FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1950 CLASSIFIED • ADVERTISING . ADVERTISING IN THESE COLUMNS COSTS THREE CENTS PER WORD, FIRST INSERTION; ALL INSERTIONS AFTER FIRST, TWO CENTS PER WORD. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 50 CENTS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, RENT, SELL, SWAP, GET A JOB. HIRE HELP, FIND SOMETHING LOST. THE CLASSIFIEDS OFFER AN EFFEC TIVE AND ECONOMICAL MEDIUM. Visit ANDERSON’S SUPER MARKET-BEACH STORE at two mile post. Vacation headquar ters. Open year ’round. Write BILL ANDERSON’S RENTAL AGENCY, KITTY HAWK, reser vations, oceanfront housekeeping cottages. T-4-8-tfc ARTIFICIAL BREEDING of your cows to purebred, proven stocks is both profitable and economical. This service available to family cow owners, beef producers, dairy herds. All dairy and beef breeds available. Call H. E. Clayton, Bel - haven WH 3-3206. P-10-4-tfc vi For your insurance needs see W. R. PEARCE, Manteo, N. C. All kinds of insurance ALL TYPES BOATS built. Prices reasonable. Quality work. Roscoe Gallop, phone 281-W4, Wanchese, N. C. T-11-14-tfc ARTISTS SUPPLIES. Speed ball sets, India ink, black drawing ink, silver ink, white ink, drawing paper. TIMES PRINTING CO., Inc., Manteo. tc RUBBER STAMPS made to order, stamp pads, etc. Leave orders at Pilot and Herald Office, in Bel haven or Swan Quarter. IMMEDIATE placement—4 wom en to work 4 hours daily in the vicinity of Hyde County. Average earnings $1.82 per hour. For in ' terview write, (give directions to your home) Box 214, Route 4, Kinston, N. C. PH-l-22-4tc OVER FORTY? Why work for others? Start your own business in Beaufort County—full or part time—for particulars, write Raw leigh’s Dept. NCA-460-5678, Rich mond, Va. PH-l-8-4tp THE OUTER BANKS of North Carolina, by David Stick. A splendid book for your home li brary, for gifts, etc. $6, Times Printing Co., Manteo. Add 15 cents for mail orders. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of George Benjamin Sides of Nags Head, Dare County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said George Benjamin Sides to present - them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate please make im mediate payment. This the 19th day of January, 1959. P. J. M. BAYNE, Nags Head, I N. C. T-l-23-6tc ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Harvey C. Sutton of Manns Harbor, Dare County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Harvey C. Sutton to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate paymnt. This the 13th day of January, 1959. WILLIE S. BURRUS, 1101 Riv erside Avenue, Elizabeth City, N. C. . T-l-23-6tc ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of Robert Sel don Barnett of Wanchese, Dare County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Robert Seldon Barnett to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate please make im mediate payment. This the 12th day of January, 19&9. NELLIE M. BARNETT, Wan chese, N. C . T-l-23-6tc Don’t Miss Getting A Copy of The OLD SEA CAPTAIN and THE DRUMMER Here is a spicy booklet of dialogue between two coastland characters. They deal with many subjects in their salty, racy conversations. Ask for it at $1 per copy at the local dealers ou the Coast. If they are out of it, get it postpaid. Mail your dol lar to THE OLD SEA CAPTAIN P. 0. Boa 428 MANTEO. N. a - GROW YOUR OWN FRUIT. Free on request—our 56 pg. Planting Guide Catalog in color, offering Virginia’s Largest Assortment of Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, Landscape Plant Material. Salespeople want ed. Write Dept. N2O, Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Va. TPH-l-9-4te PANSY plants 50 in Map Book 2 page 13, in the office of the Register of Deeds ‘ of Dare County, North Carolina, i The above described lands in cluding. and comprising the I properties conveyed and describ ed in the following deeds: (a) Deed from A. B. Hooper et ux dated May 16, 1892, and recorded in Book D, page 245, Dare County Registry. (b) Deed from A. Ik Hooper et ux dated May 6 1904, and recorded in Book M, page 291, Dare County Registry. (c) Deed from A. B. Hooper et ux dated October 1, 1907, and recorded in Book N, page 231, Dare County Registry. (d) Deed from R. B. Payne et ux dated Ajbgust 25, 1925, and recorded in Book 4, page 267, Dare County Registry. (e) Deed from U. G. Wise et ux dated August 7, 1934, and recorded in Book 15, page 437, Dare County Registry. (f) Deed from T. M. Wise et ux dated September 30, 1939 and recorded in Book 21, page 585, Dare County Registry. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a cash deposit of ten (10) percent of the amount bid as evidence of good faith. The Dare County Board of Edu cation hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids made at the above scale because of the in adequacy thereof or for any other reason. The said sale and the price offered is likewise subject to the approval and confirmation of the Dare County Board of Ed ucation. This the Bth day of January 1959 "DARE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION By Mary L. Evans, Secretary T-l-16-4tc NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY ESTELLE HAYMAN LANCAS TER AND HUSBAND, J. H. LANCASTER, Petitioners, vs. HARRY HAYMAN AND WIFE, CARRIE HAYMAN, Defendants. Under and by virtue of an Or der of the Superior Court of Dare County, North Carolina, entered in that certain special proceeding entitled Estelle Hayman Lancas ter and 'husband, J. H. Lancaster, Petitioners, vs. Harry Hayman and wife, Carrie Hayman, Defend ants, on the 14th day of January 1959, the undersigned Commis sioners will on Monday, the 16th day of February 1959, at 12:00 o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse Door in Manteo, Dare County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash those certain lots or parcels of land ly ing and being in Dare County, North Carolina, and more partic ularly described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land in Dare County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of M. D. Hayman Heirs and others, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stake on the N. C. State Highway at the M. D. Hayman line and running a Southwesterly course along said M. D. Hayman line 100 feet to a stake; thence a North westerly course 100 feet to a stake; thence a Northeasterly course 100 feet to a stake at the N. C. State Highway; thence a Southeasterly course along said N. C. State Highway 100 feet to place of beginning, and be ing a part of the land deeded te Jessie S. Hayman by M. D. Hay man and wife, and J. M. Rogers and wife, by deed dated May 14th, 1904, ami recorded in Book “K” at page 80, Register of Deeds office, Dare County, North Carolina. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a cash deposit of ten percent of the amount bid as evidence of good faith. The above lands will be sold subject to taxes due the County of Dare for the year 1959 and those accruing thereafter. This the 15th day of Jaunary 1959. WAYLAND P. BRITTON COMMISSIONER MARTIN KELLOGG, Jr. COMMISSIONER T-l-23-4tc PAGE SEVEN