PAGE SIX News of Columbia and Tyrrell Co. For Subscriptions, see Mrs. Blanche W. Cohoon, or Call Her, Phone 317-1, Columbia, N. C. She will welcome news of Columbia and Tyrrell County MUCH HOLIDAY ACTIVITY IN TYRRELL'S 4-H AND HOME CLUBS RECENTLY COLUMBIA. The Sound Side 4-H Community Club met recently at the home of Mrs. E. L. Ludford. Kenny Bateman and Albert Cooper led the pledges to the American flag and 4-H flag. Kay Smith was in charge of de votions, reading from the book of Luke. Mrs. Elsie B. Edwards, Tyrrell County Assistant Home Economics agent, and M. L. Goodwin, Tyrrell County Assistant Agricultural; Agent, gave a very interesting pro gram on wildlife. Ray and Kenny Bateman invited the members to meet with them in January. During the social hour several games were enjoyed. A test on Christmas carols was conducted by Ann Clough and after each ques tion a carol was sung. Gifts were exchanged by the members and re freshments were served to Albert Cooper, Barbara Brickhouse, Jack ie Cohoon, Bill Maitland, Barbara Sawyer, Rachel Ludford, Alice Ann Oliver, Ann Clough, Audrey Lud ford, Nancy Brickhouse, Sandra Brickhouse, Gordon Hopkins, Brian Hopkins, Ray Bateman, Polly Lud ford, Kenny Bateman, Ann Lud ford, Kay Smith, Mrs. Ludford, M. L. Goodwin and Mrs. Elsie B. Ed wards. Gilt Projects The first pigs born from gilts in Tyrrell County 4-H gilt project ar rived last week. The proud owner is Ronald Reynolds, Jr. As so often happens the pigs were born on a cold rainy night. The next day snow fell until ground was cover ed. Temperatures that night fell to 15°. However, Junior was pretty well prepared for the extreme condi tions. His A-type farrowing house was tightly constructed with a floor. Ample straw, but not too much was provided. In spite of efforts to prevent any loss of the pigs, one of the eight pigs did not live. The other seven apparently are doing fine. Other boys with gilts in the proj ect are George Griffin Owens, Dw’ght A'nsley, and David Bames. The project is sponsored by Gwaltney Company of Smithfield, V° •’nd Oyens Supply Co. of Co lumbia. vzauin Swamp Home Club The Cabin Swamp Home Demon stration Club met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Philip Swain, Jr., with 17 members and one vis itor present. Mrs. Virginia Rhodes presided. Mrs. Swain gave the devotions as family life leader. Her theme was “Christmas traditions strengthens family ties.” During the business period plans were made for the January meet ing which will be held in the audi torium of the Agricultural Build ing with husbands and 4-H boys and girls invited. Mrs. Ann E. Davenport, Tyrrell County Home Economics Agent, showed several lovely decorations to be used on the door for Christ mas. Several games and contests were enjoyed by the members and gifts ■were exchanged. Christmas carols were sung by the group. The hostess, Mrs. Swain, served punch, cookies, nuts and candy from a lovely arrangement of mag nolia blossoms lighted by Christ mas lights. Cabin Swamp 4-H Club The Cabin Swamp 4-H Commu nity Club met Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Barnes, with the president, Charles Daven port, presiding. The pledges to the American Flag and 4-H Flag were repeated in unison. Larry Cooper was in charge of devotions using as his scripture the first chapter of the book of John. In • L .ru . Prayer was repeated in unison. "Silent Night” and "Jingle Bells” were led by song leader, Judy Rhodes, with Mrs. J. E. Reyn olds, accompanist Mrs. Elsie B. Edwards, Tyrrell: County Assistant Home Economics Agent, and M. L. Goodwin, Tyrrell ( County Assistant Agricultural Agent, presented the program on wildlife, using slides. The club recognized Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reynolds, former outstanding 4-H club members. Mrs. Edwards explained the new awards program for the enriched corn meal muffin contest David Bames, recreation leader, assisted by Mrs. L. R Bames, adult leader, led the group in several games. Delicious refreshments were served to Monah Lou Reyonlds, Larry Comstock, Gary Comstock, Kay Liverman, J. Warren Swain, Everett Swain, George West, Jr., Judy Rhodes, David Bames, Jim my Davenport, Charles Davenport Sharon Cooper, Gail West, Mrs., Graham Liverman, Mrs. Dallas Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. l Reynolds, M. L. Goodwin. Elsie B Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bames. Creeks Home Club Mrs. Herbert Bryan, family life leader, gave an impressive candle '/‘Ai* ’’o'/ Bl IMPRESSIVE PROGRAM AT MALACHI’S CHAPEL CHURCH COLUMBIA. An impressive program, telling the story of the birth of Christ in song and story, was presented Friday night at Mal achi’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church by the youth of the church. The program opened with a med lev of Christmas carols. Council Bryan read the scripture from the 'book of Luke and Melba Ruth Mor ris led the prayer. Several exercises of small chil dren were given. : Rev. Herbert Bryan, pastor of the church, rendered a solo. “Shin ling Star” with Joyce Rhodes, Lor etta Midgette, Freida Voliva. Car ol Spencer and Teresa Weatherly doing the echo part. The senior division presented a play, The Highest Gift. The cast was composed of Hope Morris. Neil Hearn, Bibb Swain, Garland Swain, Mary Beth Swain. Wanda Brick house and Keith Weatherlv. Kenny Spencer gave the good night. The church was attractively dec orated in cedar and holly, with a large Christmas tree. LIBRARY GETS GIFT COLUMBIA. ln the rush of getting ready for Christmas, the Tyrrell County Public Library was not forgotten. Four girls from the eighth grade, Judy Smith, Mar garet Rose Chesson. Abbie Kay Harrell and Sandra Walker decorated the library for the Christmas season. The bulletin board has a large hand drawn San ta in color, with a pack filled with books. Across the top is the letter ing “Fill Your Christmas Stocking with Good Books.” A large double purple African violet, in full bloom, was presented to the library by Mrs. Lonnie Liv erman. COLUMBIA PERSONALS Miss Pat Spencer, student at East Carolina College, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Spencer, Columbia, Thomas Morris, student at Auto- Diesei College, Nashville, Tenn., is spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mor ris, Columbia, Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Parisher and children, Kay, Ray and Greg ory of Norfolk, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bowen Voliva and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Parisher, Columbia, Route 3. Mr. Lee Parisher is a patient in the Columbia Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Linville Midgette and son Steve of Cary spent Sun day and Monday with Mrs. Mid gette’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Armstrong. Royce Armstrong of Norfolk spent the week end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Arm strong. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Latham of Washington were week end guests of Mrs. Latham’s sister and broth er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bridgeman. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bridgeman and children, Tommy and Cynthia, of Washington, D. C. spent Christ mas visiting Mr. Bridgeman’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bridge man. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bridgeman and children, Maurice and Kay of Buckroe Beach, Va. spent the holidays visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bridgeman and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spencer. Linwood Armstrong spent Sun day in Fairfield visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cuthrell and Monday in Norfolk visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and light devotion at the December meeting of the Creeks Home Dem onstration Club Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Julian H. Swain. As the candles were lighted the scripture was read from the books of Luke and Matthew. “O I Come All Ye Faithful” was sung by the group and Mrs. Bryan read a prayer written by the late Peter Marshall. Mrs. Ann E. Davenport, Tyrrell County Home Economics Agent, presented several ideas for decorat ing the front door for Christmas. The recreation leader, Mrs. Ken neth Brickhouse, led the group in several games and contests, giving prizes to the winners. Gifts were exchanged by the members. The January meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Agricul tural Building as a joint meeting of husbands and 4-H boys and girls. The hostess, Mrs. Swain, served refreshments of hot chocolate, cookies, candy and nuts to Mes dames Carrie Parrisher, J. D. Nor- I ris, Kenneth Brickhouse, Herbert Bryan, W. T. Reynolds, Murriell Hassell, W. B. Spencer, Julius I Spencer and Mrs. Ann E. Daven port. i The house was beautifully dec i orated in the Christmas motif. Boys and Girls COLOR TRE PICTURE *lO MEMORIZE THE ROLES ® H \ I zA. \ / j ****• A | ****** n I \ jr ********~*J I (T\ / /L J. FOR YOUR PROTECTION, REMEMBER TO: • Turn down gifts from strangers • Avoid dark and lonely streets • Refuse rides offered by strangers • Know your local policemae Mrs. H. E. Vellines. Mr. and Mrs. Borden McClees and daughter Carol left Sunday for a week’s visit in Miami, Flor ida. Jeffery (Pepper) Brock of Nor folk is visiting his cousin, Lin wood Armstrong. Gordon Deaver, Jr., who has fin ished his basic training at the Air Force base in Texas, was home with his parents for Christmas. Mrs. Tilghman Wood and chil dren of Williamston and Mr. and, Mrs. Billie Swain and daughter, 1 Suzanne, of Landis, visited with their mother, Mrs. Hart Swain, during the holidays. Mrs. J. C. (Lillie) Cohoon is at Lane’s Nursing Home, R.F.D. 3, Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Norman and children, Carl and Betty of Durham spent the holidays visit ing Mr. Norman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Norman. Mr. and Mrs. James 0. Knight and son, Guy of Rocky Mount vis ited his mother, Mrs. Ruth Knight, during the Christmas holidays. The Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Knight and children, Kathy and Robin, of Gatesville spent the holidays vis iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Reynolds and Mrs. Ruth Knight. Mrs. Harry McClees returned Monday from Duke Hospital, Dur ham, where she was a patient dur ing the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Everton of Atlanta visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davenport and Mrs. George Everton during the Christ mas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Liver man of Raleigh spent the holidays visiting his mother, Mrs. L. L. Liv erman. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kelley and son, Trip, of Norfolk, Va. spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Kelley’s mother, Mrs. W. A. Yerby. Miss Joyce Bateman of Winston- Salem spent the holidays visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bateman. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bateman, Jr. and son of Norfolk spent the holi days visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bateman. Michael Griffin of Charlotte spent the week end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Basnight. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Blalock, Jr. and children, Chip and Laura of Wilmington spent Christmas with Mrs. Blalock’s mother, Mrs. C. Earl Cohoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Lamb and children, Stewart and David of Charlotte, spent Christmas with Mrs. Lamb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lem A. Cohoon. Mr. and Mrs. Creston Simmons and children, Cres and Cynthia of Virginia Beach, Va. spent the Christmas holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Simmons and the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Brick house. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Alexander and children, Jo Ann and Bud of Norfolk, Va. spent the holidays visiting his mother, Mrs. J. E. Al exander. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Poage of Hampton, Va. visited her moth er, Mrs. J. E. Alexander. Mrs. Poage remained to spend the week with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, Sr. See Me First .. • IF YOU WANT TO ★ BUY ★ SELL or ★ RENT E. E. MEEKINS Phone 101 MANTEO, N. C. THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. and son, W. J. White. Jr., spent Sunday with Mrs. White’s moth er, Mrs. J. R. Collins, in Roper. Mrs. W. S. Carawan returned Christmas Eve from Goldsboro, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Brown, to spend Christntas with her mother, Mrs. L. A. Cohoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Swain and daughter. Dawn, Mrs. I. R. Swain and Ricky Swain, spent Monday in Kinston visiting Mrs. I. R. Swain’s mother and sisters. RESOLVED! RESOLVED! I’ll never wash I’ll never change another dish another fuse now that housepower lets us now that housepower gives have an Electric Dishwasher all our lights and appliances plus a new Quick-Recovery the power they need without Electric Water Heater that overloading any circuit to the gives all the hot water I can fuse-blowing or even the light use, 24-hours a day. blinking point a Mill fl fl I BS B 1 I ; / !•' ' ■B H . ’ » i • B IL '•!.» * • 8181 * ■. * * •• « • no ■’* » ■«.* • ~ Start the New Year right.. .with HOUSEPOWER! Make a date with your Authorized Housepower Contractor to check your wiring and tell you how little it can cost to bring your home up to modern housepower standards. Ask vepco for the name of a contractor near you. Virginia ■lbctric and powir company GUM NECK PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Belvin Everton of Norfolk and Mrs. Marie Meekins of Elizabeth City spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Jewel Ev erton. David Cahoon spent the holidays home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cahoon. He attends Mt. Olive College. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cahoon and children, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Jones and children, Mr. and Mrs. James Kemp and children and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones .of Norfolk spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Sawyer of Norfolk spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Sade Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Parrisher of Norfolk visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Parrisher. Lee Parrisher returned Monday from Columbia Hospital. Mrs. Lois Cullipher and chil dren of Norfolk spent Christmas with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkins. Mra. Frank Meekins, Odell Beal and Kay Barefield are spending the holidays in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Selby, Ann and Mrs. Portia Selby spent Christmas in Norfolk with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Gibbs. Mrs. J. W. Williams spent Christmas in Norfolk with her chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Shelbourn Williams.] Mr. and Mr. Flay Kemp and children of Manns Harbor spent Christmas with his father, Mrs. Charlie Kemp. Mrs. Bea Clodfelter and Russell, Miller of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Herbert Chaplin of Sound Side, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fulcher and chil dren of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cahoon of Creswell and Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Liverman of Smithfield were Christmas visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Cooper. Joe Carleno and Leonard Smith son were in East Lake and Manns I Harbor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patrick and i son Terry and Mr. and Mrs. R'ch -1 ard McKinney and sons, Jimmy 1 and Ronnie of Elizabeth City, Mr. ' and Mrs. Robert Patrick, son Lee and daughter Vicky of East Lake > and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood of I Plymouth spent Christmas with Mr. • iand Mrs. Ralph Patrick. Bobby Patrick is spending the I holidays with his mother, Mr. and ijMrs. H. C. Tyler in Hampton. 'I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Liverman. Sr. I of South Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. • Jack Liverman, Jr. of Plymouth ■ spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Liverman. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jones and ’ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jones of Washington, D. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray of Washington, ■ N. C. spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Jones. Judy Jones 'returned home after a long visit in Washington, D. C. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry O’Neal of 1 Manteo, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Har • | rell of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. I Leroy Tarkington of Norfolk spent I Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. ! I Tarkington. Inez Swindell of Norfolk and i1 Nina Sykes of Great Bridge were : here for the holidays. I Mr. and Mrs. Bervil Jones of Sumter, S. C. and Mr. and Mrs. i Calvert Jones of Roanoke Ranids ■ spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. I .Lem Jones. ■ | C. J. Liverman, Jr. and Wesley I Sykes of Norfolk spent Christmas : here with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Liv ■ erman, Sr. | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carleno and I,daughter, Eunice spent the holi days with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smithson. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Everton of Atlanta are spending the holidays I with his mother, Mrs. Polly Ann Everton. Cliff Workman is home for ten days from Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porterfield and daughter of Norfolk spent the FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1960 week end with her mother, Mrs. Polly Ann Everton. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Smith of Norfolk spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smith. Carlon Everton and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Swain and children of Portsmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Ben nie Liverman of Smithfield, Mrs. Dola Sawyer of Jacksonville, Fla. visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Par risher. Mrs. Gladys Sawyer and children spent Christmas in Plymouth with her sister, Mrs. Mattie Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carleno, Eun ice and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith son visited Mrs. Lennie Dorwart in Elizabeth City and Mrs. Made line Hewitt in Camden Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Delton Everton and son Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cross white and children, Hobby and Car ol and Mr. and Mrs. Connie Phelps and daughters, Joyce and Shelby of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Everton and children, Eric and Beth of Lynnhaven visited Mrs. Sally Everton and Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck of Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rhodes of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cahoon of Hert ford spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Cahoon. Harvey Kemodle of Burlington spent the week end here. Jack Combs of Norfolk is spend ing the holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Workman. dashdf