FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1959 CLASSIFIED • ADVERTISING • ADVERTISING IN THESE COLUMNS COSTS THREE CENTS PER WORD. FIRST INSERTION; ALL INSERTIONS AFTER FIRST. TWO CENTS PER WORD. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 50 CENTS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY. RENT, SELL, SWAP, GET A JOB. HIRE HELP. FIND SOMETHING LOST, THE CLASSIFIEDS OFFER AN EFFEC TIVE AND ECONOMICAL MEDIUM. Visit ANDERSON’S SUPER MARKET-BEACH STORE at two mile post. Vacation headquar ters. Open year ’round. Write BILL ANDERSON’S RENTAL AGENCY, Realtors, Kitty Hawk, reservations, oceanfront house keeping cottages. T-4-8-tfc ARTIFICIAL BREEDING of your cows to purebred, proven stocks Is both profitable and economical. This service available to family cow owners, beef producers, dairy herds. All dairy and beef breeds r available. Call H. E. Clayton, Bel haven WH 3-8206. P-10-4-tfc THE HATTERASMAN, By Ben Dixon Mac Neill, $5. Add 15 cents on mail orders. Times Print ing Co., Manteo, N. C. FOR liability, automobile, fire, windstorm, bonds, workmen’s 1 compensation insurance, call Man teo 42—Outer Banks* Insurance Agency. T-l-16-7tc FOR SALE: One 22’ cabin cruiser with practically new Chrysler Ace marine engine. Will sacrifice for quick sale. See G. G. Bonner, Manteo. T-2-20-tfc LAND for sale Located in the village of Buxton on Cape Hat teras. 80 feet on highway, 1200 feet deep to Pamlico Sound. For information call Norfolk UL -3-7423 or write Edgar C. Gaskins, 3821 Larkin Street, Norfolk, Vir ginia. T-2-13-tfc SALESMEN WANTED: Solve your employment and financial problems by starting your own business. We supply stocks. No capital required. Vacancy nearby. See nearby Rawleigh Dealer, C. B. Parker, Manteo, Phone 78-J, or write Rawleigh’s, Sept. NCD-500- •f 556-C, Richmond, Va. T-5-3-stp , SHOE REPAIR EQUIPMENT for sale located in Manteo, now in operation. This is a good value and is sold because of death of owner. See Mrs. W. I. Luton, 328 W. Fearing St., Phone 4633, Eliz abeth City. T-4-2-2tp SILVER INK, Pen included, 29<*. TIMES PRINTING COMPANY, Inc., MANTEO. FOR RENT: Building on water front. Suitable for wholesale or retail fish market or warehouse. See G. G. Bonner, Manteo. T-2-20-tfc THE OUTER BANKS of North < Carolina, by David Stick. A splendid book for your home li brary, for gifts, etc. $6, Times Printing Co., Manteo. Add 15 cents for mail orders. WANTED Dealer to distribute well known widely used Nation ally Advertised line of household and farm necessities in Tyrrell County. Prefer man with car. No personal sureties required for man of good reputation. Preferred age —25 to 59—but will consider older man in good health. Earnings av erage SIOO.OO weekly for full time producers. For particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Com pany P. O. Box No. 5091, Rich mond, Va. A-9-3tc < FOR SALE: Maytag automatic washer, good condition, SSO. Phone Manteo 206-J. T-4-10-ltp ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor (With Will annexed) of the estate of F. Newcomb Midgett of Waves, Dare County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said F. Newcomb Midgett to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of December 1968. WILLIAM ABNER MIDGETT, Administrator (with Will annex ed) T-3-13-6tc Don’t Miss Getting A Copy of The OLD SEA CAPTAIN and THE DRUMMER Here is a spicy booklet of dialogue between two coastland characters. They deal with many subjects in their salty, racy conversations. Ask for it at $1 per copy at the local dealers on the Coast. If they are out of it, get it postpaid. Mail your dol lar to THE OLD SEA CAPTAIN P. O. Baa 428 MANTEO, N. C. ALL TYPES BOATS built. Prices reasonable. Quality work. Roscoe Gallop, phone 281-W4, Wanchese, N. C. T-11-14-tfc SALESMEN WANTED: Wanted as once. Man or woman to sup ply families with Rawleigh Prod ucts in Hyde and Tyrrell counties. Consumers write us for product. Can earn SSO weekly part time— sloo and up full time. Write Raw leigh’s, Dept. NCD-480-CMO, Rich mond, Va. PH-5-2-stp AVON COSTMETICS offers you a new interest. A good income —a guaranteed—advertised prod uct to sell. Representative needed in West Swan Quarter and Sladesville. Write Mrs. Latham. Box 681, Greenville, N. C. T-4-10-3tc For your insurance needs see W. R. PEARCE, Manteo, N. C. All kinds of insurance “BUY AT DISCOUNT PRICES” Send 10d for large WHOLE SALE’ CATALOG (Refunded on first order) Small appliances, watches, clocks and hundreds of small notions. UPCHURCH, 409 Edgeworth Street, Middlesex, New Jersey T-2-27-12tc HELP WANTED, Man over 25 to sell Nationally Advertised Wat kins Products in Hyde County. Dealers in adjoining counties earn ings in excess of SIOO weekly. Requirements good character, own car. If interested write R. L. Rol lins, Box No. 113, Goldsboro, N. C. A-2-3tc TRACTOR for sale—l9s3 model Macy-Harris “44”, completely overhauled; cultivator, planter, fertilizer distributor attachments. See at Clark’s Phillips 66 in Bel haven, Phone WH 3-2571. PH-4-2-3tc HELP WANTED: Man over 25 to sell Nationally, Advertised Products in Dare County. Dealers in adjoining counties earning in excess of SIOO weekly. Require ments—own car, good character. If interested, write P. O. Box 113, Goldsboro, N. C. T-4-10-3tp MISS NOEL FAYE PINNER will ■ take pupils for general music classes, private piano lessons, pri vate swimming lessons in Belhav en during summer months. For in formation write 310 lona Street, Fairmont, N. C., or see Mrs. R. S. Pinner, Belhaven. PH-4-2-3tp WANTED AT ONCE: Man or woman to supply families with Rawleigh products in Beaufort County. Consumers write us for Product. Can earn SSO weekly part time—sloo and up full time. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCD-460- 'CMO, Richmond, Va. PH-4-2-stp FOR RENT: 2 bedroom cottage, furnished; electric kitchen, screened porch. Nags Head, five miles from Manteo. Mrs. J. E. Ferebee, tel. 168-W, Manteo. T-4-3-3tc BEDDING PLANTS now ready: Petunias, Scarlet Sage, Snap dragons, $1.50 doz.; Dble. Petun ias, Ageratum, Coleus, $2.00 doz.; Carnations, Lantana, Verbena, Pri mula Veris, Candytuft, Sultana, 25c each; Sweet William, English Daisies, SI.OO doz.; Foxglove, Sto kesia, Shasta Daisies, 35c each; Geraniums, Begonias, 50c up, etc. Roanoke Island Gardens, Route 264, 1 mile north of Manteo, N. C. T-4-10-tfc BOAT FOR SALE: 25’ flat-bot tom, good condition, rigged for crabbing. $200.00. Phone Kill Devil Hills 3217. T-4-10-4tp MAN OR WOMAN for Belhaven area. Sales and deliveries. 4-6 hrs. per day. Also will consider older men, 60-75. Write Box 5071, Dept. S-3, Richmond, Virginia. PH-4-9-3tp FOR RENT: Six room house with bath overlooking Pungo Creek. $30.00 a month. See Charles E. Smith at Pungo Creek Bridge store. PH-4-2-3tp HELP WANTED: Man over 25 to sell Nationally Advertised Watkins Products in Hyde County. Dealers in adjoining counties earn ing in excess of SIOO weekly. Re quirements—own car, good char acter. If interested, write P. O. Box 113, Goldsboro, N. C. PH-4-9-3tp FOR SALE: 1950 pickup truck in good condition. Harry’s Yacht Basin, Wanchese. T-4-3-3tp ARTISTS SUPPLIES. Speed ball sets, India ink, black drawing ink, silver ink, white ink, drawing paper. TIMES PRINTING CO., Inc., Manteo. tc NOTICE I will not be a candidate for re-election to the Town Board of Manteo. SAMUEL L. BARNETT -4-10-ltp RUBBER STAMPS made to order, stamp pads, etc. Leave orders at Pilot and Herald Office, in Bel haven or Swan Quarter. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of Lloyd Wil son Midgett of Manteo, Dare County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Lloyd Wilson Midgett to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 18th day of March, 1959. ELNORA G. MIDGETT, Admin istratrix, Manteo, North Carolina. Wallace R. Gray, Attorney. -3-20-6tc NOTICE OF SERVICE ~~ OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Nathan T. Hood Plaintiff vs. E. Marvin Twiford and Nan Twiford, wife; Doxie Hubbard and Henry Hubbard, husband; Lester Doddridge Twiford and Virginia Twiford, wife; Selma Davis and George Davis, husband; Carlton Ray Twiford and Mary Twiford, wife; Sally Twiford Gaylord and Mack Gaylord, husband; Margaret Twiford Burns and Jack Burns, husband; Defendants. NOTICE To the above-named defendants: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled special proceeding. The nature of the relief sought therefrom, by the petitioner, as a is the sale of real estate in parti tion, and division of the proceeds tenant in common with the de fendants, said real estate being de scribed as follows: FIRST TRACT: All that cer tain tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in the County of Dare, State of North Carolina, in East Lake Township, in the village of East Lake, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a lightwood post on the North side of the Main Road in W. S. Pinner’s line; thence along his line North 6 degrees East 16 chains to the back road; thence along the said Road South 69 degrees East .3- 30/100 chains to John S. Creef’s line; thence along said line South 6 degrees West 16 chains to the Main Road; thence along the Main Road North 67 degrees West 3-30/100 chains to the be ginning, containing 5 acres more or less. Same being that certain lot or parcel of land conveyed to John S. Crees by Mahala Pinner by deed dated May 12, 1906 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Dare County, North Carolina, in Deed Book “L,” page 584. SECOND TRACT: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Dare, State of North Carolina, in East Lake Township, in the village of East Lake, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a juniper post on the “Deer Creek Road,” at the first ditch to the westward of the said John S. Creef’s house and running Eastwardly down said road to a post at the sec ond ditch from the beginning; thence Northwardly With said ditch to the road known as “Water Street;” thence with said “Water Street” to the first ditch spoken of; thence with said ditch to the beginning. To gether with the dwelling thereon situated. Same being the square or cut of land the said John S. Creef’s house stand in, and the one ad joining it on the East, contain ing five (5) acres, more or less. Same being that certain lot or parcel of land conveyed to John S. Crees by Martin Crees by deed dated June 4, 1898 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Dare Coun ty, North Carolina, in Deed Book “F,” page 442. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 29th day of April, 1959, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 16th day of March, 1959. C. S. MEEKINS, Clerk Superior Court. T-3-20-4tc Owens’ Garage PHONE 8107 NAGS HEAD, N. C. ANNOUNCES A SENSATIONAL NEW PRICE SCHEDULE for GASOLINE Reg. Gas 26.9 Premium 31.9 Quality Phillips 66 WELDING and MACHINE SHOP THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. OCRACOKE PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Spencer are delighted with a visit from their son, A-l/C Jimmie Spencer. Mrs. Spencer, and their son, who arrived here today, Monday, to spend a week. Jimmie is in the U. S. Air Corps and the family makes its home at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gaskill and son, Joe, made a business trip to Manteo, Washington, and More head City during the Easter holi days. Mr. and Mrs. George Guthrie Jqckson and family spent the holi days in Norfolk. Miss Louise Paul spent several days recently visiting her sister, Mrs. A1 Smith Garrish, in More head City. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wikstrom of Skaneatles, N. Y. spent several days here last week. Carlton Boyce O’Neal, in U. S. C. G. service, was home this week from Portsmouth, Virginia. John Gaskill of Norfolk was home this past week end. Last week Ranger Haze n Brooks had a group of National Park trainees from Washington, D. C., James Carson of Mt. Mc- Kinley Park, Alaska; Dick Holder of Theodore Roosevelt Park, South Dakota; Douglas Warnock of Checo Canyon, New Mexico; Tom Gilbert of the Everglades Park, Florida, and Lester McClan ahan, Craters of the Moon Park, Idaho. This was their first trip to Ocracoke. MEMBERS MANTEO WOMAN’S CLUB GOING TO RALEIGH Due to the attendance by club members, Mrs. Sarah Everett, Mesdames M. ' K. Fearing, Jr., Woodie Fearing, Bobby Owens, Wayland Fry, Linwood Cuthrell, W. J. Andrews, and Pat Dunnagan to the Woman’s Club Sewing Con test and Legislative functions in Raleigh on April 11 through A)>ril 14, the meeting of the Manteo Woman’s Club has been postponed and will meet April 21, Tuesday at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Ren nie Williamson. While in Raleigh the club mem bers will attend the Legislative Banquet on Monday night, April 13, as guests of Mr. Jeff Willis of Raleigh and on Tuesday will visit the legislature, the Governor’s .mansion and the Art Museum. 1959 Ford Fairlane 500 4-door, Radio, heater, automatic, power steering 1958 Station Wagon, 4-door, like new 1957 Ford Station Wagon, 4-door, VB, F-O-M VB. R&H 1957 Ford, 500 Victoria, P. Steering, F-O-M, R&H 1956 Ford Customline 4-dr, V 8 1956 Chevrolet 210 V-8 2-dr. 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door, VB, R H Pr. Glide, Pr. Brakes 1955 Ford, 2-door, black 1955 Chevrolet 4-door 1955 Ford Station Wagon, 2- door 1955 Ford Cnstomline 4-door VB, R H Overdrive 1955 Buick Century Hardtop R H, Pr. Steering 1954 Ford 4-door VB, O.D. 1954 Ford 2-dr, V 8 1954 Chevrolet, 2-door, R&H 1953 Chrysler Windsor, 4-door 1952 Chevrolet 4-door 1950 Ford 2-dr. V-8 TRUCKS 1958 Ford %-ton Pickup, 6-mo. old, like new ★ ★ ★ R. D. SAWYER MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Your FORD Dealer Phone 116 Manteo N. C. License No. 1969 M. Y. F. MEETS The M. Y. F. of Manns Harbor met with Stumpy Point M. Y. F. Sunday evening with Eddie Leigh Hooper leading the program on “Symbols in Our Church.” “Give Me Thy Heart,” “Look for the Beautiful,” “Savior Like a Shep herd Lead Us” and “Have Thine Own Way” were sung. Estelle Knight welcomed the visitors. Scripture was read by Diane Payne. The picture of eight sym bols was shown and the meaning given by Linda Wise, the cup, Brenda Payne the Dove, Billie Best the Triangle, Bobby Midgette the Fleur-De-Lis, and the Quarter foil, Chris Payne, the St. Paul’s Shield and Estelle Knight St. Peter’s Shield, the lamp by Rodney Wise. Remarks on choosing a vocation was made by the pastor, Mr. Kel ley. BETTY JO ERNST HAS PARTY ON HER BIRTHDAY Betty Jo Ernst entertained about 35 guests at a party Wed nesday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ernst, Jr., near Manteo, the oc casion being her ninth birthday. The large white birthday cake was decorated in pink and green and was served with ice cream to the guests. Party hats were fav ors. Games were enjoyed during the afternoon. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for the many cards and letters of sympathy, telegrams, visits and other kindnesses shown us on the sudden death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Marceline Holmes. Joe Holmes and Daughters CARD OF THANKS Columbia. The family of the late Mrs. Alice S. Jones grate fully acknowledge the many kind nesses shown by friends during their recent bereavement, and do wish to express their thanks for the lovely flowers, for cards, food and all other helpful expressions. B. B. JONES and Family Wholesalers and Producers for handling your of * SHRIMPS 1 ' All KmuU 01, Quit LOBSTIIf 3189 U SOFT CRABS &.& 9 Fulton Fish Market New York City I Board of Equalization j And Review Meeting The Dare County Board of Commissioners Will Meet As a Board of Equalization and Review I ON MONDAY, April 20, 1959 I AT 10:00 A.M. In the Office of the Commissioners at the Courthouse in Manteo Notice is hereby given that the Dare County Board of Commissioners will meet at a Board of Equalization and Review in the County Commissioner's office at the courthouse in Manteo on Monday, April 20, starting at 10:00 a.m., for the purpose of examining and reviewing the tax listings for the current year. All matters relating to equalization of property listed or correction of any errors that may have been made in the abstracts should be brought to the attention of the board at this time, as well as the transaction of any other business in compliance with the Machinery Act of 1939. I DARE COUNTY I Board of Commissioners 1 I By PENNEL A. TILLETT, I TAX SUPERVISOR, DARE COUNTY WALTER B. QUIDLEY, FORMER HATTERAS RESIDENT, DIES Walter Bruce Quidley, 67, hus band of Mrs. Emma Steger Quid ley, died at a Norfolk hospital Wednesday, April 1. Besides his* wife, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Betty J. Woll ner, of France; a son, James F. Quidley, of Hyattsville, Md.; a sister, Mrs. Vera Robinson, of Hatteras, N. C.; six grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Mr. Quidley was a native of Hatteras, going away several i SEABOARD FISH CO. Wholesale Commission Dealers in All Kinds of FISH SHRIMP CRABS CLAMS, ETC. ROCK-FLOUNDERS A SPECIALTY Telephone LE-9-4643 SECTION V. WHOLESALE FISH MARKET BALTIMORE 2. MD. Consignments Solicited Daily Returns PHONES WALNUT 5-1812 and 5-1136 Highest Market Prices PROMPT RETURNS FOR ALL NORTH CAROLINA SEAFOOD HUFF FISH COMPANY WHOLESALE DEALERS 14-15-16 DOCK ST. FISH MARKET PHILADELPHIA 6. PA. 67 YEARS OF SERVICE years ago, and for a time was a resident of Washington, D. C. and had been a resident of Norfolk for the last four years, residing at 4306 Colonial Ave. He was a member of Naval Lodge No. 4, A.F. & A.M. of Washington, D. C. and Universal Craftsmen Council of Engineers, Columbia No. 22. He was employed as an engineer in Washington, D. C. Funeral services were Friday at 3 p.m. Burial was in Forest Lawn Cemetery. PAGE SEVEN

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