PAGE TWO THE COASTLAND TIMES Published Continuously at Manteo, N. C., Since July 4, 1935 The Weekly Journal of the Walter Raleigh Coastland of North Carolina, Foremost Region of Recreation and Sport, Healthful Livnig and Historical Interest On The Atlantic Seaboard Entered As Second Class Matter At The Postoffice At Manteo, N. C. Subscription Rates: 1 Year $2.50; 6 Months $1.50; 3 Months SI.OO PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY TIMES PRINTING CO., INC., AT 505 LODGE STREET, MANTEO, NORTH CAROLINA VICTOR MEEKINS, Editor CATHERINE D. MEEKINS, Secretary-Treasurer VoL XIX Manteo, N. C., Friday, January 1, 1954 No. 27 SEGREGATION. Cases are before the United States Supreme Court rel ative to segregation in the public schools, which has be come a burning issue since the meddlers invaded the South to set fires. We have given space in this issue to public ex pressions on this vital subject that may throw some light on what may become our most acute problem when the Su preme Court shall have delivered itself of another political bomb shell. Abolition of segregation in the public schools among children would tend in time to wipe out all racial distinction and fraternization and intermarriage would then follow for a people that no longer could tell white from black. Then we would have what the late Theodore G. Bilbo called the mon grelization of the white race in the Deep South. A people once proud of their ancestry would then be ashamed of their descendants. Racial integrity is something that should be as sacred to the black race as to the white, and only misguided fools would promote a miscegenation that even God must have abhorred when He separated the blacks from the whites and the reds from the yellows. Apparently there are pink-tinted preachers and teach ers sufficiently tainted by the left-wing advocates of racial social equality, who would like to destroy segregation in our schools and churches as one more step toward Commu nism. If they do it in Mississippi they will have to swim rivers of blood. Wouldn’t you think these zealots would read the story of Reconstruction in the Deep South and call it quits ? All five suits in the Supreme Court were instigated by the Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a hate promoting outfit that should long since have been run out of the country.—(|From the Gulfport, Miss., Guide). AVON PERSONALS Mr .and Mrs. Lindbergh Hooper and daughter, Pamula, of Norfolk have returned after spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs. P. M. Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gregory of Elizabeth City spent the week end with Mrs. Gregory’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard Gray. Mrs. Earl Meekins, who was a patient in the Marine Hospital, has returned home much im proved. She was accompanied by her husband and daughter, Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray and daughter, Beatrice Gladys, of Broad Creek Village are spending the holidays here. McCray Scarborough of Eliza beth City is visiting James Scar borough and Mrs. Rosa Austin. Lester Scarborough, USCG, stationed in Bermuda is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Kate Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Gray and family of Elizabeth City spent a few days with Mr. Gray’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gray, Sr. Merian Meekins, who is em ployed in Norfolk, spent Christ mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Meekins. L. P. O’Neal, of Cape May Training Station, is spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loran O’Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibbs and son of Barco spent the week end with Mrs. Gibb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Hooper. Mrs. Ruby Price and daughter, Betty, have returned home after spending several days in Norfolk visiting Mrs. Garland Sterling. Johnnie Miller and John O’Neal of Cape May Training Station, are spending Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Neal. Dorcas Whidden has returned from a visit in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Gray and daughter Lois of Broad Creek Village spent a few days with Mrs. Collins Gray. Mr a.nd Mrs. Walker Scarbor ough and Martha Williams have returned home from Kinston where they visited Mr. Scarbor ough’s son. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Scar borough spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Scarbor ' ough. Mr a.nd Mrs. Moody Meekins of Charlston, S. C. have been spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Meekins. CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR FRIENDSHIP CLUB The Ladies Friendship Club of Buxton held its Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Edna Bar nett. Under a gay Christmas tree gifts were piled to be exchanged. Carols were sung. Refreshments of pecan prune layer cake and hot t a a’ ccffee were served by th h< ;tess. Members present were i.’i Paula Fulcher, Muriel Fulchi i Ormond Fulcher, Joyce Gray, . Eiaine Moire, Thelma Gray, Irene Midgett, Gladys Dickerson, Aulise Ballance, Babe Hooper, and Edna Barnett. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE CATFISH CORNER NEWS Carter Cartwright has returned to Baltimore after visiting his mother, Mrs. Caddie Lack Cart wright. Miss Cassie Rola Carter spent the week end at Vinegar Hill with Miss Horsie Mae Hopkins. Miss Aurora Dawn Davis spent the week end with Miss Bushi belle Brinn of Gar Creek. Miss Honey Bee Beasley of Gar Creek and Trylon Twiddy motor ed here Sunday to visit Miss Os preylita Owens. Miss Nautibel Norris of Wide Spot is visiting Miss Ferrie Belle Farrow. Miss Shalimar Shannon spent the week end with Miss Annchil ada Ambrose in Alligator Bay. Miss Sal Amanda Sawyer visited Miss Epidermis Everett in Square Hill Creek during the holidays. Miss Blessing Berry of Foggy Bottom was a recent guest of Miss Junie Etta Jones. Miss Tempest Twiddy of Cat Cove spent the week end here with Miss Dinah Flo Dowdy. Miss Parabola Perkins of Sas safrass Center is visiting Miss Fenderola Fitchett. Miss Sara Bella Sutton of High Bush is visiting Miss Pestie Mae Peele. Miss Shandy Leah Sawyer spent the week end in Gar Creek with Miss Hibernia Hill. Miss Pearl Harbor Hooper of Wide Spot is visiting Miss Pinkie Perry. Miss Mandoleen Mann and Miss Daffy Lean Daniels visited Mr. and Mrs. Fustilug Foster of Cat Cove. FAMILY PARTY AT HOME OF THE L. D. MIDGETT'S Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Midgett en tertained at a family get to gether at their home in Buxton Tuesday Dec. 22. All members of the fam ily and relatives were invited to celebrate the Christmas season. Mrs. Lonie Tolson read a poem “At Christmas Time” by Anne C. Steele. Christmas carols were sung. Gifts were exchanged and refreshments of hot coffee, colas and pie were served. Those present were Mr .and Mrs. Loran Midgett, Mr. and Mrs. George O’Neal, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Fulcher, C. P. Midgett, Maxton Peele, Jr., Misses Mary Tolson, Kay Braxton, Carol Ful cher. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Mid gett were unable to attend be cause of illness. WOODSTOCK EMPLOYEES SPECIAL GUESTS AT PARTY The Woodstock Electric Mem bership Corporation honored its emplyees and their wives and husbands at a dinner party at Midyette’s Motor Court near Bel haven on Monday evening of last week. The turkey dinner was served in the private dining room, which was decorated with a Christmas tree, greenery, and red candles. Each guest received a miniature reindeer as a favor. D. B. Bidle, Job Training and Safety Instructor for the R E.A. Co-ops of Eastern North Caro lina of Raleigh, was a special guest. After dinner he made a short talk on safety MANNS HARBOR NEWS Lieut. Carl Mann and family arrived home from France in time to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mann. They will visit with rela tives in Arkansas before Lieut. Mann resumes his duties with the Army here in the States. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gibbs had as their guests for the holi days, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Runn ings and son, Darryl, Sam Gibbs and son, Don, of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Guthrie of Skyco. Mrs. Runnings and son remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gard and son, Sherman Lee, of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craven and daughter, Lynn, of Washington, D. C., have returned .after spend ing the holidays with their par ents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Twiford. Mr. and Mrs. Flay Kemp and daughters, Fay and Kay, visited Mr. Kemp’s father, Charlie Kemp of Gum Neck during the week end. W. O. Barnett and Miss Angel ine Davis of Elizabeth City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davis during the holdiays. Mr. and Mrs. Sam O’Neal and son, Sam, Jr., of New Holland visited Mrs. O’Neal’s mother, Mrs. Lula Burrus, Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. George Midgett and children and Mrs. Geraldine Kirkland of Norfolk spent Christ mas here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Spencer, Sr., were in Norfolk for the holidays visiting their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Spencer, Jr., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green and daughter, Carol Ann, of Elizabeth City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Beasley for the holidays, Mrs. Green and daughter remain ing over for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Twiddy and children, Yolanda and Betsy, spent Christmas in Creswell with Mr. Twiddy’s parents, Mr .and Mrs. Jessie Twiddy, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bratton and son of Elizabeth City visited Mr. Bratten’s mother, Mrs. Frank Ambrose, and family during the holidays. Mrs. Preston Twiford has re turned form a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Meekins of Messick. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Twiford and daughter, Donna, of Norfolk, who are spending this week here. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Sutton had as their guests for the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Armstrong and daughter, Janet Lee, of Hickery, Va., and Willard Sutton, USCG, Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Taylor and children, Peggy Ann, Tommy and Bill, were in Columbia for the week end visiting Mr. Tay lor’s parents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crouch of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Woodson Midgett of Duck, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Midgett for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Thomas of Blacksburg, Va., are spending this week with Mrs. Thomas’ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Midgett. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mann and daughter, Glenda, of Norfolk spent the week end here. Mr. nd Mrs. Calvin Sawyer and sons, Jerry and David, of Norfolk spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mann. They were ac companied by Mrs. Jo Ann Saw yer, who has been visiting in Norfolk for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin White and children, Barbara, Wayn•, Charles and Michael, of Norfolk were the week end guests of Mrs. White’s mother, Mrs. Fannie Gibbs. Mrs. Henry Jorday and chil dren, Sandra and Grandis, of Norfolk spent Monday with Mrs. Ralph Craddock and family. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hooper for the holidays were: Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Umphlett and daughter, Rickie Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kelly and sons, Fred, Michael and Irving, of Nor- $ 2 °o| (IAuSESI P inl I $3.20 I fu,h ! ■ mSaWI ! | M proof. 70% Groin Ntuhol Spirits | I [ 6CO.MK Inc. MooavM«Mw root THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. CHRISTMAS PAGEANT DELIGHTS HATTERAS A Nice Program Presented Christ mas Eve in Which Little Folks Make Splendid Evening The Annual Christmas Pageant and program for children was given Dec. 24 at Hatteras church. Taking part in the pageant were Mrs. Harold Midgette as Mary, Ulysses Peele as Joseph; Roy Gray, Harold Midgette, Donald Oden as the three wise men; kev. Dan Meadows, Wheeler Ballance, Frank Gaskins as the three Shep herds; Donnie Oden, Shelia Gib son, Roberta Byrd, Ray Styron as the Angels; *Delores Burrus representing a Greek woman; Mitzie Oden a Dutch girl; Velma Stowe an Indian woman; Gwen nie Gray as a Japanese, represent ing many different nations. Mary Burrus represented an American. The lighting and costuming made the pageant impressive. The Christmas carols were given by the choir. The little folks had a splendid little service of recitations and songs. The church was beautifully de corated by Mrs. Dan Meadows, and by Mrs. Jack Hamer, who was the reader. PATRICK (Continued from Page One) says about him: Each afternoon at five the Chapel carillons fill the air with music. Usually manipulating the multisized bells is Roman Luther Patrick, student carilonneur and first year student in the medical school. R. L. (as everyone calls him) began his musical career at the age of eight when he began play ing the piano. The clarinet was next on his musical agenda, and he. spent two summers in the Transylvania Music Camp work ing with his woodwind. His ability on the ivory key board brought him to the atten tion of Miss Mildred Hendrix, who plays the carillons as well as the Chapel organ. Miss Hen drix suggested that he try the Chapel carillons. After working with Anton Brees, who plays at the Singing Tower in Florida in the winter and Duke in the sum mer, Patrick became student carillonneur, which position he has retained until now. When asked how it felt to play the carillons, he said, “It seems funny that you can make such a big sound.” The keyboard for the set is located beneath the bells and when they start work ing it can be rather noisy. The job of carillonneur is rare in the field of music. All caril lonneurs arrange their own mu sic written for the carillons. The carillon set consists of 50 bells ranging from ten to 11,200 pounds in weight. Cast in Eng land, they were originally pur chased for $60,000 in the depres sion days. A fair estimate of their present worth might be $200,000. folk, and Mr .and Mrs. Seldon Francis and children, Nelda and Leonard, of Manteo. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbs and sons, Billie and C. H., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mann, and Miss Rose Bratten of Norfolk were the holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bratten. Mack Beasley of Norfolk, visit ed his mother, Mrs. Beuna Beas ley, and brother, Robert Beasley, during the holidays. Mrs. R. H. Twiford had with her the holidays her son, Sammy'Meekins, USN, stationed in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Burgess and daughter, Levonia, have re turned to their home in Elizabeth City, after spending several days with Mrs. Burgess’ father, C. B. Midgett. TEe Capital 1 I 6URUNSTON HOTEL ■ f 100% perfect .. . comfort, W service, convenience. Excellent accommodations.., I ■ . warm, friendly atmosphere. v I . : <?■ HOTEL Ilh| WHU] ;HUH| Vermont Avenue, at Thomas Circle BUXTON PERSONALS Among those here during the Christmas holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rollinson, Mr .and Mrs. James Rollinson and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Beamon Hooper, Cantwell, Lindy and Curry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ronny Jennette, Gene Miller, Betty Ann Strickland,, Joe Barnett, Walter Barnett, Mrs. Estell Dobbs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Almy Jennette and son, Errall, of Elizebeth City spent Christmas here. Mrs. Christina Scarboro Dixie, husband and son, have been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Miller. They returned to their home in Norfolk Sunday. Rev. Andrew Sterling and fam ily of Dunn were guests of Mrs. Sterling’s mother, Mrs. Lula Jen nette, for the holidays. Mr .and Mrs. Elmar Gray and children were guests Christmas of Mr .and Mrs. Warren Midgett. Miss Agnes Fulcher returned to Suffolk after spending Christ mas at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Fulcher. The Maxton Peele family also spent the day with the Fulchers. Rufman Gray returned home from Elizabeth City with his father, Cyrus Gray, for a few days. Mr .and Mrs. Jack Johnston of Cape Point Restaurant and Mrs. Joyce Gray and chiludren spent Christmas in Vermont with rela tives. Harold Holton, joined his fam ily in Cresswell for the holidays. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Braxton and children have returned to their home in Cryden after spending Christmas here with Mrs. Cora Lee Casey. Mrs. Carrie Midgett is visiting her children in Baltimore, Md., and Norfolk, Va. Meriam Dijon spent the week end with his parents, also Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dixon and son, Bert 111 spent Christmas here with the Dixon family. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Word spent the holidays in Kentucky with relatives. Mr. LeFeure and Miss Davis, also of the Buxton School Faculty, spent Christmas at their homes. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Rayle and baby, spent the holidays in Greensboro and Edenton with their parents. Mrs. Martha Barnett is visiting BI iSS RM BUREAU CAN KEEP YOU DRIVING Slliil Here's a top dollar auto Intvrance policy which moots every require ment of new Safety-Responsibility law. • Low rotes may save you up to 25% • Claim service is prompt and fair • Policies ttandard, nonassess- I able . Protect your right to drive with one of the largest mutual insurers of Mtos In America. FOR INFORMATION, " SAM E. MIDGETT MANTEO, N. C. Phone 36 MISS MARY E. WILSON BRIDE OF DR. W. T. RALPH - In a quit wedding Saturday in the Episcopal church of Conway, S. C., Miss Mary Emma Wilson of Belhaven became the bride of Dr. W. T. Ralph, Belhaven dentist, Mayor of the town, and one of the most prominent men of Eastern Carolina. Following the wedding, the cou ple proceeded by automobile to Mi ami and other Florida points for a two weeks’ honeymoon. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Emma Wilson and the late Carl Wilson of Front Street in Belha ven. Until some months ago, she her children in Hertford and Norfolk. Mrs. Elleana Gilliken and chil dren spent Christmas here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nace Jennette. Mrs. Cyrus Gray’s mother has returned home after spending Christmas here with the Gray family. There will be a meeting of the Buxton P.T.A., Tuesday January 5 in the Cape Hatteras High School auditorium at, 7: p.m. All members are requested to be present. All YOU NffD for Your COUGH When colds, measles or flu leave you with a cough get Creomulsion quick because it soothes raw throat and chest membranes, loosens and helps expel germy phlegm, mildly relaxes systemic tension and aids nature fight the cause of irritation. You’ll like its results better than other medicine or druggist refunds your money. No narcotics. Pleasant to take. CREOMULSION seMovu Coughs, Chut Colds, Acute Bronchitis Bright Jewelry Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths VIRGINIA DARE HOTEL, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. 1953 Tax Listing Dates DARE COUNTY, N.C. The List Takers for the different Townships in Dare County will sit at the following places on the days specified below. At the places and on the following dates all property owners and taxpayers in Dare County are required to return to the List Taker for taxation, for the year 1954, all the Real Estate, Personal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the first day of January. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years are to list their polls during the same time. Return of Property and giving in of polls are required under the pains and penalties imposed by law. NAGS HEAD TOWNSHIP Mrs. Lucy Midgett, Tax Lister Wanchese Lillian Daniels Store January sth Wanchese Post Office— January 6th and 7th Manteo Court House January 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 18th and 20th Nags Head Post Office— January 21st and 22nd ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP - Mrs. Beulah Perry, Tax Lister Colington—Orlando Meekins Store—January sth Duck Woodson Midgett’s Store January 6th Kill Devil Hill Twiford’s Store January 7th and Bth Kitty Hawk Kitty Hawk School Bldg.— January 11th, 12th, and 13th CROATAN TOWNSHIP Mrs. Florence Jones, Tax Lister Stumpy Point George Payne’s Store January sth Stumpy Point Hooper Brother’s Store— Stumpy Point D. M. Gray’s Store January 6th January 7th Manns Harbor Duvall’s Store January Bth Manns Harbor Tom Tillett’s Store January 12th Mashoes Sam C. Basnight’s Store January 13th EAST LAKE TOWNSHIP Mrs. Nina Basnight, Tax Lister East Lake Post Office— January 9th East Lake C. C. Duvall’s Store January 16th KENNEKEET TOWNSHIP , Mrs. Rachel Austin, Tax Lister Avon O. G. Gray’s Store January sth and 6th Avon E. F. Scarborough’s Store January 7th Salvo Post Office— January Sth Waves A. H. Gray’s Store January 11th Rodanthe R. B. Payne’s Store January 12th HATTERAS TOWNSHIP Mrs. Edna Gray, Tax Lister Hatteras Hatteras School Bldg. January sth, 6th, and 7th Buxton H. J. Gray’s Store January 11th, 12th, and 13th Frisco Frisco Post Office— January 14th PENNEL A. TILLETT TAX SUPERVISOR MANTEO, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1954 had been employed in the offices of Woodstock Electric Membership Corp, in Belhaven. Radio - Television SERVICE and REPAIR All Makes and Models fl MANTEO Furniture Co. Phone 51-J Retail i Prlee F& 1 *2.10 ■ p en y ■ pints 1 86 Proof THE STRAIGHT WHISKEYS IN THIS PRODUCT ARE 4 YEARS OR MORE OLD. 35% STRAIGHT WHISKEY, AS% NEUTRAL SPIRITS, DISTILLED PROM GRAIN. trnaua t ran untd, nstu, uam

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