Stick Kitty I{8.wk, K« C0 8-21-^ 63 . , SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE EXPIRATION DATE ON ADDRESS Ten P-iges in Two Sections THE COASTLAHD TIMES WITH WHICH IS COMBINED THE PILOT AND HERALD OF BELHAVEN AND SWAN QUARTER PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTEREST OF THE WALTER RALEIGH COASTLAND OF NORTH CAROUNA MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO BOX 428 MANTEO. N. C. NOT TO INDIVIDUALS Page I through 6 VOLUME XXVIII — NO. 40 MANTEO. N. C.. FRIDAY. APRIL 5. 1963 Single Copy 7^ NAGS HEAD BOARD VOTES DELAY IN NEW P. O. WORK /Board Reverses Stand of March 14 and Will Seek More Central Location In n sppcini meeting Wednes day. the Niigs Head Town Com missioners adopted a re.solution which will call for a relocation of the proposed new post olTicc for that town. A telegram was .“^ent to U. S. Repre.sentative Jleibert C. Bonner, reading: “Wo earnestly you to cancel the iire.sent )U'opo.scd P. , t). location and to attcnijit to plans at a location ■Tiore centrally located which is .available.’’ Opposition to the .site in fpies- t on has hoeii steadily inouiiting for several week.s. since the be lated announcement of a letter dated .March filh from the Green.sboro real estate division of the Post Olfice which an nounced that the ‘’lIollowcH” lo cation was being opened for con tracting bid.s. .-\n organization of southern Nags Head residents formed in an attempt to biock the con struction. The town commis.-iim- cis, having already sanctioned the proposed location at a meet ing three weeks ago, decided to • for a revision in tlie plans ’as a result of a petition by the .s-outbern residents. Since the (late for contracting bidding is April tStll, a tune shortage called for cpiick action. Tom -McKiminey, the only coiiimi.s.-doiier who voted against the .site at the nieetirg .Maich l-l, stated llial he believed tlie pre.sent iiost olVice to be ade- ipiate for another two years, or until a new huilding is con- .“tructed in a more convenient locution. OREGON INLET BRIDGE CHANNEL SPAN WELL UNDERWAY ' ' . f' JH ' . - CHANNEL BASS BEING CAUGHT IN DARE WATERS f)RKGON IXLKT BRIDGE, making headway far ahead of contract schedule, i.s now well over half-way completed, and th!.“ recent phoio by branilev Brown of .Maiueo indicate.^ that the ch.nnnoi sp:in is well underway, 'fhe span, which will have a vertical clearance of 65 feet, is one of the most time-i'onsunnng and costly featuri-s in construction of tlio now facility linking Hatteras Is land and Bodio Island. While the contract with .McLean Construction Co. of Baltimore call.® for completion in June of 19G4, there is tliat the bridge will be open to traffic well before the end of this year. Some hopefiil.s have indicated that it will be open in October, but official.s of the construc tion company decline to affirm this. Itarring considerable amounts of inclement weather, how- I’vcr, it can he conceded that the conneeting link will be open in time to qualify as a Yuletide gift t) traveieis of tlie cnastland. CCC DISCUSSED FOR LOCATION ^ IN DARE COUNTY JACK CAHOON IS NEW CHAIRMAN DARE SCHOOL BD. Son of Sheriff fo Succeed Robert O. Ballance of Manfeo •■Vs a rc.sult of the forthcom ing legislative jiroposal to rc- ostalilish a Civilian Conserva tion Corps in this country, the various agencie.s of the Federal Govornnicnt have been c.alled upon to a.scertain their needs ( for personnel whicli might ho j available. In this connection, upon learn ing of ))03Sible Federal request for such, the Dare County Board of Comniis.s!oiiers has be-1 gun a study of the feasibility of allowing iicconimodalions at the Mantco Airport, which have been used for several years by K. C. d-tlers, to be cinployed in the housing of such personnel as might bo assigned to this area, ;ind who would be princi pally employed in dune con struction and rc.storation work in cimncctioii with National Park Service jirograms. The CCC facility whicii oper ated ill Dare County during the lilSO's and caily ’40s was lo cated in tlie area near Little Kinnakect, a mile or so iiortli of Mantco, and not at the 4-H site, as has bi’cn iiuhlishcd in other news|iapers thi.s week. 'I’hcre was also e.xisting at tlie e.xtrcme north end of Roanoke I.slaiui, the “Transient” camp, wliich ceased to c.xist at ap- pro.s'inuitcly the same time as CCC. * Even though the. ro-ostalilish- jiient of CCC is still highly speculative, most Dare Coinmis- sioiiera aiipear to highly favor the proposal. for another of the old Floyd L. JAMBORAMA ROYALTY WILL ALSO BE DUBCED "COUPLE OF THE YEAR" Who will b4> Hip ninii and woman uf the year on (he Hare Coast? That is a question (hat will lie aii.swered follnw'iiig the se lection by a secret committee of the new Pirate Jamhorama king and queen. The an nouncement — likewise selec tion, will be made during (he • co.stume dinner party at Dare County Shrine Club on Sat urday evening, April 20. The new king and queen will he known as “Couple of the Year” in Dare. Secret committee needs help and suggestions. Sugges tions may be mailed to Lionel Edwards. Nags Head, chair man of the Jamborama. They will be turned over to the se cret judging committee—and they may be selected. The costume banquet will launch tlie 4-weck ends long Jamimruma this year. Every one is invited to the banquet. The sponsors have announci'd banquet tickets will he $2.50 each, iMit a silver dollar will be refunded to each person in coatume. FIRST BLUEFISH OF 1963 SEASON LANDED BY HAND The first meeting of the new D:ir' County Board of Educa- feui was lield Mond.ay morning wi'h all mPTT'bcv.s present. Re turning to office term were tliree Board members: Hooper, C. T. Williams, 111, and W. P. Dillon. New members were Mrs. Milton Perry and Jack W. Colioon, who w;is unan imously elected eluiirman The following committeemen were ajipointed: from Cape Hat- tera.s, .Mns. Carlos Oden, Edgar Ilociicr, Asa Gray, Jr., and Clayton Brothers; from Kitty Hawk, Fred Scarborough, Mr.®. 'J’rtiy Bea.sley, Xormnii Smith, Alvis Be:icham, and Jc.sse Per ry; from Mantco, Charles Brid get, Louise Midgett, Mrs. Stan ford White, Orville DanicLs. and Mrs. Troy Sheph.'ird; and from Roanoke. Kdwani .Moore, Mrs Bolntar Collins, Mr® Bur ton. Cecil Bowser, and Mr.s. Ernie Sirs. Dennis C. Evans was re elected County Supnrintend:int, and Slartin Kellogg, Jr the school board attorney. Legislative issiie.s were a topic for Board di.scnssion, con cerning bills (le.’iling with .school bond i.ssiies for construction and equipping school.s in North Canilina. One such bill i.s before the I.egi.slature, presented by Rep. Odell Willinmson of Bruns wick County. Thi.s bill c’lll.s for the amount of ?50 to SlOO mil lion for the constnietion of “chool.s. Dare County would stand to gain an appropri.ation of over $100,000 from this i.sstie, •iccording (o Mr Williain.son’s fornnila for distribution. -•Vnril 8th has been set for the Board’s study of this year’.s school Iiudgef Decisions on the elee'ion of teachers bv the dis trict eommitleemen will be held by the Board April 22nd. Mrs. Dennis Evans announced ■ that the reopening of the .school on Ilatterns Island will bo comnlete Tliursday, and that Friday morning classes will re sume in the Buxton building that has twice been made inac cessible to students because of .stonns. The Ash Wednesday Storm of last year cut an inlet through the road, cancelling school in the building. A bridge was constructed for students, hut the NoHheaeter in Novem ber wa.shcd it out. Elementary school has Iieen held in a build ing abandoned by the Coast Guard, now owned bv the Park Service; while the high school has remained in operation, al though .students h.avc had to hoard near the school. Now, however, all operations in the original school building are to be rasumed. CAPE IIATTEUAS — An drew .Mi'ekins of Avon ciiught the first bluefish of the season Tiie.sday and he caught it with hi.s bare hand.s. It happened this way: M e e k i n s. who was on the bc-acii .saw a big school of fish, covered by gulls, close inshore. Then one of the blues, a two and half pounder, foundered on the beach. He quickly grabbtd the blue while it was still alive. Some believe that sharks drove fish close inshore and in stirring up bait in the breakers, gulls attracted started diving into the school which got them so confused one came ashore in the excite ment . . . Anglers start catch ing bines in surf normally during early April along the beach from the Cape to llat- teras Inlet. N. HEAD CHARTER BILL PASSES; NEW ELECTION DATE SET New Registration on Saturday, April 6-27; April 20 Filing Deadline for Candidates NEW SCHEDULES ARE ESTABLISHED FOR FERRY RUNS Rapid Completion Of Highway Expected to Result Huge Travel Increase in With completion of two mile road link connocling the north and south ends of Hattera.s fs- land at site of former Ash Wednesday Inlet the N C. Ferry System has stepped up sched ules etfoctive immediately. Oregon Inlet ferric.? will de part from north and south •sluiro at half liour intoivals from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. There will bo throe night ferries departing from both .shores hourly at 10 and 11 p.m. and 12 midnight. Hatteras Inlet ferry will de part from North shore (Hat- tera.s) at hourly intervals from 5 a.m. until C p.m. From south shore lOcraeoke. hourly depart ures will liegin at C a.m. and continue until 7 p.m. The Atlantio-Oeraeoko ferry’ .?ca Level h:is been operating on a revor.sed schedule since Decemlicr, but beginning April 6 it will leave Atlantic at 8 a.m and arrive at Ocracoke at 12 noon. It will leave Ocracoke at 2 p.m. and arrive at Atlantic at 6 p.m. Tolls will be esumed at this time. Tlie Sea Level will operate on this schedule until April 30, when it will be taken to the shipyard for repairs and a new paint job. It will be there until ahoiit Jimo 1, 1963. It takes .about four hour.®, sometimes longer to make the run. Since the November northeaster, and during emergenev, no tolls have ben charged on the Sea Level. Since bridge was destroyed at Ash Wednesday Inlet ferries have been operating from Avon to Hattera.s — a 3-hour trip each wriy. Tltis schedule has been discontinued with rompletion of road, and the ferries have been tranferred to other localitieti to step up existing Miriee, An amendment of the Nags Head charter as the town was incorporated in 1961 hi.“ passed the Legislature, providing for a mere onliimry manner of elect ing Town Commissioners, the oUi method having been amended before it was to come into effect this year. The old law concerning the election allowed nonresident freeholders to participate in the eloctioi) through a mail ballot. The amondment, however, ac- coitiing to the laws regarding general municipal elections, dis qualifies nonresident participa- ' tion. In view of the fact that the hill for amendment was on the floor of the legislature shortly pi-cccding the time for election under (he old s.vstcm, .some quc.stion liad boon raised as to whether the coming election wa® to I’ecognizo the votes of non resident freeholders. Had the bill not been pas-sed b,v the State Legislature, of course, law would have required that the ballots of nonresident voters be con sidered in tlio election. A two-Saturday registration was held in accoi-dance with the old system of balloting, in view of the fact that the amondment ! was not yet law. On tlie first of these registration days. Nags I Head Registrar C. Sherman Culpepper announced tliat thirty-four voters had it?g- istcrod, only four of them non resident frceliolder.s. Now that the amendment has been ap proved, however, a new registr- ! ation w’ill be conducted, dis- ' regarding the registration of th.e nonre.sidents. The dates of the registration have been sot as April 6th tlirough 27th, Saturdays in the I Nags Head Town Office, 9 .4.M. I through 9 P.M., and weekdays ' in the home of Regi.strar Cul pepper. No registration will bo conducted on Sundays. Challenge Day i.s set for April 27th. Filing deadline for candidates Sec CHARTER, Page Four First of Season To Be Hooked Brought In At Hatteras Inlet Saturday Si-a.soii’s fir.-l ihanncl bass to bo taken with rod and reel was boated by Deputy Sheriff Ray mond Ba.snott in Hatteras Inlet on Saturday, March 30. Since the first, several more hs”e been caught each succeeding day. Bas- nett’s scaled at 44 pounds, and it was the largest reported. Oth er islander.? making catches, or some of them, included Bernice Ballance of Buxton, D. .S. Skiies and Epli O’Neal of Hatteras. liatleras to Reach In Ics.® than a week after they started work, the State Highway force.? completed the marl base for the two miles of highway linking the north and south sections of Hatteras Is land. Driving i.® permitted over the marl, so a.? a result, travel without difficulty of long ferry trip.?, has boon resumed to Hat- tcras, Fri-sco and Buxton vil lages. ROUSH WINS WHITAKER SCHOLARSHIP TO UNO MANTEO SENIORS TO PRESENT PLAY NEXT WEDNESDAY “June Wedding” is the title of the Mantco High School play which will be presented by its .Senior Clas.s April 10th. The tliree-act romantic situation Comedy will begin .at eight o’clock for its only performance, according to Mis.? Mabel Jean Basnight, co-director. Starring in the presentation will bo Helen Wescott, Tanya Johnson, and Dean Leary. Di recting with Jliss Basnight will bo W. W. Tarkiiigton. The drama, written by Mary- ji'ne and Hayes, is a delightful romantic comedy concerning l&Ve's from ahe cbeok-kissing age to the elder folks, three gener ations of hearts and flowers. Tickets arc currently on sale by the entire senior class, although tickets can be purcha.scd at the gate. The price of admission i.s 50c for students, one dollar for adults. YELLOW BUCKTAILS LURE LARGEMOUTIIS FRED WILLIAM ROUSH, the .son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Fred Roush of Manteo, has been chosen to receive a Whitaker Scholarship to the University of North Carolina. The scholar.ships are awarded annually on the basis of merit, with stipends varying from $400 to $800, according to the need of the individual, for each of four year.? of study The 11 winner.® of the schol ar.ships this year represent a select group of North Carolina high .school senior.? who will be expected to maintain above- average grades at the Univer sity. is a student at Manteo High School. Hi.s .activities in clude attend.ance at the Nation al .Science Foundation .Summer In.stitule ;it UNC, Science Fair, and Beta Club treasurer. He plans to major in mathematic.® at UNC. MR.S. JARVIS RECEIVES P. O. RECOMMENDATION C.ongres.®man Herbert C. Bon ner announced this week that he has recommended the appoint ment of Mrs. Evelyn O. Jarvis as permanent postmaster at En gelhard. 3Ir. Bonner stated that Mr.s. Jarvis is No. 1 on the eligible register and that she has been acting po.®tmastt*r .since the re tirement of Mrs. Trixie M. Mat thews on November 30, 1961. NAGS HEAD.—Yellow buck- tails cast into the brackish wa ters (lowing with the wind tides beneath the Little Bridge be tween Roanoke Island and Nags IIeal during the past week lurel' dozens of large mouth bass. j “The bass averaged two and j half to three and half pounds j each,” said the Daniels broth ers, operator.® of a fishing cen-1 tor at the east approach to the 1 bridge. KITTY IIAMK CUB SCOUTS TO HAVE PAPER DRIVE WEDNESDAY MEETING IN MANTEO SHEDS LIGHT ON TARGET RANGE PROPOSALS Attempts Will Be Made to Get Hearings Be- •fore Armed Services Committees of Con gress; Prospects Dim for Blockage of Pro posals, But Greater Restrictions May Be Forthcoming. Cub Scout Pack No. 161 of Kitty Hawk will spon-sor a ncwspaiier and magazine drive tJie first week in June. Residents of the area, including Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, Southern Shore.® and oth er beach areas, are asked to hold their old paper items until then. Cub Scoutmaster is C. A. Whitman. SPORT FISHING CRUISER LAUNCHED IN MANTEO f, X P#' ^ " ' * * {'• ?»A f.v:*’ ' *• k ^ I t .-j BUS ROUTE TO HAHERAS WILL RESUME OPERATION The Hatterax-Mantco Bus Line will resume ojHiration Sun day, April 7th, leaving Hatteras at 8:30 A.M., and arriving in Manteo at 11:30 A.M. The re turn bus will leave Manteo at 3:00 P.M., and arrive at Hat teras at 5:60 P.M. The bus Line is operated by the Midgett brothers, Stockton and Anderson of Hatteras, who last year resumed daily service along the route, but who were forced by the storm of last November to di.scontinuc. With the completion of the highway toiHatteras, replacing the bridge over former Buxton inlet which washed out, the important serv ice to the villages of the island will afain ba availabla. I'he cxce.®.®ive concern of .some re.®idofUs of Dare County in re gard to the projiosed Navy-Au- Force lioinbmg range to be set uj) in this county came to a cli max in a two and one-half hour conference U’edne.®d:iy in the Courthouse. The meeting was called on reqiie.®t of Itep- resentalive Herbert C. Hoiiner in an attempt to pre.sent the facts to local citizens in the re sults of more than two yeni.®’ .attempt by the Armel Force.® to locate a target range in the area. Present at the meeting were Mr. Bonner, Hep. .M. L. Dan iels, Jr, Melville Broughton, Ra leigh attorney, the Dare County Commis.sioner.®. County Attorney Wallace .'lIcCown, Navy Admical Forsythe .Ma.ssey, Navy Ctndr. Withrow, L'.S.AF .tlaj. Gen. Rich ard T. Coiner, ,Ir., Colonel George .Shenkin, Lt. Col. G. J. Kelly, and Major.® J. D. Cooper and H W. Kayner, along with a full house of interested citi zens. Mr. Broughton explained the purpoRi. of the confiTetici-, stat ing that since Dare County has had no opportunity to express it.«elf in the is.suo, and since the pulilic was m.ade aware of the step only after an announcement rejiorled that the plan.s hail been (inalizod, the re.sident®. of this county were entitled to a hear ing. He reffected the re.®einment of .some local authorities who feel that they .-hould have been consulted in the matter. J’articulnrly strcs.sed in his talk was the possibility of eco nomic harm to the residents of the county, o.sjiecially those ef fects on the tourist industry and the continued residence of the West V'irginia Pulp and Paiier Company in the area. Sonie- ihing of a small panic occurred when a false rumor claimed that AVostvaco would leave the area 1 .he range plan.s wont through. In truth, however, the company has denied the authorship of such a .statement. Rep. Bonner then outlined the j history of the problem. He hiin- '.self was opposcil to the con struction of the target area any where in his own Congrc.ssion- al district, and fought the issue until it wa.s clear that the proj ect wa.® going to be eomplelod. He managed to steer the site away from the Lake Matlamus- keet area, which is the winter home of many thousands of wikifowl but finally was forced into the Dare site. The site in question is locat ed near Stumpy Point, and in large part, in some of the poor est and productive land in the county. A portion of the property is of little value even to We.stvaco with its admirable reforestation methods so suc cessful at other locations in the area. The site is, in fact, the least useful for any of the sites proposed by the Gover nor’.? in.spection committee, set up for just such an i ivesliga- tion. Even after repeated assur ance.® by both the inspection parties and the .service branches involved that dangers to wild life and property were .slight, loc.a! coneera has been repeat edly, notably by the Dare County Board of Commis sioners. Lt. Col. Kelly answered points of concern .set forth by a report compiled by the Commi.ssioners. Showing the meeting a map, he illustrate®! the area of the care fully defined air corridors, which, he holds, wall not in any way seriously restrict commer cial or jirivate air traffic, nor will it pose a noise problem be cause of the situation of the .if np, BOW OF the sports fishing cruiser -Sea Byrd was splashed with champagne in Manteo Friday wnen Beiiy KeiiogK, Roanoke Islam! high school student, broke the bottle of champagne in christening ceremonies. The craft, built by Capt. Warren O’Neal, is 40Vj feet long, 13'/j foot and will be powered by two 471 GM diesel motors. The Sea Byrd’s keel was laid in September 3962. She was built for Nap L. Casschry, Gulfport, Miss., and will make her maiden voyage to Gulf Stream waters off Oregon Inlet on a blue marlin fishing trip on or about May 20. (Aycock Brown photo) 3RUMPACKER SAYS RUMORS IN ERROR ABOUT DEPARTURE N. C. Woodlands Manager De nies Reports of Company's Intention to Leave Dare W. J. Ciuinii:i'’scr manager of the North ruiohiui Woodland Divi,«ioii of West Virginia Pulp and Paj'cr Co., has liibi led as “completely unfounded” the ru mors regarding the company’s intention to di.sband its co.astai Dpeiations in the event of es tablishment of a buiiibing range ni-ar Stumpy Point. There had been circul.aling, in addition to the rumor 0/ d( par- ture, that Westvaco had dis patched a que.=tioiniaire to each of Us employees, to ascertain which poi'sonnel might wish to be transferred to otm r We.'^t- vaco location. ’’Both of tl'.ese cuiTiors are ab.-olutely untrue, and we liave not entorlained any .-.uch iii/tion, nor nrule any .®f;it( inents oiriiially wbu h would leave tins inipi'i ...sioii,” Crum- packcr added. The coiicoi'ii over Vir ginia’s possible departure was propagatcfl to .some e.xlent week by the Dare County Board of Commissioner.®, when the Board passed uimii a lengthy reMihitiuii whi'-l) .®tot d in part that theie Is •’reliabh piospect of till.® company (Wiot Nirgin- ;a), in !i®couingernent. moving every poss.'ile part of their op eration out of the county and out of the state, beginning im mediately.” Crumpacker, though, has cx- pre.ssed his concern over the fire hazard, and additionally, the problems of iiiatiagfiig a li.aibor operation with a sizeable por tion assigned to such a target facility or bombing range. He explained that the dissection would present considerable prob lem in West\a.'o’s road-building and logging programs over thi.s section of Dare County, and that greater elforts 'vould there fore probably be concont rated within their holdings in Tyrrell, Washington and Hyde counties. The matter of the circular re lating to employment relations and status may have somewhat of an explanation in a report pre.sentcd to the Dare County Commissioner® by the Cot ser- vution and Development Do- partinont of N. C., .and which report deallh with employment in Dare County’ in the various fieliLs of fishing, fore.str.v, tour ism, processing plants, retail bu-sinesses an.d service fields. MANY FIRES IN DARE COUNTY IN PAST WEEK A fire at Wanchese Tue.sday followed by five scpai’ato fires in the Manns Harbor area cli maxed a two-week siege in Dare County. These fires, :ilthough as sumed" to be set on purpiise, arc not attributed to the same jier- son. The Wanchese fire broke out Tue.sday afternoon in the neigh borhood of the old diimji. Henry Cunningham of the .State For est Service wa.s notified of the fire about 1:30, Fanned by a stiff wind, the fire blazed across some 100 acre.® of marshland. The aid of eight men with three tractors and bombardier pilots from the Forest Sei-vicc was re- quireil to subdue the blaze, which continued for almost eight hours. A few hours later, about 2 routes in relation to inhab- Wednesday, rangers were ited areas. In regard to wildlife, Col. Kelly denies any evidence of harm to wild animals in any other area with similar opera tions. He cited an example of a target range in northern Flori da where game has become ab normally thick since the proj ect began, and where the au thorities have considered a pro gram of planned starvation to thin their numbers. In reply to the danger of for- Sec MEETING, Page Four summoned from their beds to Manns Harbor, where, along the road to Stumpy Point, five sep arate fires were burning. Most of the night was spent in ex tinguishing them. These fires, as were the five fires that burned in the area of the Park Service last week, were attributed to man-made causes. Except for a fire that got out of control near the Mantco dump Wednesday, all were unauthorized for land clearing or trash burning.