FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1953 MIRAMAR COURT GUESTS’ LOUNGE POPULAR PLACE Low Dane in Background Furnish es Fun % Children Staying at Beach Motor Court Nags Head. Stucco gleaming white against a sand dune is the first impression the guest re ceives as he arrives at the Mir amar motor court, a little south of Nags Head postoffice. I The visitor walks into an ' office, set in one corner of a large homelike lobby, where guests gather to get acquainted with each other, play a game of bridge, read the papers or lounge when they weary of sun, sand, and saltwater. The 22 units in the motor court are arranged in a symetrical pat tern on the grounds. Each room has its separate bath and clothes closet, and not more than two rooms are joined under one roof, so that each room gets three-way ventilation. Some of the rooms have one double bed, some twin beds and others have two double beds, so that most any size group can be accommodated. The cottages are finished inside in knotty pine de sign sheetrock. Color schemes are carried out in candlewick bedspreads and tier type drapes which can be drawn together to insure privacy. All the units are connected with concrete walks. At the rear of the grounds is one cottage, already there when the partners built the court. It is the only unit with kitchen facilities. The court lies at the foot of a low dune, which furnishes end less entertainment and exercise for youngsters. Though located on the west side of the highway, guests have only a short distance to walk to the beach. Miramar is owned and operat ed by three Manteo residents, W. W. Tarkington, Frank Cahoon and Frank White. According to Mr. Tarkington, the season is starting out in a big way and promises to continue so. Mr and Mrs. G. W. Aycock and daughter, Carolyn, and Miss Marty Wilkinson of Pantego are vacationing at the W. H. Weath erly cottage in Nags Head. ARCHIE BURRUS SELF-SERVICE FOOD CENTER Phone 237 Mante* WE DELIVER Choice of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily All Western Meats GULF STREAM RESTAURANT OPEN 4 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT Early Breakfast for Fishing Parties SEAFOOD BARBECUE STEAKS GOOD FOOD AND REFRESHMENT Opposite Nags Head Coast Guard Station DONALD GRAY, Prop. ‘ISNT IT HEAVENLY... SEMTEST SHERBETS ME mi 19* A pint, TIRSWEK'* 0 ' *• Wi. * Cool and refreshing as an ocean breeze— Sealtest fresh fruit Sherbets. Specially priced at only 19c through Saturday, June 2QL Stock up—cool off—today t ON THE OCEANSIDE The Misses Esther Thomas and Anne Wood of Roanoke Rapids, Winnie White, Nell Burnett, Dor is Wills,- Virginia Alston and Ann Noland of Richmond, Va., are vacationing at one of the George Pappendick cottages in Kill Devil Hills. Frank Rightmire of Weldon spent the week end at his Kill Devil Hills cottage. Mrs. Ferdinand Schmidt and daughter, Carolyn, and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt of Roanoke Rap ids, spent Sunday on the beach. Mrs. Ferdinand Schmidt and her hnusband, now a patient in Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, Md., lived many years in Africa, but have now returned to this country to live. Haywood Lancaster and Harry Hayman, Jr., of Pantego were at Nags Head recently to visit their step-daughter and sister, Miss Jennie Lee Hayman. Her brother recently returned from service in Korea. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smith of Roanoke Rapids were week end visitors at their Kitty Hawk beach cottage.. Mr. and Mrs. George Geshen have gone to Baltimore, Md., for a few days. He formerly manag ed Journey’s End but more re cently has been employed by W. H. Smith. Mrs. W. B. Powers and crild ren, Linda and Bill, of Ports mouth, Va., are here to visit Mrs. Powers’ brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith, in the Kitty Hawk beach area. Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Brink ley of Portsmouth were Tuesday guests of Mrs. W. H. Cartwright, in the Kitty Hawk area. The women are sisters. Mrs. Brink ley, an arthritis victim more than 20 years, was so impressed with the beach that she plans to re turn in the summer for a longer stay. Mrs. Z. F. Wilson of Jounrney’s End shopped in Portsmouth, Va., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Pruden and family of Edenton are at Miss Margaret Pruden’s Nags Head cottage for a three-week vaca tion. Miss Norma Jean Parrish of Durham is here to spend the SARAH’ C ALLIED SARAH F. HALLIBURTON - APPRECIATIVE Although a newspaper without editorials seems incomplete, few readers get around to discussing them wiith people connected with the paper. That’s why it was something of a surprise that so many of the beach readers went out of their way to tell this re porter what they thought about Mr. Meekins’ recent editorial .about extravagance in court pro cedures which do not result in verdicts and in drawing juries inadequate to the needs of the term. At least 90 per cent of the persons who mentioned this ed itorial to your scribe were in summer with her cousin, Miss Faye Dykstra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dykstra, who operate Dyke’s Fishing Center. Mrs. Kenyon Wilson and three children of Elizabeth City and Mrs. John Crawford and child ren of Norfolk, Va., are spending a vacation at the family’s Nags Head cottage. The women are cousins. Mrs. Philip McMullan and son, Philip, and daughter. Anne, of Edenton are at the Turner cot tage in Nags Head to spend a vacation. * Mrs. John Badham and son, Jack, of Edenton are at their cottage in Nags Head, to remain a month. Mrs. M. L. Sheep of Elizabeth City and daughter, Mrs. Mary Lee Gill of Morehead City, came the, first of the week to vacation at the former’s cottage. Mr. and Mrs. .John Buchanan and daughters of Durham and Kinston have returned to their homes after being at their Nags Head cottage. They are to go to Richmond, Va., this week end to attend the wedding of the Buch anans’ niece, Miss Mollie Thoms. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wood, Thom as Wood, Jr., and Miss Heilig Harney of Edenton are vacation ing at the S. J. Twin cottage in Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lewis and three children of Durham were recent vacationists at Kill Devil Hills. Their visit was their first trip to this beach. Dabney Taliaferro, who at tends high school in Norfolk, Va., is at Kill Devil Hills to spend most of his vacation with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W., S. Gregory, at Kill Devil Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinkier I and family of Oberlin, 0., have left after spending a week’s va cation at Kill Devil Hills. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Foster and party of Richmond, Va., have returned home after a week at Kill Devil Hills. Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Lee and daughter of Warwick, Va., spent the week end at the Kill Devil Hills cottage they rent from September to the middle of June. Mr. and Mrs. James Feaster and three sons of Shinnston, W. Va., are at Kill Devil Hills for a week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Young blood and daughters, Judy and Amy, have returned to their home iin Richmond, Va., after a week at Kill Devil Hills. Mr. Youngblood, a commercial ar tist, was to start work on a new job Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Smith and three children of Arlington, Va., are vacationing this week at Kill Devil Hills. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. complete agreement with Editor Meekins. Most of them admitted this was a subject to which they had given little thought until two hung juries in one term of court, and the spectacle of hav ing to snatch people off the street to serve on a jury called it to their attention. TOO FORMAL Mr. and Mrs. George Frank, who operate the Edgewater hotel in Kill Devil Hills, are a little aghast at one of their twin sons, Michael. He is so formal that even at his tender age he insists on wearing his suit jacket when he goes to Sunday school, is embarrassed by the briefness of his sports shorts and frowns on going barefoot. The other twin, George, falls in with beach informality and would just as leave appear at the table in his swim trunks, if his mother could be persuaded to see it that way. Both youngsters are all boy, ready to romp and whoop it up anytime, anywhere, but in the question of proper beach wear they just don’t see eye to eye. IGNORANT While Manteo folk are press ing the need for a new school in that community, another educa tional problem has arisen. It’s those illiterate fish, who can’t or don’t read the fishing guide books. The other day, a rank amateur arrived on the beach on a day when the guidebooks and all the experts said no fish in its right mind would bite, the wind was from the wrong direc tion, etc., etc. This amateur, with his new tackle and no exper ience, went out within 100 feet of the cottage he was occupying THE EXCLUSIVE SALES LISTING PLAN Listings Wanted llpbfl Listings Wanted THE MEEKINS PLAN WHY THE REALTOR’S EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS SALES PLAN IS BEST FOR YOU From the Owner’s Standpoint... 1. Exclusive listings get preferred attention. 2. From one exclusive agent you have the right to demand attention to your property. 3. A Realtor concentrating on exclusives can give each property close attention, can afford to advertise it, and is more likely to effect a sale, and at a better price. . 4. Place your confidence in one live, wide-awake Realtor who will represent your best interests, then keep him advised of all inquiries you may receive and cooperate with him to the fullest extent. 5. ‘‘The Exclusive Sale Plan” does not prevent the sale of your property by some other Realtor. 6. An exclusive agent should secure the best price possible for you, should save you the annoyance of dealing with many different people. Your exclusive agent does it for you, separating “the wheat from the chaff—his exper ience better fits him for the task. 7. An exclusive agent, feeling sure, in due time, of fair com pensation for his services, can always be looking out for your best interest. He can afford to advertise your prop erty extensively, can afford to spend the necessary time on it, can offer it through other Realtors, and thereby he offers you a special service with real selling power, as it includes both concentration and a wide market distri bution. 8. Select the right exclusive agent. Arrange with him to as sume responsibility and pledge faithful and energetic ef fort, THEN LOOK TO HIM AND NO ONE ELSE FOR RESULTS, AND YOU WILL BE MORE LIKELY TO GET RESULTS. Our Practices Have Proven Sound... Our Sales Record Speaks for Itself... THE MEEKINS AGENCY’S CODE OF ETHICS Article 13. In accepting the agency for property, we pledge ourselves to be fair to purchaser or tenant, as well as to the owner whom we represent and whose interests we will protect and promote as we would our own. Article 14. As realtors we will not buy for ourselves prop erty listed with us, nor will we acquire any interest there in, without first making the true position clearly known to the listing owner. Article 18. The exclusive listing of property is urged and practiced by us as realtors, as a means of eliminating misunderstanding and dissensions and assuring better service to the owner. ’ Article 20. Before offering a property listed with us by the owner, it is uor duty to advise the owner honestly and in telligently regarding its fair market valile. This is com- f |f| a li i\ REALTORS are persons engaged in the real estate business 111 |«/v It MA If aaN*AMA/ who are Active members of a real estate board affiliated W HO UrPIl PAITfirC ' with the Nationar Association of Real Estate Boards. As 11 lIU m V llvUliUi O • each ’ th «y are subject to rules and regulations of business conduct. ERNEST E. MEEKINS M ANTEO REALTOR KILL DEVIL HILLS • Phone Manteo 101 REAL ESTATE RENTALS Member of the State and National Real Estate Boards as well as the National Institute of Real Estate Brokers and brought in a nice catch of sea mullet. So you see, those ignorant fish are too dumb to play according to the rules and consequently foul up the ex perts’ holidays. POUND FOR PETS With the season hardly under way, some folks already are worrying about the cats and dogs that will be left behind when the vacationists leave after La bor day. These kind hearted people have suggested that a pound be established for pets left to become strays. If they were picked up, persons who wanted pets could choose from among them; the rest could be painlessly destroyed, more mer ciful than allowing them to starve or become mauraders. ART APPRECIATION It is flattering to know that somebody liked the Cat's Meow sign, well enough to lift it out of its moorings and remove it from the premises. Since it can be of no possible use to anybody else, your reporter would be mighty pleased if anybody who saw it would pass the word along. After all, it will have to be replaced at some expense. It disappeared on a week end when an unusually large crowd for June, some of them having a rather uninhibited holiday, was on the beach. SMELLY Your persistent pencil pusher is no crusader, neither in tem perament nor job. Just the same, she help sympathizing with those Kitty Hawk residents who have been trying to get some official help in the problem of dealing with dead fish left to decay and draw flies. When cottage owners from other places, who pay heavy taxes, try three or four officials and can get no satisfaction, nor suggestions as to where to get it, they begin to resent tax assessment hikes. NEIGHBORLY When this reporter breezed into a beach hotel about 9 o’clock the other morning, she For Summer Comfort WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF PORCH and LAWN FURNITURE SrT7Tf77r\ PORCH CHAIRS LAWN CHAIRS BEACH UMBRELLAS LAWN MOWERS , Also, in stock | Power Driven and From the Realtor’s Standpoint... 1. An exclusive listing should be taken only if you believe the property can be sold and you intend to give it pre ferred attention. 2. Under only such an arrangement is a Realtor justified in spending money or much time; furthermore, in no other way can he do justice to his client or himself. 3. Would a sane man go on the road and spend his money and time taking orders for goods without a definite agi-eement regarding the delivery? 4. How many professional experts of standing in any line are willing to spend hours, days, weeks, yes, months of work without assured conpensation from him who has engaged their service ? 5. To list property and forget it, is a waste of time and an injustice to these owners who believe that you are giving special attention to their interests; it is vastly better to conceive your efforts as properties the sale of which you control. 6. “The Exclusive Listing Sales Plan” provides an up-to-the minute inventory of good buys which can be sold through concentrated advertising, promotion and selling. 7. Cooperation between brokerage firms is encouraged by "The Exclusive Listing Sales Plan” of selling real estate because it gives more assurance to the broker represent ing a buyer that a property can be delivered at a definite price. 8. Marketing of real estate will approach the efficiency of marketing in other lines in direct relation to the use of “The Exclusive Listing Sales Plan.” monly called appraisal service. Article 21. As realtors ,it is our duty to protect the public against fraud, misrepresentation, or unethical practices in connection with real estate transactions. Article 22. We pledge ourselves, as realtors, to offer prop erty solely on its merit without exaggeration, conceal ment, or any form of deception or misleading representa tion. Article 31. At the time the agreement is reached as to the terms of a transaction we will fully inform each party regarding commissions and other expenses to which each is respectively liable. Article 35. No instructions nor inducements from any client or customer relieve us, as realtors, from our responsibility strictly to observe this Code of Ethics. PAGE THREE found the proprietor having a friendly cup of coffee with the owner of another beach hotel. The breakfast rush was over at both places, and the two women had a few minutes’ breathing spell. Actually, they were trans acting business, but it seemed a neighborly way to do it. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE

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