PAGE SIX STORY OF LIFE IN A LIGHTHOUSE LONELIER THAN ANY OF THOSE EXPERIENCED IN THE COASTLAND Cape Hatteras Light Keeper Gets Recital By Fellow Light Keeper "Down Under" off Queensland, Australia. <■ " , - j NOTE: The old days of lonely living in the lighthouses of the Carolina Coastland are history. Lighthouses have been replaced by mechanical gadgets, visited periodically fro«y» the mainland. No longer do we have indi vidual light-keepers who remain on their iob for long periods, seldom getting home. It is therefore interesting to note how in some parts of the world, there ore still lonely outposts where men keep watch, and we therefore print a letter recently sent to Cape Hatteras by light-keeper John Jesper son, across the world, in Queensland, Australia. “I am one of the three men sta tioned here, whose job it is to keep the Commonwealth Lighthouse at North Reef functioning efficiently. North Reef is a small coral atoll about seventy miles off the Queensland coast in latitude 23° S. and to my knowledge is the only bachelor station on the Australian coast. Gladstone is the nearest port. At high tide the island has a perimeter of just 900 paces, so there is no chance of getting too far away. However, at low tide the reef dries for nearly a mile all round and there is quite a variety of shells to be found. I am rather fond of spear fishing and the rock pools are usually full of big sweet lip so that I get plenty of practice. There are also big crayfish to be found under the coral ledgeS. I don’t often go in the water at high tide because of the many sharks— especially at this time of year when they are attracted to the is land by the young turtles which hatch in thousands. The depart ment supplies us with a 14-ft. dinghy and we have only to row a few miles offshore to find splen did fishing grounds. Obviously we eat quite an amount of fish. The nearest island is just 7 miles away, but that is too far without a power boat. “The tower here is approxi mately 65-ft. high and is made of steel and timber. The light, which flashes 12 times every minute, is the kerosene mantle type and we keep the pressure of 75 lbs., up by means of a hand pump. We each have a four-hour watch at night and every two hours we wind up the weights which drive the clock work mechanism that keeps the lens revolving. To make sure that we don’t go to sleep on the job, the department last month install ed a time-recording clock in the top of the tower. By turning a key in it every half hour at night the key number and time is stamped on a paper tape which is posted to Brisbane every fortnight for in spection. “The living quarters are built around the base of the tower and are quite comfortable. There are three separate bedrooms, kitchen, living room, office, pantry and workshop. We are supplied with two kerosene refrigerators and a pressure kerosene stove. The store boat from Gladstone is by contract with the department supposed to call here every fortnight with our suppies and mail, and sometimes actually does get here on time, but as there is no refrigeration on thd boat, perishable stores are always A headache Jo us during the sum mer months. ‘‘■Lighting for the living quarters is 110 V, and we have a diesel plant to keep the battery bank charged. This also suppies power for our radio transmitter which is used to call the mainland four times daily, majnly to report our condition. We diSa not a weather station and are! not compelled to call up passing ships, though we often do so at night with the signal lamp. During the day from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, we work at keeping the place in good repair, usually with a paintbrush. “The pay here is reasonably good. I received 23 pounds gross (about s6s—Ed.) per week. After 12 months service here we receive one month’s shore leave. There is also an allowance for sick leave of 3 weeks for serious injury or sick- lr-7 ROANOKE ISLAND CLUB AND LODGE MEETINGS v I MASONS: Manteo Lodge, Sec ond and Fourth Monday Evenings, in Manteo Town Hall. Wanchese Lodge, First and Third Thursdays, Wanchese Lodge Hall. EASTERN STAB> Second and Fourth Thursday evenings in Wan chese Lodge Hall. ODDFELLOWS, Each Tuesday evening in Manteo Town Hall. REBEKAHS, First and Third Monday evenings, Manteo Town Hall. MANTEO ROTARY, each Mon day evening, and MANTEO LIONS, First and Third Tuesdays in Community Building. WANCHESE RURITAN, third Fridays, Wanchese schoolhouse. DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS; Second and Fourth Fridays. 7:80 p.m., Wanchese Masonic Hall. AMERICAN LEGION, Ft Ra leigh Post No. 26, 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Community Bldg., Man teo. ROANOKE ISLAND GARDEN CLUB meets at 2:30 in the after noon, first Thursday of each month, in the homes of members. MANTEO WOMAN’S CLUB, second Tuesday each month. Homes of members, 8 p.m. DARE CO. SHRINE CLUB, first . Monday each month, 8:00 p.m., clubhouse, Nags Head. ness. Those are just a few facts to give you a general idea of the kind of life which we lead here. I am curious to know how our con ditions compare with those on an American lighthouse and I would be very pleased if you choose to reply to this letter for that reason. I hope you find the above mention ed interesting. “With best wishes to you for the coming year, I remain, yours sin cerely, “JOHN JESPERSEN” North Reef, C/o H. M. Customs Gladstone, Queensland, Australia WINS EXECUTIVE POST IN UNITED STATES LINES fl Hu- % flflßl ■ . ‘VW** , * MUCH INTEREST is manifest in the advancement recently of Capt. “Solly” J. Topping, a Belhaven native who is now General Operating Manager of United States Lines, according to announcement of the company president, John M. Franklin. Capt. Topping, born and educat ed in Belhaven, followed the sea for many years, and has long been Marine Superintendent of U. S. Lines. He is often a visitor to Bel haven, and hunts and fishes in the area, usually bringing with him many shipping officials, and was here during the recent hunting sea son. His immediate relatives living in Belhaven are two sisters, Mrs. Jule Puris and Miss Katie Topping and a brother, Roswell Topping, who is a retired mariner. Captain Topping first went to sea as a second class quartermas ter in the U. S. Navy during World War I. As a crew member of the U.S.S. Lake Bridge in 1918 he helped to thrwart an attack by a German submarine in mid-ocean. The vessels on which he was em ployed during World War I were carrying mines to the north of Scotland for mine fields that were being laid between Scotland and Norway. After the War Captain Topping rose from third officer to Master of vessels operated by Trans Ma rine lines and the Grace line and later, ships of the American Pio neer line, a subsidiary of the Unit ed States Lines, operating to the Far East and Australia. He came ashore in 1935 as as sistant to the marine superintend ent at the company’s home port in New York City and in April of 1941 was promoted to the post of marine superintendent. The United States Unes owns arid operates a fleet of 55 modern Pas senger and cargo vessels, includ ing this Superliner United States, fastest ship in the world and flag ship of the fleet. These vessels op erate in regular service to and irom Ireland, the United Kingdom, Con tinental Europe, Hawaii, the Far East and Australia. Captain Topping has been active in the affairs of the American Mer chant Marine Post of the Ameri can Legion and his hobbies include stamps, gardening, baseball, Amer icanism and the lives of former Presidents of the United States. He now resides in Rutherford, New Jersey. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sawyer of Wanchese a son, Elmer Eugene Sawyer, Jr., on April 19 in Memorial Clinic. Manteo; weight seven pounds, 14H ounces. Mrs. Sawyer is the former Betty Jo Love of Wanchese. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lindsey of Norfolk, Va. announce the birth and death of twin daughters in Norfolk General Hospital. The little girls were born April 14 and one of them lived until April 16. Mrs. Lindsey is a sister of Mrs. Robert K. Gunn of Manteo. -She and Mr. Lindsey have many friends in Dare County, Mr. Lindsey hav ing worked for some time at the Carolinian Hotel, Nags Head. COLINGTON PERSONALS Troy Beasley is a patient in the Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City. - --- THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. DARE KILL DEVIL HILLS EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION TO Jackson Homes MILE POST 14 Fish Swim Frolic Completely furnished ocean front cottages for family comfort. Screened Porches becah boardwalk Nags Head's Finest P. O. Box 257 Phone 8621 I Want to Own a Beach Cottage? Write or Phone Harris Realty Co. Sales Rentals We have some desirable OCEANFRONTS and WEST SIDE LOTS and COTTAGES A good investment as well as for your own vacation Kill Devil Hills, N. C. Phone KDH 2931 FOR YOUR PLUMBING. BUILDING and ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES SEE DANIELS BUILDING SUPPLY COMPLETE STOCKS AT FAIR PRICES Nags Head, N. C. Phone 2566 THE CAROLINIAN NAGS HEAD. NORTH CAROLINA • CAREFREE • coMfOrtable • COMPLETE Phone 8871 O. L. BAUM, Manager BAUM’S RENTAL SERVICE Kitty Hawk and Nags Head Beaches NEAR THE FISHING PIERS HOUSE KEEPING COTTAGES Privately-Owned Cottages Mean a Mort Enjoyable Vacation For You and Yours See Us for Choice Beach Properties LOTS AND COTTAGES KITTY HAWK. N. C. 1». '&• BOX 14 Scarborough’s Garage NAGS HEAD, N. C. GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING BODY and PAINT WORK Specializing'in Wreck Repairing Agent for Jeeps and Parts GULF PRODUCTS Rhone 89i)2 Nags Head, N. C. JAMES SCARBOROUGH Prop. WHAT A DIFFERENCE \ I / / ' A GOOD PAINT MAKES '’ / //. STAG Ready-Mixed HOUSE W. S.IGREGORY Kill Devil Hills, N. C. Phone 8891 ONE OF THE NEWEST a. EL GAY NAGS HEAD. N. C. | NEXT TO EL GAY COURT Specialties in Tempting Southern Fried SEAFOODS STEAKS CHICKEN FOUNTAIN SERVICE—BOX LUNCHES The Andersons Invite You To Visit The Most Complete Shopping Center at Kitty Hawk Beach Near Mile Post 2 ANDERSON’S SUPERMARKET BEACH STORE HOUSEKEEPING BEACH COTTAGES "MTAIS AN “ FOR COTTAGE RENTALS WRITE BILL ANDERSON’S RENTAL AGENCY OPEN YEAR-ROUND PHONE 8011 Kitty Hawk Welcome To DYKE’S ESSO SERVICENTER At the Triangle Intersection Oregon Inlet and Nags Head Road Washing Lubrication Tires BATTERIES & ACCESSORIES MINOR REPAIRS Phone Nags Head 8666 PLAN YOUR VACATION AT The Sea Oatel ONE OF THE NEWEST AND FINEST MOTOR COURTS OVERLOOKING THE GREAT ATLANTIC NAGS HEAD. N. C. ALL TILE BATHS PHONE 8611 AAA AIR-CONDITIONED HEATED THE VERY CENTER OF EVERYTHING Fishing, Bathing, Recreation, AH Historic Sites ' ' '' ' ! Ocean View Cottage Court On the Ocean Side Sixteen 1,-2,- and 3-Bedroom Cottages Completely Fur nished and Equipped with Modern Kitchens. ALL PORCHES SCREENED Make your reservations now. Phone Kill Devil Hills 8521 or write P. O. Box 66. P. L POWELL. Owner FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1958