FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1958 CLASSIFIED • ADVERTISING. ADVERTISING IN THESE COLUMNS COSTS THREE CENTS PER WORD, FIRST INSERTION; ALL INSERTIONS AFTER FIRST, TWO CENTS PER WORD. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 50 CENTS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY. RENT. SELL, SWAP, GET A JOB, HIRE HELP. FIND SOMETHING LOST. THE CLASSIFIEDS OFFER AN EFFEC TIVE AND ECONOMICAL MEDIUM. Visit ANDERSON’S SUPER MARKET-BEACH STORE at two mile post Vacation headquar ters. Open year ’round. Write BILL ANDERSON’S RENTAL AGENCY, KITTY HAWK, reser vations, oceanfront housekeeping cottages. T-4-8-tfc HOME IMPROVEMENTS—Roof ing, siding, garages built, rooms added, baths installed complete, brick and cement work, painting or anything else you want to im prove your home. Pay nothing down, 36 months to pay. See Charles Haskett of phone 5704 Elizabeth City. T-8-9-tfc OFFICE SUPPLIES, PRINTING orders for printing of all kinds filled promptly. We print forms,’ blanks, letterheads, statements, en velopes. Order from your Pilot and Herald Agent, or Times Printing Co., Manteo, N. C. We carry book keeping supplies, and some office furniture. z INDEPENDENT insurance agen cies can and will “serve you first.” Contact us for yours now. Hugh Fortescue, Washington. TPH-8-29-tfc CAMELLIAS, azaleas, hollies, va riety of evergreen plants 1.00 up; Pyracantha (red berried) 1.00; nice flowering trees and shrubs; Juniper, Cypress, Arborvitae; Let us help you to make your home more beautiful. Roanoke Island Gardens, Manteo, N. C. Corner Mother Vineyard Rd. T-l-24-tfc PICK-UP TRUCK, fate model half ton Chevrolet, 30,000 miles, new rubber all around, radio and heat er. Times Printing Co., Manteo, N. C. T-5-23t HELP WANTED—Do you want a good, profitable and permanent I business of your own in Hyde and Tyrrell Counties? Write Raw leigh’s, Dept. NCE-480-565-A, Richmond, Va. PH-5-l-stp I FOR SALE: Hatteras Village. 114 acres, 3 houses (two 1-bedroom; I one 4-bedroom') frame construc s tion, waterfront. E. E. Meekins, | realtor, phone Manteo 101. T-5-2-3tc I CAFE STOVE and grille for sale cheap. Owen’s Restaurant, Nags I Head, N. C. T-4-25-3tc I SEASHORE VACATIONS on Hat teras Island near Oregon Inlet, I at tow cost family-style boarding. I Phone 130, Mirlo Beach Lodge, Ro- I danthe. Write for information. I ARTISTS SUPPLIES. Speed ball K sets, India ink, black drawing I ink, silver ink, white ink, drawing I paper. TIMES PRINTING CO., I Inc.. Manteo. tc I ARTIFICIAL BREEDING of your 1 cows to purebred, proven stocks I is both profitable and economical. I This service available to family Bcovr owners, beef producers, dairy ■ herds. All dairy and beef breeds ■ available. Call H. E. Clayton, Bel lhaven WH 3-3206. P-10-4-tfc ■SAVE YOUR FLOORS and nice H tfle; use plastic and rubber cups ■under your desk and furniture legs. ■Alt sizes in stock. Times Printing Manteo, N. C. 9 For your insurance needs see ■W. R. PEARCE, Manteo, N. C. H Air kinds of insurance ■FOR YOUR insurance needs con ■act the Outer Banks Insurance ■\gency. T-4-H-4tc ■RUBBER STAMPS made to order, ■ stamp pads, etc. Leave orders at B'*ilot and Herald Office, in Bel- Biaven or Swan Quarter. ■IFFICE FOR RENT: Manteo, ■ three rooms, 1400 feet floor ■pace. Call Dare Coast Associates, ■all Devil Hills, 3542. « T-2-28-tfc ■IAN OR WOMAN—Established I Watkins Route Available in Bel ■aven. No experience necessary in ■iiii area. Write P. O. Box 5071, ißepartnient S-3, Richmond, Va. PH-4-10-4tp |BOR SALE: 260’ frontage north j|lof Salvo, highway to Park Serv- JBe line. E. E. Meekins, realtor, Mione Manteo 101. T-5-2-3tc jjBAN wanted to supply Rawleigh H Products to consumers in Hyde Bui Tyrrell Counties. Big insecti- Bde season just ahead. Good time start. No capital required, ■rite Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCD-480- ■|3-B, Richmond, Va. H-4-3-4tp BuRLITZER SPINET Piano at ■Nags Head real bargain. Custo mer giving up on account health, ■he up payments on balance due ■ve us picking it up. E. R. ■OLE MUSIC COMPANY, RA ■iIGH, N. C. T-4-25-’<’tc BBBi * CO2 fire extinguishers, S2O each or two for $35. USCG approved. G. G. Bonner, General Supply Co., Manteo. Tel. 4-W. T-11-8-tfc FOR SALE: Mashoes—2 bedroom furnished house, frame construc tion, ideal for fishing and hunting. Sound frontage. E. E. Meekins, realtor, phone Manteo 101. T-5-2-3tc THE OLD SEA CAPTAIN AND DRUMMER Book sl, postpaid. Get this racy book of dialogue from Cape Hatteras and the N. C. Coastland. Send it to your friends, 6 copies $5 postpaid. Times Print ing Co., Inc., Manteo, N. C. FOR AUTO LIABILITY and fire insurance on Hatteras Island, See Ivey Batten, Hatteras. T-l-11-tfc REAL ESTATE on Coast. If in terested in buying or selling Coastal property of any kind, try the MIRLO CO., Phone 244, Man teo, N. C. WAIT FOR: JIMMIE’S REFRIG ERATION will be here to serve the coastal area on or before May Ist. Refrigeratirn—Air Condition sales and service. 27 years experi ence. Manteo 366-J2. T-4-18-2tp LAWN MOWER REPAIRING. We repair all makes of lawnmowers and small gasoline engines. Parts available for all makes and models. Satisfaction guaranteed. ALEX’S REPAIR SHOP, Wanchese, N. C. Phone 248-J2. T-5-2-tfc TO HAVE YOUR lawn mowed, call Paul Mayo, Manteo 73-J. T-4-25-4tc WOMAN. WANTED for waitress work. Owen’s Restaurant, Nags Head, N. C. Phone 8651. T-4-25-3tc WORK WANTED by man, 35, white. Experienced in apartment and motel management; also has worked in ocean pier house. If in terested write Samuel Dick, Kitty Hawk, N. C. T-4-25-2tc FOR SALE: Building site in Town of Manteo 71’ x 159*. E. E. Meekins, realtor .phone Manteo 101. T-5-2-3tc HALLETT F. PERRY SEEKS RENOMINATION FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner from At lantic Township, Dare County, N. C., subject to the Democrat Pri mary, May 31, 1958. I solicit your vote and support in the forthcom ing election and if elected, promise to do my very best for all the people of the County in all matters coming before the Board for its consideration. I believe I am com petent and capable of serving on the Board of County Commission ers, having had experience as a member for several years. My sole interest is to serve all sections of the County to the best of my ability and to see that every one gets a square deal. Your vote and support will be appreciated. HALLETT F. PERRY ” Kitty Hawk. N. C. ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I announce myself a candidate for Commissioner representing the Mainland District, Dare Coun ty, N. C., subject to the May Pri mary. I solicit your vote and sup port in the forthcoming election. My decision to present myself as a candidate for this office was made after considering the many requests from citizens of this dis trict as well a« from other parts of the county. My sole interest is to serve all sections of the county to the best of my ability; if elected I shall work toward that end. HORACE B. HOOPER Stumpy Point, N. C. T-4-11-Ytc NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY The undersigned having duly qualified as the administrator of the Estate of Melton V. Hooper, deceased, late of the above named county and state, all persons hav ing claims of whatsoever nature against the said Melton V. Hooper, deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit the said claim or claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to the said Melton V. Hooper, deceased, are hereby requested to pay the said indebtedness to the undersigned immediately. ■ This the 2nd day of May, 1958. FLOYD L. HOOPER 'Administrator T-U-2-Btc INVESTIGATION IN VIRGINIA MAN'S DEATH CONTINUES Suicide Motive May Be Sought in View of Big Life Insurance Policies The will of Charles Hurst Mar tin, Virginia man, whose body was recovered from a canal at Fair field three weeks ago, has been probated in the courthouse at Rocky Mount, Va., and his estate is valued at only SI,OOO, real and personal property. It makes no mention of any life insurance car ried by him, and leaves his prop erty to his wife and son. Investigation by insurance men continues into circumstances lead ing to his death. Mr. Martin had come to Fairfield on April 5, a few days after buying a $50,000 life insurance policy, with double in demnity clause. It meant SIOO,OOO for accidental death. His total life insurance was reported at a quar ter million dollars. Early on Sunday morning, April 6, he left Lindsay Sadler’s Motel at Fairfield, where he had spent the night, saying he would return shortly for breakfast. He was not seen until his body was brought un from the bottom of the Fairfield steamboat canal on Sunday, April 13. The body was inside the 1950 Plymouth which Mr. Martin had borrowed from a dealer in Martins ville, Va., saying he had to make a quick business trip to North Carolina while his Cadillac was being repaired. It developed his Cadillac was in hock for $1,700 and he was three months behind in his payment. Also he was being sought by Fed eral officers in connection with a big distillery operation in Balti more. His wife reported to officers that she dreamed he was dead in the bottom of a canal. She and Mr. Martin had both lived at Fair field two years ago. His son and Jim Watson of Fairfield saw tire marks on the road, which indicated a northbound car had run sos the road some two miles north of Fairfield. They lo cated the car by punching around with a pole. Jesse Taylor, Belhaven garage man lifted the car from the deep canal, and inside was found Mr. Martin’s body. Mr. Taylor says there was noth ing apparently wrong mechanical ly with the car, other than the left front tire had gone flat during the week from a slow leak. Also that brake fluid had leaked out. It would have taken a right hand flat to run the car overboard. Mr. Martin had been a big oper ator in trucking, lumbering, farm ing and real estate development in Sydnorsville, Va. and nearby points. STATEMENT BY DAVID STICK FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP I have filed as a candidate' for Commissioner from Atlantic! Township subject to the Demo-1 cratic primary. I am associated with no political | clique, nor am I bound by promises to any individual or special group, and except for my wife no one has been consulted concerning my candidacy. In the event the voters of Dare County should elect me to this position, I promise them simply that I will not come under the domination of any so-called politi cal leader; that I will do my best to approach each new problem with an open mind; that I will make my final decision in each instance on the basis of what I feel is best for the prosperity, progress and well being of Dare County as a whole; that I will state my position clearly on each issue as it arises; and that I will conduct my public business in pub lic and not behind closed doors. As a resident of Dare County since 1929 I have attempted to participate in civic activities when ever called on, to keep well inform ed on county affairs, and to learn as much as I could about the pres ent and future needs of the county. I feel that my past experience as a reporter covering the county government in Manteo, the State Capitol in Raleigh, and the Na tional Capitol in Washington, and as a writer concentrating on the history of Dare County, would be useful to a member of the Board of County Commissioners. I do not solicit the vote of any individual who would expect spe cial consideration from me in ex change for such support. On the basis of the above state ment I submit my name to the voters of Dare County. DAVID STICK Colington T-5-2-stc Keep America Green VMt YWB 4TAMPFIMI THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. WATERWAYS WILL CONTINUE TO BRING TREASURE TO THE PAMLICO REGION OSfck HOME INDUSTRY, and HOME RESOURCEFULNESS should be watchwords for progress for any region on which* nature has smiled so favorably as upon the Pungo-Pamlico area of the N. C. Coastland. From earliest days our waterways have yielded rich treasures in fish and oysters; these waters have borne our commerce in and out when the rich harvest of the forests were shipped northward from the lum ber mills, and our supplies came in at low rates. Our waters will continue to bring us profits, if we adapt them to today’s needs. For every fishing or oyster boat that a depleted industry has caused to depart these waters, there have come a dozen other craft, making their way to and from New York and Florida and points in be tween. Often they stop over at our inland waterway points, and the business from yachts is now rapidly increasing in importance in our income. Belhaven is doing much to capitalize on the needs of boatmen, what railways and marinas, its hotels and stores get new business. Newest accommodation for yachts in Belhaven are the greatly improved and enlarged facilities of the Jordan Oil Company, now near completion. CRAFT SHOP SPONSORED BY ST. ANDREWS AUXILIARY For some time, there has been an increasing demand from the tourists to. this area, for locally made crafts. The visitors are especially interested in articles made by the native people—gifts which are indicative of this area and have a flavor of the sea. The “Native Craft” Shop will open on' June first in Manteo, across from the Court House, and will operate during the coming summer months. The shop will be sponsored by the Woman’s Auxil iary of St. Andrews by the Sea, Episcopal Church in Nags Head. The women of the church have as their motive, a desire to stimu late in the people living on the Outer Banks, air interest in the making of handcrafts, not only as a source of earnings, but as a worthwhile occupation of their spare time, particularly during the long months of winter. Many people in this area are skilled in working with their hands, but have never had a market for their crafts. Many more would like to learn the various crafts, but have never had an opportunity to discover for themselves the fasci nation of turning out attractive and useful articles at practically no cost. The “Native Craft” shop will serve as a market for crafts made not only in this area, but from other localities as well. All articles will be accepted for sale on con signment only. Wood carvings, ship models, hand weaving, braided cotton rugs, hooked rugs, jewely, children’s clothes, ceramics, metal work, THnrs a ran X. _ ■ STONY POINT t y 1 Under cover op darkness. American troops \ UNDER GEN. "MAO ANTHONY-WAYNE STORMED AND IT x TOOK THE BRITISH FORT AT STONY POINT ON THE X HUDSON RIVER. TO DISTINGUISH HIS MEN FROM THE » IFTjIRWW enemy, the WOUHOSO WAYNE mao each man f ” E * R A S^UMe WMn WE* IN UK H*V PIONEERS! |.-J '9OJ the h*st m TEMKCONTINENTAI- Al)TO TRIP WAS COMPLETED FROM SA\ FRANCISCO TO NFW YORK THE PAY OFF IS WHAT COUNTS, ANO BETTER-THAN-EVER U.E. SAVINS9EONDS ARC HAYING OFF.' THAT'S WHY NOU ANO NOU* SAVINGS OOUAM SHOULD CONSIDER THE GREAT aCNERTS OF BONOS. TNBY'RE «UR», «AR*"ANO MOMTMKriM. hand made dolls and home-made jams, jellies, pickles, are among the many items, which the shop i plans to carry. s| Those who make crafts and are ’ interested in having a market for i them, should contact Mrs. W. A. >j Williams, Oregon Inlet road, by > I visit, letter or telephone as soon i as possible. In Manteo contact | Mrs. W. W. Harvey, Box 3025, I phone 33. ■ ■ ~... , . j | HATTERAS WEDDING J The marriage of Miss Minnie . Laura Gillikin, daughter of Mr. I and Mrs. Leonard Gillikin, to Mil ’ I lard Ballance, Jr., son of Mr. and .'Mrs. Willard Ballance, took place ! Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Hatteras , Methodist Church. , The Rev. Ray Sparrow perform . ed the ceremony., The bride wore a street length . dress of white nylon and a corsage , of red roses. I After the ceremony, a reception , I was held at the church. Later, the i cA’>nle left for a short wedding ' trip. > ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra ' trix of the estate of Dennett Hen- • ry Ransom of Frisco, Dare County, ■ North Carolina, this is to notify ’ all persons having claims against the estate of said Dennett Henry I Ransom to present them to the • undersigned within one year from i date of this notice or same will, be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail nerso"« indebted to said estate please malce immediate payment. , This the 28th day of April, 1958. , ELLA MAY RANSOM i Frisco, N. C. . T-5-2-6tc SPEEDING MOST EXPENSIVE THING DRIVER MAY DO Raleigh.—Some Tar Heel motor ists seem to feel a childish urge now and then to show off by tramping on the gas and roaring down the highway at breakneck speed, Major W. B. Lentz of the State Highway Patrol declared this week. “But, if these show off motorists would consider what their speeding is costing them in the terms of dollars, it might make better and more careful drivers out of them,” he added. Major Lentz is head of the pa trol’s communications and trans portion division. He was speaking in behalf of the Motor Vehicles De partment’s year around campaign against excessive speed. “The slogan ‘Speeders Lose’ is true in every sense of the word,” Major Lentz said. “Not only do speeders endanger often lose their lives, but they always lose money. At the pocketbook level, driving costs go up every time the driver steps too hard on the accel erator.” The most immediate added ex penditure is for gas and oil, he pointed out. When speed is increas ed from 40 to 65 miles an hour (illegal in North Carolina), gaso line. costs per mile jump almost 30 per cent. The amount of oil consumed goes up almost four times for the same increase in speed. “Tires will wear out much faster, when a car is driven at high speed,” Major Lentz said. “Wear and tear on tires is two and one half times more per mile at 65 miles an hour than at 40. And high speed driving depreciates a car more rapidly, too.” The patrol executive pointed out that used car dealers often stress the good treatment given a car they are offering for sale. They like to emphasize the conservative speed at which the car has been operated—a fact usually obvious to the prospective buyer because of the good condition of the car. “Speed plays a definite part in the car life—and lower operating speeds make your car worth more,” he said. “When the Motor Vehicles De partment stresses safe speed year in and year out, it is to help you, the driver, save —your pocketbook and your life,” he concluded. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my heartful thanks to the many friends for their visits, cards, flowers, and prayers during my stay in the Al bemarle Hospital. Thanks to every one MRS. JANNIE P. OVERTON BUS SCHEDULE BETWEEN MANTEO AND HATTERAS Effective April 1, 1958 NORTHBOUND Lv. Hatteras 9:00 A.M. Ar. Manteo 11:45 A.M. SOUTHBOUND Lv. Manteo 2:45 P.M. Ar. Hatteras 5:45 P.M. CHARTERED TRIPS HATTERAS-MANTEO BUS LINE Phone 104 Hatteras, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE North Carolina Dare County. Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Barte Bar nette, deceased, late of Dare County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said de ceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Frisco, North Caro lina, on or before the 15th day of April, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 15th day of April. 1958. BENNIE BARNETT, • Frisco, North Carolina Administrator T-4-25-6tc NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT MELVIN L. BRAGG, Plaintiff vs. VIRGINIA D. BRAGG, Defendant The above named defendant, Vir; ginia D. Bragg, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Super ior Court of Dare County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the de fendant upon the ground that plaintiff and defendant have lived separate and apart for more than turn years next preceding the bringing of this action; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Dare County, in the court house in Manteo, North Carolina, within twenty days after the 23rd day of May. 1958, and answer or demur to the complaint in said actioh, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This 25th day of April, 1958. C. S. MEEKINS Clerk Superior Court T-4-25-4tc PAGE ELEVEN FIRST 1958 CHANNEL BASS LANDED IN OREGON INLET The first channel bass catyh of the 1958 season by anglers trolling at Oregon Inlet was made on Sun day, April 27 by John Wood and Joe E. Green of Princess Anne, Va. They were fishing with Capt. Omie Tillett aboard his cruiser “Jerry Jr.” Also aboard to see the first catches made were Captains Chester and Gilbert Tillett. The Princess Anne anglers each landed two large channel bass— the legal limit for this salt water game fish that has brought fame to the Dare Coast waters in the piscatorial world. They ranged from 26 to 44 pounds each. The anglers were using Pfleuger No. 7 spoons, a popular trolling bait for big channel bass at Oregon In let. Monday Catch On Monday, also from Capt. Til lett’s Jerry Jr., two Columbus, Ohio, anglers, Paul Mosley and Robert Mayer each boated their limit of channel bass ranging from 30 to 45 pounds each. They too were using Pfleuger spoons. The Columbus anglers planned to tiy for channel bass again on Wednesday but a shift of the wind made inlet trolling unfavorable so they went to Kitty Hawk Bay in the Colington section and caught four - largemouth bass, of fair size, using Johnson Silver Spoons and porkrind as lures. WATCH YOUR LABEL DON’T LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE Increasing costs of postage and pub lication requires that all subscriptions to this newspaper not paid in advance be discontinued. Watch the address which comes on your paper or its wrapper, which shows the expiration date. Send your remittance of S 3 for a year's sub scription promptly to avoid having the paper cut off. ■ I ■■■!■ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE Donald C. Todd and wife, Ethel IL Todd, Petitioners vs. Mrs. Irma M. Austin and husband Frederick Austin. E. E. Meekins and. wife, Hazel Kinser Meekins, P. W. Meekins and wife, Elizabeth G. Meekins, Alma M. Reich and husband, M. D. Reich, T. S. Meek ins, Jr. and wife, Goldie H. Meek ins, State of North Carolina, and State Highway Commission, State Board of Education, Defendants TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The parties above named and all other persons interested will take notice that on the 11th day of March, 1958, the above named Pe titioners filed -a petition in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Dare County, to have the title to certain lands therein de scribed registered and confirmed pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Public Laws of 1913, (Chapter 43 of the General Statutes of North Carolina), and that summons has been issued returnable at the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court bf Dare County on the 11th day of May, 1958. Said land is situate in Kinnekeet Township, in Dare Coun ty. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Theodore S. Meekins, the North Carolina State Highway leading through Rodanthe and Waves, North Carolina, the Pam lico Sound, and the Atlantic Ocean, and bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at a concrete post situated on the Western margin of the right of way of the North Carolina State Highway leading from Oregon Inlet to Hatteras, North Carolina on the South Banks of Dare County; said be ginning point being in the North line of Mrs. Irma Austin Tract, and also being 130 feet South 58 deg. West from an REA line pole situated on the property and 189 feet North 26 deg. West from an REA line pole situated on the property of Mrs. Irma Austin; and thence from said beginning point North 73 deg. 45 min. West a distance of 543 feet along Mrs. Irma Austin North line to a concrete post situated on the shore of Pamlico Sound; thence North 5 deg. 45 min. East along the shore of Pamlico Sound a distance of 300 feet to a Concrete post situated at the Southwest corner of the land be longing to the T. S. Meekins’s Heirs; thence South 73 deg. 45 min. East along the South line of the land belonging to the T. S. Meekins’s Heirs a distance of 2448 feet to a concrete post sit uated South 24 deg. East from the Fairhaven Methodist Church chimney, and South 6 deg. .09 min. East 1715 feet from U. S. D. 1., M, 390, E-6.9, N.P.S., said distance including the distance across the aforesaid North Carolina State Highway, said line also passing through a con crete post situated on the East ern margin of the aforesaid highway right of way; thence continuing a course of South 73 deg. 45 min. East along the South line of the land belonging to the T. S. Meekins’s Heirs a distance of 291 feet to a concrete post on the highwater mark of the Atlantic Ocean; thence South 5 deg. 45 min. West along the highwater mark of the Atlantic Ocean a distance of 300 feet to a concrete post at the Northeast corner of the Mrs. Irma Austin Tract; thence North 73 deg. 45 min. West along the North line of Mrs. Irma Austin a distance of 291 feet to a concrete post; thence continuing North 73 deg. 45 min. West along the North line of Mrs. Irma Austin a dis tance of 1905 feet to the point or place of beginning. Clerk Superior Court Dare County. North Carolina i-i