FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1960 ROSE BAY CLUB < The Rose Bay Home Club met with Mrs. James Hodges Thursday night, the president, Mrs. Sidney Credle; devotion by the hostess. The meeting was turned over to Miss Nelda Howell the Home Agent The demonstration was "Con struction of garments on Sewing Machine,” which was very timely as Easter draws near. Plans were made for the District Meeting in COASTLAND COLOR CARD CO. Tel. 2521 or 2707 NAGS HEAD, N. C. Jobbers Local View Post Cards Brochures Commercial Photography Colored Photographic Business and Advertising Cards NAGS HEAD SUPERMARKET Announces the Opening of A < SPORTSWEAR SHOP SATURDAY, APRIL 16 FOR THE SEASON a NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY GOING TO PRESS , Please check your listings in the current directory to make sure they are correct. If you wish any change made, notify our business office now. ■* While checking your present listings, why not also consider extra listings. If your business deals with a va riety of services or products extra listings can prove very valuable. Our business office will gladly give you information on this low-cost, high-convenience service. ANY CHANGES DESIRED MUST BE GIVEN TO US BEFORE 5:00 P.M., FRIDAY, MAY 6. THE NORFOLK AND CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (Political Advertisement) ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP NEIGHBORS RECOMMEND T. J. (JEPP) HARRIS FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER As one good neighbor to another, we recommend Thomas Jefferson (Jepp) Harris to the voters of Dare County in the Democratic primary for County Commis sioner from Atlantic Township. We believe he stands for what is best for Dare County and stands highest of those who are available for this office. Atlantic Township includes the voting precincts of Kitty Hawk, GMington, Kill Devil Hills and Duck. We recommend Mr. Harris to our neighboring town ships in Dare County for the following reasons: He is a lifelong resident of Dare County with a wide acquaintance among our people and is highly regarded the length of our county. He has been a fisherman and a working man. He has been officer in charge of men in the Coast Guard; he knows how to work with people and to g«|t along with people. He has full educational requirements, and better still, he has level-headed commonsense that will enable him to work with others, and to see the needs of all sections of the county. He iwill do no harm and will say no harm of anyone, and be is a man we can all be proud of. We deserve a man like this to represent us; we will support him fully, and we recommend him to the entire county. THE ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE FOR GOOD MEN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE Plymouth. Rrefreahments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Thurman Evans, Mrs. E. E. Hodges, Mrs. Sidney Credle, Charles, Mrs. Alvah O’Neal, Mrs. Jodie Williams, Al thea Williams, Mrs. Nell Dodge, Mrs. Bryce Credle, Elaine and Cora Sue Credle, Mrs. Troy Mayo, Mrs. Paul O’Neal, Mrs. C. B. Jen nette, Mrs. Kay Deckard, Glenn Deckard, Mrs. Cecil Sadler, Mrs. Carroll Gibbs, Mrs. Nelda Howell, Linda, Loretta and Belsey Hodges. Home Demonstration Doings In Dare By BEULAH GAYLORD, Agt. Schedule for week: April 18 22. Monday: Rodanthe - Waves - Salvo Home Demonstration meeting, at 2 p.m. at the community building. Buxton H. D. meeting, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Pearl Midgett Tuesday: Cape Hatteras 4-H meet ings at the Cape Hatteras School, beginning at 9:30 a.irf. Hatteras H. D. meeting ,at 2 pjn. at the home of Mrs. Delores Burins. Frisco H. D. Meeting, at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Catherine Austin. Wednesday-Friday: Agent’s meet ing in Raleigh. The Craftsman Fair was attend ed by a number of Dare County home demonstration women this past week. The Dare and Curri tuck women had a booth on Italian hemstitching. One afternoon the Dare Women served as hostesses. I John Jamburo had a booth on' wood carving. As some of you have already noted his picture was the front page feature of the brochure announcing the fair. He has had his booth for both years the fair has been held. The Manteo H. D. members served refreshments at the Family night program at the Community Building on Friday evening, April 8. This program was in cooperation with the County Library in cele bration of National Library Week. STUMPY POINT PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Payne, Mrs. Mabie Shelton returned from Nor folk. Ronnie Payne of Norfolk is visit ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Nixon of Engelhard visited Mr. and Mrs C. E. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Wise and Mrs. Bettie Nixon. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Twiford, Mrs. Florine Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. W. Brantley Twiford attend ed “Open House” for Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mann at Manns Harbor. Patrolman O. L. Wise of Eliza beth City visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wise who have been very ill for several months. Mr. apd Mrs. Lonnie Hooper of Elizabeth City visited Mrs.. Frances Hooper. Mrs. Tai Best and Susie, Mrs. Jasper Hooper, Carol and Colleen, Sally Best, Carolyn Knight, were in Norfolk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hildred Golden and Shelia visited Mr. Geo. Golden in Norfolk. Mrs. G. E. Meekins, Mrs. Pearl Gray, Mrs. Wilma Midgette and Mrs. Clara Faye Meekins were in Engelhard Monday. Mrs. Belle Gray and family vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gray in Norfolk. * Horce Hooper, Jr., visited Miss Verna Mann in Greenville. H. B. Hooper was in Buxton Mon day on business. Bryan O’Neal visited his aunt, Mrs. Pearl Mitchell and Mr. Mit chell in Elizabeth City. Mrs. Bob Midyette visited Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Hooper of Nor folk and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hooper of Weeksville. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hooper vis ited sons McCoy and Bill yof Nor folk and Weeksville. Mrs. Bobby Wise of Morehead City and Mrs. Ben Barbee of Nor folk is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Le land Wise. Pearl Gray visited Van Gray in Wanchese. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Best have re ceived an announcement of their third grandchild, second grand daughter born in Spain, March 28. Holly Aldine, to Mr. and Mrs. Jim mie Meekins. Mrs. Meekins is the former Myra Best and Mr. Meek ins, U.S.A.F. is the son of Garland and the late Aldine Meekins. The family is due back in the states in May. ELIZABETH CITY DIST. WINS STUDY JEWEL The Elizabeth City District of the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church was awarded the Lillie Moore Everett study jewel at the annual meeting of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service held at Wilmington. This lovely gold jewel is awarded to the district that has reported the highest per cent of its societies having held three or more approved missionary study classes. The district secretary of missionary education, Mrs. W. V. Gaylord, will wear the jewel to all Woman Society meetings she attends un til August 1961, when it will again be awarded. Dare County sub-districts were 100 per cent in their studies. Attending from Dare County were: Mrs. Nellie Farrow, Waves; Mrs. Florine Hooper, Stumpy Point; Mrs. Hubert Ambrose, Manns Harbor; Mrs. G. G. Bonner, Manteo; Mrs. Roland Sawyer, Man teo; Mrs. Brancey Peterson, Man teo; Mrs. Janies Davis, District Secretary, Wanchese; Mrs. Harold Leatherman, Vice President, Man teo; and Mrs. W. V. Gaylord, Sec retary of Missionary Education, Manteo. SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB .. I.— - A meeting of the Senior Citizens Club will be held at Kitty Hawk on Saturday, May 23 at 2 to 4 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Gertie Baum. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. IMPRESSIVE EASTER PROGRAMS PLANNED BY DARE CATHOLICS KILL DEVIL HILLS.—The joy ous Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, the greatest Christian fes tivl, will be solemnly observed in Holy Redeemer Catholic Church with an Easter High Mass on Holy Saturday at midnight. At 11:15 on Saturday night the Paschal Rites will be held, consisting of the bless ing of the New Fire, the Paschal Candle, the Easter and the Bap tismal Water. Candlelight will fea ture this liturgical service. A low Mass on Easter Sunday morn’ng will be offered at 10 o’clock while an afternoon Easter Mass will be celebrated at 4 o’clock at the U. S. Naval Facility of Cape Hatteras, Buxton, N. C. Mrs. Lima Oneto of Nags Head will direct the music while Mrs. I Abia Glynn of Manteo and Mrs. I Ruth Frank of Kill Devil Hills will play the organ. The acolytes are Jan Oneto, Michael Frank and George Frank. At the Naval Base the seivers will be Gregorio L'n sangan, Curil J. Brathwaite and Carlos D. Andaya. Seamen Philip J. Attina, of St. Patrick’s Cathed ral choir of New York City, is in charge of the music. Chief Eugene Charles Siebels is the head usher. Father Peter Martin Denges, pastor of the beach church and Catholic chaplain at the Buxton Naval Facility, cordially invites the public to attend these Easter serv ices. WSCS ELECTS OFFICERS Meeting last Thursday night at the church, the Woman’s Society for Christian Service of Mount Olivet Methodist Church, Manteo, elected officers for the coming year. Mrs. B. A. Evans, retiring president, presided. The new of ficers will take over in June. They are: president, Mrs. Nevin Wescott; vice-president, Mrs. James Rea, Jr.; recording secretary, Mrs. Thomas Daniels; and treasurer, Mrs. Edna Bell. DR. O. W. PITTMAN Optometrist Announces the opening of an office in Manteo directly across street from Hotel Fort Raleigh. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Prescription Sunglasses Office Hours: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month 9:30 to 5:00 ’ Phone Kill Devil Hills, N. C. 8521. Air Conditioning— temperatures made to order— See The Dinah Shore Chevy Show in color Sunday*, NBC-TV— ior aii-wealher comfort. Get a demonstration! the Pat Boone Chevy Showroom weekly, ABC-TV. □ «■ sw-’ W HF jf W Brookwood i-Door G-Passenger Station Wagon v I Y; *&*»■• JR||| 8 IF 8 ! fWJF I 4VI I Anyone who's looked around knows B IM 4iß iW I V Illi majority of Chevrolet models—6’s M BgfW II B | 11| | and VB's together—list for less than ’W" sss ®n W Is ■ ■ W comparable models of other low-priced » cars. But the price tag alone is only el HI 7~ llf fl Bllf one °f a wh °le raft of reasons a I fl 111 I B£B I W fl Ml W Chevy does better by your dollars. Villi I IwW I Oil I Nothing near Chevy’s size and price can match the Full Coil cushioning of its mb B ride, or the fine, finished workmanship H■fa H H ■■ Bm B Os its Body by Fisher. That even applies ■ mm |v ■■ ■■ Bv B Bg to some cars that cost a lot more. You’re ■ j|BBBB P|||l ■ r up in the higher price brackets before tvhHBB B BFBB you find a car that moves as quietly as a Chevrolet or offers the inner space that ■ ■ St ■ HI ■>!■■■■ .SHk ms Chevrolet does. hIHIh ITI 7a" fl Or look at the extras Chevy gives you Wi H I fl —of no extra cosf—that others in its class _|||w| I H B mH 9*9 can’t offer at any price. Shock-cushioned BB ■ WsF ■ W ■ B steering. Safety Plate Glass in every win- dow. Keyless locking of all doors. Crank- ■ B BBn B m B Hl ik® km fl Bl B the widest choice of power teams, too. LOT LESS CAR! For economical transportalion See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for fast delivery, favorable deals * if MANUFACTURtrS LICENM NO. 11l Hassell & Crees Motor Co., Inc. i PHONE 87 MANTEO. N. C. * c h *- w - 4 BUXTON PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Midgett of Townsend Inlet, N. J., visited Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Midgett. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Gaskill of Ocracoke, Mrs. Margaret Casey and Mrs. Ross Goodwin of Norfolk, Mr. Charlotte Tolson’s children. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bai-nett, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Dixon were her 4 for the fun eral of C. P. Midgett. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jennett, Mr. and Mrs. Utah Jennett and many close relatives and friends were here for funeral of Mrs. Sudie Jennett. Bertie Dixon who suffered a stroke in December after being in a Home and the Marine Hospital in Norfolk returned home last week accompanied by their son, Elvin Dixon and son in law, A. C. Hassell. Mrs. George Davenport of Nor folk fractured her foot last week but returned home Saturday. Zebb Miller is home after the winter in Florula. Navy and Coast Guard wives meet Thursday at the Navy facili ty and did capper enameling, in structed by Mrs. Mary Stamey, refreshments were served by Mrs. Syble Anslow. U. B. Jennett has gone with his daughter to Elizabeth City for a visit. I Victim of an automobile accident is Darrol Jennett employed in I u; TERMITES j, JL SWARMING? X W TAKE WARNING... ® PREVENT SERIOUS DAMAGE jfer For Free Inspection and Estimates W By Highly Skilled Personnel CALL /gk COLLECT f/ / W Exterminating Company, Inc. iJBD FOR GUARANTEED PROTECTION ROY L. KIDD, GEN. MGR. Bl PHONES 4970 or 7631 80 ' 208 N. Water St. Elizabeth City, N. C. W/ Norfolk, and who suffered several injuries, both legs are in a cast. He is the son of Isaac Jennett, a Buxton merchant. Mrs. Mary Brewer has returned to Atlanta. A bake sale will be held Satur day at the Methodist Church, for the Church Building Fund. Time, 1 till 3 p.m. Mrs. Lula Jennett is in Norfolk ■with her grandson, Darrell Jen nette. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman Miller of N. J., are spending the spring at their trailer home here. The Buxton Ladies played the FAST FILM DEVELOPING KODACOLOR and BLACK & WHITE Prints Delivered Every Wednesday and Saturday. All Types and Sizes Factory-Fresh Film ORMOND'S Buxton, N. C. High School Basketball team Fri day night, score (54-51) in favor of the High School. The Church Building Fund received SSO. The MYF will hold a Sunrise Service at the Lighthouse on Eas ter Morning, in memory of the first discovery of the blessing of the empty tomb. FOR YOUR SAPOLIN PAINT AND PAINTING SUPPLIES Always Stop at FEARINGS, INC. Why? We offer a complete line PAGE NINE