscles as much a T:'?itjle in tht: opi n air. Whatever other remedies may be neccffeary iu special r'i?e8 thcfi ibingi tre alwf.yB esF-entinl. la it ppiriiunl dyppppsia that bothers you? Are yon disturbed by doubts and perplexities and cast diwn by disappointments and fail ures.? Then feed constantly on "the -incere milk of the Word.''; drink deep at the fotmtmu of the Water ut L'fe, and 'exercise thyself unto god liness" by entering cpon senile teif- eacrincing woric lor ihM gcort of oth. ers. Thcr-i is t:o absolute cure for ririf uul mabidiea but lo get rid cf them by forgpftice tl em, nd the way to do tnnt Mt ihll thermna wuh thoughts! cf GodVlove, thoh"i:rt with hiving thought for others and the rmn.iH with active service fur the M'c-ter. If tho ppiritunl muscles are s' ilhciiTitiy fsicmed the vt ry worst crise of spiritual dyspepsia will ooon give pine to a g'md and vigo ous spiritual life. M rf A s b 1 I V . -A ran. .'3 for Infants and Children. "Cutoria la so well adapted to difldrcn that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archib, M. D., Ui So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and Ha merit so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.'' ' CABLOt KARTTlf, D. D., New York City. Lata Pastor Bloomlngdale Beformed Church. Cmatorla enrea Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, givta sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' aad shall always continue to do so as it baa invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardbi, St. D., "Th Winthrop," 125th Street and Tth Ave., New York City. Th Csxtaub Cokfaxy, 77 Muhrat Steiw, Naw Toei. mm fill Farmers are Happy Because of the good crops, and we aie feeling tolerably well, thank you, on account of the good trade we are getting. But it is no wonder that the people are trading at our store, for we have the goods m abundance, and tbsy are marked down po low that the people haven't the heart to complain at the prices. Since our building was remodeled we have one of the most attractive stores in this part of the State and both flonrs am rrnwrlorl wrWV. just such goods as the people want. We cannot men- nun cvrijLuiiig wc mi m biui;& , lor we Keep almost ev erything from a Jewsharp to a saw mill, but we desire to call your attention to a few of the many lines we carry. Our stock of DRESS GOODS is full and complete, and was selected by our Mr. Wil liamson in the northern markets, und the latest styles and best fabrics were secured. Our stock of WN N NN N sim N MN N NN OO o o o o o o OO TTTT T T T T OO O O O O O O OO NN N NN N N N N N NN N KN BrrS is also large and varied. It will pay the ladies to in spect these lines. Be sure to call before buying your Hats, Shoes and Clothing, We have the neatest and best $2 Shoe in the market, and we can sell you a good, serviceable shoe for from $1 up. If you don't like redy made clothing, we have a large supply of PIECE GOODS at almost any price you want, and will st.ll you enough to make a suit so low that you will hardly miss the money. When it comes to ooo OO R R O O 0 0 OOO FEB RRR KRR O O OOO RR OO 00 OOO R B OO K KB R R RRR R R II FEB BSSo HE 5 s I KB "88, It K 8 OOO KER & B II BBS SSS8 We are glad to inform thope who were disappointed lat week thr.t we have just received another v;ry lurge assortment of breech and muzzle loading guna that must be sold before the holidays. Sausage Mills in all varieties very cheap. ' -BMB WIRE- is cheaper for fencing than rail? : only 5c. o pound for 4 poiut galvnpized. Monny eeemp to be plentiful jedjung from the number of we bavji been selling only 7 stoves remaining on our floor out of a cr load ofone kind received one month ago. This sounds like business-jes . it.dftlvi rjpso-rfhtr we ftS.'i' vflil wo expi-fi.'-oJoad another car by Jan. 1 Ites we nre Belling pt.oves daily right in the territory of other dealers because it p-ij s to go a few miles further in order to save from $1 to 13 on an article of this kind. Yours, overvbodv knows we keeD a full line, and that. are a,3 low as are conBistent with good goods and honest ddaling. No matter whit you want, give us a call. As we said betore we can't mention all the goods we carry, for want of time and spr ce, but we know what the people need, and have tried to eelect just such goods in every lice as they wart. Don't forget to see us before selling your COTTOEJ. We are buying large quan tities and paying highest market prices. Respectfully, r . a A 1 1 r at 1WM11 mm A (.rowing TVelgliborliood. "Ye?, fir," sail the real estate man, "it'a a plafant investment, I assure you. You il double your money in a . year " "But I'm afraid it's rather far out," eaid the victirn dubiously, "far out! Nonsense. Might al most call it eer.tral property in fact. It's n frowin neighborhood." 'Well, I gueB I'll take a couple of lots." e here, you irf 'rna!, lying, ras fill" Hwi:d!':r, I'll bavi my money back or f rr.f'cute you for false pre tenws. Iwr-ritc'it to seo those lots yon ! me. Why it's a wilderness ir- a perfect wildorneps. Actually a rr'i of hfiy m growing on the i-treet." "Ah. jij-t no. Very fioe, luxuriant Bay, to'j 1 tol-l yo'i it wa" a grow ing r.pighb'.rrrjod, di-in't It What &re you k:';Stm' aiyj'T -Grip. Wormi d- exit in the hum in body to a great fx'y-m, urA uri often the cau of dis'-vi a'.d drHth. Shrin fr'H Indiim V..rroifii! destroy and expel the.j frori 'he ystem. ChI!cJr;n Cry for Pilc.cr': C::toria. Cyclone fias htrock To all Who Would SaveJiVIoney: We call the attention of the farmers and the general public of Union and surrounding counties to the fact that ws are now receiving the largest and most varied stock of goods in our line to be found in Monroe, consisting in part of green, parched and roasted coffees, teas, sugars, rice, pearl hominy cheese, bacon, lard, mulHSseB, syrups, meal, flour, salt, tobaccos, (from 25c. per lb, up, snuff, cigars, cigarettes, pipes, both cluy and wood, matches, candles, soaps. starch, blueing, blacking, concentrated iye, pepper, spice, longer, cloves, nut- mpm emnnnion rinrR. iiuvnrinir extracts, ana essences, noma -neuiciues ouuHiai- inir of worm candv. Godfrey's cordial JBateman's drons iai goric. laudanum. castor, sweet and manhine oils. etc The largest stock cf 'ar.dies, both stick and French to be found, including our "Jumbo" wN we:' 'J inly 82 pounds; call and see him. .Kuts, fruits, chewing gums.prrrr i xes, piuyingcaras.narps. pocket purses, pocket looking glasses, lead penclk ! gal, foo(cip, letter and note writing paper, Mason's cakes and crackers. ct i. etarch r cooking pur poses, vinegar, cider, ginger ales, healthy non-alcohiA.c dr;r ks. A full line of fresh standard canned oysters, salmon, mackerel, sard it e.., corned and chipped beef. ham. tonaue. neaches. tomatoes, pickles and baking powders, lamps, both brass and glass, lanterns, wicks, chimneys, burners, kerosene oil, cans, cups, dippers, pans, plates, milk buckets, strainers, glassware, teacups, saucers, bowls, pitchers, jucs, conee pots, stew pans, axie grease, water anu wen nucaeis, wasu board?, market baskets, plow line and well rope, brooms and In fact nearly everything vou can think of. outside of dry goods and shoes, which we intend to sell at from 10 to 15 per cent, cheaper than you can buy elsewhere, quality of goods considered, ror the reason ihHi we ao our own worn ana nave no nouae rent to pay and can afford to sell cheaper. We are the owners of "Blount Hill" herd of thoroughbred registered Logs, and will have a lot of fine ulus for sale this fall at one-third of the usual price In conclusion, as a cyclone has struck Monroe, and those who struck us du ring the spring and summer for supplies on a credit are reminded now that a bountiful Providence ha blessed them with good crops and we want them to call and strike us "CASH" In full between the 1st and 15th of October without fall, as we intend to collect In full this fall and cannot and will not carry any one over to another year, as Ire have Incurred debts to accommodate you and must have our money by the 15th of October. So call and see us one and all great and small, rich and poor, and buy your goods cheap, and get 10 and not 14 ounces lor a pouna. Yours, anxious to accommodate by selling cheap, Mi: ft if law a do 1st door Euet of Jail, Monroe, N. C.' o nr. u'liii'iiiK'iin & iri ittLUdU . . L i i, i m" A large lot of Zaigler Bros, end E P. Knid'a line shoes for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren, just received. No bet ter shoes to be bad any where Stevens & Phifer. 6 ell t -r -, ."i ' i -: i-l - t. vi d a tfll a i THB BEST POKOUa PLA3TER3 IM THE WOWLD. V. Ill I IU ! Si rents scDrucelrta, liSffiKr RHEUMATISM, KIDSEY PAIHS, LAlut BACK, I:, (.iiiihiuuu a; i:n minis, iieston, Mm, Chichestfr's Bnoush. Rco Cross Diahohd Brand A THC ORIGINAL AND GKNUINC, Th- nf Prr, mH rthnii V for nl., V,7 I.tUHtW. sVk ilrt.a.irt for CaWs'frl aVii ,.... M,mA lu ItA nr. I i-lt it V ecu H-ie.t Mb t u- rlt-'ofi. Tst'if no vibfr LIi.4. A' tt.Hiuiu,n mt4 tmuaitimt. U (.ill. in ..!rrK.inI ItnTM, tlk rti -it ar rinnTfTuMn (Vnrtrr list. At l-msflaw r irnfl M In iimr,a f..r Mrvipnlnri, i-aitauM-i.:, "1 lu-llcf 1r I.H'Ct ,' in hr Mun MavlL fl I ,V ! I , I Xeuralffla Persona AnltliTwi treuMul wiiii nerroinnew reailtln iroai cure ovi-rork v. lo tie reltevud by taking l'.rowu' J fin Jiit'rm, Cennlna