FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1951 EAST LAKE PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Hewitt and children of Elizabeth City spent the weekend here with Mrs. Hewitt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Twi ford. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Simmons and children of Norfolk visited rel atives here Sunday. Miss Janet Basnight has re turned home after spending some time visiting relatives in Elizabeth City. Mrs. Daisy Hewitt of Elizabeth City is spending some time here with her sister, Mrs. Caroline Cain. Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Basnight BETWEEN HATTERAS BUS SCHEDULES AND MANTEO Read Down Read Up Leave North Bound South Bound Hatteras, Iv. 8:00 a.m. ar. 5:30 p.m. Frisco, ar. 8:10 a.m. 5:15 p.m. Buxton,ar. B:2oam. 5:00 p.m. Aven, ar. 8:40 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Salvo, ar. 9:00 a.m. 4:20 p.m. Waves, ar. 9:10 a.m. 4:15 p.m. Rodanthe,ar. 9:15 a.m. 4:10 p.m. OrJnlet, ar. 10:20 a.m. 3:20 p.m. Manteo, ar. 11:30 a.m. Iv. 2:00 p.m. Oregon Inlet ferry crossing time 20 minutes HATTERAS-MANTEO BUS LINE. INC. Phone 104 HATTERAS, N. C. FOR REST, HEALTH AND SPORT COME TO THE FISHING & HUNTING MECCA ATLANTIC VIEW HOTEL HATTERAS, NORTH CAROLINA W. (Scottie) GIBSON, Proprietor. Phone 113 AMERICAN PLAN—Reservations for Deep Sea Fishing WHY, it ’ s JUST RIGHT for ICED WATERMELON OR CANTALOUP! YOU BY DOING 'YOUR MARKETING WITH ARCHIE BURRUS Self-Service Food Center PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 77-J MANTEO, N. C. 68 Years Old, Yet NoFClimbsj 155 Feet to Work on Scaffold HADACOL Relieves fks Cams of Nervoosnoss aad Weakness Whoa Doo to a Laok of Vitiates Bi, Be, Nteste aid Iroa. t Seems like more and more folks are finding out every day that they have to keep themselves in tip-top condition to really stay on the ball as far as doing a good job is con- cemed. Mr. John ' ' Napier, Route i 1. Moeelle, Mis- Bfou.' > :1 - sissippi, certainly found out that aches and pains, weakness an< i nervousness | were ' interfering ' It I with his work as A J -fiß a bricklayer and carpenter. But Mr. Napier heard how HAD ACOL was helping folks with such conditions that may have been due to deficiencies of Vitamins Bi, Ba, Iron and Niacin. Here are his own words: “Before taking HADACOL, I was suffering with aches and pains for awhile. Then, came the time when I was weak and nervous. I am a carpen ter and bricklayer. I also run a farm. I kept feeling bad and get ting worse. Then I heard about HADACOL and immediately began taking it After taking only one bottle, when I retired at 9 P.M. I would fall asleep immediately. Sold in Manteo by FEAHING’S INC. Phones 16 and 138 of Elizabeth City were here for the weekend. Little Dickie Smith has returned to his home in Norfolk after a week’s visit here with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. O' C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. David McGowan of Elizabeth City are spending a few days here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray White and children, Mrs. John Twiford and Bobby Twiford of Norfolk spent the weekend at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and children, Sammie and Edith and little Reid Basnight of Elizabeth City visited relatives here during the weekend. Mrs. Ethelle Holmes has return ed to her home after visiting in Norfolk.and Manteo for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Crees of Hertford and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crees and Theresa of Ryland were here for the weekend. Mrs. Lavinia Harrell and baby, Miss Ernest Whitehead and daugh ter Lynn have returned to their homes in Norfolk after spending a week here with Mrs. Sina Mann. Mr. and Mrs. David Twiford and children of Brownwood, Texas, are spending some time here witn Mr. Twiford’s parents, Mr. and Mis. Lundy Twiford. Gilbert Crees of the U. S. Army, recently back from Japan, visited friends here during the weekend. After the third bottle I went back to work, carpentering and laying bricks. Now, I dimb as' high as 155 feet and work all day on a scaffold. I have never felt so well in many; years. I am 68 yean of age. And, when there is no carpenter or bride I work to do, I work on my farm, ' planting and harvesting my crops. Thanks to HADACOL.” I There’s a due that may help you, I if you are suffering from a lack of Vitamins Bi, Ba, Niacin and Iron. Why continue to suffer.. • why ex i pertinent... why let your distress drag you farther and farther down? For it is these very Vitamins and Minerals you may need that HADACOL supplies in a quantity' greater than the minimum daily requirements. And this marvelous formula contains helpful quantities of Phosphorus and Caldum, too. HADACOL builds up the hemo-- globin content of the Hood (when. Iron is needed) to send these de ments coursing, surging, through out your body, to every body organ. Already dissolved, in a special liq-. uid form, the dements are absorbed quickly and easily in your system. Carries a strict money-back guar antee. x Social STUMPY POINT NEWS Mrs. Jimmie Meekins and daugh ter Cookie left Sunday morning fur Norfolk; from there she will return by plane to her home in Guanta namo Bay Air Base, Cuba. She has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey (Dick) Best and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Meekins. The Meekins and Bests accompanied her as far as Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hooper and daughter, Jo Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Hooper and' sons, Eddie and Horace, Jr., spent Sunday at Nags Head Beach. Geo. Wise, Jr., of Norfolk spent the weekend here with his family. • Mrs. Overcash is ill at the home of Mrs. Lessie Payne. Mrs. Francis Hooper who has been ill for the past four years spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Meekins. Miss Wanda Midgette had as her guests the past week Miss Beverly Williams of Engelhard, Misses Pat Twiford and Kay Meekins of Nor folk. Major Hooper, Billy Hooper and David Meekins spent the weekend in Norfolk. McCoy Hooper and wife Josie spent the weekend in Elizabeth City with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Meekins and girls, Margo and Kay, and son Jerry spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meekins. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wise and spending two weeks at their home here. Mr. Wise is employed at Nor folk Navy yard. Mrs. Milton Hooper and chil dren, Doug and Beverly of Norfolk are spending a week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mid gette. Miss Faye Midgett of Nags Head visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Midgette, over the weekend. L. W. Hooper, Jr., who is at tending summer school at ECTC spent Sunday here with his par ents. Mrs. Edith Best and son Billy and Mrs. Clyde Payne and son Mikey spent Monday in Plymouth on business. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burgess re turned from Old Trap Sunday. They were called there to be with Mr. Burgess who suffered a fatal heart attack. Carville Wise and family were In Belhaven Saturday on business. Estelle Knight, small daughter of Charles and Edna Knight, is recov ering from a serious foot injury caused by a nail puncture. Troy and Louise Hooper have returned to their home after being employed in Norfolk for several months. The Rev. Tracy Varnum and family left Monday for a two week vacation at their former home, Supply, N. C. Iva Payne returned to Raleigh Sunday after a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Payne. Hazel Bell and children of Nor folk spent Sunday here with his parents, the C. E. Paynes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Midgett and Susah of Norfolk spent the week end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Payne and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Midgett. Willie A. Best, Jr., and Francis Simpson of Stokesdale visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Best over the weekend. Bri’dal Shower Miss Frances Simpson of Stokes dale, fiance of William A. Best, Jr., was entertained at a miscel laneous bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Irene Wise Saturday night. Mrs. Ruby Gray led a very interesting program of games and contests. A pink and white color scheme was carried out in the decorations and serving. It was very beautiful. About thirty guests remembered the honoree with a lovely assort ment of gifts. WANCHESE PERSONALS Mrs. George Bodnar of Norfolk and granddaughter Jackey Rob of Ocean View have returned to their home after visiting Mrs. Bodnar’s sister, Mrs. Charlie Crank. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald Mont ague are visiting relatives in Nor folk. Orville Daniels is a patient in the Marine Hospital, Norfolk. Mrs. Ivy Scarborough and Mrs. Ruford Daniels are patients in the Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Edwards of Newport News have returned home after visiting Mrs. Edwards’ mother, Mrs. Rowena Midgett. Mr. and Mrs. Adoir Forbes of Norfolk have returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Bruiser Adams have returned to their home after a visit with Mrs. Adams' mother, Mrs. Lewis Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Daniels, Jr., of Elizabeth City were week end gueet of Mr. Daniels' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Daniels. Mr.*and Mrs. Will Barnett spent Sunday in Norfolk with relatives. Mrs. Reggie Tillett and grant children Myrlene skid “Tinky’ THE COASTLAND TIME& MANTEO, N. C. MANTEO PERSONALS Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rosser Nixon were Mrs. Betty Nixon, his mother of Stumpy Point, Dr. Wilbur Payne of Norfolk, Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Maness of Mt. Gilead. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Graham and three children of Salisbury ar rived Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Baum for a two weeks’ visit. Mrs. Graham is the sister of Mrs. Baum. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Curies and daughter of Balboa, Canal Zone, are expected to arrive in Manteo soon for an extended visit with Capt. Curies’ sister, Mrs. Wilford Wise and family. They have not visited the United States for sev eral years. Mrs. A. B. Aiderman of Eliza beth City, Miss Helen Aiderman of Murfreesboro and Miss Grace Breedlove, home demonstration agent at Washingtton, called on Mrs. Jack Wilson Saturday after noon. ' * Mr. and Mrs. Skinnie Hubbard and daughter Nancy of Lawrence ville, Va., were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Wise one day last week. The Hubbards are old friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wise, and this was the first time they had met since the end of World War 11. They spent the day fishing at Oregon Inlet. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Wise and family will go to Hertford Sunday to attend a family reunion at thb home of Mrs. Wise’s mother, Mrs. Sam Bozeman. Mrs. O. S. Simpson and son, Charles, of Staten Island, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Simpson’s sister, Mrs. Louria Midget. Worden Dough of Norfolk spent last week end with relatives near Manteo. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Basnight and daughter, Melva Lynn, of Tom’s River, N. J., are visiting Mr. Basnight’s mother, Mrs. Annie Basnight. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Griffin and son, Pat, of Wilson, were the week end guests of Mrs. Rennie Wil liamson. John Halvorsen of Norfolk vis ited friends in Manteo last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brantley and son of Norfolk visited Mr. Brantley’s mother, Mrs. Gladys Brantley, last week end. Sigsbee Tillett and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Daniels visited Mrs. Joy Scarborough at the Albemarle Hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McDaniel, Carol Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O’Neal and children of Hen derson were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Etheridge. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Daniels spent Tuesday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith of Currituck were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnett. Mrs. Robert Daniels, Reba Dan iels and Mr. and Mrs. Summers Baum visited Mrs. Ruford Daniels at the Albemarle Hospital Tues day. Mrs. Woodard Peele and daugh ter Myrna, of Hatteras spent Tuesday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Etheridge. - . MANNS HARBOR NEWS Mrs. Maggie Hayman Midgett who suffered a broken hip two weeks ago, is improving and able to be In a rolling chair in Norfolk General Hospital. Capt. Dan Hayman, nephew of Mrs. Midgett, is reported improved after a serious operation in Nor folk General Hospital and expects to remove to his home in Norfolk. J— MSBa | iE§|| i | < WW* I The Straight Whiskeys in this prod- | I act ore 2 years ar more aid; I a 30% Straight Whiskey, 70% firaia J ■ Nootnri Spirits; 20% Straight WHs- ■ | key 2 years old, S% Straight Whiskey | | 4 years aid, S% Straight Whiskey I ■ A H w WW ■ fiCoJK Inc. | lanmniseimnnranemrf HATTERAS PERSONALS Misses Mary and Sara Burrus have returned from Winston-Sa lem where they visited their sister for two weeks. They were accom panied home by Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Browning, Jr., and L. L. Browning. Sr., who spent the past two weeks wffii Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Burrus. Mrs. Curtis Newton and daughter Beth are visiting her father, A. S. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Austin, Jr., from Elizabeth City are visiting his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Austin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Comer spent a few days with Mrs. Brittle Gas kill after attending the funeral of J. M. Burrus at Ocracoke. Maurice Willis and daughters are visiting his mother, Mrs. Al'ce Willis. Dalton Burrus spent the week end with his family. Mrs. Julian Brown and son J. M. have returned to Marshallburg after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Austin. Mrs. Richard Job is in Manteo for a few days. Ruby Oden from Norfolk spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Johnnie O’Neal. She was accom panied home by Mrs. Johnnie O’- Neal and Mrs. Almy Burrus. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ballance. Miss Olive Ballance, Miss Betty Rae Outlaw and little Marie Joy ner from Elizabeth City have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Bal lance and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Don Shakle and son Eddie are visiting her father, A. S. Austin. Mrs. Nettle Daniels and Mrs. Betty Gaskill from Wanchese are the guests of Mrs. Horton Austin. Mrs. Charles Davis and son have returned to their home after spend ing two weeks with her mother, Wheeler Austin spent the week Mrs. Adolphus Burrus. Mrs. Willard Burrus and daugh end with his family. visiting Mr. Burrus who is in the ter Ann have returned home after Marine Hospital with a back in jury. They were accompanied home by Miss Phyllis Austin. Mr. Sam Maurice from Roanoke Rapids has been visiting with his wife and daughter here for the What family wouldn’t like to •• • x I \ ® I \ • tWHMhKuW 11 1 /reaC-- 1 . 11 I cS<^XL** z o Inf _yi£T* SHOP less, SAVE more, EAT better! ’•“■ ■***' Foods are cheaper at the peak of their "season'* , —that's the time to stock up with "specials"—fill •/ - your food freezer with bargains—then simply sit • back and save! ’ 1 A freezer full of fine food means fewer trips to market . . . often in bad weather. Your money goes v farther while you shop less, and you have a super- • market right in your kitchen that never closes! • When something's forgotten, or guests arrive, just • reach for the freezer instead of the car key. , Enjoy all the foods you like, all the year 'round. > • Save money by freezing left-overs. Bake in larger • quantities and freeze for future use. You can even • freeze sandwiches and eliminate that daily lunch **"’'..»-»»»»/ making chore! Jf y Select a home food freezer now at your appli- ance dealer's. Bsßk Cold Facts: q * home food freezer actually *° r ' ,Self ' f y ° U w * wn • jT-* —” foods are cheaper, buy in quantity, • freeze for future me- • + . VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY t past few days. i Mary Louise Ballance has gone to Norfolk where she will be em ployed as a telephone operator. Miss Rae Styron and Elsie Carol have gone to Morehead to visit friends. Archie Austin spent the week and with his father. Jack Austin. Donald Stowe spent the week end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roberts Austin and family are visiting his father, Jack Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Cortez Gaskins and family have returned to Black Mountain after visiting Mrs. Eliva Ballance * for a few days. They Begin Fall Housekeeping With the Kitchen— ft Come In and Look Over Our Many Attractive Breakfast Sets PAGE THREE were accompanied home by Miss ' Grade Ballance. 1 Bert Austin left Sunday to as sume duties at the Pentagon in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Dalton Burrus, son Terry and Mrs. Ivan Mitchell spent a few days in Norfolk last week. An average loan rate of 50.7 cents per pound for 1951 crop due cured tobacco has been announced by the USDA. North Carolina has 135 radio and TV stations—93 AM, 40 FM and 2 TV.

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