SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE EXPIRATION DATE ON ADDRESS VOL XXV NO. 41 JAMBOREE PIRATES ON TV, CARAVANS, DINING, DANCING Variety During Week's Program of Events, More Travel Next Week Buccaneers of the Pirates Jam boree are now very busy with ‘•vents that will lead up to the sixth annual vacation launching event on April 29-May 1. Last week end the buccaneers were featured on TV shows in Washington N. C., at a banquet in Morehead City and then a cruise to the 18th century haunts of Blackbeard at Ocracoke. On Wednesday and Thursday this week a group of 20 buccaneers invaded Richmond. There they were received at the Governor’s office, appeared on television shows, were photographed for local and national newspapers, entertained at the swanky Tantilla Club and then vis ited the Federal Reserve Bank where they were photographed again with 51 thousand silver dol lars as a backdrop. On Thursday after leaving Richmond the group visited the Mayor of Petersburg. On Friday night all bearded men will enjoy a banquet at The Caro linian beginning at 6:30 o’clock. At the same time the beardless lady buccaneers will dine at Bea con Motor Lodge. After the ban quets the groups will be guests of Ras Wescott for a dance at The Casino. Young pirates, 70 from the Dare Coast including five couples from Hatteras Island will leave Manteo by bus or station wagons for Nor folk to be filmed for the “Let’s Dance” program on WTAR. In Norfolk, the Dare group will be joined by pirate costumed mem ber of Eliabeth City high school hand. They will be featured on the Elisabeth City Coca-Cola Bottling Works-sponsored show on Satur