PAGE EIGHT COURT (Continued from Page One) brakes and no reflector, $5 'fine and costs. Edward Willard Wise, Nags Head, driving too close behind an other vehicle, 'causing an accident, $5 fine and costs. Joffre R. Bryant, Wilmington, Delaware, speeding 80 m.p.h., $25 fine and costs. Cary Worth Stetson, Wanchese, drunk and disorderly, $25 fine and costs. FISHING (Continued from Page One) “Some of Ae trotA went to fine pounds each,•and they were taken in waters close by the spot where channel bass were being taken,” said Hooper. Ranny Jennette, who reported the Starmont catch, stated that more channel bass in the 40-peund class had been taken during past two days than at any time since the State enacted limits of two daily for fish of this size two years ago. (TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY) LOST: one pair black leather bal let shoes, child’s size 12%C. Thought lost between post office and Ben Franklin store in Manteo Thursday, Oct. 24. ’Finder please call 200-W. ltnc •" PIONEER : . THEATRE ' « MANTEO, N. C. , 1 SATURDAY ONLY | * November 2 , I ‘ THE LAND UNKNOWN" 1 I with 1 g JOCK MAHONEY I t SUNDAY : MONDAY 1 f ROBERT TAYLOR' I in I 1 "TIP ON A DEAD JOCKEY" , ' TUESDAY : WEDNESDAY | * "SOMETHING OF VALUE" , • with l ROCK HUDSON » • THURSDAY : FRIDAY « JUNE ALLYSON I I in ■ "INTERLUDE" , ■ SCUT OUT AND SAVES ■ mm FOR KEROSENE AND FUEL OIL DELIVERIES CONTACT CraddockOil Co. AMOCO DISTRIBUTOR I MANNS HARBOR, N. C. Phone 362-J2 THE SHAPE OF TOMORROW IS HERE! 1958 Westinghouse Speed Electric Range ■ y Biggest Value H | jgSjjSpSßj I- jr Money Can Buy! f|BSEEggggg||| LITTLE AS $25 ■ )WN PAYMENT ■rms arranged to it your budget K J ___^ 4* lM