PAGE SIX • News of Columbia & Tyrrell Co. For Subscriptions, see Mrs, Blanche W. Cohoon. or Call Her, Phone 317-1, Columbia, N. C. She will welcome news of Columbia and Tyrrell County COLUMBIA PERSONALS Miss Pat Everton and Miss Ann Carolyn Williams, who have been employed at Nags Head during the summer, have returned home. Among the out-of-town persons who attended the Hopkins Fun eral were: Dr. Henry Joe Liver man of Engelhard, Mrs. Clara ■ Alexander, Miss Mary Melson ind Mrs. Dan Alexander of Dur ham. Miss Hettie Jones left Sunday for a hospital in Wilson. Miss Mary Weeks arrived Mon ’ day to take up her duties as First Grade teacher in Columbia school. Mrs. J. L. Tomlinson of Wilson spent Sunday with her son. C.P. Mitchell, Jr., and his family. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Alexander and children, Fran and Bud, have returned from a vacation at Nags Head. Mrs. Statha McClees and son. Jay, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Lennie E. Liv erman returned from Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. J Albert Spencer and daughter. Faye, have return ed from Nags Head. Mrs. Milton V Cohoon has re turned home from a Norfolk hos pital. Mrs. Blanche W. Cohoon. who has acted in the capacity of Sup ervisor for the Ground Observer Post for Tyrrell County since the post has been set up, approximat ely 16 months, handed in her res ignation Monday to Lt. Kennedy of the Durham Filter Center, re signing in favor of the American Legion Organization. A Com mittee composed of J. W. Ever ett, Bill Williams, Iredell Hassell and T. K. Yerby Jr., were ap pointed from the organization by the Commander T. K. Yerby Jr., to fill this post. Mrs. Ben Spruill of Virginia Beach. Va., who has been visit- I ing Mrs. S. C. Chaplin, left Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Yerby have 1 returned from Hatteras. Mrs. S. C. Chaplin left Thurs- I day for Durham, to be with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Perry, who i is a patient in Duke Hospital. The Annual County-Wide Rec- I reational Meeting and Picnic of . the Tyrrell County Home Dem- , onstration and 4-H Clubs was j held at the Norman Smith Legion ! Beach on Wednesday, August 26. Mrs. H. M. Newberry and Mrs. i C. Earl Cohoon spent Friday with I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stokes in Hertford. Mrs. Julian H. Swain and I children, Carolyn, Mary Beth. Bibb and Haywood spent Friday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Davenport i of Aulander are visiting Mr. I Davenport's brother and family, Mr. Lloyd Davenport. Jack Combs of Columbia Route three, who has been em ployed in Norfolk during the summer months, returned home Saturday to attend school. Jack Everton, son of C. R. Everton, of Columbia Route 3, who has been for the past two years serving with the U.S. Army Air Corps, returned with his honorable discharge Saturday, i Bright Jewelry Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths VIRGINIA DARE HOTEL, ELIZABETH CITY. N. C. •225 be i ing ■ displayed ~in the Tyrrell j County Public Library by Glenn \ W. Woodley, age 16, son of Mr. , and Mrs. J. Eli Woodley of Col- I umbia route on.e. who is chair man of the 4-H Electric Project in Tyrrell County. Through this exhibit, he hopes to inform the patrons what is be ing done in this connection: sec uring interest and co-operation in the county wide 4-H Farm and Home Electric survey, which is now underway, and thereby gain credit on the 4-H project for this year: to help the county toward a better chance of winning rhe county award in the state: and to give a better chance of win ning other awards. 4-H members selected for as sistance in the survey are: Clair E. Morris. Jr., Collon Snell. Jr., Ada Basnight. Matilda Furlough. Ann Selby, Glenn Simmons. Ruby Jane Perry, Marietta Swain. Carolyn Swain. Larry Gene Rhodes, Betty Jane Rhodes and Dana Williams. Mr. Woodley was county win ner in 1951. and District winner in 1952. In 1952, he was second place territory winner, receiving for same a gold watch, and a trip to the State Electric Congress which was held in Charlotte as awards. First place winner in this territory will win a SIOO scholar- , ship. A. B. HOPKINS. JR. BURIED MONDAY, AUG. 31 Columbia. Funeral services , for A. B. (Pete) Hopkins. Jr., who , died suddenly early Saturday | morning, were held at the Sound . Side Missionary Baptist Church | on Monday, August 31 at 3:00 P. M.,_ Rev. Earl R. Meekins and Rev. W. E. Pope officiating. Special music was rendered by Mrs. Lloyd Davenport, who sang “God Understands”. The Choir i sang “Asleep in Jesus” and , “Others”. Pall bearers were: Harvey Da | vis, Edward Davis, Charles Co hoon, Spencer and Grady Hop- I kins. Internment was in the ' church cemetery. i Surviving Mr. Hopkins are his . wife; Mrs. Ella Spencer Hopkins, i two daughters; Mrs. Cliff Hun i ter, of Elizabeth City, and Miss ; Gwen Hopkins of the home; two I sons; Hugh and Allen Hopkins also of the home; his father, A.B. L. Chaplin of Columbia and Mrs. Hopkins, Sr.; two sisters, Mrs. H. i Beatrice Clodfelter of Winston ' Salem; two brothers, Edmond Hopkins of Winston-Salem, and Stafford Hopkins of Columbia. ATTENDS BOSTON MEETING Columbia. Mrs. Clair E. Morris left Wednesday, August 26 to attend the National Council for Home Demonstration Clubs, which was held in Boston, Mass. She, being the district president, joined the other 27 presidents in Raleigh, where a chartered bus i took the group to Boston. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. COLUMBIA OES GIVES FISH FRY FOR MASONS Columbia. On Friday August 28th, the Columbia Chapter No. 281 of the Order of Eastern Star, entertained Masonic Lodge No. 678 at a fish fry at the Normtin Smith Legion Beach, as a mem orial to the founder, Dr. Robert Morris, of Kentucky. The invo cation was given by Dr. Sawyer, the welcome by Mrs. Herman W. Cohoon, Worthy Matron. Mrs. C. N. Davenport, Jr., of Creswell gave the history of the Order, W. J. White responded. D. M. Alexander and Herman W. Co hoon were in charge of the frying of the fish. Guests who attended were Supt. and Mrs. M. L. Bas night and Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Davenport of Aulander, STUMPY POINT NEWS Rev. W. M. Maness and their daughters. Bettie Ruth and Ann. of Durham are visiting Mrs. Maness's mother, Mrs. Bettie Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Payne and Clyde Payne visited Dr. and Mrs. Grady Strickland in Will iamsburg, Va., Sunday. Pat Twiford left Sunday for Norfolk after spending several weeks with Wanda Midgette. Mrs. Cora Twiford is recuper ating from an operation at Leigh Memorial Hospital in Norfolk. Hiedred Golden spent the week end in Norfolk with his wife, who is with her mother, Mrs. Cora Twiford. Rev. A. G L. Stephenson, Bob by Wise, Wayne O’Neal and Brantley Twiford attended the Sub. District meeting of the M.Y.F. held at Fort Raleigh Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Carville Wise and sons, Rodney and Gary, are visit ing in Richmond. Ivey Hooper of Norfolk spent the week end here. Mrs. Florine Hooper spent Monday in Norfolk on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Bell and son, Bert, Mrs. Florine Hooper and son, Major, and Jackie O'Keefe spent Tuesday at Bux ton w’ith Mr. and Mrs. John Hooper. Mrs. Ruth Hooper spent Tues day at Waves with her brother, Nelson Midgette. Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur O. Payne and daughter, Loraine, of Peters berg, Va., are spending several days here with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Payne. Dr. Payne is suf fering from an injured foot and back. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Payne and sons. Mike and Chris, have mov ed back to their home here after two years in Portsmouth, where Mr. Payne was employed in the Navy Yard. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boomer of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hooper motored to New York last week on a sight-seeing tour. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Hooper, Mrs. Eloise Monette and son, Bobby, spent the week end in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaskill and children, Linda, Catherine and Jack, Jr., of Elizabeth City spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hooper. Leland Wise and family spent Sunday at Nags Head. Vivian Quidley returned to her home in Norfolk Sunday after visiting here and in Manns Har bor . Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hooper and Bettie Jo of Norfolk and Mrs. Dewey Wise spent the week end in Hatteras with Mr. and Mrs. Nacie Austin. Eddie Leigh Hooper is able to be out again after being sick with mumps. Mrs. Tom Hooper of Buxton is spending the week here with her 1 husband and Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hooper. Mrs. Tom Wise, Archie Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Meekins and Steve Spitzer attended the Hoop er-Rogers wedding in Elizabeth City Saturday. Miss Mollie Lou Knight spent the week end in Manteo with Mary Meekins, and attended the M.Y.F. sub-district meeting at Fort Raleigh Saturday. DUCK PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Tillett and daughter, Ola, of Wanchese visit ed Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Whitson Sunday aftemoofri. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McDonald and two children of Elizabeth City, and Mr. and Mrs. Ossie White of Virginia Beach spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Curies of Martins Point. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dunbar of Roper visited Mrs. Dunbar’s sis ter, Mrs. Lillian Beals, and her brother, Emerson Rogers, Sun day. Sam Tate was in Norfolk this week to see a doctor. GRIGGS-SPRUILL Miss Minnie Spruill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spruill of Duck, became the bride of Wilber Griggs, son of Mrs. William Griggs of Mamie, August 22, in ' Hertford. AN INVITATION FROM BUSINESSMEN OF ELIZABETH CITY * X These Leading Merchants Cordially Invite the People of the Coastland to Visit Them When Doing Business in Elizabeth City Their merchandise and their services are the best to be found. No matter the re quirements or the season, customers may be assured of new stocks, complete sat isfaction and prices as reasonable as may be found anywhere in the country. When dealing with these firms, one may rest assured of courtesy, fairness and quality, and will be associating with old friends and neighbors. FOREMAN DAIRIES ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. We Serve the Albemarle with Foreman’s Ice Cream FOREMAN’S ICE CREAM may be purchased at Kitty Hawk, Nags Head, Manteo, Manns Harbor, Stumpy Point, Buxton, Frisco and Hatteras. For BACK-TO-SCHOOL visit JENNETTE’S , Jayson Shirts Wilson Brothers Faultless Underwear Mayfield Four-Star Suits Resistol Hats and a host of other items Poindexter at Colonial DIAL 9646 AIR CONDITIONED Fort Raleigh Restaurant One of the South’s Finest SEAFOODS AND SIZZLING STEAKS OUR SPECIALTY THE SIR WALTER ROOM For Private Parties, Clubs and Banquets OFFICIALLY APPROVED OCEAN HIGHWAY ASSO. MEMBER MEMBER OF AMERICAN RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS OF AMERICA RECOMMENDED NORTH CAROLINA RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION 601-601 E. MAIN ST. YOU CAN’T BE TOO CAREFULI-YOU CAN WAIT TOO LONG! So many people wait until fire hits home and say, “We have insurance, but we are only partially covered.” In these times of high cost of living you can’t be too careful. Come in to see us today! SOUTHERN LOAN & INSURANCE COMPANY Carolina Building Insurance Since 1898 Elizabeth City, N. C. ROOFING' WARM AIR HEATING AIR CONDITIONING GORDON SHEET METAL CO. 315 So. Road St. Phone 4989 VIRGINIA DARE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY J. J. WILKINSON, Prop. Pile Driving Marine Salvage Marine Railways Boat Repairs Foot of Bridge, Opposite Town CULPEPPER MOTOR CO. S. B. SMITH, Owner Cordially Invites Our Friends of the Coastland To Visit The Home of Buick and Pontiac CULPEPPER MOTOR CO. Buick Sales and Service Pontiac 412-420 ELIZABETH ST. PHONE 4331 I Pharmacists A modernly equipped Drug Store with a long reputation for skill, accuracy and fair dealing. When in Elizabeth City, visit us. OVERMAN & STEVENSON Prescription Druggists 512 East Main St. Elizabeth City WE WELCOME YOU TO ELIZABETH CITY Carolina Amusement Co. Operating The CAROLINA, CENTER, LOVE’S STATE and GAIETY THEATRES IN ELIZABETH CITY COLUMBIA THEATRE, Columbia, N. C. Afton Theatre, Cradock, Va. STATE THEATRE, Hertford, N. C. PIONEER THEATRE, Manteo, N. C. BACK-TO-SCHOOL Blouses, Skirts, Suits, Plaid Cotton Dresses • Toppers at V2-Price Suits —$10 —Up to $29.95 Values • THE FASHION SHOP MADGE THACKER 112 McMorrine St. Phone 4891 p WOODLEY GROCERY CO. OUR 63rd YEAR OF SERVICE TO THE BUSINESS HOUSES OF THE ALBEMARLE WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE * Your Complete Headquarters for PLUMBING SUPPLIES, HOT WATER HEATERS, BATHROOM and KITCHEN FIXTURES SANDERS COMPANY, INC. Poindexter, Water and Pearl Streets Phone 4295 Elizabeth City > . DRINK V, t, fMt —ITS THE REAL THING— Elizabeth City Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1953