PAGE EIGHT MRS. KRIDER CALLED AWAY BY HER BROTHER’S DEATH Mrs. John A. Krider of Manteo was called Tuesday to Palmyra, Va. by the death of her brother, Verlin Kendrick. Mr. Kendrick was found drowned in a stream near his home Tuesay afternoon, following the finding of his car in the same stream Tuesday morning. Accord ing to information received in Man teo, Mr. Kendrick left home Fri day night and when he failed to return a search was begun. The ~ stream he was crossing was a small one which he had been accus tomed to ford and the cause of the accident has not yet been deter mined. Mrs. Krider was accompan ied to Palmyra by her son, John Krider, Jr., of the U. S. Coast Guard, Berkley. Va. s GRAVEYARD OF THE ATLANTIC By DAVID STICK Factual Accounts of Numerous Shipwrecks Along the Outer Banks $5.00 at Your Bookseller or from the Dare Press, Kitty Hawk, N. C. PIONEER THEATRE BB MANTEO. N. C SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 "BATTLE OF ROGUE RIVER" starring GEORGE MONTGOMERY SUNDAY : MONDAY "BENGAL BRIGADE" with ROCK HUDSON TUESDAY : WEDNESDAY ALAN LADD in "HELL BELOW ZERO" THURSDAY : FRIDAY "THE ADVENTURES OF HAJJI BABA" In Color Sportsmen! Fishermen! MAKE USE OF OUR LAY-A WAY PLAN! BE SURE YOU HAVE AN EVINRUDE MOTOR WHEN YOU NEED IT THIS SPRING. Small down payment will hold your 'I choice. Pay the balance on easy month ly installments. g--* --v BH ■ We have in stock all the 1955 models •o.B.c.eer- tilled brake HP t f /-* • J I 40UQ R.P.M. .A to choose from. Come in ana make your selection now. KELLOGG SUPPLY COMPANY MANTEO KILL DEVIL HILLS Phone 159 Phone 2181 • HONEY GIRLS Easter Parade In Fabulous NYLON Dainty Spring Cottons \ '{ Dan River Tissue Ginghams 1-3—3-6 X—7-14 | \ from $1.99 .. H t fed DAVIS WANTS TO SEE YOJU n ne 238 Manteo LOST COLONY TRYOUTS IN MANTEO MARCH 12 Following a pre-season custom since the symphonic drama was launched in 1937, there will be local tryouts for Lost Colony roles held here on Saturday night, March 12, it was announced to day by General Manager R. E. Jordan. The local pre-season casting will be under the direction of Supervisory Director Samuel Sel den, head of the dramatac arts de partment of the Univesity of North Carolina. He will also di rect casting later in the season at Chapel Hill for students and others seeking roles in The Lost Colony. “All Roanoke Island and Dare ■ Coastal residents interested in trying out for parts in The Lost Colony during its 15th season be- I ginning July 1, should be present at the March 12th tryouts here,” 1 said Jordan. “They will be held in the Manteo High School gym nasium beginning at 7:30 o’clock.” SUSAN KRIDER CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY WITH A PARTY Susan Krider celebrated her sec ond birthday Tuesday afternoon with a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Krider, in Manteo. A Valentine motif was carried out in decora tions and refreshments, which consisted of ice cream, cookies, candy hearts and soft drinks. The little guests included Ella and Shirley Shannon, Tommy Marshall, Paul and Spencer Smith, Julia, Tony, Walter and Larry Gray, Betty Dean Fearing, Stuart Wescott and Lanie Nixon. CAR OVERTURNS NEAR ENGELHARD MONDAY Damages estimated at S2OO were done to a 1955 Chevrolet which skidded about 240 feet and over turned Monday ten miles east of Engelhard on highway 264. The driver of the car, Joseph James Carleno of East Lake, was not in jured. Patrolman W. E. Williams in vestigated the wreck and charged Carleno with careless and reckless driving and failing to report an accident. BURIED TREASURE ATTRACTS PEOPLE WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER By FRANKLIN COCHRAN Buxton. Buried treasure at tracts a lot of people who should have enough sense to know better. I know better, but today I got to thinking again about Blackbeard and all that money and gold, spices and silk that he is supposed to have stashed around here on the Outer Banks. Os course we don’t take the spic es too seriously nowadays, nor the silks and satins, and fine raiment. We’ve got Heinz and du Pont to take care of those articles, but so far, no one has found a satisfactory subsitute for money and that other stuff I mentioned. I thought about buried treasure a lot last summer and just about came to the conclusion that I could j figure out where a guy like Black- | beard would hide some of the, stuff. This week, flying down to j Ocracoke after I had deposited my | passenger on the beach near the ; Coast Guard Station, I decided on the return flight over the island I would have another look at that big, boxlike shape in the sandhills | that was partly uncovered by the I hurricanes. It was a cold day and the heater , in the little airplane wasn’t work- J ing. Flying alone with my hands ; under my armpits and wishing I ■ could get my feet under too, I lin ed up my old landmarks and there she was, in the same place I had first discovered it. Last Fall I wondered and fretted about this big, square-shaped and box-like ob ject in the sandhill so much that it just wore me out thinking about it. Actually taking a trip down ; there for the specific purpose of I examining it occurred to me many times, but for fear of being needled by my friends, I just kept putting it off until I just wouldn’t fly near it anymore. But this week, I just got to thinking that a fellow could come pretty close to guessing where a ■ pirate like Blackbeard might try | to bury his loot. For instance, say you are a pi- . rate. I don’t mean to say you are ; dishonest. Just say you goofed | once and couldn’t quit. Then say I you swung into operation around i the turn of the 18th Century with ; all the opportunities to investigate i the interesting cargoes of ships of j all nations. There were a lot of, opportunities for a young man to . make a living during that period, especially if that young man hap pened to be a successful pirate., Blackbeard was definitely a sue- i cessful pirate, otherwise why did they go to so much trouble and ex I pense to cut his head off. So being a lucky and successful ■ Pirate, Biackbeard must have made ' a lot of money and this is where : you come in. If you were a Blackboard, where j would you do your banking ? The answer’s very simple, you wouldn’t bank, you would bury. See how far you’ve gone already toward find ing a treasure. Now the next step is where I would you bury it? From here on out, deduction becomes a little more difficult. Under the ground, of course, but the ground around on Ocracoke Island is likely to wash away a bit from time to time around the edges. Much of the shoreline cannot be depended to stay put in one place for too long. Even if you know this, what then, would you do. Now you're really beginning to click on your deduction and I am sure you can go on from this point to find the spot of buried treasure by yourself. Its really simple, when you go about deducing the right way. Just get the facts and go on from there. I got to this same stage of reas oning last Summer and was just on the verge of uncovering some thing important, I hoped, when Channel Bass began to bite. And since it was too cold on that flight this week, even to think, I decided to let further deduction go until the weather warms up. That shouldn’t be long though, because they’re saying here that “Spring is just the Point.” Tell you what, though. You come on down here next May or earlier, and I’ll fly you down to Ocracoke and show you the big, box-like thing buried in the sandhill. Six hundred twenty Americans die of cancer every day. Strain and save bacon fat; re frigerate it in a covered container. When you are baking potatoes rub the scrubbed skins With some of the fat. DANGER! It It Dangerous to Neglect Cough from Common Cold Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you Cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion. It goes into the bronchial system to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchialmembranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote by special process with other time-tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. Get a large bottle of Creomulsion at your drug store. Use it all as directed. Creomulsion is guaranteed to please you or druggrt refunds money. Adv. ■ THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO. N. C. BEARDS SPROUTING ON SEVERAL CHINS Beards are sprouting and being cultivated on many chins along the Dare Coast and as time moves along there will be many mere started. It is not a case of people forgetting to shave, according to David Stick of Kill Devil Hills. “Tt-Py pv e growing beards for the Dare Coast Pirate Jamboree,” said Stick, who is chairman of the “beard growing committee” of this event planned as an official vacation season launcher bn April 29-May 1. To take part in the beard growing contest which offi cially opened February 1, a per son does not have to sign any en trance papers, all they have to do is grow hair on their chin, which they may cultivate in any man ner they wish. The general idea is to grow a beard that you think would be .most suitable for a pi rate, whether long or short, trim med or otherwise. Judging of beards will be a fea ture of the Pirate Ball on Satur day night, April 30, and appro priate prizes will be awarded the winners, Stick stated. BROKEN NECK AND OTHER INJURIES FOLLOW ACCIDENT Mrs. Murray Bridges is in the Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City, suffering with a broken ne'-k and a dislocated vertebra following ’an accident Surdev night. Mrs. Bridges and their small child were accompanying Mr. Bridges to Norfolk, where he is stationed with the Navy, when their car left the road a short dis tance south of Coinjock. The car went in a ditch and hit a concrete bridge, throwing Mrs. Bridges out. Others in the car, Mr. Bridges and the baby, Meriest Simpson, who was returning to Norfolk where he ’s with the Coast Guard, and Mr. Hawkins, friends of the Bridges family were uninjjured. MRS. DUVALL’S BROTHER DIES IN CHARLESTON, S. C. Mrs. Mattie Duvall of Manns Harbor received notice Sunday of the death of her brother, Arthur Jarvis Leary of R. F. D. 3, Cherry Hill, in Charleston, S. C. He was 72 years old and a native of Hert ford, the son of the late Ebenezer E. and Laura Foreman Leary. He had lived in Charleston for sev eral years. He was a retired lum berman, a Methodist and a Mascn. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Pauline Combs Leary; three sons, A. J. Leary, Jr. and John E. Leary of Charleston, 'and Guy E. Leary of Troy, N. C. Three daughters, Mrs. George D. Ducker, Jr. of North Charleston, Mrs. Luther W. Moore of Forsan, Texas and Mrs. Marshall B. Cox of Sweetwater, Texas, and 16 grandchildren. How many “horses’ would you like ? ' ■ x '' ' ' Irafl Isrwiitl w wmi . w w™ ,o O O HIBBBMII ■■■■cß MmMSHHMni MMMKMmH 180 H.P. Created for drivers who demand blazing acceleration, tha “Super Turbo-Fire VB”* offers com- • ; J^^s=s’ Ss Tr^= s K manding plus-performance. I r ''''^~- ... ■.' 162 H.P. A tjlk-lined cyclone of power, the “Turbo- Fire V 8" boasts the shortest stroke and highest com- ffiß Hr' pression in its .field. *■ W, i \ 136 H.P. With Powerglide*, the “Blue-Flame 136“ £/ z gives the ease of automatic shifting at lowest price, with 6-cylinder economy. 123 H.P. Lowest in initial cost, ultra-thrifty, the A Blue- V Flame 123” 6 is the world's yardstick for value Mid- 111 ~ “-.HB.y. motor amic No matter which engine you choose, you get Chev- -»--.■< y-r-w T -r'l m rolet’s sparkling new body design. You get a velvety f’ T-T p.V Jj'R ride you never expected in a low-priced car, the easy A *■ ’ XV VZ Xu ±J X flexing of Glide-Ride front suspension, the effortless- • .rr,. 1 !!??? „ -s’?? ness of ball-race steering. You get your pick of three Ujr£Mjjty modern drives, a full range of power assists. . . . But drive a Chevrolet and learn the whole big story! Stealing the thunder jrom the High-Priced Cars! Hassell & Creel Motor Co., Inc. PHONE 87 MANTEO, N. C. PARKING AREAS AND APPROACH ROADS ON SEASHORE PARK Many Facilities Under Construc tion; Water Supply Sought Parking areas and approach roads for a new bathing beach at the Cape Hatteras National Sea shore Recreational Area are now being constructed. Work on facili ties for the public bathing beach which is just south of the Admin istration Building of the National Seashore has been in full swing, for more then a week. The State Highway Department, working under contract with the National Park Service, is constructing a wide approach road that makes a long sweeping curve from the ex isting headquarters parking area southward toward the Bodie Is land Lighthouse. Parking areas are to be located at the point where the road comes closest to the ocean. Bath houses, dressing rooms and other visitor facilities ; will be located between the park ing area and beach. Highway Engineer Tom Moran, and Engineer Warren Oliver, from the Philadelphia Office of the National Park Service, were at the National Seashore for sev eral days inspecting road con struction and planning for instal lation of sanitary facilities. Mr. Oliver, NPS expert on water sup ply and sewerage disposal, con sidered the problem of an ade quate fresh water supply for the beach development. Arrange ments were made for the drilling of a series of test holes in the vicinity of the proposed struc tures. Mr. Oliver is back in the area supervising drilling opera- QUALITY PLUMBING When you need plumbing service and want quality work—call the plumber's number—Manteo 52. (S JOBS LARGE AND SMALL COMPLETE BATHROOMS I I Beautifully Finished M EASY TERMS AVAILABLE hot point APPLIANCES K 1 MIDGETT & MIDGETT PLUMBING & HEATING CO. MANTEO, N. C. tions. Geologist Bennett Gale, Wash ington, and Chief of Interpreta tion J. C. Harrington, Richmond, arrived at the National Seashore on the 6th and will stay through the 11th for the purpose of deter mining the most effective means of presenting the area to the pub lic. Particular attention is being given to exhibits for the Bodie Is land Museum of Natural History. During the visit, Bodie, Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands were in spected. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin | COUNTRY | I isj CiWTIEMAI1 1 = STRAIGHT IBOURBON 1 WHISKEY g ir® 6 -i = H fl 86 PROOF ' = == K ‘M Bi J “ V •ovYLto 0v " ZZZZ7 I. A. OOUGHUTH SONS. Ing, DfiTHURS zz; ——. ESTABLISHED 184® . PHILADELPHIA . —— = T PT. ==. || BOTTLED BY J. A. DOUGHERTY'S SONS, INC. DISTILLERS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. EE BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 ROTARY LADIES NIGHT AT CAROLINIAN FEBRUARY 21 The time set for Ladies Night of the Manteo Rotary Club is at 7 p.m. at the Carolinian Hotel at Nags Head on Monday night, Feb ruary 21. The club expects this to be one of their biggest programs of the year. The Committee this meeting is as follows: l( £ Swain, Dick Jordan and AyJfu’k Brown. Turkey and trimmings will be served.