♦FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1951 IT IS LATER THAN YOU THINK A Sermon by Rev. Esau A. Byrd, Pastor Saintly Saul’s 1 Church of Catfish Corner This is a good season to look ' within us and about us; to seek out our sins of omission as s well as Commission. To scourge ourselves for what we have not done, as ’jpvell as for the things we have done wrong. For it is almost the end of the year, and the year being almost passed into history, it may not be too late to do some of the things Sve should do, and undo some of I. the things we have done. But my brethren, let me tell you: “It is later than you think!” We go to the scripture for in spiration; for things to soothe our hearts when troubled, and for un »derstanding. It is recommended that you study the tribulations of |£ob and from it there may be understanding such as never be fore. When Christmas rolls around each year, we are usually caught by the lack of time to accomplish gihose things that we had plan ned to do. Oh, we say each Christ- I - Gifts That Last - GORHAM Sterling HAVILAND China FOSTORIA Glass* BRIGHT Jewelry Co. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. A. G. JAMES, Mgr. M $2 - 30 1 P " nl I wolml S3 - 60 1