FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1951 BUS SCHEDULES BETWEEN HATTERAS AND MANTEO Read Down Read Up Leave North Bound South Bound Hatteras, Iv. 8:00 a.m. ar. 5:30 p.m. Frisco, ar. 8:10 a.m. 5:15 p.m. Buxton, ar. 8:20 am. 5:00 p.m. Avon, ar. 8:40 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Salvo, ar. 9:00 a.m. 4:20 p.m. Waves, ar. 9:10 a.m. 4:15 p.m. Rodanthe,ar. 9:15 a.m. 4:10 p.m. Or.lnlet, ar. 10:20 a.m. 3:20 p.m. Manteo, ar. 11:30 a.m. Iv. 2:00 p.m. Oregon Inlet ferry crossing time 20 minutes HATTERAS-MANTEO BUS LINE. INC. > Phone 104 HATTERAS, N. C. I Everyone V connected with furnishing your telephone service [, joins in wishing you a very Merry Christmas. Together with our Christmas wishes goes our sin cere thanks for your ap preciation of our service. The Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. Manteo - Elizabeth City - Hertford Edenton - Sunbury ' EXCLUSIVE AT SELIG’S RiZtla-I CHOOSE THE fWW Z VERY BEST * vf^****? B ** * i 'fytP&qMMnd 1 V' ? ? I foßiiiUUkß ■ with smart 01 i mash bracalat I Egflß Watch her ey« light f i ’ up when you give her M \r a^ t '“ 175-®® low filled gold. 17 Wedding Ring 87.50 <59 50 See ° nd Clw * se ,rt " * r >59.50 Fnshioa Acmkmy-Awanl HEbHmH fjed. Keepsake ColleCtiOH. LAY-AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Louis Selig Ypvr/mler tiMf li9f EAST MAIN STREET ELIZABETH CITY OPEN AN ACCOUNT—EASY CREDIT TERMS There is Still Time To Buy for Christmas ' There are three days in which you may shop tor Christmas. You may find some items scare at this late date, but you can always find in this furniture store many other splendid gift items. We suggest 4 Electric Irons, Toasters, Hot Plates, Lamps, Vac uum Cleaners, Mixmasters, Percolators, Radios, Easy Chains, Blankets, Table Lamps, Bed Lamps, Etc. WE THANK YOU For the splendid busi ness you have given us during the year. We wish you a t MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR « HOME CLUBS PLEDGE SUPPORT FOR DEFENSE Civil Defense to Have All-Out Support of State HD Clubs in 1952 Raleigh.—Training for Civil Defense is the major project of the North Carolina Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs for the coming year, Miss Ruth Cur rent, State Home Demonstration Agent, disclosed through E. Z. Jones, Director of North Carolina Council of Civil Defense. “Home Demonstratlon Club membership numbers 67,000 wo men, working through 2,300 clubs* with 2,200 local volunteer leaders. Clubs are located in every county in the state. “Their support of the Civil Defense program is sig nificant,” Mr. Jones stated. “Rural women can render vital service in the event of enemy disaster, and we are glad to have them give constructive training for such service priority over other projects in their 1952 program.” Miss Current’s announcement came following a meeting between Home Demonstration Club Dis trict Supervisors with Mrs. Sarah Boyd Weaver, Director of Wom en’s Affairs for the North Carolina Council of Civil Defense, at which the program was set up. District supervisors in North Carolina are: Miss Nell Kennett, Western District; Mrs. Verona J. Langford, Eastern District; Miss Annamerle Arant, Northwestern District; Mrs. Esther G. Willis, Southwestern District; Mrs. Mary L. McAllister, Southeastern Dis trict; Miss Lorna Langley, North eastern District. Colored District Supervisors, with offices located at A and T College, Greensboro, are: Mrs. Dozzell Lowe, Miss Wilhemena Laws and Mrs. Ruby Carraway. “Farm women in North Caro lina are increasingly aware of the big role they will have in the civil defense of our homefront,’’ Miss Current advised. “We are anxious to back the state program and of fer our wholehearted participa tion.” SOCIAL MANTEO PERSONALS Cpl. Bradford Fearing of Fort McClellan, Ala., and Woodson Fearing of the University of N. C., Chapel Hill, are spending the holi days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. K.-Fearing. Misses Doris Alford and Iva dean Wilson of East Carolina Col lege, Greenville, have arrived at teir homes in Manteo for the hol idays. > Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Berkey of Alexandria, Va., are the grand parents of a baby girl born Novem ber 18 at Penninsula Hospital, Salisbury, Md., to their daughter, the former Thelma Mae Berkey, now Thelma Mae Merrill. The baby is named for her mother, Thelma Mae. Mrs. Berkey is the former Jennie Midgett, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Midgett of Manteo. Roger Bell of N. C. State Col lege, Raleigh, is spending the Christmas holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Bell. Mrs. Luther Daniels and twn children of Raleigh left Saturday for their home after visiting Mrs. Daniels’ mother, Mrs. W. G. Ether idge, for several days. Mrs. Ether idge accompanied them to Raleigh for a visit. Jack Cahoon arrived home from State College last week to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cahoon, during the holidays. Cliff Topping returned to his home in Manteo on Wednesday of last week after a stay of nine days in the Albemarle Hospital, where he underwent an operation. Moncie Lee Daniels, 111, of N. C. State College is visiting in Manteo and Manns Harbor during the hol ioayt. Bobby Owens of State College is v.siting his mother, Mrs. R. V. Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brantley and daughter, Claudia, arrived last week from Muncy Valley, Pa., to visit Mrs. Brantley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Creedon Midgett, and Mr. Brantley’s mother, Mrs. Gladys Brantley. Mrs. Peggy Etheridge visited her mother, Mrs. Alethia Sawyer last week in Portsmouth. Miss Lelia Ward, who is a stu dent at Averett College, Danville, Va., arrived home Thursday to spend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ward. Rev. P. M. Porer of Avon was a visitor in Manteo Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Twiford of Elizabeh City were here Wednes day o spend the day wih Capt. and Mrs. S. G. Basnight. Mrs. Twiford ies the former, Miss Annabelle Gates, who attended school here. ROANOKE ISLAND MUSIC CLUB MEETS TUESDAY The Roanoke Island Music Club held its December meeting Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Victor Meekins, with Mrs. Rennie Williamson presiding. Mrs. Meek ins presented three of her pupils in Piano numbers. Frankie White played tahe Brahms waltz, Mary Blanche Meekins played an ex cerpt from the Hallejuah Chorus by Handel, and Mrs. Rennie Wil liamson played the first move ment of Sonata Opus 10, No. 1 by Beethoven. The other numbers on the program were Christmas numbers and were as follows: “O Holy Night,” sung by Mrs. B. A. Evans; “Slumber Song of the In fant Jesus,” sung by Mrs. Frank Auseband, Mrs. E. R. Wescott and Mrs. Raymond Wescott; and “Sweet Little Jesus Boy,” a negro spiritual sung by Mrs. Frank Aus band. Mrs. Williamson was ac companist. During the social hour refresh ments in keeping with the Christ mas season were served. EXTRA AT POSTOFFICE ENGELHARD.—The postoffice in Engelhard is in the throes of the Christmas rush. Mrs. W. H. Cox has been added temporarily to the staff to help expedite the service. pint SI / H /iH—H*O» s :Kc~> MH 4/5 OT. K|®|sk Bottled in Bond |jjOj| Straight Bourbon Whiskey tOO Proof OLD DOVJR NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORP.. NEW YORK. N.Y. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. STUMPY POINT NEWS Attley Hockaday of Charlotte is spending a few days here as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaskill and children, Linda and Jack, Jr., of Elizabeth City spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hooper and were accompanied home Sun day by Mrs. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spitzer and son, Steve, of Edenton visited rel atives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Twiford and children, Pat and Brantley, and Mrs. Kath rine O’Keefe of Norfolk spent the weekend here with Mrs. Florine Hooper and family. E. M. Hooper has returned to Columbia after spending a few days here with relatives. Mojor, L. W. Jr., Charles and Janice Hooper of E. C. C. in Green ville are spending the holidays at their homes here. David Meekins of High Point College is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hooper were in Norfolk during the weekend. .Faye Midgett and Bill Segast of Norfolk spent the .weekend here. Carrol Payne of the U. S. Air Force is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Payne. Mrs. L. W. Hooper was honored Saturday night at a surprise birth day party given by her children, Lissie and L. W.,Jr. Mrs. Hooper returned to her home Saturday night and was sur prised to find several friends there wishing her “Happy Birth day.” The dining room table was cov ered with a lovely lace tablecloth and had a center piece of pine and red candles, also a lovely birthday cake. Several games were played and refreshments of punch, cake, salted nuts and mints were served. The honoree assisted by her grand children, Linda and Jack, Jr., open ed the gifts and thanked her friends for the lovely remem brances. Mrs. Frances Hooper was given an “At Home,” Sunday afternoon by her daughters, Mrs. Gertrude Wise and Mrs. Evelyn Meekins, celebrating her eighty second (82) birthday. As the guests arrived they reg istered in a birthday book and the gifts were opened and displayed on a table in the living room. The house was beautifully decorated in Christmas decorations. Birthday cake, punch, nuts and mints were served by the hostesses. SALVO BOY IN NAVY Undergoing 11-weeks recruit training at the U .S .Naval Train ing Center, Great Lakes, 111., is Jethro M. Payne, Jr.,, seaman re cruit, USN. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Payne of Salvo, Dare County . This initial training includes in struction in such fields as seaman ship, fire-fighting, gunnerey, sig naling, and other courses designed to make the recruit well-versed in every phase of Navy life. VACATIONING IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meekins are spending some time in West Palm Beach, Fla., residing at 639 Highland Drive. Mr. Meekins, who ia Vice-President of the Dare County Chamber of Commerce, is an active Dare County real estate man. They expect to be home about February 1. OPERATORS FETED Manteo telephone operators were the honor guests of the Carolinian Hotel at Nags Head last Wednes day and Thursday. The dinner was given to them as an award for the good service rendered the hotel during the rush summer season. RODANTHE PERSONALS Mr.and Mrs. E. R. Midgett left home a few days ago for Nor folk to attend the funeral of their son-in-law’s mother, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. C. W. Midgett has been ill at her home for several days. Mrs. Melvina Midgett and Wood row Edwards from Norfolk spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Ro lanthe. Mrs. Beulah O’Neal arrived home Monday from the Marine Hospital, Mrs. O’Neal has been very ill from an operation. Mrs. Lurania Midgett who has been ill at her home here has im proved. Mrs. Nora E. Herbert spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Phe bie Hayman and family at Nags Head. Mr. Herbert K. Midgett, return ed home from Norfolk Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Road cap andbaby, Anita, spent the weekend with Mrs. Roadcap’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Her bert at Rodanthe. Jazania Herbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Herbert suf fered severe burns Thursday night when she started to light an oil burner in the living room, not knowing there was some fire there, when she opened the front of the stove, fire, oil and smoke shot out and covered her, and her dad being near smothered the fire. She was burned about the face, arms and hands. She was given first aid treatment at home, then carried to the doctor at the Health Cen ter, in Buxton. She has been im proving fast. SALVO PERSONALS Earl C. Whidbee has returned home from Southport after visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anderson. Mrs. Cyrus Gray and daughter, Penny, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rigby, in Eliza beth City. Mr. Tommy Gray has returned to New London, Conn., after spen ding a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gray. Miss Yvonne Hooper is spending a few days in Norfolk, with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson and boys left Saturday for Anda lusia, Ala., where they will spend Christmas with Mr. Robinson’s jFoR shining examples of Wgg 1? B wisdom—see your elec- jjjp s " trical appliance dealer! e l ectri cal gift is surer than mistletoe to win that Christmas . . . elec trical gifts have a long and By lb happy life, giving pleasure, % convenience and comfort the ft year 'round! y % Your appliance dealer has S' gifts made-to-order for exactly cl your gift budget . . . from Vi Y modest to magnificent. He has 'i toasters, waffle irons, coffee 'ji makers, mixers, table lamps, 'J- radios ... all the way to wonderful television sets W/ M 'L and tlie ma i° r appliances *fc that make modern living wonderful! / BE3 / W? lOwH | J x. B J ..«*•«&* ■jf - fv n,ce about a beautiful /? |T useful electrical appliance gift is Bill I *1 '■ that w tiether you buy it early B l *1 I or late... hurriedly or 'H!I I I leisurely... it will be a credit Hi ll I' i V to your gift wisdom, and sure Bniir ' mill I M a warm welcome! Check that S i ''. ijj || gift list now ... and visit your 'Deeded r OS VIRGINIA EUCW AND POWEN COMPAQ parents. Ed F. Hooper is now employed with the Curtis Bay towing Co., in Norfolk. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND ALL GOOD WISHES FOR HAPPINESS DURING THE COMING NEW YEAR H & H GRILLE Phone 140-J Manteo BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL from CARSON W. DAVIS DAVIS WANTS TO SEE YOU PHONE 37-W MANTEO, N. C. PAGE THREE Mr. William B. Hooper of Nor folk is now home after being re leased from Duke Hospital in Dur ham, N. C.

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