PAGE SIX BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, April 20, 1952 O. S. Edmonds, Pastor Rose Bay: Sunday School at 10 a. m. E. E. Hodges, Supt. Classes for all ages. The public is invited. Morning worship 11 a. m. Swan Quarter: A revival meet- Evervlhing You need to Build From RDDf t» Basement Save MONEY When Building or Repairing Windows and Doors Cement and Mortar Cement Paints for Every Purpose Anything from a Keg of Nails Up ... See Us for Building Hardware JONES WHOLESALE COMPANY Phone 4 Manteo, N. C. • - - - PHONE DIGBY 9-1030 CALEB HALEY & CO., INC. 14 FULTON FISH MARKET, NEW YORK 38, N. Y. All North Carolina Fish in Season BILL SMITH, President WHOLESALE DEALERS RDCKFLDUNDERSSHAD Shrimp, Soft Crabs, Crab Meat Tags or Stencils Mailed on Request 92 YEARS IN BUSINESS Chesebro, Robbins & Graham, Inc. Established 1887 The Fish Clearing House ■ of America ’ Producers and Distributors of All Varieties of Fish, Including ROCK, FLOUNDERS, SHAD, TROUT BLUES, BUTTERFISH, SPOTS, SHRIMP, MULLET, Etc. 1-2-3 Fulton Fish Market, New York 7, Telephones Beekman 3-3122; 3,4, 5& 6 DAY PHONES NIGHT PHONES LO 3-1234-5 LI 8-6819 LO 3-5465 GR 4-4771 REPUBLIC FISH CO. RECEIVERS & SHIPPERS OF . * ALL FRESH FISH ROCK - FLOUNDERS - SHAD / 11-12 DOCK ST. FISH MARKET PHILA. 6, PA. PHONE RES. PHONE LO 3-0710-0711 LI 9-1747 WA 4-5363 Atlantic Fish Market INC? WHOLESALE ' RnniFLDUNDERSSHAD SCALLOPS FILLETS 17-IS-12-21 Dock Street Fish Market PHILADELPHIA 6, PA. ing is in progress now at the Bap tist church. The revival will climax Sunday night in the High School auditorium when a film “Christ 1 The King” will be shown. This film i is 90 minutes in length and will . take the place of our preaching service. The time is 7:00 p. m. Ev • eryone is invited to come. ENGELHARD PERSONALS Al Schmitt, U. S. Army, has re turned to Washington, D. C„ after a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schmitt. Miss Elizabeth Copeland o f Washington was a visitor here on Monday. Mrs. Max Mann spent last Tues day in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cockes and little daughter Duan of York town, Va., spent the holidays with Cockes’ mothtr, Mrs. Lyda Harris. Mr. Cocks returned home early in the week. Mr. and Mrs. Curry Eason of Massachusetts visited relatives here during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. David Peebles and two children have returned to Ral eigh after a visit with Mrs. Peebles’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mayhu Selby. Mrs. Madgaline Gibbs of E. C. C., Greenville, spent the holidays here. Miss Justine Patrick, student at Greensboro College, was home for the week end. She was accompani ed by J. D. Linville of Kingston, Pa. William Berry and family have moved into the apartment of Mrs. Madgaline Marshall recently vacat ed by Mrs. Lyda Harris. An Easter program was given by the children of the Methodist Sunday School on Sunday morning. An Easter egg hunt was enjoy ed by the children of the primary and junior classes of the local Christian church on Saturday af ternoon, with 38 tots attending. The young people of the Sunday School went on a weiner roast and egg hunt on Friday evening at Lake Side Park. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Midgett 111 have moved into their home on the Middletown Highway, known as the Lucas place. Carroll Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wade and children of Ral eigh spent Easter here. William Roper, U. S. A., who has been attending school in Mis sissippi, spent the past two weeks with his parents. Max Hodges, Jr., U. S. A., has returned to Georgia where he is stationed. Miss Camilla Selby, who teaches in the Vanceboro High School, spent the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Selby. Mrs. Novaline Barrett and Miss June Long have returned to Ral eigh after spending the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. J-. R. Brittain spent some time with Mr. Brit tain’s mother, Mrs. Jamees Brit tain, in Suffolk last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Patrick and Mrs. Madgaline Marshall spent Sunday in Durham with R. L. Jr., who is a student at Duke. Misses Mitzi Watson and Duan Berry, E. C. C. students at Green ville, spent the week end at home. E. L. Kelly, U. S. N., has return ed to Norfolk after a visit with his family. Mrs. Muri Gibbs spent the re cent holidays with her son, Sulli van Gibbs, Mrs. Gibbs and family in Greenville. Lloyd Marshall, who has been a patient ii& the Veterans Hospital in Norfolk for the past few weeks, is spending some time with rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Shaffer have returned to their home in Wash ington, D. C., after spending the week end here. They were accom panied home by Mr. and Mrs. Roy den Neal. I. W. Gibbs, who is employed in Washington, spent the week end with his family. Among the out of town relatives to attend funeral rites for Mrs. Hopie McKinney, former Hyde resident were: a son, John McKin ney, and Mrs. McKinney of Eliza beth City; a daughter, Mrs. Ellis Hodges, Mr. Hodges and Robert Hodges of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Arnold and son Bobby, Mrs. Bill Berry, Roy Edenger and daughter, all of Elizabeth City. SLADESVILLE HD CLUB HAS INTERESTING MEETING \ The Sladesville H. D. Club held its meeting Tuesday afternoon, April 8, at Mrs. Harvey Credle’s with Mrs. Linwood Lupton presid ing. The meeting was opened by singing “The Old North State.” Mrs. Harvey Credle read the 28th chapter of St. Matthew. Thirteen of the County Council was given, responded to roll call. The report The trip to Washington to the dis trict meeting on Wednesday was discussed in detail. Book were given by Mrs. Edgar O’Neal and Mrs. Lupton. Miss Cathey, H. D. agent, gave an interesting demonstration on ap plying paint and how to care for paint brushes. Miss Cathey advised the group to know their paints be fore starting a job. During the social hour Mrs. Har vey Credle read an interesting let ter from Mrs. Bessie Credle of Rocky Mount, formerly a resident here, regarding her recent trip to Mexico. The hostess served chiffon pie and hot coffee. WINSTEADVILLE NEWS J. R. Davis, who was hurt in September is slightly better. Mesdames Edwin G. Roper and Frank Daw of Ransomville were recent visitors here. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. LEARNS SELF CARE JU J j Jb * I ■ - .di This cerebral palsied youngster learns how to- wash herself with expert instructions from a skilled occupational therapist. Self help is an important lesson for crippled youngsters to learn and you help provide this service when you use Easter Seals available from the Dare County Easter Seal Commit tee, headed by Mrs. W. B. Fear ing, Manteo. CATFISH CORNER NEWS M ; -s Pinkie Perry. Correspondent Miss Essieleen Ellis and Miss Dinah Flo Dowdy have returned from a visit to Miss Nautibel Nor ris of Wide Spot. Miss Bushibelle Brinn of Gar Creek is visiting Miss Farisoke Foster. Miss Snatchie Belle Snell of Square Hill Creek has been spend ing several days with Miss Filtro la Fulcher. Miss Madagascar Mann is visit ing Miss Wandaleena Williams of Vinegar Hill. Miss Aurora Dawn Davis has re turned from a visit to Miss Larki leen Lewis and other friends of Bay Level. Miss Ferrie Belle Farrow has returned from a visit to Miss Vas sie Leen Vendor of Square Hill Creek. Miss Pussy Parker and Miss Penice Payne have been spending several days with Miss Corsica Culpepper and other friends in Cat Cove. Miss Dessie Belle Dowdy was the "-eek end guest of Miss Parabola Perkins of Sassafras Center. Rev. Peppercorn Parker of SQH Creek recently spent several days here and was the speaker for the Royal Sons of Catfish Corner. Miss Spicey Mae Spencer of Wide Spot is visiting Miss Fen derola Fitchett. Miss Hershibar Beasley of Gar Creek. Miss Tempest Twiddy of Cat Cove, and Miss Oxalis Owens of Foggy Bottom were week end guests of Miss Castoria Cart wright. Miss Daffvlean Daniels recently entertained in honor of Miss Pearl Harbor Hooper of Wide Spot and Miss Honey Bee Beasley of Gar Creek. Delightful games were play ed and delicious refreshments were served and everybody had the most enjoyable time they had ever ex perienced. Those present were: Misses Saratoga Sawyer, Tempest Twiddy, Blondie Leena Burrus of Cat Cove, Larkileen Lewis of Bay Level, Mrs. Oxide Owens and Miss Addie Lessie Austin of Wide Spot, Pencie Rose Perry, Miss Galvon etta Garrison, Castelia Cox of Clam Point, Hibernia Hill and Bastobel Bray of Gar Creek, Spot tie Lee and Spicey Mae Spencer of Wide Spot, Jaborita Jones, Cata lina and Castania Cartwright, Can taleva Carter and Farthingale Foster, Misses Tizziegig Tillett, Friskie Belle Forbes, Nautibel Norris, FreneHs Fulcher, Toastie Mae Tillett, Pinkie Perry, Birdie and Bozie Berry, Daffylean Dan iels, Glisserene Gibbs, Margerine Morris, Pussy Parker, Hortense Hooper, Filtro'a Fulcher, Pestie Mae Peele, Tootsie Tucker, Pan dora Parker, Salvadora Sawyer, Dessie Belle Dowdy, Filberlena Farrow, and Wagonetta Walker of Frog Fork, Parabola Parkins of Sassafras Center. Hexapettie Har ris, Vassie Lean Vendor of Square Hill Creek, Farisoke Foster of Gar Creek, Madagascar Mann, Fonde leno Fulcher and Pandora Parker. MIDDLETOWN NEWS . Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Selby, Miss Camilla Selby and Bob Burrus, Jr., were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lancaster and little Bill were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Payne last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mann of Raleigh spent the week end here. Mrs. Isabelle Daniels and Mary Long visited Bbo Daniels in Wash ington last week end. Cblleen McKinney was the din ner guests of Alton Hudson Sun day in Fairfield. Mrs. Lillie Cox spent Sunday in Wilson with Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Lupton- Mrs. Lida Miller was the dinner guest of Mr -and Mrs. E. C. Miller, Jf., and Mrs. Mary Young Sunday. WANCHESE PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Theoff Wescott and son Marvin visited relatives in Gum Neck last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Voshelle and son Reese of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Daniels, Jr., and baby Melvin 111 of Elizabeth City spent the Easter holidays here with Mrs. Voshelle and Mr. Daniels’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Daniels and daughter Brenda spent the week end at Arapahoe with Mr. and Mrs. Woodson Rawls. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McDougal and granddaughter Jean have re turned to their home in Washing ton, D. C., after visiting Mrs. Mc- Dougal’s mother, Mrs. Dell Pugh. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Daniels of Symurna were week end guests of Mr. Daniels’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Daniels. Mrs. Ralph Tillett was a visitor in Norfolk Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce Daniels and sons of Pittsburgh, Pa., visited Mrs. Daniels’ mother, Mrs Dile Gallop over the week end. Lance Montague and Gus Mon tague of Nirfolk visited their mo ther, Mrs. Lucetta Montague Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rogers and children of Portsmouth were week end guests of Mrs. Rogers’ mother, Mrs. Dewey Mann. Mrs. J. W. Davis, Mrs. W, T. Daniels, Mrs. Evelyn Davis, Mrs. Dallas Tillett and Mrs. Brinkley Gray attended a District Meeting of the W.S.C.S. at Plymouth Wed nesday. Mrs. Melvin Daniels, Mrs. Gage Williams and Mrs. Valton Williams attended a meeting of the 4-H club in Hertford Wednesday. Mrs. Ralph Fleming of Norfolk was the week end guests of her mother, Mrs. Molly Baum. Mrs. Douglas Guthrie and son Charles Henry of Sanford, N. C., are visiting Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Guthrie. Mrs. John Midgett and children, Joan and Margaret of Newport News, Va., are guests of Mrs. Row ena Midgett. MRS. CAHOON FETED AT SURPRISE PARTY A surprise party was given Wednesday night honorng Mrs. W. E. Cahoon on her 36th birthday. The hostess was Mrs .Carol Gibbs, who entertained at the Rose Bay Community Building. An Easter color scheme was car ried out. The cake with candles was one of the high lights of the affair. Mrs. John Jarvis directed games. The egg eating contest created quite a bit of merriment. Fudge, salted pecans and orange juice were served with the birth day cake. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jennette, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rodefer, Argie Lee Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bridgman, Mrs. Thurmond Evans and son, Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah O’Neal and son, David, Mrs. Ella O’Neal, Miss Rachel O’Neal, G. B. Cara wan, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Credle, daughters, Elaine, Cora Sue, Kay O’Neal, Mrs. Norva Pugh, Lanette and Ronald Pugh, Mrs. Alton Saw yer. Mrs. C. B. Jennette, Cecilia, Sandra and Sonny Jennette, Mrs. James Hodges and daughter, Lor etta, Mack, Billy and Murel Cara wan, Mrs. Cecil Sadler, Carol IHount Vernon BRAND I I $2 00 $3 2 ° HN> «/S QUART Blended Whiakey, 86 Proof— -67#% Grain Nentral Spirit* ffadeMl DUtUlm Product! Corfu MwJWkMK I’ * .» Gibbs, Philip Sherman, J, p. O’- Neal, Rev. Oscar Edmonds, Mr. See and Compare the New Aero Willys at Scarborough’s Garage Nags Head, N. C. Made by the makers of the World-Famous Jeep, With Billions of Miles of Tough Service Good Clean Used Jeeps 4-Wheel-Drive Pickups REASONABLE PRICES Chicago Gloucester Miami Philadelphia Baltimore EDERER, Inc. Unity & Elizabeth Sts., Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. Netting-Rope-T wine FISHING SUPPLIES Distributors of “AMCO” and “American Superior” Pure Manila Rope NORTH CAROLINA REPRESENTATIVES JONES WHOLESALE CO. T. S. WHITE, Jr. Manteo Hertford, N. C. HOOPER BROS. A. S. AUSTIN Stumpy Point Hatteras ESTABLISHED 1867 Phone LOMBARD 3-9618 WE INVITE YOUR SHIPMENTS ON OUR RECORD NEARLY 85 YEARS FAIR DEALING With North Carolina Fishermen C. E. WARNER CO. 8 DOCK ST. FISH MARKET PHILADELPHIA 6, PA. PHONE LOMBARD 3-1812 Highest Market Prices PROMPT RETURNS FOR ALL NORTH CAROLINA SEAFOOD HUFF FISH CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS 15 DOCK STREET FISH MARKET PHILADELPHIA 6, PA. 64 YEARS OF SERVICE SEABOARD FISH CO. Wholesale Commission Dealers in All Kinds of FISH SHRIMP CRABS CLAMS ETC. ROCK - FLOUNDERS A SPECIALTY Section V • WHOLESALE FISH MARKET BALTIMORE 2, MD. Consignments Solicited Daily Returns FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1952 ■ Cahoon, Rose, June and Reggie . Cahoon.