FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31,1952 i /Ax I Your Telephone Dollar- Value Unlimited In a single day, you may use your telephone to run errands -moke appointments—visit a neighbor-handle business motters-receive an important call from far away. Day and night, around the dock, the telephone serves you. What else can you buy that provides so much service at such small cost? The Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. Manteo - Elizabeth City - Hertford Edenton - Snnbury fM TINIEST 21-Jewel watch ever created in America DOLLY MADISON "D” J 21 fl M 9» WBEnvnHnmiHv 1 HHfIRT r CREDIT I dou ymadison “M" 21 jeweli J 14kt o°'°* »71 M SEE OUR /£^ Ort - 30toN <”'- 8 ' BEON TIME ■ BE IN STYLE PAUL BRADSHAW JEWELER Elizabeth City, N. C. jWOBXLw YOUR DREAM HOUSE.. Comes true for you and your loved ones when you build with our finest quality materials! We’ve the longest-lasting, most economical supplies, includ ing storm doors ,year ’round window sash . . . We’ve all facilities for remodeling too . . . superior paints .varnishes and tools. Call 159. KELLOGG SUPPLY COMPANY Manteo and Nags Head ORGANIZATIONAL CALENDAR tt—aJay MT. OLIVET METHODIST WHtTRCH of Manteo: Sunday School, 10:00 a. m.; morning worship. 11:00: evening worship, 7:30 p. m. The Rev. H. R. Ashmore. ROANOKE ISLAND BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.; evening wor ship, 8:00 p.m. (Prayer meeting, 8:00 p.m. Wednesdays.) The Rev. Frank B. Dinwiddle. WANCHESE METHODIST CHURCH: Ainday School, 10 a.m.; Methodist Young People, 7:15 p.m.; evening worship, 8:00 p.m. The Rev. C. W. Guthrie. ASSEMBLY OF GOD of Manteo: Sun day School, 10:00 a. m.. devotional service 11:00 a. m. Meetings Tuesdays and Fri days at 7:30 p. m. Lester Jarrett, pastor. ASSEMBLY OF GOD of Wanchese: Sunday School 9:45 a. m.; devotional services 11:00 a. m.; evangelistic services 7130 p. m. Tuesday night, 7:30. Bible study; Thurs., 3 p. m. Women's Mission ary Council; Thurs. night. Children’s church. 7:30 p. m. G. B. Lawrence, pas tor. i I MANTEO BAPTIST CHURCH: Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; Baptist Training Union, 7:00 p.m.; evening worship, 7:30 p.m. (Mid-week prayer service, Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.) The Rev. H. V. Napier. Monday ROTARY CLUB of Manteo: at Com munity Building, every Monday. 8:30 p.m. LIONS CLUB of Manteo: at Ft. Raleigh Hotel, first and third Mondays, 7:15 p.m. REBEKAHS, Manteo: at Masonic Hall, first and third Mondays, 8 p.m. STORY HOUR at the library. 3 p.m. youngest children. 3:30, second and third grades. THETA RHO GIRLS CLUB at Masonic Hall, second and fourth Mondays. 8 p.m. SHRINE CLUB: at Nags Head. Open every night. TOWN COMMISSIONERS at Manteo; Manteo town hall, second Monday, 4 p.m. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY: se cond Monday each month at the Com munity Building, 8 p.m. WESLEYAN GUILD: third Monday each month in homes of members, 8:30 p.m. WOMAN’S CLUB of Manteo: at Com munity Building, every second Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. Taeslay COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: at Dare County Courthouse, Tuesday after first Monday each month. A.B.C. BOARD: at Manteo store, Tues day after first Monday, 11 a.m. BOARD OF EDUCATION, Dare: Tues day after first Monday, quarterly, 11 a.m. MANTEO P.T.A.: at Schoolhouse, se cond Tuesday each month, 3:15 p.m. MANTEO HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB: at Community Building, last Tuesday. 2:30 P.m. MUSIC CLUB (Roanoke Island): third Tuesday each month, 8:30 p.m. ODD FELLOWS, Virginia Dare Lodge Manteo: at hall rear of school gym, first and third Tuesdays, 8 p.m. RENA BAUM CIRCLE of W.S.C.S. Sec ond Monday at members homes.. WANCHESE PT A: Ist Tuesday of ev ery month. Wanchese School. Thursday MASONIC LODGE of Wanchese: first and third Thursdays, 8 p.m. EASTERN STAR: at Wanchese Masonic Hall, second and fourth Thursdays, 8 p.m. V.F.W. CLUB No. 9959: Gordon Build ing. Manteo, every Thursday, 8 p.m. GARDEN CLUB: at Community Build ing. first Thursdays, 3:30 P.m. WANCHESE RURITAN: 3rd Thursday. 7 p.m. Schoolbuilding. AVON AMERICAN LEXSION POST No. 397 meets first Friday each month In the Legion Hall at the Avon School building at 6:30 p.m DAUGHTERS OF POCAHONTAS. Wan chese. Tonnaluke Council No. 28 meets 2nd and 4th Friday nights In Wanchese Masonic Hall. MANTEO LODGE A.F. & A.M. No. 883; at Fire Hall, first and thrid Fridays, WANCHESE RURITAN: 7 F. M. 3rd Friday; Schoolbulldlna. MANTEO PERSONALS Among those attending the Methodist Conference in Burling ton last week were Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Ashmore, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Meekins and Miss Helen Mann. Mrs. Vivian Ryder, who has been a patient in Albemarle Hos pital, is now convalescing at Hampton Lodge in Currituck County. Claude Wise, who has been a patient in a Norfolk hospital for several weeks, has returned to his home in Manteo. L. D. Tarkington has returned to his home from Albemarle Hos pital, where he was a patient for i several days. ROBERT B. TWIFORD NOW IN PENNSYLVANIA A/2c Robert B. Twiford, who has been on a 20-day leave visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I H. Twiford of Manteo, left Satur- I day for his new base, Olmstead ! AFB, Pa., 1912th AACS Sqdn., : Mats. Young Twiford has been stationed in Newfoundland and Greenland for 17 months with the 3rd AACS Squadron. ' . O'NEAL - BROTHERS A recent wedding of interest to many people in Dare County took place in Berea Baptist Church, Eliabeth. City, when Miss Alma Jean Brothers be came the bride of Second Lieu tenant Robert Charles O’Neal, USA. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. ? H. Cuthrell, in a setting of palms, baskets of yellow and bronze mums, and lighted candles. Miss Carol, Biz zell played the wedding music and Mrs. F. H. Cuthrell sang “Through the Years,” “Wedding Prayer,” and “The Pledge.” The bride, who was giveri in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of nylon net over satin, and her finger tip veil of illusion fell from a capulet of satin and pearls. She carried a white prayerbook showered with stephanotis. Miss Elva Ray Mann, of Nags Head was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Misses Nancy Lee Reid, of Portsmouth, cousin of the bride; Virginia Flora Hall, Carol Shean and Pauline Hast ings. They wore gowns of net over taffeta, in Autumn shades and carried bouquets of yellow mums, and wore headdresses of velveteen to match their dresses. Miss Peggy Brinson was flower I girl, and wore a dress of white net over satin and carried a bas ket of rose petals. Roger Bell, of Manteo, was best man. The groomsmen were Wil liam Scarborough, James Bro thers, cousin of the bride; Edsel Whaley and Leigh Hassell, Jr., of Manteo. The mother of the bride wore a dress of brown crepe and an orchid corsage, The mother of the bridegroom wore a dress of navy faille and an orchid cor sage. Mrs. E. E. Edwards, of New Bern, aunt of the bride, was mis tress of ceremonies. After the ceremony there was an informal reception at the home of the bride’s parents. La ter the couple left for a wedding trip to Williamsburg, Pinehurst and Raleigh. Lieutenant O’Neal will leave in November for Ger many where he will be joined later by his bride. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Selden Brothers of Elizabeth City. Lieut. O’Neal is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O’Neal of Manteo, and is an honor graduate of N. C. State College, Raleigh, class of 1952. COROLLA PERSONALS Corolla High School will give a Hallowe’en party. It will in clude a play and refreshments will be sold. Public is invited. Mrs. Lizzie Harris of Kitty Hawk and Mrs. C. A. Perry were guests of Mrs. John Austin over the weekend. Mrs. William Henderson and sister Cora Basnight of Creeds, Va., were visiting here recently. Mr. and' Mr. Vance Gray of Norfolk visited Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Lewark. Ottley Austin of the Coast Guard has finished his training at Cape May, New Jersey, and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Austin. The county supervisor, Mrs. Hilda Brumsey, visited the school Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bond were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Bowden. Lloyd O’Neal was taken rec ently to the hospital at Virginia Beach. He was in critical condi tion, but is better now. Norris Austin motored to Vir ginia Beach Thursday. Mrs. Joe Simmons has return ed from a trip to Wahington, D. C. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING » Before You Buy... DRIVE AMERICA’S REALLY NEW CAR- AERO WILLYS I You Get More For You Car Dollar from an Aero Willys! See this Great Car at Scarborough’s Garage Nags Head, N. C. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. YOUR BLOOD -IF YOU WERE A DONOR ■HpSL . /I ■ H ff ;■ •€ >• ! t. ■ Jgjjfl-. Jfl i I Bl it minir-wW:" ' 5" Here’s the other end of the story when you contribute Mood. Naval Hos pital Corpsman Donald J. Capots of West Pittsburgh, Penna., adminis ters whole blood to a U. S. Marine after recent fighting at Bunker Hill. Capots is attached to the First Medical Battalion of the First Marine Division, a long time front line outfit. (Official U.S. Navy Photograph) STUMPY POINT NEWS Carville Wise and McCoy Hoop er attended the Duke-Virginia football game at Charlottesville Saturday night. Mrs. Eloise Monette spent the week end in Norfolk with her hus band, W. W. Monette. Mrs. Katherine O’Keefe of Nor folk spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. Florine Hooper and daughter Jackie. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hooper spent the week end with relatixes at Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Payne and son Carol attended the Methodist Annual Conference at Burlington last week. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Midgett and sons Craig and Freddy of Manns Harbor spent the week end here with A. B. Hooper. Mrs. Jasper Hooper is attending a meeting of the Home Demonstra tion Clubs of N. C. at Raleigh this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Payne were in Elizabeth City last week on business. Jack Gaskill and Mrs. L. W. Hooper were here on business Sunday. Billy Hooper of A.C.C. in Wil son spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Payne, who at the present time are mak ing their home near New Holland, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Neal Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Wise have returned home after spend ing the week end in Washington, D. C., and the Shenandoah Valley. Mrs. Judy Payne and Connie Payne are in Norfolk where they attended funeral, services for B. F. Brinn. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Meekins spent the week end in Littleton and were accompanied home Sun day by their little granddaughter, Molly Jane. Mr. and. Mrs. R. D. Wise, Mrs. Evelyn Meekins and Mrs. R. B. Hooper .spent Friday in Norfolk. Mrs. Josie Hooper and sons Stanley and Tony spent the week end in Norfolk with her sister, Mrs. Bill Bodner and family. Ray Midgett and a friend of Fort Eustis, Va., spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Midgett and family. AVON PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scarborough and daughter Janice have returned from a visit in Elizabeth City and Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meekins and family of Broad Creek Village were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Branch Meekins and Mr. Manson Meekins. Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Gray of Buxton visited here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Scarbor ough left Monday for Elizabeth City and Kinston. Mrs. W. B. Miller has returned from the Marine Hospital in Nor folk, Va. Brad O’Neal has returned after a short business trip to Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sawyer and son Steve of Riddle were the week end guests sos Mr. and Mrs. James Sawyer. Mrs. Evan Williams, Jr., and Mrs. Norman Gray are spending a few days in Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. James Sawyer and son Bobby have returned from a visit in Riddle. Rev. Tommie Wilson and Luther Meekins have returnel from a bus iness trip to Winstson-Salem. Dewey Scarborough of Chesa peake Lightship has returned to You get all 3 Jsßk with a Duo-Therm ■■■■ll ’. America's most popular heater! hepplewhite [ $57 to $139.95 Wj|g Fuel Oil Heater with Fuel-Saving Add the distinctive charm of lovely period furniture Power-Ait Blower! to your home as you heat it with a Duo-Therm. r». . y» .s-.l Finished in a rich, gleaming Mahogany with smart I contrasting gold-colored trim. I ' /4f > ■■■ Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner | gives you more heat from every drop **’"* .... Z J I °f oil- Has no moving parts to wear or ** * ' 'a | need repair. Big capacity burner in the • Heppelwhite, keeps your home won. Power-Air moves heat by t. derfully warm. . force. Puts laay ceiling heat |‘ to work at the living level. «, W.1., High «... Control 01.1 !«, fiHf you dial the heat easy as you tune your Offers proved fuel savings of radio. Out of sight but not out of up to 25%. (Optional.) [giy reach. You don’t have to bend down to dial the heat you want. MANTEO FURNITURE CO. Phone 51-J Manteo, N. C. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED AT SHOWER TUESDAY Mrs. Edith Quidley, of Manteo, November bride-elect, was guest of honor at a lingerie shower given Tuesday evening by Miss Mollie Fearing at the Nags Head cottage of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Fearing, Jr. A color scheme of yellow and white was carried out in arrange ments of yellovz and white fall flowers and ivory candles. Bridal ices in the shape of wed ding bells and calla lilies, individ ual iced cakes, mints and salted nuts were served. duty after spending two weeks with his family. Rev. and Mrs. Sigsbee Miller of Elizabeth City visited Mr. Miller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mil ler, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scarborough and son Ray, Jr., of Berkley, Va., were the week end guests of Mr. Scarborough’s mother, Mrs. Kate Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gray have returned after spending several weeks in Elizabeth City and Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and family and Noah Price, Jr., of Jacksonville, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Price. Otis Meekins of Norfolk spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Left Meekins. Arthur Gray, U.S.C.G., was the week end guest of his mother, Mrs. Dorcas Whidden. get your ) 1 HERE We Feature Swift’s Premium and Swift’s Select Meats Large Varieties of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Frozen Foods • SELF-SERVICE L D. TARKINGTON Phone 227 Manteo PAGE THREE To Relieve J Misery G®*666 LIQUID M TABLETS - SAME EAST PIONEER MANTEO, N. C. SATURDAY, NOV. 1 “CANYON PASSAGE” with DANA ANDREWS Special Late Show 11 p.m. Saturday “ORIENTAL VANITIES" IN COLOR SUNDAY : MONDAY JENNIFER JONES in “THE WILD HEART” TUESDAY : WEDNESDAY DENNIS O’KEEFE in “ONE BIG AFFAIR" THURSDAY : FRIDAY “WHEN IN ROME” with VAN JOHNSON

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