PAGE TEN good/Vear 60"' ANNIVERSARY ■Slmmi'Tim flr.g We’re celebrating with NEW lOW PRICES! Our Three best sellers in the most popular size! We’ve sharply reduced prices on these three outstanding Goodyear Tires for our 60th Anniversary Sale! Stop today and save with safety! IB " 1 Bl <

7 wUtwl electric |1 %«,-»—••/ X®y HEAT PUMP fix ySf f J ■■dfffiSf Mrs. Modem thinks weather’s place is out | *M| I* v of doors. And that is where it stays all j / year... thanks to complete climate control by ' x I F ectr * c eat Pump. A Z Her home’s “all set” for heat or c01d... or '■ yj | / anything in between! She never has to reset the ■i- z JI ->■ I ■** fa thermostat. Whatever the weather, the Heat S - , / jf Pump adjusts to it.. . and keeps the * I \ < whole house flooded with fresh, dust-free | air ’ a ' ways ‘ n the Springtime comfort zone. ■ PHP To be Mrs. M ... meet the Heat Pump! It’s the Ik hig brother of the dependable, sealed unit ‘ n >OUr refrigeia,or But ,he Heat p ump works f *». $ --Wb I ■ Jsll * n e,t^cr direction. It cools your house in I’’ t Summer . . . then turns itself around to keep you I warm in Winter, without fire, I Wjt fuel or flue! And without at- V‘A JM* I tention from you. Ask vepco O |r* v 1,1 ,he exciting fact 9 about Kmm 1 th * S mo^ern c l* ma te miracle ft rfeejra J wRW f° r your new home. I gL oF VIRGINIA ELECTRIC S - Wf > ’< st § ; • K I and P °WER COMPANY _ ~.JL I • I BON VOYAGE PARTY GIVEN FOR MRS. ELIZABETH BAILEY BUXTON—A bon voyage party was given Mrs. Elizabeth Burrus Bailey Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones. Carijou Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray was junior hostess. Mrs. Bai ley, Miss Gray and Mrs. Jones wore corsages of pink carnations. The color scheme was pink and green throughout the home. The dining table was covered with a lace table cloth, with long stemmed pink carnations, sur rounded with green fem and small pa’m, with green candles aglow. Her cake with, Bon Voyage was also pink and green and served by Mrs. Joyce Gray, wiith James Rol linson assisting. He poured the coffee. Mrs. Bailey received a set of cooking ware, with utility set to match. The Baileys and their son, Lit tle Bill will leave for Amarillo, Texas June 7th, to make their home. Mr. Bailey graduates from William and Mary College, Nor folk, Va. the first week of June. Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray, Canyon Gray, Mr. and Ms. Joe Dull, Mr. and Mrs. James Rollinson. Mrs. Essie Bur rus and Mrs. Millie Burrus. HATTERAS PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eure and family of Portsmouth spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oden. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Foster of Norfolk visited Mrs. Isabelle Bal lance. Carlos Oden went to Norfolk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Austin of Norfolk spent the week end here. Roy Gray Jr. of the Coast Guard is spending his leave here with his Barents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gray, Sr. Mrs. Alice Oden has returned from the hospital in Elizabeth I City. Garland Austin spent the week, end hej-e with his sisters, Misses Victoria and Dessie Austin. Mrs. Maude Austin went to Swansboro Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ruby Burrus. Mrs. Myrtle Ballance went to Elizabeth City Thursday. Mrs. Lucy Stowe and Lucy Allen went to Norfolk Sunday. Bradley O’Neal of Norfolk spent: the week end here with his par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny O’Neal. I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Midgett of. Norfolk were here Sunday. Jo Anne Midgett of Norfolk snent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andersonl Midgett. ■* | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniels; spent the week end in Portsmouth. I The Bible Class met Friday night, May 16 at the home of Mrs. Rosa Foster. Seven members were present. The Book of Jude was discussed. The hostess served deli cious refreshments. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C EVERYDAY RELIGION By Rev. Robert W. Turner (WORLD BURDENS) Do you pray to Almighty God as you sit before your television set. watching the news of the World In review? If you do not, then do not think it strange when you feel tired the next day! Have you not allowed your heart and mind to be filled and weighed down with cares and burdens of the whole world? Do you think that you are “Superman” or “Mandrake the Magician” or “Mighty Mouse?” Who told you that your heart and mind were able to bear such a terrible burden? Who requires you to decide what the President of the United States should or should not do? What can you do about the number of times some other person has been married —are you his judge? When we try to take all the burdens of the world on our shoulders is it any wonder that we run to the doctor for tranquil izers or to the druggist for seda tives and still do nothing about the problems which are the respon sibility of others in the first place ? Would it not be wiser and saner to place all these persons and sit- I uations in God's keeping and at , the same time ask Him if there is ought He wishes us to do about them? Would this not release «ur ener ■ gies for the task which lies about us and for which we never seem : to have enough time. Is it not better to lend our aid in better local government than to complain and worry about poor State and Federal government? Good government in Church or State cannot be had on a GIVE AWAY PROGRAM or purchased i for any amount of money or pulled out of a hat by any one man, no I matter how gifted he may be. It : takes the active, sincere, coopera- I tive and self-denying daily work I and thought of a majority of the citizens of the community. If each of us says “Let George Do It” we , may soon find that “George” has moved or changed his name leav ing no one but us to do the job at hand. We should all be willing to work together for the commu i nity good but refuse to do that which others can and should do ' for themselves. Let us pray with | out ceasing and not faint under I burdens. Cy!iiHt,i'. • 1 • y » A Political Advertisement Sponsored by Supporters in Hatteras Township of Preston Basnett for County Commissioner. All Voters of Dare County, Urged To Aid Us Clean House One community one man or one family in Dare County should not keep a public office forever. There had been a good faith agreement between leading citi zens of the communities of this township to not support any violation of this principle. It was considered in the interest of community harmony and cooperation that Burton would cooperate with the other end of the township in sharing with it alternately, on of Education*"^' 13 * re P resentat!ves on the Board of Commissioners and I .. We , have n< > complaint with the fact that Burton now has, and has had for a long time the member of the Board of Education. But it has long had also, the mem mpmhVrcnf °h r i°R Co ™ m ' ss '°" e L rs - We do not consider it proper representation when members of both Boards should be continuously from the same community time after time. Nor do we believe the majority of people of Buxton favor this policy. We want harmony between communities if we are to have progress. We can not have harmony if we allow one man or one family to keep a public office forever, or to hand it down to one of the family like a piece of property. Any office by all rights belong to the people, and only they, have the right to change it. Citizens of Dare County, let us ask you if you would wish to be denied repre sentation in your community for long periods, and would you like us to support such arrangement against your wishes? Do you believe a public office should be transfer red as it it were private property? All we ask of our neighbors and friends is their cooperation to see that our township gets a fair deal. We urge you to vote for a candidate who has time to visit the people. A candidate who, we believe, will not be subject to dictation from anyone, particularly the same old crowd which has brought us to the bad situation we have today in our county affairs. We therefore solicit your vote and support for a man who is a lifelong resi • ’ i'SS’i I a ? aflve 1 s ° n . and Coast Guard keeper, a registered Democrat since 1924 when he registered while serving at Ocracoke. An honorably retired Coast Guardsman, of good education, a man of much experience in office work, and having traveled in many places. We commend to you in the May 31 primary. ’ • PRESTON BASNETT For County Commissioner From Hatteras Township Mr. Basnett states that he will have been to every precinct before election and seen as many individuals as possible in order to learn how they feel about the present situation and their desires for the future. Believing That Still Better Schools CAN BEST BE PROVIDED > • BY KEEPING f ■' . Robert 0. Ballance ON THE Dare County Board of Education WE. INTERESTED SCHOOL PATRONS, ARE ASKING YOUR SUPPORT OF HIM IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY MAY 31. This Ad Donated By Friends in Dare County FRIDAY, MAY 23. 1958