PAGE SIX News of Columbia & Tyrrell Co. For Subscriptions, see Mrs. Blanche W. Cohoon, or Call Her, Phone 317-1, Columbia, N. C. She will welcome news of Columbia and Tyrrell County • MRS. BRIDGEMAN HEADS COLUMBIA WSCS FOR YEAR COLUMBIA. Mrs. D. M. Bridgeman, newly elected presi dent succeeding Mrs. Abner Har rell, presided at the Woman’s So ciety of Christian Service of Wes ley Memorial Methodist Church Tuesday night. Mrs. Reba Wood, Treas., offer ed the budget which was accept ed. Mrs. Emma Krause, Secretary of Student Work reported. Mrs. W. V. Reynolds, encouraged new subscriptions and renewals of Methodist publications. As a means of revenue for the organi zation, the recipe of Queen Eliza beth’s Cake, is being sold, re ported Mrs. W. H. McClees. The additions to the parsonage during the past year were sum med up by Mrs. J. C. CcClees. They included matching rugs ttnd matching draperies for living room and dining room; table lamp and coffee table for living room; draperies for bed room; cabinet installed in bath; two gas heaters installed; window fan, swivel desk chair aand a mimeograph machine for the study room and a T.V. tet. “Our Leisure” and its interpre tation for helpfulness was the program headed by Mrs. Johnnie Everett. Others assisting were Mrs. Lonnie Liverman, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Mrs. Reba Wood and Mrs. H. Worth Pearce. 'Prayer was by Mrs. W. V. Reynolds. The hostesses, Mrs. Re ba Wood and Mrs. H. Worth Pearce served refreshments to others attending: Mrs. Emma Krause, Mrs. J. W. Everett, Mrs. Abner Harrell, Mrs. D. M. Bridge man, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell, Mrs. J. C. McClees, Mrs. L. N. Daven port, Mrs. L. E. Liverman, Mrs. W. H. McClees, Mrs. Odell Rough ton, Mrs. W. V. Reynolds and a guest, Mrs. Walter Bailey. BRICK HOUSE-JONES COLUMBIA. Jerry Wallace Brickhouse, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Brickhouse of Route Two Columbia, and Miss Doris Ann Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones of Route 3, Columbia, -were married here Saturday, July 16 by the Rev. W. T. Reynolds, Free Will Baptist Minister. „ J - ;< it.,,,, ■ ' 2 w- mi Wherever You G 0... ! I. * \ V \ % Whatever You Do.. in Eastern JL: > ! North Carolina’s variety ■ Vacationland... ? > b F '<«- " i Let Long Distance Make Your Vacation More Enjoyable • Make plans, phone ahead for reservations • Call friends along the way • Keep in touch with folks back home -x ♦ CALENDAR FOR TYRRELL PUBLIC SCHOOLS FIXED COLUMBIA. The Tyrrell County Public School calendar for 1960-61 session as released by the office of Superintendant of Pub lic Education, M. L. Basnight. Teachers will begin term Aug ust 25; enrollment of children August 26; school opening—Aug. 29. Holidays as listed: Labor Day —Sept. 5; District Teacher’s meet ing—Oct. 11; Thanksgiving—Nov. 24, and 25; Christmas—to begin at end of school day Dec. 22nd to Jan. 2nd, 1961; Easter—Friday, March 31 and Monday, April 3. School officially closes May 23rd, 1961. The Supt. of Public Education reported that three bids were re ceived for the covered walkway lat Columbia High School: the lowest being $11,016 and all bids were rejected. As coach for Columbia High School to fill the position left va cant by F. M. Johnson, Adrian ' Ayers of Manteo has been elect ed. Supt. Basnight further report ed that Columbia High School has I gained one high school teacher I based on last year’s attendance I and that there was still two teachers short, that of English and Math major. Painting and repair work is be ing done to both schools, prepara tory to opening, adds Mr. Bas night. TYRRELL 4-H GROUP ENJOY MOUNTAIN TRIP COLUMBIA. Returned from Swannanoa Camp in Western N. C. are the 21 Tyrrell County 4-H campers who have had their first camping experience far from home. For many it was several first experiences—a trip to the moun tains, to Cherokee Indian Reser vation, and a chance to see the outdoor historical drama “Unto These Hills.” Three out of the eight group leaders in the camp were from 'Tyrrell—Don Chaplin, Mike Co hoon and Sandra Owens. Don was the main speaker at the Friday night Vespers Program, and Mike presided at the Friday night ban quet. I Sandra Owens, Ashley Hardison, Don Chaplin, Kay Snell and Mike i Cohoon, all of Tyrrell were se lected as five of the eight honor COLUMBIA PERSONALS COLUMBIA. The Tidewater Bloodmobile of the American Red Cross will be here at the Agricul ture Building Wednesday afternoon August 3rd from 2 to 6 p.m., Julian H. Swain, Tyrrell County Blood mobile Chairman announces. He urges Tyrrell County citizens who can to give a pint of blood to keep up the county’s quota so blood will be available when needed in emer gencies. (David Earl Snell spent the week end here with his aunts, Mrs. Mar tha Walker, Mrs. Lena Johnson and Mrs. Edith Laughinghouse. E. E. Chesson Jr., of Groveland, Fla., is visiting with his father, E. E. Chesson and Mrs. Chesson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Edwards of Camden and Florida are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Arm strong of Batesville, Ark., spent Wednesday with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr .and Mrs. W. H. McClees. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Lamb and sons, David and Stuart of Char lotte are visiting Mrs. Lamb’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lem A. Co hoon. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Blalock Jr., and children Chip and Laura spent the week end with Mrs. Blalock’s mother, Mrs. C. Earl Cohoon. Chip is spending this week with his grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hunter and children Janet and Pete of Norfolk spent the week end with Mrs. Hun ter’s mother, Mrs. A. B. Hopkins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hopkins of Norfolk, who were recently mar ried in Florida, visted Mr. Hop kin’s mother, Mrs. A. B. Hopkins. Jr. Sirs. Robert Boyd and children and Sharon of Norfolk visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian L. Poston tliis week. Sheriff and Mrs. Clair E. Morris spent the week end in Raleigh vis iting their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Clair E. Morris, campers, with Kay and Don being selected as the best all around campers of the week. Those who attended were: Gwen Armstrong, Margaret Rose Ches son, Don Chaplin, Mike Cohoon, Hal Cohoon, Ann Davis, Terry Everett, Don Grimsley, Jerry Hig gins, Faith Hudson, Ashley Hard ison, George Owens, Jr., Nancy Owens, Sandra Owens, Abbie Kay Harrell, Kay Liverman, Kay Snell, Bobby Taylor, Bill Voliva and Chris Yerby. They were accom panied by Mrs. Elsie B. Edwards, assistant county home agent and H. H. Harris, county agricultural agent. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. If Nancy Carters | Kitchen | | Know-How | Low Calorie Melons Make Ideal Dessert During the warm days of summer the call for icy cold melon is one of the most fre quently heard menu requests. Everyone agrees there’s nothing quite so refreshing as a slice of melon be it juicy watermelon, golden cantaloupe, frosty green honeydew. Melons are “nature’s coolers” and are in top notch supply right now at your friendly su permarket. Melons are low in calories. For example, only 30 calories in half a 414 -inch can taloupe. Yet even though low in calories, melons are amazingly, high in vitamins—particularly A and C. Because they are na tural alkalizers they aid diges tion, too. Eye-Buy Melons When selecting melons let’ your eye be your guide. Look for cantaloupes with well de fined, coarse, corky and greyish netting. The scar at the stem end should be slightly sunken, smooth and calloused. Usually, ripe watermelons are firm and well shaped. They have a vel vety bloom on the surface and a yellowish underside. Choose honeydews which have a creamy yellow appearance and yield to slight pressure at the stem end. Ripeness may also be indicated by a faintly pleasant arom.i. Free Melon Folder During the summer there are so many fresh fruits and vege tables in top supply we otten overlook some because they are new to us. To help you buy, pre pare and serve these unusual 1 items, I’ve prepared an d-page J folder. Included is a description of all the summer melons plus: some fine tested recipes. If you’d like a free copy just i write, Nancy Carter, P. O. Box 4358, Atlanta, Ga. I’ll be glad to send it. Melon Cooler 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin 1 cup hot water cup cold water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 114 cups melon balls or cubes Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add cold water and lemon juice. ’ Chill until partially set. Fold in: melon balls. Chill in individual i molds until firm. Unmold andj serve on salad greens with' mayonnaise mixed with an 1 equal amount of very stiff wh:p-, ped cream. Makes 6 servings. I Jr., and in Chapel Hill with their daughter, Miss Madge Etta Mor ris. Miss Mary Katherine Beach of Rocky Mount who is listed among those who will make their debut by the Terpsichorean Club in Ra leigh during Sept., is the daughter of Dan Beach, and a niece of Miss Sara L. Taft. Misses Dana Davenport and Mary Ruth Woodley w-ho have been visiting Mr .and Mrs. Irving Ever ton in Georgia and Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchener in Concord have returned home. The Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Chap lin of Sanford; their daughter, Jean and children of Mount Olive are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Chaplin. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jean B. Combs at Columbia Hospital, Sun day morning, July 17, a daughter, Laura Ann. One case was heard in Recorder’s Court Monday morning by Judge W. T. Reynolds: Willie Jean Hamil ton, Negro, of Fairfield charged with larceny of articles among which was a watch, was found guilty and sentenced to six months suspended upon the payment of $lO., and to make restitution to Maedie Joseph the amount of sls, plus costs. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Swain of Bordentown, N. J., visited last week with Mr. Swain’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Swain. Sam S. Woodley, Jr., who has been attending the four week Summer Training Union in R.O.T.C. at Craig Air Force Base in Ala bama has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gregory, Mrs. H. A. Goodman and children, Gean and Joan, all of Portsmouth spent the week end with Mrs. W. M. Norcom and Mrs. Rodney Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Roughton of Portsmouth spent the week en< here visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. W. H. Harrell and Mrs. Emma Czech have returned from visiting in Norfolk. Rodney Cooper and Thomas Davenport are visiting in Jack son, Miss. S/Sgt. and Mrs. H. J. Lane and children of Cherry Point spent Sun day with Mrs. Lane’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davenport. Mrs. Abner Harrell left Thurs day for Norfolk, where she plans to undergo surgery. The Rev. and Mrs. William P. Waters and daughter of Goldsboro visited Miss Martha Sykes Sunday. The right thinker and worker does his best, and does the tliink ing for the ages. —Mary Baker Eddy RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE HYDE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE CREATION OF OCRACOKE MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT NORTH CAROLINA HYDE COUNTY WHEREAS, a public hearing was held at Ocracoke, North Car olina, on May 6, t 1960, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., after due advertise ment as provided in General Statutes 130-211, at which time the meeting was presided over by H. L. Sadler, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, and attended by D. W. Boseman, one of the representatives of the State Board of Health; and, at said hearing the citizenship and qualified voters of the proposed Mosquito Control District were present, and/or represented by others who were not present. And, after considerable discussion, the resident citizens and qualified voters present at the meeting and representatives of’ others who were not present, voted unani mously in favor of the creation of said Mosquito Control District; and . , WHEREAS, after such hearing and after consultation with the representatives of the State Board of Health, this Board deems it advisable that such district should be created and established. And that a special election is neces sary and should be called to sub mit to the qualified voters resid ing within the proposed district the question of whether-or-not the district, shall be created and es- WISE’S MANTEO, N. C. Phone 32 Free Delivery IIG .Jill AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT WHILE YOU SHOP Frosty Morn Smoked Picnics lb. 33c Duncan Hines Cake Mixes 3 for SI.OO Del Monte (Sliced) Peaches 2¥2 size 3 for 89c Del Monte (Halves) Peaches 2¥2 size 3 for 89c Red & White Mayonnaise quart 39c (WITH $5.00 OR MORE FOOD ORDER) Tommy Tucker Orange Drink ¥2 gal. 3 for SI.OO Tommy Tucker Grape Drink ¥2 gal. 3 for SI.OO Tommy Tucker Lemonade ¥2 gal. 3 for SI.OO Tommy Tucker Fruit Punch ¥2 gal. 3 for SI.OO Red & White Liq. Det 22 oz. 39c Red & White Shortening 3 lb. can 59c Daisy Cheese lb. 49c Breakfast Link Sausage ¥2 lb. pkg. 29c Roll Sausage lb. roll 39c Breaded Shrimp 10 oz. pkg. 49c Crab Cakes 6 oz. pkg. 49c _ Onions per lb. 5c Z\ ””\ Biscuits 3 for 25c Red & white Salt 2 for 19c Towels 2 for 37c Dove T y Soap reg. 2 for 39c aJI 2 lb. pkg. 39c Tissue 4 rolls 37c Peter Pan Peanut Butter .. 12 oz. 43c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITY PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 23 tablished; and, prior to the sub mission of the question of the formation of the district to the voters of the proposed district, this Board has determined the maximum amount of special tax to be levied for mosquito control purposes, should the formation of the district be approved by the voters, shall not exceed TWENTY FIVE ($.25) CENTS upon the ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) DOL LARS assessed valuation. IT IS. THEREFORE, ORDER ED that a special election be called for the 6th day of August, 1960, at High School Building, in Ocracoke Township, Hyde County, North Carolina, and that the Reg istrar and Judges of the election at said poling place shall be Mrs. Neva O’Neil, Registrar; and Doris Garrish and Martha Simpson, Judges of the election. That there shall be a registration of all qual ified voters residing in said dis trict, beginning on the 9th day of July, 1960, prior to said special election. Said registration and election to be held and conducted as provided by law. The form of the question stated on the ballot shall be substan tially as prescribed by General Statutes 130-211; TWENTY-FIVE ($.25) CENTS to be inserted m said ballot as provided by law. UPON the facts above stated and in compliance with General Statutes 130-211, and all other statutes pertaining thereto, Il I» RESOLVED AND DECREED, that Ocracoke Mosquito Control Dis trict be and the same is hereby created, subject to the provisions and conditions herein recited; and, that a special election be held, as herein provided and as author ized by law, and this cause is /" the A (general) HANDLED BY R. D. Sawyer Motor Co.. Inc. Phone 118 Manteo FRIDAY, JULY 22. 1960 continued for further orders. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED I that a certified copy of this Reso- j lution be sent forthwith to the ’ State Board of Health, Raleigh, I North Carolina, and a copy or ' copies to the local press. MEMBERS VOTING IN FA VOR OF SAID RESOLUTION: H. L. Sadler, Seth B. Credle, and Charlie A. Carawan. MEMBERS VOTING AGAINST: NONE RESOLUTION UNANIMOUS LY ADOPTED. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HYDE COUNTY By: H. L. SADLER Chairman Attest: EVELYN H. SWINDELL Register of Deeds and Ex-Officio Clerk to The Board of Commis sioners of Hyde County r» T-7-22-2tc Good Reading for the Whole Family •News •Facts •Family Features The Chriition Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston 15, Mast. Send your newspaper for the time checked.. Enclosed find my check or money order. 1 year S2O • month* $lO 3 month* $5 Name Address City Zone State ra-w

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