’.if.'; Kitty IT 8-21-^^ 63 0. SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE EXPIRATION DATE ON ADDRESS 12 Pages in 2 Sections THE COASTLAND TIMES WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE PILOT AND HERALD OF BELHAVEN AND SWAN QUARTER PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RALEIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROLINA MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO BOX 428 MANTEO, N. C. NOT TO INDIVIDUALS Page I through 6 VOLUME XXVIII ~ NO. 36 MANTEO, N. C., FRIDAY MARCH 8. 1963 Single Copy 7{5 DARE BOARD WOULD STAY PUT IN JOB Citizens Would Have Little Chance to Change Commis sioners; 4-Year Terms Proposed Poi-petuation in ofTiro for tho Coniniisioners of Dare County is the apparent motivation Ic- hincl a bill introduced by Dare Rep. 31. L. Daniels. Jr. in Ra leigh on Tuesday of thi.s week, Tho bill, if ai)proved. would rule out the po.ssibihty of voter.s inakin;' a clean .'wi'O]) of tin board in forthconiintr election.'s all at once, which of course, ha.s some merit. Rut for lho.se wh) arc intcre.sted in making chaiiKe.-, of those entru.stcd with county alfair.s but who have only milked the public till at every oppor tunity, a sad day will come if the proposed legi.^lation i.s ap- pi'oved. In addition, leiii.slation would, to double the calamity, set the Comnii.ssioners up for a four- year term, rather than tho pres ent two, which is customary and adhered to by the majority of counties in our area. Under terms of tho bill intro duced, Conuni.s.sioners from Xags Read and Jlatteras town ships Would automatically have their terms e.Mended an addi tional two years. This would mean that Lawrence L. Swain of .Manteo, Board Chairman, and George R. F'uller from Buxton Would he heiil for two more years whether the public liked it or not. They were both re elected to their posts for two years lust 3Iay after a campaign in which strong opposition was apparent. Swain has sei'ved sev eral terms on the board, but the pi'cseut is his lirst in the contcnterl post of chairman. Ful ler is serving his third term. The three other t.iwnships — Atlantic, Croatan and Kinnakeet —would elect commissioners in 19G4 for four-year terms. Rep. Daniels, it is reported, made the .statement this week that: “JIany limes, as a result, (of clean- .sweep appareutlj) worthwhile starts have been .shelved or min imized before they were given a chance to really get stalled.'' Little hopt would remain for citizens if they “really get started ’ with a perpetuating program. Under a deal of this kind, it could take six year# to dispo.se of v.hat now take.s two. COULD THIS PRINCIPLE BE USED TO COMBAT EROSION? .1 >, Oli.l! HYDE TO VOTE ON SCHOOL BOND ISSUE ON MAY 25 PILINGS AND PIPE hate bemi combined in this project at Nag.‘; Head, which was installed las,, spring and .summer as a m.ilti'r of drain for water standing in areas between the old and new liigh’vays. It has served its original purpose with a good degree of elfieieney, but in addition has proved itself effective in stahiliring and building the beach. It is located oast of the town olfua’.-. former location, for all who caiis to take a look at it. AT NASS HEAD BEACH MOVES EAST, A BONUS RESULT OF DRAINAGE PROJECT In this day of great talk about comhaUing bench eroi-inn, and when so many projects for the .'a\ing of oiir coitstline have failed, it would he well for in terested parties to take a better look at one area in parlieular. That area is east of the former Nags Head town office. | To be be.st oh.seiwed, onei .should go to tho -site at low' George Albert Me Cl ease, water. i ^^egro, was brought in Dare County Recorder’s Court thi.s c.apias as a result ILLEGITIMATES LEAD CASES IN COURT TUESDAY Other Cases Involve Automo bile Accident Near Avon cn February 12 year’s cxton-i , , I week under Following last sivc flooding from the Ash' Weiliiesdav storm, much of the area between Highways 158 and ' 158 By-Pass was plagued with water standing in lowlying,^''’' are.a.s. Tliis situation existed nioreso, perhaps, in tlie area V™ children of aforementioned. At any local ami stale officials decided, •''I^Clcasc had admit ed that upon the installation of a drain,''’" ' dren, Sind was sentenced to two years on ithe road, Suspended if he paid the Court Clerk $20 per week for support of the chil dren. laid, jutted into the:,,'^pl February 9 of this year. , JlcClcasc was in .arrears to a total of $045, having paid only a total of $25 on two occasions .since last October. He claimed that tho had weather in New T'oik where he was employed A special .school bond election has been .set for May 25 by the Hyde County Board of Com- missioncr.s. At that time the citizens of the county will vote for or against a $50,000 bond is sue for tho pui'iioso of construct ing new schoiil buildings, .school garages, educational and voca- liomd buildings, tcacberages, luiieb rooms and other facilitie.s ns needed in connection 'vith the school system; and the re construction of existing facili ties, aks for or against consoli dation of the East llyile ami West Hyde schooLs, the con solidated unit to be at the Mat- tamu.skett School site near the intersection of highwav.s 64 and 2G4. A gi-nnd jury report in 1902 held that both scliools above mentioned bad unsafe facilitie.s. from llie west side of Highway 158 Business out to the ocean Consisti>-.g of two mains, each four feet in diameter, the lines lead ea.stward and at the time they were ocean several foot, even on low water. It required considerable patience, and several delays were experienced because of rough sea conditions, but the project was finallv considered ... ,, , advanced enough to leave it for ^ Hoor poli.sher had then. At that time, and to this » *, 4.., 1 *1 c • payment. He said that he had (mtc, two more lenc^ths of pipe , , , j ! 1 • nn y avoragod two or throe davs lo foi't long remain to bo posi-^ ^ t *. » j i i Honed before tho project can be;'’ work, and asked consider,si complete. ^o “have I he pipes were strapped to;‘ • creosote pilings holding them in ,ludgo Vannole, however, position to avoid tlamage when ’uled that McClease pay the the surf is turbulent. Todav the i'i"«iint he owed or servo the pipes are not visible. They have of the original sentence, beceiiie encase,! in sand. |l"o years. He was given fifteen On low water, it is maybe days to make the payment, ^ un,ler $700 bond. ] In another case for child sup- , port, John Davis Pledger, an ei.ghteen-year-old Negro of BONNER AND LOCAL PEOPLE ARE PRAISED Assurance of Continued Effort To Provide Roadway to Hat- feras by Easier Given NEW SUPERINTENDENT OF C.H.N. SEASHORE >. V ■M Congressm.m Herbert B,)ii-1 ner’s continued interest in the' ' welfare and progress of Dare County and the coastland gen- .’L., erally, has again paid off in 1 promLso in a letter this week; from Col. J. S. Grygiel, head of the Coip.s of Engineers at Wil mington, who has given assur ance that the work of closing the inlet north of Buxton ami' ell'ort for huiUling a oa,! by! Easter will eoniiliue uiiabaU'il. | Extra fumis have been appr,)-1 priutcl to iiroviilo a dike, and with the aid of National Park Service fumis the total diking will e.xteml for about a mile in length. Col. Grygiel gives high praise to the elforts of the local citi zens who in his opinion contrib uted to the closing of the inlet. Without the Congressman’s steady aid it is possible the sit- ^YATERWAYS GROUP WILL MEET SAT. Further Discussion of Inlet and Channel Deepening To Be Talked Dr. W W. Hai-vey, Jr., Chair man of the Dare County Water- , ways Improvement Committee, has issued an invitation to all I interested parlies to attend the I meeting .scheduled for Saturday I night relative to harbor and channel improvements being I sought. The gi'otip will gather I at the Dare County Courthouse I at 8 ii.m Saturday night, .March 9. Tho .se.ssion scheduled for CUBAN CRISIS PRECIPITATED DARE’S SWAMPLAND CHOICE AS AIR FORCE TARGET Decision Based on Report of Governor's Committee, Despite Protests of Congress man Herbert Bonner Against Location in This District; With Soviet Guns Pointed at America, Action Taken Whereby U. S. Planes May Be Nigh Site of Possible Dis aster, To Protect Us. Something of a fanfare and faronad,’ motived apiiarcnlly by a juvenile ami immature spirit of por.soiial .spite against Coii- .se.ssion 'Saturday night will follow by Herbert C. Bonner has |two weeks a meeting of the, JAMES B MYERS, leceiitly-ap-!organization held at Wan-fortunes, or rather pointed Superintemlent of Capo '‘•'I’®®*’’ "'hen a long-rang,? plan rnisforluncs of politics has been for greater water depth in fho, entrusted with the respon.sibility channels leading to Wanche.se i of spokesman for Dare and across the bar to Oregon (bounty in the Legislature, but it has brought forth ample evi- Hattcras National Sea.shore, arrive,I ,)ii the coast Monday afternoon Ho comes to n>jw job from Gettysburg. Pa., where he "’"S P'-esented. Only a few has been superintendent of Pe'sons were present at the (]o„pp of refutation. Gettysburg National Military Pi'^vuius meeting, and Dr. | has to do with the choice since 1958. Ho succeed? H. Harvey has urged “all interested of a portion nation would not hav^ been so j Smith, .^uiicrintendont of in waterways improvement.^ to southwest end of Dare clearly brought to the attention! ^^NS for approximately a year, i expre.ss themsehes. bounty a.s a target range for of the proper authoritie.s, ami'"Lo "'‘‘S' rerontly appointed | The Dare County Board of U. S. airplanes, after a long most likely insufficient federal ■ i^hief Engineer f,)r the Park Commissioner.', for whatever it and serious effort by Congress- funds woulil have been made ■ Service’s Ea.stern Offic,' of De-.is worth, on Monday recognized j man Bonner to keep the range available for this work. Fortu-1 .‘=ign and Construction in the proposals of the Waterways | out of Dare and its neighboring iiate for Dare County has lieen intense interest and sense ofl fairness of .Mr. Bonner. Col. Orygiel’s letter follows: Dear Mr. Bonner: Reference is made to your letter ilaled January 10, 190!!, and to tlio reply dated Jainiar> | 18, 1908 concerning the u.'c of, a second dredge to close Buxton Inlet, N. C.; I promised to keep you inforniiid on the project. Mainly because of a,lvcrso weathiM- the one dredge HAMP TON ROADS was not making satisfactory progress, so I lid negotiate with Mr. D. D. At kinson, Atkimson Dredging Com- panv, to divert his other dredg, ENTERPRISE from the Wil mington Harbor project to Bux-. ton Inlet. The'.ENTERPRISE joined tho HAMPTON ROADS and started immping Fcbruai’j' 17; the flow of water tlirough tho inlet was stopped on February 20. I must, incidentally, mention the heroic efforts of the local citizens, undertaken on their own initiative, lo retard tho erosion whicli yas taking place at and near tlic inlet, by .sandbagging ;ind dumping junk inot tho af fected areas. They received .splendid support from tlie local U. S. Naval and U. S. Coast Guard facilities, the National Park Service, Camp Lejeune, and the .State Highway Commission. These efforts definitely did con tribute to tho successful closure of the inlet. 'hiladeipliia. Myers i.' a native of Mount .Sydney, Va., anil hold' an A. B. Committee, and motioned that counties, of which most of tho the 11. S. Congress direct the j arguments have been based^ on Army Engineers to make a prejudice and supposition. Gov degree from Bridgewater Col- thorough .study of the fea.sibility j ornor Sanford appointed a spe- lege in Virginia. Hn lias been'of deepning the inlet and eial committee to study the sit- witli tlie Park Seiwice since 19 See MYERS, Page Three BAND INSTRUCTOR ASKED OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Roanoke School Requests Facil ities Including New Class room, Lunchroom Expansion channels in question. The matter of .stailiziog location of the channels is al.so reque.sted, but in nation from all angles, including the hazard of lire, and the re port indicates there would lie this matter the Engineers ’ le.ss cliance of damage to the have already made their posi-1 "oeils by fire than would nap- tion clear with particular rof-1 P^n ‘f “n ordinary airplane erence to the one passing under'"oods. Oregon Inlet bridge. Thi.s was. So far as this newspaper has one of the weighty problems in been able to a.'cerlain there has finalizing plans for the struc- j been no apparent notice m this area of the decision of the Air , , , ,, , Force about the choice of tlie A desired depth of 21 feet question. This land, ‘5™?"., by W... Viryni. P^lp A special session of the Dare' jicros.s the Oregon Inlet bar is . r. J • 7..* .• . . ,, ' 1 , • 1 : & Paper Co. has been often re- Cour.ty Board of Li.ucation was noted in the proposals, "'h'c i ^ desolate held-Monday morning in 3Ian-! would add 7 feet to the dpptL i j.^gion of the Coastland, its veg- GOLDSB'RO MAYOR INVITES OFFICIALS TO MEET ON I2TH teo with tile foilowing members: is pre.sently assured on a present: Ciiairman Robert O.' pennanent basis. Quite often, Ballance; Mrs. T. 11. Briggs, C. .powever. storm tides fill the T. Williams HI, Floyd L. Hoop-' pj,fjuuels, limiting depth to as cr and W. P. Dillon. Sleeting, gij; fe^t or so in places. with the board were incoming; mi'iiibers, Mrs. 3IIllon Perry and j Jack Cahoon. iFIVE-YEAR-OLD BELHAVEN GIRL FATALLY HURT A request for a band director for Manteo High Scliool, such director to also teacli public school music in the Manteo Ele- m«uary SchooL wa.' made l.y a Harris Killed By PTA oomniittee J W. Korbach p „7 Jr., Jli.'.s Mabel Joan Busniglit T./. j a cl bi j and C. H. Butler. No action I Wind As She Played was taken, hut arrangements , . IZ . were made to investigate tliel Melody Ann Harris, fivo-yeai^ po.'sdiility. daugliter of Edward Lee and T7 1 1 , I Joyce Hodges Harris of Bel- Framed resolutions of appre- , ciation were pre.'cnled to R. Q. Iu,: Ballance and Mrs. T. H. Briggs, I‘'“y ^ To preclude another break- who.'c terms on the board will ffnst of wmd toppled the paiti- jg jg. through by future severe storms, I terminate this spring, bv Mrs. ally-budt boat shelter she tv as ai^ ^ E . tho Office of Emergency Plan-. yjarv L. Evans, couiitv‘super-! 1’'“^'"®^she 'vas hit on ning had furnished funds to' jutondeni. " 1^'“^ head by a two-by-four raft- etation being killed time after time by salt deposits from hurri cane tides, and the dead trees in later years standing ^ \ pnoNE SERVICE Tour of Seymour-Johnson Base and Explanation cf Proposed Range Activities Scott Berkley, mayor of Golds boro, apiicareil before tho Dare Board of Commissioners on Tue.sday, and extenilcd an inti- talion lo them and other inter ested parties to visit Seymour- Johnson Air Base ttilh empliasis on bringing aliout a feasililc unilerstandiiig of the range pro- po.'uls as Would affect Dare County. Tlie inviuilioii was extended for next Tue.sday, March 12, lo meet with officials of the city of Golii'-boro, Seyiniiui-Johii.7on AFB, and Army Air Free Tac tical Air Coinmariil representa tives, in an alti mpt to give all partie.s coiicorncd a view of the proposals “from liottom t» top’’ and gel a “better picture direct from there.’’ Mr. Berkley also advised the local board that in the event of disapproval of the visitation, tlie Wayne County group could bring facilities to Dare County for illustration in effort to bring about enlighten ment on the proposals to locale a bombing range on tin Dai ; mainland, and which would l>e used heavily by Seyinour-John- son aircraft. Tlie Dare Board accepted the See VISIT, Page Three dry, to create the most terrific forest fires in this entire area of the state. One may see sam- Iiles of it on the road between Stumpy Point and Hyde County. It has repeatedly resisted tho splendid efforts of the company at reforestation, so successful in other areas of its pro])eity. Congressman Bonner, over a period of several months, tlii-ough the weight of his pres tige and friendsliips in Congress has been able to get the Air Force to delay .action, and in response to popular demand to keep the range out of the Mat- taiiiuskeet and Lake Pheljis possible lo drive n vehicle cast of ivlicre the pipes now end, indicating a build-out of the beach of some 40 lo 50 feet. A d cl i t i o II .a I ly, the beach’s , .Al.intoo, wn.s charged with fail ure to pay a pledged amount of $100 in delivery co.'ts to tlie yet- , uuhorn infant of Aqiiila Burton, .’nic girl staled in court that Pledger liad promised her tho .money, admitting that the child '• was his, hut had since aban- inent, it would seem that drain- doneil efforts to produce the age would stop. Tliis is not the Sec COURT, Page Three case, for so far a.s wo have boon' alile lo determine, one or the See BEACH, Page lliree height lias increased, and for a stretch of .some 300 feel in either dircctiiin. it is plainly visible lliai a change lias taken place. Original Idea Working IVitli all tills .sand ciica.so- IP YOU WANT TO ACT LOST COLONY TRYOUTS TO BE HELD IN MANTEO ON SUNDAY. MARCH 24 Tp'ouls for i-oles in tlie 1903 Ljj,.,,. connected with the production of Paul Green’s L,,,,,,,3 ^ „„ symphonic drama ’Ihe Lost | j,24. or by mail to JIanager Colony, will be held in M.anleo 'Ir applications will have ample time for personal intei-view.s BELHAVEN BOARD SEEKS TO ABOLISH ITS L & W GROUP Sunday, March 24 at 4 p.m., it has been announced by John Fo.x, general manager of tlie show. Tlie tryouts, and auditions for those seeking speaking roles, will be held under the direction of William I. Long of Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. He has been named as director of the drama following many years as its technical director, and he succeeds the late Clifton Brit ton. All persons socking role.s ranging from Indian men and women, colonist men, women prior to the dimma’s premiere which tliis year will be on Juno 29 and continue nightly except Sundays, through Seiitembcr 1. A re.solution to request the •State logi.slaturo to abolish tho Belhaven Light and W:iter Board was passed Monday night wlien tlie town aldermen met. ami agreed that the light and water group is no longer neces sary, Representative Wayland Sermons has been asked to pre sent the bill Mr.s. Elizabeth Windicy was appointed registrar for the elec tion of town officials, the pri mary to be held April 8, the Usually there are about 125 gene’i-al election May 7. nio persons in The Lost Colony books will be open tlie four Company, most of whom have Satu,,jiays preceding tlic prim- acting roie.s. Of the total moreja,.y_ island resi- Permission was granted the American Legion and the Fire Department to sponsor a rides than one lialf are dents. cun SCOUT BANQUET concession on July 4. A decision was made lo have the rescue seiwice ambulance painted. Exprcs.sing thanks for the protective clothing issued the The annual Cub Scout birth day banquet wliich was post- and children, dancers, and other poned last week because of snow - _ , . , o -n parts ill the show, if they are was held Thursday night in the firemen. Fire Chief Leon Smith Roanoke Island or East Caro-, Jianteo Elementai'y Sehool cal’-1 reported four local alarms dur- lina residents, should be present' eteria. After the regular busi- ing February, _a total of $1,015 for the March 24th trj’outs. Iness meeting awards and badges' damage resulting from one of Applications for various! were presented, Uie four. provide a substantial dike at the inlet and at the badlv eroded',,. Budget roque.sls from the. •fi -re .j'arious schooLs were presented! 'Inp'^'lirothcr*^ Ed*" sections on either side of and ^ ^ ^ petition, S adjacent to tho inlet—2000 feetjg; . ^ jgj ,.esi(|onls of the Hams. Jr., of the to the north and 3000 feet to the comnuinity. asking for .'outh. The National Park Sei-v- parents. Mr and iMrs. Lonme ice requested in my hysic.-il Ho.lges of Belhaven; and her opinion) that the dike be fur- expanded: Pate‘?'al Bi’andparents. Mike ther extended po foot to the b,„..h,.o„ni and kitchen f.-icilities Hams and Mi-s. ILid Jones, both north and 2900 feet to tho soutli, See INLET, Page Three and a new clas.^room, ail for the Roanoke School. ON HATTERAS ISLAND OFFICIALS TO SURVEY INLET AREA ON FRIDAY On Friday moniing, ropre- sentativi's or various coopei-at- ing agencies are expected to visit the Buxton inlet area, to work out plans for tlie final chapter in the year-old project. Col. J. S. Grygiel, and D. A. Gardner, chief of opei-:itioii.s, of Ihe Wilmington di.strict, will vi.'it the site, aceonipanicd by Ray Rundell, assistant super intendent, Capo Ilatteras Na tional Seashore. Also expected to be on the scone is L. L. Swain, Chairman. Dare County Board of Commissioners. The main piusposo of the visit ation will be to finalize plans for the la.st stage of the closure and stablilizing operation, which will consist of building adequate barrier dune.s in on effort to prevent further catastrophies of this kind. It is estimated that approximately $100,000 will be of Belhaven. Funci’al services were held at two o’clock Thursday afternoon in the Paul Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Angus Miller and the Rev. A. J. Mackie. Burial was in the Belhaven Community Cemetery P a 11 b e a r ers were Cliff Jones, Ellis Ross, Jr., Lin- ville Midgctt and Charles Smith. while, continue pumping fill from the sound onto the trouble' SCOGGINS COMPLETES HIS area, building higlier and wider PROBATIONARY PERIOD tlie araa wliicli was washed velopment and many improve ments, but tliere does come a moment of decision, when the national safety and the lives of our people are imperiled and the Air Force has to make a de- SOUGHT AT STUMPY PT. Residents of Stumpy Point are seeking bettor telephone connections with adjoining areas, and liave prepared umior leadership of Horace Hooper a petition which was sent to the Dare County Boai’d tliis week and ondor.'cd. The community is presently served with limited spi-vices, available through an arrangement betw'een Carolina Telephone & Telegraph and Pamlico Fewer and Light Co. of Engelhard whicli allow.' the use of its power line for tele phone transmi.ssion. The petition points up the in adequacy of the system in that multi-party lines arc required, in addition to poor quality of transmission and inconvenience. Some over twenty subscribers cision. That decision has had to or applicants for seiwice joined See RANG^ Page Three in the petition. TRAVELERS INCREASE AS A TOUCH OF SPRINGTIME BEFALLS THE COASTLAND out. Since the inlet’s clo.sure on Fcbruai’j’ 20. the dredges Albert B. (Tod) Scoggin.'. for some over a year cmployeil by have continued fuil-scale pump- j Dare County in the courthouse, ing operations. Until a few days assigned to tax collection duties, jirior to clo.'ure, the Hampton had been alone in its filling operations since w’ork began in October. Present plans as outlined by Coastlandcrs got a good taste of spring early this week, and using the travel noted as ba rometer of the forthcoming sea son, it apjiears that a bumper year may be in store. As tem peratures soared upward to tlie mid-.seventies during early week, considerable increase in out-of Slate travel wtis noted tlirough the araa, perhaps from Yankees on the way north from Flordia. At any rale, it proved an assist to gas stations, in ad- was this week given the okay ,Btion to the proprietors of over sign from the board of com- ^ ^iglit accommodations and reS' missioners, who placed him on a In quite considerable contrast to last week's weather w’hich provided rain, sleet, snow and general sloppy conditions was liermanent basis. Scoggins, who was employed “temporarily” Spruill. D’msion ^“Einecr' 53^ q‘[,3,incd for In indiclSTrarpSl^’V^^^^^^^^^^ spell, which began roadway m.ay be Wted ,to ^ 3„,3,y late last jveek, P™y>rt‘nE jnti- $25 a month, wdiich makes his annual salary $3900. The post of tax collector will connect tlie broken pavement by April 10 While it w’as not rec- omended by officials, there has been traffic over the s-and; j,g* if proposed legisla- trail since shortly after Feb- I follows, separating the du- ruary 20. Many instances have tj^s of the sheriff, who is now been reported of vehicle.' being charged with that responsibility, . stuck in the soft sand, requir- j ij^f gf present being done large- reauired to replace and bring toeing four-wheel-drive vehicles to ly through exti’a courthouse em- safety proportions the dune j remove them. I ployees. The sheriff’s rcsiwnsi- slructurc in the inlet area. Approximately two miles of bilities will then be restricted, Funds for this work will be. new paving will be required, and it would seem that some made available through Park I Already much material has been extra personnel in that depart- zens with the first extended ^reak in the severly cold winter. Even on Monday morning, despite warming temperatures which rc.nched the ?nid-sixties on Sunday, snow was ob.scrved in several places where it had drifted heavily last week, on the eve of Ash Wednesday. A better season than ever has been predicted by many tourist operators, with reseivations coming in heavier than uinial. cd along our beaches this year. Already underway are several new motols, plus numerous cot tages being builb for private use. Cape Htitteras National Sea shore noted a considerable in- cioa.'o in Sunday travel, .and figui-es maintained on vehicular travel through the area indicate that .'pring-like conditions that day inspired some 400 or 500 extra visitors. Saturday’s travel wa.s about on jiai* with tho pre vious vvodi, records indicate. 90-MILE GUSTS SAID AT CAPE HATTERAS WED. Service emergency soiiivos. las.'ombled to begin this work, ment could be discharged. Such | Their predictions as to the The two Atkinson Dredging [and pi-eliminary work prior to will not be the case, however, ’'It,,- coocn win t,o»4 ti7o. .Company-owned piplinc dredges j actual resurfacing is expected. if we know Dare County poli- IHampton and Enterprise, mean-)to begin within a few days, Itics. promising season will need jus tification, in view of the many additional facilities to be proyid- Accompanying springlike weather which has prevailed throughout the coastland during the week, came an unusually strong gust at Cape Hattcras and the lower end of Hatteras Island on Wednesday. Obseivers feay that during a squall which accompanied tlie wind shift to northwest, velocity of 90 m.p.h. was recorded. Fortunately, no major damages occurred, or have been i-cported. One year prior was the devastating storm on the coast which cut the ifilot' near Buxton, as well as doing extensive damage to other beach area. The wind at that time, however, was from the north east.