PAGE TWO NEWS OF BELHAVEN And The Pungo River District MRS. M. L WINDLEY, Representative—Telephone WH 3-3061 RECORDERS COURT Richard Fonville, RE 1 Swan Quarter pleaded guilty to charges of Public drunkenness and was giv en a 30 day suspended sentence upon the payment of $lO fine and cost of the court. Bruce Allen Mann, Rt. 1 Scran toa pleaded guilty to speeding •■barges; 30 day suspended sentence upon payment of $lO fine and cost of court. R. H. Allen, Belhaven, pleaded guilty to having no sewage facili ties, upon the promise to furnish saime was released upon payment of court cost. Vrginia Hornsby Hope, Belhav en, pleaded guilty to driving with out a drivers license; $25 fine and cost of court charges. Jack Ahearn, Pantego, pleaded guilty to assault charges; 90 day suspended sentence up n the pay ment of $lO fine and the condition that he does not molest his family an the future. James Lee Whitney, RE 1, Pan tego, pleaded guilty to charges of operating a vehicle on the highway with improper muffler, cost of court. Ernest Cox, Belhaven, upon pleading guilty to charges of pub lic drunkenness was given a 30 day suspended sentence, fined $5 and cost of court. C. E. Holcomb, Plymouth pleaded guilty to worthless check changes, was ordered to pay check, $32.01 and cost of court. Bobby Peele, Bath, pleaded guil ty to driving without an operator’s license; 30 day suspended sentence upon payment of $25 fine and cost. Kenneth M. Keeck, Bath, Rt. 1 pleaded guilty to reckless driving charges; 30 day suspended sentence upon payment of $25 fine and cost of court. John Pruitt, Belhaven, pleaded guilty to public drunkenness; $25 and cost of court. James Herman O’Neal, Belhaven pleaded guilty to operating vehicle on highway without operator’s lic ense; $25 and cost of court. Miles Mann, Belhaven pleaded guilty to driving without a driver’s license; $25 and cost of court. Marion Jasper Windfield, Pante-' go pleaded guilty to driving with out a driver’s license. $25 and cost of court. Joe Greekspoor, Rt. 1 Pantego, pleaded guilty to driving drunk and without a driver’s license; 90 day suspended sentence upon the payment of $125 fine and cost of court. Lloyd Wilson Woolard, Rt. 4 Washington, pleaded guilty to fail ing to stop at a stop sign; $lO and cost of court. James Linwood Braddy, Belhav en, pleaded guilty to improper pas sing; $lO fine and cost of court. The attack aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt is longer than three football fields placed end-to-end. Always Stop at FEARINGS, INC. FOR YOUR SAPOLIN PAINT AND PAINTING SUPPLIES Why? We offer a complete line l t tafce, the mystery out of Diamond Buying Our Diamondscope re veals the clarity of a diamond aids in ac curate pricing—assures you that here is the firm whose judgment, integ rity and knowledge you can rely on. Certified Itoqistßrcd Jeweler tjp Americon Gem Sedrf} in W