FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1957 CLASSIFIED • ADVERTISING . ADVERTISING IN THESE COLUMNS COSTS THREE CENTS PER WORD, FIRST INSERTION; ALL INSERTIONS AFTER FIRST, TWO CENTS PER WORD. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 50 CENTS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, RENT, SELL, SWAP. GET A JOB, HIRE HELP, FIND SOMETHING LOST, THE CLASSIFIEDS OFFER AN EFFEC TIVE AND ECONOMICAL MEDIUM. Visit ANDERSON’S SUPER MARKET-BEACH STORE at two mile post Vacation headquar ters. Open year ’round. Write BILL ANDERSON’S RENTAL AGENCY, KITTY HAWK, reser vations, oceanfront housekeeping cottages. T-4-8-tfc FOR AUTO LIABILITY and fire insurance on Hatteras Island, See Ivey Batten, Hatteras. T-l-11-tfc VISIT OUR greennouse and nur sery for geraniums, begonias, foliage plants, cacti, African vio lets; also, camellias, azaleas, red berried pyracantha, oleander, holly, daphne, and many other evergreen plants in cans for your convenience. Roanoke Island Gardens, Manteo, N. C. T-5-10-tfc HOMS IMPROVEMENTS—Roof ing, siding, garages built, rooms added, baths installed complete, brick and cement work, painting or anything else you want to im prove your home. Pay nothing down, 36 months to pay. See Charles Haskett or phone 5704 Elizabeth City. T-8-9-tfc ARTIFICIAL BREEDING of your cows to purebred, proven stocks is both profitable and economical Thia service available to family cow owners, beef producers, dairy herds. All dairy and beef breeds available. Call H. E. Clayton, Bel haven WH 3-3206. P-10-4-tfc SPECIAL MARK .DOWN on Typewriters. Students may take advantage of low prices from now until September 20th. Times Print ing Co., Inc., Manteo, N. C. OFFICE SUPPLIES. Loose leaf ledgers, ledger sheets, columnar sheets, columnar pads; 200-page and 300-page single entry ledgers; day books, counter books, type writer ribbon, typewriter erasers, typewriter cleaner, and many «th er items needed for daily use in your office. TIMES PRINTING CO., Manteo, N. C. Phone 44. FOR SALE: 32 volt D. C. equip ment, bargain, good condition. Delco power plant with batteries, electric bulbs, % h.p. motor, elec tric shaver, Kill Devil Hills, Box 217. T-8-23-3tp EQUIPMENT BARGAINS—Large card file cabinet; steel shelving and cabinets; display rack for self service store; accounting table with two drawers, and many other office and store values. Times Printing Co., Manteo, N. C. FOR SALE: 30-inch Westinghouse range, large oven. Also double drainboard porcelain sink. See Vir gie Sobel, Wanchese. T-9-6-2tp GRACE and poise for girls and boys—Classes in tap, ballet, toe, ballroom. Enroll Thursday, Sept. 'sth st the High School Auditorium with Norma Armstrong from 3:00 to 4:00. P-9-5-2tc FOR RENT by month. 2-bedroom cottage, furnished. Gas kitchen and gas heat. Phone Nags Head 8192. T-9-6-2tc POSITION OPEN IMMEDIATE- LY for case work assist ant Requires four-year college degree. Good beginning salary, ex cellent working conditions. Contact Welfare Department, San Quarter, N. C. phone 27-7. H-9-5-2tc HARDWOOD: FIREWOOD for heater, fireplace, etc. Cut any length. Earl Topping, Topping’s Wood Yard, Scranton, N. C. Phone Swan Quarter 14-1. H-9-5-4tc CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all my friends and relatives for the lovely cards, flowers, letters and gifts that were sent me while I was in Fowie Memorial Hospital. Also want to thank Dr. L. H. Swindell and all the nurses for being so nice to me while there. MRS. ORA B. BERRY Don’t Miss Getting A Copy of The OLD SEA CAPTAIN and THE DRUMMER Here is a spicy booklet of dialogue between two coastland characters. They deal with many subjects in their salty, racy conversations. Ask for it at $1 per copy at the local dealers on the Coast. If they are out of it, get it postpaid. Mail your dol lar to THE OLD SEA CAPTAIN P. O. Box 428 MANTEO, N. C. For your insurance needs see W. R. PEARCE, Manteo, N. C. All kinds of insurance LAWNMOWER REPAIRING. We repair all makes of power lawn mowers and air cooled engines. Large stock of parts on hand for Wisconsin, Clinton and Briggs and Stratton engines. Free pickup and delivery on island. Satisfaction guaranteed. ALEX’S REPAIR •SHOP, Wanchese, N. C. Phone 248-J2. T-3-l-tfc CEMETERY MEMORIALS. You save the middle man’s profit at J. Winton Sawyer’s, 405 South Road Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. TPH-4-11-tfc ACREAGE FOR SALE near Wright Memorial, Kitty Hawk district, North Carolina. Write Box 1590, c/o Times office, Man teo, N. C. T-6-21-lltc THE OLD SEA CAPTAIN AND DRUMMER Book sl, postpaid. Get this racy book of dialogue from Cape Hatteras and the N. Q Coastland. Send it to your friends, 6 copies $5 postpaid. Times Print ing Co., Inc., Manteo, N. C. ARTISTS SUPPLIES. Speed ball sets, India ink, black drawing ink, silver ink, white ink, drawing paper. TIMES PRINTING CO., Inc., Manteo. tc FOR SALE—2 lots on paved road in Hatteras Village. For infor mation contact C. W. Burrus, Jr., 8328 Dickson Drive, Norfolk, Va. -7-19-tfc FOR SALE: Cabinet-style pedal sewing machine, in good condi tion. See Mrs. W. G. Credle, Swan Quarter, N. C. H-8-29-2tc BOAT and motor wanted, 22 to 24 feet. Write what you have to offer. Describe, state condition and price asked. Address “Boat,” Box 428, Manteo, N. C. WANTED—Ambitious man be tween the ages of 25 to 60 years of age to take over business in Hyde County. Hustler can make up to SIOO a week serving hun dreds of satisfied Watkins custo mers. National Advertising. Field help provided. No capital invest ment required outside of automo bile. This opportunity will be snapped up fast. Better write to day -the J. R. Watkins Company, P. O. Box 5071, Richmond, Vir ginia. H-8-29-3tc INDEPENDENT insurance agen cies can and will “serve you first.” Contact us for yours now. Hugh Fortescue, Washington. TPH-8-29-tfc CONTRACTING, home building anywhere from Manteo to Ocra coke. Contact James C. O’Neal, Ocracoke. T-8-30-10tp WANTED AT ONCE—Rawleigh Dealer in Hyde and Tyrrell Counties. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCI-480-R, Richmond, Va. H-9-5-4tp BUNGALOW FOR SALE; 5 rooms, bath, electric hot water heater, gas range, and refrigera tor, furniture if desired; 3% acres; public road, Mashoes, N. C. W. H. Mann, Manns Harbor, N. C. T-9-6-4tp MRS. T. H. BLOUNT is now tak- ing orders for Christmas cards. Call Belhaven 3-3376. P-9-5-tfc FOR SALE. Display meat case, refrigerated; one set scales; Pepsi-Cola drink box. See O. S. Meekins, Colington, or call Kill Devil Hills 3211. T-9-6-2tp CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank my many friends and relatives who remembered me with gifts, cards, visits and their many kind wishes while I was a patient in the Marine Hospital, Norfolk. ELLA MIDGETT BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Th. birth of a now car. th. Ed*.l, i« announced by Ford Motor Company of Drarborn, Mlchiaon. You ar. cordially Invited to w. This n«w.»t addition to th. Ford Family of Fin. Car* at your*t Edel dealer. BUS SCHEDULES BETWEEN MANTEO AND HATTERAS Effective January 27, 1956 NORTHBOUND Lv. Hatteras 8:45 A.M. Ar. Manteo 11:20 A.M. SOUTHBOUND Lv. Manteo -- 2:30 P.M.